From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 440 The prologue begins


Boom boom boom.

A large-scale explosion suddenly exploded in City A. The energy light blast covered a large area of ​​the city and was more powerful than a missile.

Diwu, diwu

But City A is also where the hero headquarters is located. The response was swift, and the disaster alarm sounded over the city immediately.

"City A is being attacked by unknown weirdos, and the scope of destruction is rapidly expanding. Citizens are requested to go to shelters as soon as possible."

Reporters also frantically warned on TV.

"Is this an energy wave?"

As the scope of the explosion continued to expand, the aftermath of the explosion was also felt in the cold air at the food base far outside the city.

"Uncle, Xiqi called and asked us to go to the city for rescue as soon as possible."

After running for a while, I came back after lunch. I was lying in the shade of a tree, and now I was shouting in this direction with my mobile phone.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Go and drive!"

"Just as your strength has increased, go out and relax your muscles!"

Leng Kong twisted his neck with an expectant expression.


The bad body turned sharply and rushed to the garage at high speed.

Boom boom

The next moment, the chariot with blue fire drifted to the side of Leng Kong,


Leng Kong didn't wait for the chariot to stop, and jumped to the roof.


Badly pressed the thunder core, and the chariot's electric light flashed and rushed straight into the city.

"By the way, uncle, I heard from Xiqi that Lightning Max and Smiling Superman have already rushed over first."

While driving, the bad guy didn't forget to supplement information with Leng Kong.

"Lightning Max?"

"Smiling Superman?"

"What trash fish?"

Turn on the cold air sense to the maximum, and use all your strength to sense the energy wave level in the explosion.

Judging from the perceived energy intensity and the destroyed city areas seen from high altitude, the strength of the weirdos who attacked City A was definitely not inferior to that of Elder Centipede.

Back then, he had integrated the characteristic of "Absolute Defense", so he had no choice but to rely on his small size to penetrate into Elder Centipede's body and wreak havoc.

But now, only strong men at this level can move their muscles and bones on their own.

The corners of Leng Kong's mouth curled up slightly, already anticipating how much pleasure this "explosion" weirdo would make him.

"Not a trash fish."

Bad: "Lightning Max and Smiling Superman are also top-ranked A-level heroes!"

"Isn't it just an A-level fish?"

Leng Kong didn't pay attention to heroes below S level before, let alone now?

It is because of him that Pig God, Sexy Prisoner, Vest Lord and Sweetheart Mask, who are strong enough, are still ranked 2, 3, 4 and 5 as A-level heroes.

The first is of course Leng Kong himself.

"Okay, you have the final say!"

Bad didn't have the guts to argue with Leng Kong. His eyes swept across the radar, and the tank suddenly dived towards the ground.


"Why are you descending before we reach the destination?"

Leng Kong stood on the roof of the car, and the extremely fast wind could not shake his body in the slightest.

"The life radar scanned the presence of heroes below. Let's go down first to get some information."

The bad guy looked at the red dot on the radar screen and explained,

"There's still an explosion in the center of the city. If you need any information, can't you just go there?"

Feeling the strong energy fluctuations escaping high in the sky, the cold air muscles were already thirsty.

"It's okay. The chariot is fast and it won't take much time."

As he spoke, the chariot was suspended in front of the two heroes, who were covered in blood and lying on the ground lying dead. When the villain lowered his head, he saw that it was Lightning Max and Smiling Superman that Xiqi mentioned.

"Hey, are you dead?"

The bad guy shouted down, "You're not dead, just say something!"

"He's not dead, he still has one breath left."

The Smiling Superman managed to open his eyes. After seeing the bad plane nose, he immediately said in surprise,

"Hey, it's an S-class hero. Is Mr. Green Bat here?"

"Great, saved!"

"Green bat?"

When Leng Kong heard Smiling Superman's name for bad guys, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched: "I said, your hero's name is too unpleasant, isn't it?"

"What can I do?"

"The people in the association only choose heroes based on their appearance, and all of them are color blind. My Centipede bat is obviously blue, but they insist on saying it's green."

Leng Kong was unable to complain about his title as a hero. It was also because the title was so inferior that he never told Leng Kong.

At first, he suggested to Xiqi that the best name for his hero would be, Zhan Kuang!

The uncle's name is Zhan Gui, and his name is Zhan Kuang. They match very well.

But Xiqi said that the hero's name should be clear at a glance, so that citizens can think of the hero as soon as they hear the title, so he became a green bat.

have no choice!

"By the way, can you call us an ambulance first and then we can talk?"

"Lightning Max still doesn't know whether he's alive or dead!"

Smiling Superman saw that both of them were dying, and Leng Kong and Leng Kong were still talking nonsense about a hero title, and their eyes hidden behind their masks were about to cry.

"That's right, now is not the time to pay attention to such trivial matters."

The bad guy sent the coordinates of the two people to the association, and then asked,

"How big is the monster disaster level?"

"What ability?"

The Smiling Superman shook his head like a rattle: "I don't know!"

"We were ejected by a wave of energy bombs before we even saw the weirdo."

Leng Kong stomped on the roof of the car: "I told them earlier that they couldn't do it. Don't waste time. Get in quickly."


The bad guy retracted into the car, and before starting the car, he did not forget to comfort Smiling Superman: "You guys just hold on, I've sent your coordinates to the association, and the rescue team will be here soon."


Blue fire spurts out, chariots fly,

call out!

Just as they drove into the center of the explosion, a compressed energy bomb hit the front of the car. Fortunately, they reacted quickly. An emergency landing tank sank, and the energy bomb grazed the windshield and shot towards the roof of the car.

"I wipe..."

As a result, Leng Kong was hit in the face by energy bullets just as he stabilized his body.


Then he fell from the sky with a long tail sound.


Maybe it was because Leng Kong's tail tone was too long and too energetic. His body was still falling, and several energy bombs were automatically tracked and hit him continuously.

Bang bang...

Then a line of fire and lightning blasted through the wall of the building, and then hit the ruined street from the other side.


"You might get beaten if you go back."

Seeing himself, he instinctively clicked on the brakes. Leng Kong was blasted into a human-shaped pillar of fire by the energy bomb in the air, and the bad guy's face turned pale.

As far as he knew, the uncle was not very ambitious.

It’s over!

"This...this intensity?"

"Not bad!"

“This intensity can already make my body a little on fire.

"Ha ha……"

Feeling the true strength of the energy bomb at close range, Leng Kong grinned and his fighting spirit overflowed.


He ripped off his training clothes that were still burning, revealing his perfect muscles. He looked straight, then he opened his thighs and rushed towards the direction of the energy bomb launch.

"Weird, let me use you to test my current strength!"

"Let me regain my confidence in battle!"

Swinging his feet into the air, his senses were fully opened. As he got closer, an excited grimace representing the desire to fight appeared on Leng Kong's face.

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