From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 43 The ghost boy!

"Where is this going?"

Seeing the driver driving the car further and further into the distance, Sasakura Hibiki leaned on the car window and looked left and right. Gina and Ayaka were sitting next to her.

After the three little ones decided to take Ryo Himuro as their disciple, they heard that Ryo Himuro was going to fight an assassin and ran over to them, saying that they wanted to experience the life of a fighter in advance.

"Suburban bomb shelter."

Koizumi-chan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, replied.

"Although the Boxing Club is an open secret among the middle and high-level people, it is still an underground boxing match after all, so the ring is usually located in an abandoned and remote location."

"Leng Jun, are your injuries really okay?"

Zhu Mei leaned against Leng Kong and rubbed his nose back and forth with her little hand: "Your nose bone was broken by Yuri not long ago. How can it be cured so soon?"

"Well, it's been fine a long time ago."

Leng Kong's big hand covered Zhu Mei's palm and pinched it in his own.

He also felt that his healing speed was a bit abnormal. For a fracture like this, it would have taken Ryo Himuro at least two to three months. It took him less than a week for his bones to completely heal.

Not to mention the previous time, the cell genes were reshaped when the ghost body of the Wu clan was fused, and the injury was cured by the way.

After the last battle with Julius, I really felt it. The more I ate and the more energy I absorbed, the faster my body recovered, and there was no hidden injury at all.

This is not something that Sasakura Hibiki's physical characteristics of "eating and drinking like crazy" can achieve.

The real source should still be the "Man of Steel" created by Jie Xiongming.

The body created by Jie Xiongming is known as a perfect physique!

Since it is perfect, there is no such thing as hidden injury.

Coupled with the crazy energy intake of "eating and drinking", it is understandable that such a recovery speed can be achieved.

Leng Kong felt that he had really earned a fortune by being the first to copy the "Man of Steel" created by Jian Xiongming.

Because except for this steel body that can carry many magical powers and allow him to perfectly copy and integrate many other physical characteristics, there may not be another one in the world.

After getting off the car and walking through the dark tunnel, a brightly lit underground space the size of a football field appeared in everyone's sight.


"Here we come, the man who will put an end to the ghosts of the Wu clan has appeared!"

As soon as Leng Kong's huge figure appeared, the place instantly became lively.

"Last time, he made me a lot of money."

A fitness man whose upper body muscles were bursting but whose calves were as numb as a stick, and who was not in good shape, waved his betting cards and made an excited sound.

Leng Kong plays against Wu Lianyi. Because the Wu clan is so famous, Leng Kong's odds are very high.

While everyone else was frightened by the name of the Wu clan and started betting on Wu Lian, the fitness man fell in love with Leng Kong at first sight.

Because he can never build those muscles.

It doesn’t matter whether it can be beaten or not, the key is beauty!

"Then how much did you press this time?"

Others said with some excitement.

"Last time, I suppressed too little. This time, of course, I risked my fortune. I even suppressed my wife in Kabukicho Ichiban Street!"

The fitness man looked at Leng Jun's perfect muscles with feverish eyes and trembling calves.

What are women compared to muscles?

If he wins this time, he will have enough money to buy protein powder and steroids. His pecs will definitely expand to another dimension. By then, he will be the most beautiful kid in the gym!

"Uh, there's something wrong with my skull!"

The others slowly moved away.

"Isn't anyone here yet?"

Leng Kong walked to the middle of the field and didn't see the fighter, so he looked up at the referee.

"I am here!"

An undead suddenly emerged from the shadows. No, was it a child? juvenile? youth?

Leng Kong found that he could not see the age of the visitor at all.

He has a thin body and a cold temperament. He is only a little over 1.5 meters tall. He lies on all fours on the ground. His long unkempt black hair extends to the ground and completely covers his body.

Although the exposed limbs are all lean meat, it shows that even though he is thin, he also has muscles.

Is this Inabata, who is known as the "Dark Undead" in the dark world?

Inabata: Dark Undead!

Boxing Wish Record: None.

Physical characteristics: Black hair!

Martial Arts: Inaba Ryu!

The attributes are too simple and the stature is too short, right?

Isn't the size difference a bit big when fighting against yourself?

Inabata, who was already short and thin, was still squatting on the ground, which made him look even smaller compared to the huge figure of Leng Kong.

With such a small body, if he punches the opponent, he will probably fall apart, right?

"Are you serious?"

Leng Kong looked at Inabata who was squatting on the ground and was no higher than his knees. What the hell was the physical attribute "black hair"?

Just in this attribute panel, Leng Kong's interest has dropped a lot.

Let’s take a look at the merits of Inaba-ryu martial arts.

You have to choose one between experience body and physical characteristics, and you still have to compare them.


Inabata lifted the hair covering her face like Sadako, revealing the pale face underneath.

"Wu Lian is just a kid from the Wu clan."

"If we don't fight you now, we will have no chance when the big ghost of the Wu clan comes to find you."

Although the boss Sukizo Kuada says that assassins are no longer needed in today's era, he treats him as a friend.

But Inaba Ryo also wants to prove his school before the end of the era, and Yurai Rei must have thought the same way.

"Then start!"

"Let me see what unique skills the Dark Undead has!"

"Don't let me down!

Leng Kong opened his mouth and grinned ferociously: "Otherwise, you will die!"

Although the excitement is not high, as soon as you step on the ring, your blood will automatically heat up! Oh haha.


The referee's arm dropped: "Start!"

call out!

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Inabata quickly slid his toes and appeared behind Leng Kong, and then punched Leng Kong in the waist.

"That's it?"

Leng Kong frowned as he looked at Inabata, who had retreated several meters away from him after one attack.

The speed is very fast, but the strength is not even qualified to cause Leng Kong to feel pain.

"If you only have this strength, I can say that you are dead!"


"Haha. You will see it."

Inabata said, his body moved very fast like a ghost, and he swung his fists from all corners to hit various parts of Leng Kong's body.

"The footwork is very flexible, the movement is very agile, and the skills are very skilled, but the problem is that your strength is too small."

Leng Kong ignored Inabata's attack and raised his thigh to strike his figure like a giant axe.

At the moment when his body was about to be hit, Inaba's figure turned sideways at a very high speed and assumed a shape that was completely contrary to the human body structure.


A large crater was opened in the ground.

A strand of black hair got wrapped around Leng Kong's ankle at some unknown time.

"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!"

Inabata shook his head and used Leng Kong's own strength to pull Leng Kong forward.

How many lives do you think his dark undead harvested?

When had you ever been underestimated like this?

"Start the death harvest now!"

Inabata moved back on his hands and feet, his body completely covered with scattered black hair, and his half-crouched body looked like a spider hunting prey. The deadly murderous intent contained in the killer's career overflowed from the center of the spider web.

"Oh haha, is there any surprise?"

"I just said, how can the assassination style not have one or two trump cards?

"Come on, fuck me!"

"Don't let the battle end before my blood gets warmed up, haha."

Leng Kong squatted slightly on his horse and became more interested.

There is one more chapter, probably at two o'clock, I'll read it tomorrow

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