F*tanari System

Battle Road part 1

The road was lonely, and I had a hard-on, but I kept my attention on the pulses of mana. I could not sate my lust in the future if I die now. I would have many children fatherless if I die now. So I stayed concentrated. This went on for days as we traveled, stopped, and rested. I was on constant alert. While I also kept up on compression of my mana. I ate quickly and went back to meditating. I missed the warmth of a good pussy, though. I think I might have gotten addicted.

It was five days down the road when the first ambush happened. These were not Bandits, and they attacked like they knew what they were about. Too bad they did not know I was here, and a retreat was prompt and very quick. I felt a weird mana presence, but they withdrew. Still, I felt I hadn't seen the last of them.

From that day, battle became decently common, slowing our progress. It wasn't until beasts showed up on mass. We are just about to exit the canyon when I noticed. They were hidden well, and something was up. My instincts rose, but nothing was around in my perception. It was quiet, and nothing was around. Something told me there was something wrong. That is when I realized my perception was bouncing back all around. I think something was shielding. I yelled to the train to get things ready for battle. I was surprised, and the rest were even more surprised. Instantly I felt Mally's weird mana fluctuations of her activating wards to some spell she cast.

Then It started as everyone was ready for combat. Large apes started to jump from cliff sides, entering our perimeter. I started using my version of a mana gun quick shooting with my staff pointed to keep my costs down. I had developed this over the last few days to keep my mana expenditure down. I shot fast and was reaping lives. The adventurers were in small melees around the merchant train. Emily took on three apes, but Instinct forced me to look up, and I saw a Silver Ape with mana fluctuations. It jumped from the cliff edges and instantly shot a fist of mana at me. It was a form of Mana bullet I thought brought to speed with his fist crude and unremarkable in my opinion but light on imagination and mana. I instantly brought up a mana shield.

The Shit mana fist the ape brought harmlessly fizzled on my shield, but My instincts were crying, and I followed them, shooting mana bolt after mana bolt, running away from the ape as it uses its larger body brushing aside the cart. I leaped out of the way, making myself scarce. I used my natural bunny-kin body, leaping away from taking shots at some of the other apes who tried to stop me as I passed. I put a geyser of superheated steam under the ape's next step. But his shield made that moot point, and our spells went back and forth as he used superior strength to wear me out faster than him. The smaller apes were thinning out as the adventurers took them out with few casualties with my support as I dodged this giant silver ape. I was tired, though, as the ape was on my ass, and I almost was grabbed multiple times. Emily tried to attack him, but I shouted out a firm order to retreat from it.

I lured the ape that only had eyes for me out of the merchant train. It was on my ass, and it grabbed my leg. My only thought was, 'Oh Fuck'. It took me and threw me at the canyon cliff face, and the wind was knocked out of me, and my brain fucking hurt. It was on me in seconds, and I forgot about the pain of putting up a shield to defend myself. Its fist met it and shattered my shield, but it bought me a second to use my limited agility and move out of the way. It grabbed my leg again, though, throwing me at the other cliff face wall. I used my mana as I was flying like a bullet towards the cliff face to slow my momentum. I landed on my feet, and this Giant Silver ape was in my face again. I felt myself cough up some blood from injuries as I conjured my special Thermite bolt unleashing it at him. I jump out of the way, forcing my eyes away as I do. I hear a scream of anguish.

The ape's fur was untouched, but it was clawing at its own eyes in pain from the flash. I took this as my opportunity and created a large Ice spear and went behind him, shoving it up to its ass physically. I then produced a second Thrimite bolt unleashing it on him. This time it set him on fire, and he sat down, impaling himself on my ice spear. It hollered one last time, and I felt no more mana fluctuations from him. I was breathing hard and couldn't believe how difficult that fight was. I realized a lot of my shortcomings today. I ran back to the merchant train as it was cleaning up. We were getting supplies back onto wagons. Gathering and retrieving anything that could be retrieved and rescued. I realized the enchantments on the barrels our wagon had were hardcore like it was carrying liquid gold. I shrugged as I helped quickly, but the pain was pulsing through me.

I took a bit of time and noticed I had internal injuries from hitting the cliff wall and healed them quickly; the apes were valuable, especially the silver ape. I Took Kate and Emily, and we took out the Mana core the size of a baby's fist. I think that it was on the verge of becoming a mid-Tier Magical beast. It was the start of the war.

We packed up the Train and continued only one wagon less. Its back axel was completely obliterated and couldn't be repaired with what we had. Now I was trying to gather mana on top of a barrel, gathering as quick as to recuperate. I looked into the system.


Congrats on reaching Level 2; all inventory Items will be discarded.



New items are in the shop.




