From the Abyss of Stars

051. “Wasteland Punk: Scavenger”

  1. "Wasteland Punk: Scavenger"


"People aren't gods. Making mistakes is normal." Qiu Ran, with her straightforward personality, laughed heartily. "By the way, we're almost at Sikkim Settlement."


"Really?" Li Aozzi glanced at the task destination. "Yeah, it's not far. Get ready."


"Are you planning to go head-to-head with them?" Qiu Ran was a bit worried. "I know you and Nomi are very capable, but the others are still outlaws. It's dangerous. Whatever happens, make sure you prioritize your safety."


Li Aozzi was taken aback. He looked at Qiu Ran, who scratched her head awkwardly.


"Did I say something wrong?"


"No," Li Aozzi shrugged. "It's just been a while since someone showed concern for me. It's a bit surprising."


"Is that so? Heh." Qiu Ran was relieved. She loved to laugh, which always put others in a good mood. "I used to be the eldest at home, with two younger brothers and a sister. Seeing you and Nomi, I couldn't help but go into big sister mode. Sorry."


"It's not bad."


Li Aozzi changed the topic.


"Although it's a bit unusual... it doesn't feel bad."


"Really?" Qiu Ran's eyes lit up. "I'm honored to hear that from you."


"Is it? Well, you probably see me as a killing machine who can't express emotions." Li Aozzi spread his hands. "I used to be too arrogant, which wasn't good—I'll tone it down. Starting with cherishing life, I won't kill randomly."


"Well—honestly admitting it is fine, just being yourself is enough."


Even so, Qiu Ran muttered softly.


"It's just that killing while smiling is a bit too scary."


"Don't worry, we won't act immediately. Sikkim Settlement is their territory." Li Aozzi explained. "We'll scout first, then prepare to rescue and retrieve the medical equipment before retreating. We'll avoid unnecessary trouble."


"I'll be ready with the car to get you out safely."


Qiu Ran clenched her small fist, knowing her role as a non-combatant.


"My driving skills are no worse than Nomi's."


Li Aozzi nodded. He looked down at his attire: he was still wearing the patient gown from Abyss Humanitarian Relief, with a layer of cotton clothing over it, which didn't fit the outer world.


Entering Sikkim Settlement, he needed a change of clothes.


"Blending in makes it easier to move around."


Li Aozzi opened the game mall, found the clothing section, and scrolled to the bottom.


Half an hour later, they saw a small mountain in the distance. The dark rock blocked the wind and snow. At its base and halfway up, a cluster of metal cans formed a makeshift settlement. Upon closer inspection, the chaotic metal containers had been turned into tightly sealed metal houses.


There were no signs, no walls; it looked like a filthy corner of a kitchen, with excrement and campfires everywhere. The surface appeared empty, with only a few figures moving in the corners, engaging in some kind of transaction. There was no sign of life otherwise.


"This is the drifter's settlement." Qiu Ran sighed. "It's like a junkyard."


"Ha—yawn, good morning, is it morning already?"


Nomi, groggy from sleep, kicked Yavanna next to her and peeked into the front seat. She glanced at Li Aozzi in the passenger seat.


"Wow, the imperial guy knows fashion."


"When in Rome." Li Aozzi put on an unfiltered respirator mask.


"Qiu Ran, you're steady, come with me to scout. Dress up. Nomi, stay in the car and keep an eye on her."


"Huh? No fighting? Boring." Nomi pouted and shrank back into her seat.




Near the settlement, they covered the car with protective and camouflage cloth. Li Aozzi looked at Qiu Ran, now dressed in dark, thick cotton clothing, with a scarf wrapped around her face and hair. He nodded, wrapped the chain around his hand, pulled down his hood, and strode into Sikkim Settlement.


To the drifters here, they were uninvited guests.


The woman, wrapped tightly, looked weak and dependent. The man's attire, however, raised alarms.


The gray-black unfiltered respirator mask suited agile types who sacrificed breathing comfort for mobility. Best not to provoke him; even if you can't beat him, catching him would be tough.


The yellow-black coat's length was perfect for blocking the elements. The single-shoulder bag full of mechanical parts and metal scraps, paired with the mask, marked him as a scavenger.


The gray scarf and the clanging chain on his neck showed he was a seasoned killer and robber.


