From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 67 Justice?


"no one?"

Bricks were scattered all over the ground, but Agu Gu, who was blasted in, disappeared.

Immediately, Leng Kong's eyes opened wide and he was horrified by the scene in the courtyard.

In the dim moonlight, blood was spread all over the courtyard, mutilated limbs and pieces of flesh could be seen everywhere, and there were dozens of corpses in extremely miserable conditions.

The head is deformed, the chest is collapsed, and the throat is torn open. Very few people die directly from such attacks.

Most of them were mutilated corpses, some with no arms, some without legs, some with all five limbs missing, some with their stomachs disemboweled and their intestines leaking out.

Apparently he suffered inhuman torture before his death.


Even in the cold air, I couldn't help but gasp when I saw such a horrific and bloody scene.

"Is this guy really a cop?"

"That's not right!"

"This is obviously a perverted murderer who regards human life as nothing!"

At this moment, Agu Gu flashed out of the shadows and struck Leng Kong directly in the back of the head with his fist.


The sound of wind came from behind the head, and the hair on the cold air tightened, and he waved his arms back in an instant.


But he missed it, and just when his attention shifted, Agu Gu had already passed in front of him at high speed, with his fist clenched and his thumb raised.

The next moment, two thumbs dug into Leng Kong's waist like drills.

Leng Kong felt that if his muscles weren't thick enough and tough enough, both of his waist would be exploded.

"Feel the pain, sinner!"

The fist is just a feint, this is the real attack!

Agu Gu, the executioner, usually does not directly attack the enemy's fatal position, because it would be too easy for those who have committed heinous crimes to die.

He wanted the guilty to suffer and die under his own lynching.

Only in this way can they pay for the sins they committed during their lifetime!

And Aguya likes to appreciate face to face, the distorted faces of sinners when they feel pain and death.

Because only in this way can his desire for killing and cruelty be satisfied.

"The subcostal nerve is compressed. Does it feel uncomfortable?"

Pure desire to kill and cruel aura exploded from Agu Gu's scarlet eyes, and the thumb inserted into the flesh and blood stirred crazily in Leng Kong's body.

"This is the pain of good people being oppressed!"

"Crime is rampant, order is destroyed, and this world is hopeless!"

"So, just die in endless pain and fear!"

"Feel the pain, fear the pain, and finally stay away from the pain!"

"Be a good person in your next life!"

"Let me wash away your sins and send you to reincarnation!"

Agu Gu's mind has been completely distorted by Sha's desire to kill.


"Did you misunderstand something?"

Leng Kong completely ignored the severe pain in his waist and pressed his big hand on Agu Gu's shoulder blade.

Pain is a daily occurrence for him. Every day he doesn't feel it, his bones will itch.

If you want to use pain to break your will, you can only say that Agu Gu has found the wrong person!

The head looked down, and the red eyes that were scarier than Aguya seemed to be dripping with blood. The fierce light and death in the eyes were three times stronger than Aguya!

"You want to kill me?"

"Then it's OK if I kill you, right?"

"Jie Jie"

The long black hair broke free from the restraints of the hair band and flew freely around the back of the head. Under the dark moon, the shadows were like the tentacles of an evil god twisting crazily on the ground and walls.

Leng Kong's big mouth tore to the extreme on both sides, and the facial features and muscles were infinitely squeezed in the upper part, forming a terrifying grimace.

"Since you want to kill, then I will satisfy you!"

"Use your own life to satisfy your perverted desires!"

"Isn't it release?"

"Isn't it just a rampage?"

"Come on, let's go crazy together! Haha."

The endless resentment and will to die that he suffered in the pure white world were all released. At this time, Leng Kong was even crazier than Agu Gu!

If Agu Gu is the executioner in the world, then Leng Kong is now the resentful ghost emerging from hell!

"how come?"

Didn't see the pained expression on Leng Kong's face that he wanted, and the other person seemed to be going crazy?

Agu Gu was slightly shocked.

