From the Abyss of Stars

019. Attack

  1. Attack




The door of the shelter was blown off, and snow and sand rushed inside, hindering the guards who came to block the way. The security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity barely had time to raise their guns and use holographic sights to target the figures in the snowstorm before a screw whizzed through the sights, piercing a skull and carrying brain matter and blood with it.




The body fell to the ground, followed by a burst of gunfire as the security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity were suppressed by the fierce firepower.


"Anton—damn, where did these enemies come from?!"


"The alarm has been sounded. The doctors will be here to support us soon. Just hold on a bit longer!"


The security personnel encouraged each other, taking cover behind the shelter's walls and using the terrain to counterattack the enemy. After a while, the gunfire from the other side noticeably thinned out.


"They're out of bullets!"


The security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity felt a surge of relief. It seemed the attackers didn't have as much firepower as they had thought. Since they were indoors and not affected by the snow and sand, it looked like repelling the attackers wouldn't be too difficult.


Just as they were about to regroup and counterattack, a low, hoarse voice emerged from the icy sandstorm:


"Zonia, you go."


The next moment, through their sights, the security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity saw a strange scene: a small, thin, frail figure slowly walked out of the freezing storm.


It was a girl of about fifteen or sixteen, wearing a thick military coat, walking barefoot, her feet covered in frostbite and purple bruises. The exposed skin was wrapped in dirty bandages. She walked slowly into the shelter's corridor, her right hand clutching the coat's collar, while her left sleeve hung empty, indicating she was an amputee.


She raised her head, her face tightly wrapped in bandages, revealing only a pair of lifeless, hollow eyes. As her gaze focused, the security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity saw her eyes turn from black and white to red and black, filled with violent rage. At the same time, a suffocating power seemed to brew in the air.


"She's—an infected!"




The security personnel of the Remnants of Humanity finally reacted, pulling the trigger instantly. The dense line of bullets turned the girl into a sieve. Some reacted quickly, switching to armor-piercing incendiary rounds, and the girl's body was instantly riddled with holes by modern technology. The impact of the bullets made her body sway like a boat in a storm, manipulated and controlled by the power of science.




After a round of concentrated fire, the girl called Zonia knelt on the ground, her body full of holes. The yellow bullet casings were squeezed by her muscles, steaming from the residual heat as they popped out of her thin frame.


What was shocking was that no blood flowed from the numerous bullet holes, as if the girl in front of them was just an empty puppet. Even more unsettling was that the suffocating pressure in the air didn't dissipate with her fall but instead became almost tangible, turning into black shadows that poured out of Zonia's body!


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, bang!


The shadows struck instantly, ignoring cover, piercing the exoskeleton armor of the security personnel with the force of a train, slamming several of them against the walls. Before they could scream, their heads were crushed by the irresistible force, turning into gruesome pulp against the wall.


All seven heavily armed security personnel were wiped out.




The frosty sandstorm delivered a group of figures dressed in mismatched armor and winter clothes. They entered the shelter and removed their skull-like masks, revealing pale faces under the orange lights, giving off an eerie glow.


The leader, a thin man with a face covered in pockmarks and scars from the snow and sand, lifted his prosthetic left arm and lightly patted Zonia's head, saying softly:


"Good dog, money well spent."


One of his men, carrying a homemade spiked club, disdainfully kicked the bodies of the security personnel on the ground and sneered:


"Boss, is this the legendary Remnants of Humanity that conducts evil experiments and creates genetic weapons? They're pathetically weak! With our White Fang gang, we could storm in and slaughter them all without even needing to unleash the dog."


"Why waste bullets when you can save them? Wasteful idiot."


The leader laughed and patted Zonia's face, disfigured by the bullets, and sighed:


"Get up. I didn't buy you to fall here."


Zonia's body trembled slightly. She pushed herself up with her hands, recalling the shadows that had poured out of her. They re-entered her body through the wounds and bullet holes.




She groaned in pain. Recalling the shadows seemed to hurt her severely, and her skin quickly developed patches of rot, emitting a strong stench of decay that made the White Fang gang members cover their noses.




The leader unceremoniously punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground.


"Get up." His bloodshot eyes showed no emotion. "I haven't allowed you to die yet—or do you want your brother to replace you?"


Zonia raised her thin arm, supported herself on the ground, and slowly stood up. The black blood originally flowing from her mouth and nose was reabsorbed into her body as she silently rose, acting as if nothing had happened.


"Pack up, keep moving."


The leader grinned, showing a mouthful of black teeth, his eyes full of fanaticism and anticipation:


"Look! Electricity, purified water, carbon fiber materials, heating, fluorescent lights—these doctors who violate humanity are sitting on such good resources, yet they use them for evil research. What a waste!"


The White Fang gang members sheathed their guns and pulled out melee weapons like swords and clubs, licking their lips with greed.


They didn't intend to just destroy and loot. A well-equipped shelter like this was valuable if left intact.


The surveillance cameras captured the White Fang gang members advancing but couldn't stop the hundred-strong horde from flooding underground like wolves.


Their equipment was significantly better than the White Fang gang's, even rivaling regular armies.


But compared to the bandits who had been fighting and robbing in desperate situations for years, the combat ability of the Remnants of Humanity was too weak. Most of the organization's members were doctors and nurses, lacking the combat will and ruthlessness needed to rationally confront enemies.


The shelter's medical and rescue teams were slaughtered, blood flowing like rivers.


"Look, white bread! I've never eaten white bread in my life!"


"There's vegetables in the cafeteria, and canned food."


"We're rich! They even have greenhouses. We can eat our fill!"


"Take whatever you want, boys! Everything here is ours!"


The leader crossed his arms, satisfied with the raid. The money he spent on Zonia had paid off in battle.


The nurses and doctors were no match for Zonia. Whenever she approached, the medical staff hesitated to harm a severely injured girl. In that moment of hesitation, the shadows struck, turning the merciful doctors into bloody pulp.


The defenders were quickly overwhelmed. The defenseless nurses and doctors were soon targeted by the ruthless bandits, dragged into empty corners.


'We still need to keep some alive. Doctors are precious, and these delicate flowers look quite pleasing...'


'But isn't this defense too weak?'


As he pondered keeping some female doctors and nurses for their entertainment, a chilling sensation crept up his spine.




The reinforced concrete wall was smashed to pieces. Head Nurse Nordri's fierce punch shattered the bodies of the bandits beside the leader. Blood evaporated in the violent qi, and the remaining force aimed for the leader's head.




The leader raised his left arm and pulled Zonia in front of him as a shield. Nordri's punch landed on her, producing a dull metallic sound.


Zonia's head snapped back, and she spat out bits of internal organs. The force of the martial artist's qi severely injured her.


Zonia's body collapsed, bones broken. The leader lifted his slightly deformed prosthetic arm, his expression serious:


"No wonder the defense was so weak. The Remnants of Humanity had a hidden expert like you."


Nordri said nothing, her qi flaring up as she unleashed a flurry of punches, each blow like a tiger ready to devour its prey!


An Alpha-level martial artist, ordinary firearms couldn't deal a fatal blow to her.


If the initial burst of firepower didn't kill her, once she charged in, everyone would die!


The leader remained calm. He casually kicked the collapsed Zonia and sighed:


"Get up, dog."


Zonia struggled to raise her fingers. Wounds on her body split open, releasing countless shadows that formed a barrier, blocking Nordri's attacks.




The sonic booms echoed through the corridor, the terrifying sound waves reverberating. Ordinary people nearby, merely affected by the shockwave, immediately rolled their eyes back and fainted.


Battles between superhumans were not something ordinary people could interfere with.

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