Wearing the scarf indicated he'd been wanted by the four countries or had robbed their convoys.


The red armband with a crossed wrench and gear skull on his left arm identified him as a scavenger.


[Costume Name]: Wasteland Punk Series—Scavenger


[Quality]: Practical


[Description]: Fashion editors disdain this messy attire, but to the outer world, it's lethal because scavengers dress like this.


Scavengers are notorious in the outer world, known for their brutality and engineering skills. Knowledge here is akin to magic, but that's only part of it.


After the war that ended all wars, old industrial cities were buried in sand and dust, now claimed by scavengers.


Imagine the countless old-era junk buried underground—from children's books to space shuttles. Wild dogs in the outer world flock to dig out junk, which, with old-era overproduction, might be better than today's goods.


Becoming a scavenger doesn't require strict tests; it's like being a pirate or bandit. If you acquire five pieces of usable junk through digging, robbing, or stealing, you become a scavenger, ruling the outer world. People see this attire and know their junk is the real deal.


[Price]: 12 credits


"12 credits for this outfit and safety is a bargain."


Li Aozzi's high [Charm] attribute made people subconsciously associate his demeanor and image with a scavenger.


Moreover, Sikkim Settlement, a drifter hub, had no government, order, or laws. As soon as they stepped into the container street, a group of ill-intentioned drifters targeted them.


Qiu Ran, sensing the eyes around them, got scared and moved closer to Li Aozzi. He, unfazed, casually placed Yavanna's gun in his waist holster, occasionally patting it, reinforcing his scavenger image and deterring some people.


"These containers on the surface have numbers—hey, this word seems to mean 'cargo.' Are these containers?" Qiu Ran curiously looked around and soon made a discovery.


"Of course, this place was a sea in the old days." Li Aozzi said casually.


"Sea?" Qiu Ran was confused. "What does the sea look like?"


"Blue, with a bit of dark black. But it's just a bunch of water, so when you scoop it up, it's colorless and transparent. The sea looks calm from afar, but it's always churning. Sometimes the waves can reach dozens of meters, smashing metal masts to pieces."


Li Aozzi spoke casually, while Qiu Ran, who had never left the hemisphere city, listened intently.


"Under our feet... it was all water? That's too expensive. 500 ml of filtered water costs 2 Derbies."


"Actually, in the past, 70% of Blue Star was covered by water, with the deepest trenches tens of thousands of meters deep, unreachable by submarines."


Li Aozzi noticed three to five drifters approaching. They wore motorcycle helmets and carried makeshift firearms and clubs.


"Hey," the tall, thin leader rasped, grinning at Li Aozzi. "New here? The girl looks nice, how much per pound?"


"Per pound?" Qiu Ran hadn't reacted when a swishing sound broke the air.




The chain swung, and with a flick of Li Aozzi's wrist, it struck the tall man's temple, killing him instantly with red and white splattering.


The other two hadn't reacted when Li Aozzi kicked the right-hand man in the knee. As he screamed and tried to raise his gun, Li Aozzi looped the chain around his neck and yanked over his shoulder.


The last man swung his club at Li Aozzi's head. Li Aozzi kicked him in the groin, the sound of crushed eggs making the man's face turn purple and limp.




Before he could react, Li Aozzi punched his throat with the chain-wrapped fist, shattering it and knocking him out.


At the same time, he yanked the chain, crushing the windpipe of the man strangled by it. He struggled briefly before slumping unconscious.


Without guilt, Li Aozzi looted the bodies, finding 7 military-grade bullets and 6 fluorescent caps.


"So poor, why bother robbing? Waste of my time."


Li Aozzi looted while muttering, his swift actions and words meant to deter the surrounding people.


He took the crude double-barreled shotgun, similar to Tetsuya Yamashita's relic, showing it off before kicking the bodies aside for the drifters to take.


"Let's go."


Qiu Ran was stunned, and Li Aozzi dragged her along, skillfully navigating the container area. She glanced back, seeing the bodies had already disappeared.


"How much per pound?"


The words echoed in her mind, linking them to the vanishing bodies and the green-glowing eyes of drifters along the way.


Qiu Ran shivered.


Laws are the bottom line of morality, and the outer world had neither laws nor morals.

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