From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 435 Are muscles still meaningful?

"The skin is not broken?"

Leng Kong's heart suddenly shrank when his eyes glanced at Saitama's still smooth and unmarked skin.

"No way?"

Leng Kong wondered if he had seen a ghost. Otherwise, with his full BUFF power, how could he not have even broken his skin if he hit him head-on?


This must be an illusion!

You can't lie to me!

The ghost eye shines with golden light, and the illusion-breaking eye (Iga Dream) that can break all illusions is opened.

"Break it for me!"

Reflected by the golden light, Saitama's neck was still smooth and clean, not to mention bloodshot and not even a scratch.

Is the Eye of Illusion ineffective?

Or is this the real situation?

The huge gap between the real impact and the actual damage value made Leng Kongdao's heart tremble for the first time.

"Oh ah!"

There was an explosive roar, and the whirlwind Zantetsu energy attached to the forearm shot out from the tip of the elbow in a series, wildly bombarding Saitama's cheek.

Bang bang

The sounds of slashing sounds were heard intensively, and blood beads splashed.

But it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work!

Still doesn’t work!

The extremely compressed blood energy that can cut through iron and shatter steel is no different than splashing water droplets on a bald face.

The splashed blood beads were just the result of the bursting of his own blood lines. Saitama's skin was still not broken.

"How is this possible?"

"I don't believe it!"

dong dong

The frequency of the thunderous war drums suddenly doubled, and the heart was overloaded like a high-power water pump. The purple light flashed to form a halo, and a large amount of blood overflowed crazily from every pore in the body, finally forming a scarlet blood suit on the body surface.

Liberation of gods and demons, open!

Logically speaking, it would be difficult for Leng Kong's pure power to increase even further.

But he also has a problem!

Ghost body, unleash the full potential of the body!

Ghost back, multiplying!

On this basis, the liberation of gods and demons is released, driving the blood to flow at high speed and overloading the body's functions.

Leng Kong's current power has reached ten times that of Black Light.

With this indescribable power, Leng Kong believed that he could knock down any creature!

In the previous battle with Phoenix Man, because he was restrained by the flames and his muscles dissolved, he could not stack the strength BUFF.

Now is his true fighting power!


The explosive roar started again, and the muscles all over his body were drawn into a ring. The terrifying force was so terrifying that the human body could not bear it. The moment Leng Kong exerted his force, a circle of viscous blood mist erupted from his body.

"Don't be beaten to death by me!"

The fist was heavily wrapped in blood mist and hit Saitama's jaw violently.


A violent blow sounded, and Saitama's body shot up.

"Yes, that's what it feels like!"

"That's the feeling of impact!"

"It's cool, it's so cool!"

"Ha ha."


Just as his fist blasted away Saitama, Leng Kong immediately hit the ground with his feet and pursued in a straight line. Under the unparalleled intense blow, his body was completely on fire.

"Oh ah.!"

With a twisted grimace and a roar, Leng Kong quickly caught up with Saitama while kicking on the ground to accumulate strength, and his fist erupted with blood and hit him hard on the back again.

call out!

Under the huge impact force, Saitama's body flew straight into the sky.


The cold sky plummeted to the ground.


Leng Kong truly felt that he had been hit.

And it was Saitama who was hit by an explosion of physical overload.

"But, are you trying too hard?"

Looking up at the sky, Leng Kong was afraid that he would accidentally kill Baldhead. After all, with his current explosive power, even his own body couldn't bear it.

"Are you done?"

"How about going to eat?"

Saitama fell due to gravity, with the dull expression still on his face.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Saitama who was still acting like nothing after being hit hard twice by him, no, even his skin was not broken, Leng Kong twisted his face and began to twitch crazily,

"What the hell are you?"

An incomprehensible roar came out, and Leng Kong began to doubt his own muscles.

Even the martial arts will that was condensed to the golden elixir level after dying with Waumu and transcending death began to show cracks.

because of this.


This is completely unreasonable!

How can anyone be so strong just by activating their physical characteristics?

In this way, what's the point of my persistent and crazy practice?

Leng Kong dared to say that his training intensity was definitely dozens or even hundreds of times that of Saitama.


But what's going on now?

Facing Saitama's terrifying body that was completely beyond the scope of human imagination, Leng Kong's warrior heart began to collapse.

This is simply incomprehensible!

The worldview, the definition of a strong person, and the meaning of cultivation were all shattered to pieces.

"It's alright!"

"It's just a hole in the pajamas. It's a pity."

Saitama pulled the back of his clothes and looked at the holes in the fist marks on it, with a bit of regret in his daze.


"Ho ho."

Looking at Saitama's dull expression, Leng Kong smiled crazily like a madman.

The duller Saitama's expression became, the more shocked he was.