Name: Chelsea

Age: 18 years old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 2

XP: 175/10000

System points: 29000

Mana: 1983/6235

Strength: 19

Agility: 26

Reflex: 21

Vitality: 30

Toughness: 23

Charisma: 65

Ingenuity: 35

Intelligence: 106

Wisdom: 152

Luck: 20

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - New Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;


Oh, I leveled up. I only saw a point up in my instinct since I last checked. I wonder what leveling up signifies. So far, I get new Shop Items. It seems I might have gotten the goat girl or the dog-kin pregnant. I realized with the system I can only get points for ejaculating in a woman once per woman a night. My multiple orgasms inside the same girl didn't count, which sucks, but this System makes me a Slut for some reason. Or, more politely, I am sexually promiscuous. I will take it that way. I wonder what is in the shop.



Talent Shop

Skill Shop

Item Shop

Skill Shop



Talent Shop

Silenced Casting - 50000 points

Staffs Talent - 7000 Points

Mana Hair - 5000 points



Skill Shop

Energy Cultivation - 4000 Points

Focused Casting - 5000 Points

Magical Body - 100000 Points

Gravity Magic - 50000 Points



Item Shop

Hide It Panties - 1000 points

Enchantment Book - 10000 points

Lucky Anal Plug - 55000 points

Nipple Ring of Mana regeneration - 12000 Points



Stat Shop

Agility Candy - 7000 Points

Strength Candy - 4000 Points

Wisdom Candy - 15000 Points

Creativity Candy - 30000 Points


I look at these, and I don't know how to feel. It's expensive, but I bought the Nipple Ring of Mana regeneration quick and Pierced my left nipple with it. It matched the stamina ring and was blue instead of a green gem. It hurt for a bit, but I felt mana become easier to reabsorb.


Congrats on purchasing the Nipple Ring of Mana Regeneration



Nipple Ring of Mana Regeneration:

A ring from the Arcane Era that was highly criticized for it being sexually placed. After repeated attempts, Wizards learned that Mana regeneration needed to be close to the heart and wouldn't work on rings on their fingers or anywhere else. Thus criticism left and celebrated the creator. Which left this ring is Incredibly valuable.


I healed my now sensitive nipple and continued my mana gathering at a quickened pace, glad about my purchase. It helped me refill to half mana when we were attacked again in the fields. This time I found it was that first group again. This time they were ready for me. I felt killing intent directed at me. I jumped to the side out of the wagon with my staff. I was targeted, though, by several archers. They already got a successful ambush, and I was pressured.

Wards and mana started to swell illusions were conjured, confusing the enemy, and the adventurers were tiredly fought. I was focused on the archers as I was suppressed. I shot back mana bullets at them, lessening the fire and pressure I was under, but My mana senses to get good locations were being suppressed. I was annoyed as my casting was being hurt. Every time I tried to cast a geyser under the enemies, It was countered somehow. They had a Mage with them who must have detected how I was catching them and came up with a counter. I was mad that it only took them a few days to come up with a solution to my mana pulses. I was undercover shooting at the rangers in the back. My instincts crept up, and I felt the mana fluctuate behind me.

I felt cold sweat as a dagger came from nowhere with a Cat-kin girl behind it with a smile. I never froze, though. I sent a Mana burst quick pushing out in a bubble towards her blowing her away, and followed it up with a mana bullet at her that she deftly dodged before disappearing. FUCK, that was some type of assassin or rouge that was fucking scary. All of us were suppressed, and I see a bunch of adventurers on the ground bleeding. Emily was in a fight with five barely holding on. Mally was stabbing Soldiers as they stood dumbly staring into the distance. Kate, like a typical Berserker, was attacking non-stop, bleeding from hits.

I needed to change this, and I wasn't sure how. I decided to go with my natural instinct on it. I used my go-to trump card that seemed to work. I sent a Thrimite Bolt but didn't send it to kill. Instead, I use it as a flashbang. I heard screams of pain as I ran to a new cover. I didn't get them all, but I sent out a few more bolts. I was running low on mana, but I believe I got the last of the rangers. It's that mage and assassin that I need to get rid of; otherwise, we are all dead. I couldn't get rid of the assassin without taking out the mage. I looked but couldn't see the mage. Then a thought hit me. What if the assassin was the mage.

Instead of looking for the Cat-Kin, I decided to take out the small soldiers and run over to support Emily and Kate. Mally seemed to be fine. That was until I felt a Mana manipulation behind her and Saw the Cat-kin appear behind Mally. She was going for a death strike, but Mally turned and Smiled at her, and her body turned to mist. Suddenly Mally's dagger was in the Cat-kins Head, and she died on the spot. I didn't think about it as I helped Emily and Kate quickly killing with mana bullets until we won the battle.

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