From Showa to the new generation, I can plunder entries

Chapter 48

“Telekinetic Mediocre (White): Has a certain amount of telekinetic talent, but it is too ordinary”


It seems that Bakshim’s configuration is just so-so.

Although there are six entries, there is not even an orange entry among them.

But in fact, we can’t just look at the level of the entry.

We also need to look at the effect of the entry.

For example, the giant strength entry.

The effect of this entry is that it can allow the owner to gain more than twice his own weight.

So how much power this entry can exert depends on his weight.

Bakshim is huge.

His weight has reached an astonishing 78,000 tons.

The power of twice his weight is nearly 156,000 tons!

This kind of power is even stronger than Jetton who has the strange strength entry!

After all, Jetton’s weight is only about 30,000 tons.

It is precisely because of this that Ace lost the battle under the power suppression and had to use the light skill to suppress it.

At this time, Helios saw the keyword at a glance.


Bakshim actually has a telekinesis entry?

But he recalled it and it seemed to make some sense.

Bakshim turned into Jiro’s appearance, and the main method he used was to borrow a corpse to revive.

In other words, he used his mind to control the other person’s body.

Or he hid his own will inside Jiro’s body.

This is indeed a technique of using telekinesis.

“What a pity, it is actually a white entry?”

After seeing the level of this entry, Helios was disappointed again.

But it was better than nothing.

After all, he didn’t even have telekinesis now.

He even doubted whether he had a talent for telekinesis.

After all, other people had the opportunity to awaken their telekinesis after being promoted to high-level warriors.

But now he didn’t even see any signs of awakening.

The fundamental reason might be that he himself didn’t have a talent for telekinesis.

Now this white telekinesis entry can at least allow him to awaken his telekinesis.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and directly merged this entry into himself.

Then he felt a shock in his consciousness.

In the depths of his consciousness, it seemed that something was condensing rapidly and began to penetrate out of his body.

“Is this telekinesis?”

Helios raised his hand gently.

He saw a leaf floating quietly on his palm under the mysterious force.

After thinking about it for so long, he finally awakened his own telekinesis.

Although it was very weak, he couldn’t even use it in battle. It was even weaker in human form.

Maybe it could only be used to move some light objects.

A mediocre telekinesis is a mediocre telekinesis.

At most, it just awakened his telekinesis. If he wanted to develop his telekinesis better, it was impossible to do it with just this white entry.

“”It’s better than nothing.”

Helios was also quite open-minded.

This was just a beginning after all. There were many monsters that controlled telekinesis.

There would be plenty of opportunities to obtain more powerful entries in the future.

Moreover, even if there were enough white entries, he would have the opportunity to upgrade his own entries.

Then he merged three entries, namely, Giant Strength (blue), Bioenergy (blue), and Excellent Potential (purple), into himself.

This increased his original characteristic experience by a little.

“It seems that many super beasts have the term”bioenergy””

“If you can plunder the biological energy entry of a super beast, this biological energy (blue) can be successfully upgraded.”

“I just don’t know what the entry will be like after the upgrade.”

Helios thought to himself


In the following period of time, Helios has been mastering his newly acquired telekinetic ability.

During this period, he also went to Mars. He needed a gigantic posture to perfectly master this ability.

But this feature is too low-level. Even in a gigantic posture, he can barely lift a stone with a diameter of several meters.

This is definitely a miraculous power in the eyes of earthlings.

But when fighting against supernatural cosmic creatures, it is completely useless.

However, no matter how hard he studied and practiced, he could not improve even half a step.

It can be seen from this.

A white telekinetic ability can only allow him to reach this level.

A few days later.

Helios once again picked up a spot of light from the ruins.


“New entries have been discovered: Creation of Mind (white), Mediocre Telekinesis (white), Devonian Gas (blue), Huge Strength (blue), Excellent Potential (purple). Do you want to merge them?”


“Thought Creation (White): An image created by a cartoonist, which is materialized by the mind of a person from another dimension and is bound to the life of the cartoonist.”

“Devonian Gas (Blue): Can emit Devonian gas, which has the property of decomposing and assimilating matter”


“As expected, my guess was correct. This super beast named Garan also has the ability of mind reading.”

“But I didn’t expect it to be a white entry.”

Helios shook his head.

The birth of this super beast was also a conspiracy of the alien.

The alien bewitched a cartoonist and made him feel that he had gained the powerful ability to create things out of thin air and control the development of events.

After gaining the ability, the desire in his heart was infinitely magnified.

But this cartoonist seemed to be very innocent.

After gaining the power, he did not act lawless and want to control the world.

Instead, he pursued Noriko Mikawa.

What’s even more unbearable is that after kidnapping Noriko Mikawa, he did not do whatever he wanted, but forced the other party to marry him.

This is also laughable.

But after thinking about it, Helios figured it out.

It is definitely not the cartoonist’s ability to make a super beast giant out of thin air.

In fact, his so-called acquisition ‘s power is just the secret manipulation of the people from other dimensions.

If the people from other dimensions really have the ability to enable humans to gain the ability to create monsters, then he would have probably ruled the universe long ago.

After all, this ability is too abnormal.

If you randomly pick out 100 million or 200 million of the billions of people on Earth, they can create one or two monsters.

And they are all high-level.

Wouldn’t that mean they can easily destroy the universe?

In fact, all of this is the masterpiece of the people from other dimensions, and the people from other dimensions use their own telepathy to materialize the monsters.

And bind them to the life of the cartoonist.

The materialized super beast Garan has telepathy, but it is very weak.

It can only paralyze machinery or firearms.

Apart from this, there is no other use.

“A little bit of accumulation can also upgrade your mind power”

“However, there seem to be very few super beasts with strong telekinesis.”

“When it comes to the development of telekinesis, it must be intelligent life forms.”

“It seems that many aliens know some skills in using telekinesis. If you want to upgrade the level of telekinesis entries, it seems that you have to plunder some alien entries.”

Helios thought.

There are also some aliens who appear in Ace.

Among them, the most expressive are the aliens from other dimensions.

After all, they can create monsters out of thin air with telekinesis. At least they must be telekinesis experts or telekinesis masters, right?

Set a small goal and find a way to plunder some alien entries first.


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