From Showa to the new generation, I can plunder entries

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Beraoken in the Nightmare! Revenge of the Other-Dimensional Man?


So that’s how it is.

I didn’t expect Nan Xizi to possess divinity. It turns out that he is not just a simple moon person. He might be the moon goddess on the moon.

When he was on Earth, Helios once observed Nan Xizi’s attributes.

But he found that he was indeed an ordinary moon person.

But now that he has come to the moon, he suddenly possesses divinity.

He thinks this may be because he solved Lunaticus and condensed the beliefs accumulated by the moon people for generations, thus gaining divinity.

No wonder after she returned to the moon, every time she appeared, she became more and more mysterious.

“Nan Xizi also appeared in the Taro era, and at that time she even had abilities similar to Aprasa”

“It seems that this is the reason.”

All of Helios’ doubts seemed to have been resolved.

He nodded.

Then he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the void.


Nan Xizi looked at the direction he left and couldn’t help falling into deep thought.

“This feeling, is it? It turns out that Helios actually has this potential.”

She murmured to herself.

When Helios felt that she was different at this moment.

She also discovered the difference in Helios.

As a god who has mastered power, she sees more than ordinary people.

At this time, the moon gradually revolved to the side closer to the sun.

Bathed in the sun’s glory, Nan Xizi couldn’t help but smile.

The sun.

The source of life. The source of light. What an incredible existence.


“Xiujun, you are late.”

Yamaguchi Baizi, who had been waiting for a long time under the sunset, said with some dissatisfaction.

Helios apologized:”I’m really sorry, I met a super beast on the way here, so it took a little time.”

What he said was not bad.

He did meet a super beast, but he was just waiting for the super beast to drop an entry.

After the Yabo people were solved, those remaining people from other dimensions didn’t know where they hid.

The super beasts that appear now are of uneven quality compared to those created during the Yabo period.

Most of the super beasts that appear now are due to the previous dissipation of extra-dimensional energy, which has affected some creatures that carry strong negative energy.

Thus making them super beasts.

That is the so-called alienation.

The entries brought by these super beasts are mostly the same.

Bottom line The available entries include great strength and bioenergy.

The better ones can also give physical entries such as tough skin and hardened skin.

As for some other strange entries, it seems that they require some special organs to use.

So in order to avoid having some extra strange organs, Helios simply gave up.

Of course, there are still some unexpected surprises.

For example, Ace once defeated an ice super beast named Ice Dragon and a super beast named Fubuki Lala.

He got an entry of”Freeze Resistance (Purple)” from each of these two super beasts.


Frost Resistance (Purple): Excellent resistance to cold environments and frost attacks


With the blessing of this entry, he will not be afraid of certain cold illusions, and thus will not consume energy rapidly in a cold environment like other Ultramen.

This ability is still very useful to him.

After all, the biggest flaw of the Light Clan is fear of cold.

Because the Light Clan is a life form of light, their vital signs are maintained by light and heat.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Once light and heat are lost, it means that life is about to come to an end.

Now he has obtained the entry to resist freezing.

It allows him to have a certain resistance to this defect.

Although it is not so that he can be unaffected by absolute zero.

At least it is not a defect.

After all, normal cosmic creatures cannot be unaffected in an environment of absolute zero.

Secondly, he also got the entry of”Dream Deprivation (Purple)” from the Ultra Beast Bactari.


Dream Deprivation (Purple): Can restore a person’s dream into negative energy and store it.


This is a relatively interesting entry.

So Helios also retained it.


The two strolled under the setting sun.

Yamaguchi Momoko leaned on Helios and said with some fear:”Xiu Jun, I often have a nightmare during this period.”

Helios thought:”Dream? What kind of nightmare?”

Yamaguchi Momoko was silent for a moment:”Do you remember the scene of our first meeting?”

Helios nodded:”I remember.”

Yamaguchi Momoko said:”At that time you were studying the red space channel”

“We met by chance, and then from that red hole, out jumped the first super beast, Beraoken, that appeared on the earth.”

Helios waited for his next words.

Yamaguchi Baizi continued:”These past few days, I have dreamed that Beraoken was chasing me. He said he wanted to kill me and Xiujun.”

“And revenge on us”

“In my dream I ran and ran, but no matter where I ran I would be caught by Blauken.”

“However, just when I felt desperate, I suddenly woke up from my dream.”

Helios was thoughtful when he heard this.

He suddenly said:”Close your eyes first.”

Close your eyes…?

Yamaguchi Baizi’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

She had mixed feelings:”Is it what I thought? Xiu Jun suddenly took the initiative, which made me feel uncomfortable.”

“But why do I feel a sense of anticipation in my heart?”

She thought about it randomly, and then closed her eyes obediently.

A layer of pink gradually climbed on her face.

Helios was so close that he could almost feel her violent heartbeat.

But Helios smiled slightly.

Instead, he put a hand close to his head.

‘Deprivation of nightmare! ‘

His mind ability began to explore the nightmare of Yamaguchi Momoko.

But soon he frowned.

Because he did not find any breath of nightmare here with Yamaguchi Momoko.

Why did he have a nightmare?

Helios frowned.

But he looked at Yamaguchi Momoko who closed her eyes and had an expectant expression. He temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart and gently pressed it.

Yamaguchi Momoko trembled suddenly, and patted Helios lightly with a reproachful expression.

Helios responded with a smile, but his eyes were much deeper.

Those people from other dimensions have not appeared for a long time, and they must be planning something.

And now Yamaguchi Momoko is suddenly haunted by a nightmare. Is there any inevitable connection?

He thinks this is very likely.

He thought to himself:”Is it the revenge of the people from other dimensions?”


PS:Request full order, request custom order, request data, request everything!!!

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