The strong hunger, thirst, and fighting spirit are still boiling endlessly, and the heart is also pumping blood at a super high speed. The blood mist is obviously hot in the body, but Leng Kong feels that there is no part of him that is not cold now.

Saitama's indifferent figure grew bigger and bigger in his sight, until it was as high as the sky and the earth.

It felt as if the opponent could easily crush him to death with just a slight lift of his foot.


An unprecedented sense of powerlessness enveloped Leng Kong's entire body and mind.


"So you're fine!"

"Ho ho."

Leng Kong's demeanor became more and more crazy as he kept chanting Saitama's words, and at the same time, the rage in his mind skyrocketed.

The bloodthirsty rage after the liberation of the ghost body flashed bursts of red light in the eyes, coupled with the liberation of gods and demons, the blood rushed to the brain crazily, and the reason was gradually covered by the desire for destruction.

The incomprehensible and unacceptable reality made Leng Kong fall into a demonic barrier.

The martial arts will that had been tempered for several worlds began to collapse, and the inner demons of Taoism were born.

"If you can't understand, beat me until you understand!"

"I don't believe it. I don't believe there are creatures in this world that muscles can't beat!"

The martial arts will that has been tempered by countless days and nights will not allow Leng Kong to sink like this.


His thighs kicked the ground, his face was endlessly twisted, his eyes were full of violent cold air, and he rushed towards Saitama in a mad manner.

"Bear my wrath!"

"Bear my unwillingness!"

"Take my beating!"

"Jie Jie"


After entering the attack range, the fist wrapped in blood mist struck out furiously.

"Why are you still angry?"

Saitama's expression was blank, and he didn't understand Leng Kong's change of mentality.


The punch hit him right in the face, and the hot blood line made Saitama's eyes feel itchy. He shot backwards, and the man pounced on him again.

"Not enough. Not enough!"

"The power is not enough!"

"Burn, burn the blood!"

"Give me. Give me more, more power!"

dong dong

The heart rate accelerated again, capillaries burst, scarlet blood spurted from every pore, and the cold air transformed into a human-shaped fountain, but the spray was not water, but blood!

Liberation of gods and demons, second gear!

The burst of strength increased several times again.

This is also the limit that Leng Kong's body can bear. If he beats faster, his heart will explode.

"This is real power!"

The blood fountain erupted from the fist, and the fishy smell filled the space. The cold air opened its mouth to reveal bright red gums, and the facial features were crowded to the extreme and looked like a ghost but not a human being.

Taking advantage of his height, he punched Saitama Tianling Gai with his arms.


The top of his head was beaten, and Saitama's entire body sank directly into the ground, but his head was still shiny and there was no trace of blood.

"I do not believe!"

"I don't believe it!"

This scene directly caused Leng Kong's mentality to completely collapse. His eyes were violent and ferocious, and his punches were like hammers.


The left fist hit the side of Saitama's head, but before his body could move sideways, his right hand struck straight down.


The ground turned and dust exploded, but this was just the beginning,

The next moment, Leng Kong's arms struck wildly, and the fists in the afterimages poured out like a torrential rain.

Boom boom

Bang bang

The ground collapsed endlessly, and clods of earth flew wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the place where Saitama was inserted into the ground was blasted by the cold sky into a huge circular pit of tens of meters.


Finally the big foot stepped down, causing violent vibrations for miles around.


"This is real power!"

"Ah ha ha"

After a crazy vent, Leng Kong showed a crazy smile on his face.

How can muscles be such an impure thing!

He has now squeezed out the power of every cell in his body,

If that doesn't work, then...muscles will mean nothing!

"Have you finished the fight?"

Saitama lay on the ground and felt the hot tide of the soil. He pressed his nose with his little finger and looked at Leng Kong with a relaxed expression, "Can we go to eat now?"

"Ho ho."

"Asshole, what do you mean?"

"Are you humiliating me?"

"Get serious!"

Leng Kong, whose martial arts will was already collapsing, almost fainted from anger when he heard these words.

In order to increase his strength, his heart almost jumped and he lost more than ten kilograms of blood, but Saitama's skin was not broken and he was still thinking about eating.

what is this?

Humiliating people?

If Leng Kong's will had not been tempered by countless deaths, he would have been crushed by the huge gap between the two.

"This is fight, fight, bastard!"

"Fight back!"

Unwilling to roar, his body trembled crazily with anger.

"Fight back?"


Saitama's butt stuck to the ground, and his body disappeared into thin air in Leng Kong's eyes.


"Where are you going?"

The sense of cold air is turned on to the maximum, and the eyes are moving wildly.

Scattered eyes!

The eyes move flexibly to observe all directions.

Found it, right behind me!

The moment he sensed Saitama's position, Leng Kong twisted his upper body violently, and his arms turned into water whips and swept violently.

call out!