But the next moment, his expression became even more violent.

"How could. How could you not feel the pain?"

"I don't allow it!"

"If you can't feel pain, how can I pay for your sins and cleanse your soul?"

Agu Gu's red eyes popped out, and he used his arms wildly, inserting his thumb into Leng Kong's waist, and then hit his ribs hard.

Because of the characteristics of "copper skin and iron bones", Agu Gu's finger strength is no worse than that of "Razor's Edge".

Leng Kong's ribs immediately burst into cracks!

Agu Gu now wants to remove Leng Kong's ribs one by one.

The pain will not be late, and justice will surely come!

Now is his time to exact justice!

I don’t believe it!

There are still evils in this world that his executioner Agu Gu cannot deal with!

"Because I'm enjoying the pain, you perverted lunatic!"

Resentment and death were unleashed wantonly. Leng Kong's face was so hideous that it looked like no one. He turned his palms into claws and dug his five fingers deeply into Agu Gu's flesh and blood.

"Let's see if I crush your shoulders first, or you break my ribs first and penetrate my waist first!"

"Ah ha ha"

Leng Kong's ten fingers tightened infinitely, and Agugu's shoulder blades creaked. Even though Agugu's arms were made of copper-skinned iron bones, they couldn't withstand Leng Kong's terrifying brute force. Wherever his fingertips landed, his bones creaked. overload sound

It seems like the next second, the whole shoulder will explode!

Feeling the strange power of Leng Kong, Agu Gu's face changed drastically. Regardless of his muscles being torn, his body shrank and twisted, his feet slipped sharply, and he forced himself to break free from Leng Kong's restraints.

He didn't shrink back because of the pain, but he wouldn't be able to execute justice without his hands!

What's the point of living like this?

How could Agu Gu be afraid of mere pain if he was so obsessed with enforcing justice that he was mentally distorted?

"Are you trying to resist justice?"

"Then your soul is not worthy of redemption, just go and die!"

Agu Gu's eyes became more and more violent. The next second he broke free from Leng Kong's hand, his giant arm whipped towards Leng Kong's temple like a whip.

At the same time, the whole body exudes an aura of "fear" that is more terrifying than facing death.

This is the spiritual "power" that only those who are dedicated to martyrdom for their "faith" can exude!

Leng Kong once felt it with Yu Lei Ling, but Yu Lei Ling transformed into thunder and lightning and became the fastest in the world.

The direction is different, the effect is different, and it is far less shocking than the "fear" of Agu Gu!

But this is of no use to Leng Kong, because what he is feeling now is "waiting for death" that is more painful than death!

His body pressed forward suddenly, his left arm raised a whip to block, and his right hand, stained red with blood, instantly formed a fist to attack Agu Gu's face.


Aguya reacts very quickly, and while attacking, he can also raise a large shield in front of his face with one hand in time.



Two blows sounded almost superimposed on each other, and their attacks were blocked by each other.

Defense was as much a counterattack as Leng Kong, who was running rampant, perfectly displayed the essence of Jeet Kune Do. The moment the left hand he used to block touched Agu Gu's whip, he twisted his backhand and pinched his forearm.

The zero-distance kickback didn't give him any chance to show off his extreme reflexes.

"Whose fist is bigger"

After locking Agu Gu's figure, Leng Kong stared with scarlet eyes and punched continuously.

"Who is justice!"




"This is common sense that even children know, don't you understand?"


Another violent blow, even if it only hit the one-handed shield, it still made Agu Gu's body move back continuously, and Leng Kong's left hand that clasped his forearm slid to his wrist and locked it even more tightly.

The results were poor, so I didn’t recommend it. It was supposed to be put on the shelves next Monday, but I didn’t save the manuscript. I pushed it for a week and it will be put on the shelves next Monday.

Save some manuscripts and make them pop up a bit when they go on the shelves.

Otherwise, it will not be updated even if it is put on the shelves, and the results will be even more embarrassing.

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