The hand whip penetrated Saitama's body,

No, it’s an afterimage!

The feeling of nothingness immediately let Leng Kong know that he was slow again.

"I punched!"

The sound sounded in front again, and Leng Kong's upper body rebounded quickly, just in time to see Saitama raise his right hand, and the next moment, he appeared in front of him as if passing through space.

Good. So fast!

Looking at Saitama's completely unreasonable movement speed, Leng Kong even felt that time stopped running at the moment he moved.


When the fist is struck, the pupils expand infinitely, and finally cover the entire world.


Die die die.

Die die die die die die! ! !

The indescribable and terrifying aura of death enveloped every cell in the body.

Even the cells are still sending clear messages to the brain, that is: if this punch hits, no matter how strong the cell activity is, it will be completely destroyed.


Leng Kong was relieved by the horror of being unable to escape.

Because no matter what degree of unwillingness, anger, violence, madness, and inner demons, they are completely worthless under this kind of power.

That’s fine!

Pursue power, die for power!

It was worth it to die under this level of power in the end.

Racing lights flashed in his mind, and Leng Kong was already prepared to face death under this terrifying attack that he could not dodge or resist.


The fist was tilted upward, and the blast of air rubbed Leng Kong's scalp and shot straight into the sky. The atmosphere was cut open, and eventually it spread to most of the earth.

One punch!

With just one punch, Saitama actually gave Earth a middle part?

This is why Leng Kong is so desperate that he feels relieved.

Because facing such punching power, what can he do even if he is injured? In the end it's no better than a bug.

"Can we go to dinner now?"

"By the way, what's good today?"

Saitama didn't realize at all how big a blow he had given Leng Kong. After retracting his fist, he still looked at the opponent expectantly.


"Let's go."

"Let's eat"

Leng Kong's distorted grimace froze completely, and then he responded with a helpless voice.

But life is meaningless, so is eating still meaningful?


Leng Kong was damaged both physically and mentally by the bald head.

Even the crazy squeezing of the body before could not break the bald head's defense. It was just that his Taoist heart was unstable, unwilling, furious, and filled with inner demons.

But after facing the fist of a bald head that can silence all the cells in the body, all these thoughts were extinguished.

"So, why do you want to fight with him?"

Looking at Saitama's back, and then looking at the terrifying fist marks high in the sky that extended to the edge of his field of vision, Leng Kong felt numb both physically and mentally.


Coming in excitement, leaving in numbness, this is the cold air now.

When the chariot returned to Banggu Dojo, Leng Kong still looked as despairing as ever.

"Well, what's going on, Sora?"

Bang Pu immediately discovered that something was wrong with his disciple, and he had no intention of chatting with his younger brother Bang Gu. Hungry Wolf was not his disciple, but Leng Kong was close to him.

"have no idea."

Saitama looked innocent, "That's what happened after a fight with me."

"With you?"

Upon hearing this, the Banggu brothers' eyes fell on Saitama at the same time.

The pajamas Saitama was wearing in front of him had long been shattered into pieces by Leng Kong's crazy attacks. Now he was wearing the training clothes that Leng Kong had stored in his tank.

Because of the size difference, Saitama feels like a child wearing an adult's clothes after wearing them, and the image is very funny.

"just you?"

Brother Banggu felt suspicious in his heart.

They knew Leng Kong's strength very well. They heard that his physique increased sharply after going down the mountain.

It can be said that except for the strength and cultivation, which is not as strong as the two of them, every other aspect has far exceeded the two of them.

And now, after just having a fight with this little bald man, he is now autistic?

"Well, that's him!"

Leng Kong said listlessly and numbly: "I seriously doubt that this bald man is not a human being. Otherwise, how could someone be able to comb the center of the earth with his fist strength?"

Of course, parting in the middle is an adjective, because Leng Kong really doesn't know how far Saitama's fist power has spread.

But from the high-altitude punch marks he saw, it should be far from the limit.

The human eye can see clouds 70 kilometers away when the weather is clear and unobstructed, and the vision in cold skies is only stronger than that of ordinary people.

But under the power of Saitama's fist, all the obstructions were cleared. This means that Saitama's fist power has spread at least hundreds of kilometers.

This is completely beyond the realm of biology.

"Give the earth a middle part?"

"What you said is too exaggerated!"

The Bangu brothers didn't believe it at all, because they had never seen such a monster in their decades of life.

"I don't want to believe it either."

Leng Kong's eyes were numb and his expression was dull, almost turning into a replica of Saitama.

However, Saitama is indifferent to things that he is not interested in, while Leng Kong is despair!

Exercise your body and skills like crazy until you break through your physiological limits and become as normal as drinking water and eating, but...

But it’s not as good as other people’s hundreds of training methods.

No, it’s not that it can’t compare, it’s that you can’t even see the taillights.

How desperate is this?

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