From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 72: Why are you wearing a hat?

   While a group of students were shocked by his almost shameless speech, William calmly sorted out his robes that had become a little messy because of the use of the phantom spell.

   "Have you thought about it, kids?"

   "I checked the results of all the students in your class and found that you have a very good foundation in the course of wizard self-defense magic-but it is not enough."

   William waved his index finger towards all the students, his expression determined.

   "You have studied at Hogwarts for six full years, relying on professors and self-study-well, I think the latter is mostly -"

   Someone snickered underneath.

   "Don't laugh, don't laugh, children, this course is just like that. You have been at Hogwarts longer than me. You know exactly what's going on."

   But William himself laughed with the students, and then made a very exaggerated gesture of pressing down with his hands.

   "Well, anyway, you are all very good students. You have completed most of the content of this course mostly on your own, and achieved very good grades."

   William scanned the students, looking at none of them with approval.

   "I dare say that some of you have even completed the seventh grade textbooks in advance. Even if you take the N.E.W.Ts exam now, you can easily get an E or even the highest O."

   "I also dare to say that at least half of the students have read through the textbook and learned more than one chapter on their own."

   "This is quite a positive behavior-of course, I say this, not because you can make it easier for me to teach, and it is convenient to get some salary from Principal Dumbledore."

   "Don't laugh, everyone, cheating money from the first white wizard is not easy, but considering that I have just come to school, we will not discuss this aspect of behavior for the time being."

   In the student's low smile, William put the textbook on the podium.

   "It seems that everyone has no opinion on my opinion that you have studied by yourself."

   "Very good. It seems that we can learn something that has nothing to do with the content of the textbook but has something to do with the course."

"You left your family at the age of eleven and came to Hogwarts, and now you are an adult at the age of seventeen. You have been studying in this castle for six years, and in the next year, you will choose according to your fifth grade. His career direction began to make the final sprint-leaving school, looking for a job, applying for an internship, adjusting the study and internship time, and finally passing the NEWTs exam and successfully finding a job."

   "This is the process that most Hogwarts graduates need to go through. Of course, we don't rule out exceptions-there are always some people who have found different directions in the sixth and seventh grades."

   William couldn't help but think of the prisoners in Azkaban Prison who had left Hogwarts in grades six and seven for various reasons-many of them became criminals because they failed to pursue their dreams and had difficulty running funds.

   But these have nothing to do with what he wants to talk about.

   "Although some of you have been bullied in the castle-well, I still don't quite confirm this, because generally speaking, students with excellent grades in this class will hardly suffer any crime because they are too good at hitting."

   "Campus bullying does exist in this castle, and I can say with certainty that to this day, bullying still exists."

"But I think that the prefects and professors have done their best to balance this injustice. I am here today, not standing still and denying their efforts. To be honest, the castle is too big and the professor is too big. It’s less, and it’s pretty good to be able to maintain what it is today."

   "What I want to say is that you can still rely on professors and prefects to help you avoid most of the bullying on campus, but after you leave Hogwarts, it will be difficult to find someone to take on this responsibility."

   "Although everyone here is looking forward to their internship, I have to pour cold water on you here."

   "Take the simplest example, as we experienced at the beginning."

   "I was the first to come to the classroom, and then deliberately delayed to show up, which caused a grievance behind the students, and then deducted five points from Gryffindor."

   William smiled, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally stayed on the face of the girl called Nymph.

   "So, is this reasonable?"

   In his encouraging eyes, the students responded quickly.


   "Of course it is unreasonable-but I at least gave an explanation, as I said, in fact, we can go too far."

  William crossed his hands and placed it on his chest, and began to search for the target.

   Soon, a kid with a wizard hat who was a little like a fourth-grade student fell into his sight.

   "That lovely girl over there, can you tell me your name?"

   "Yes, it's you, the very cute one, don't be shy, just say your name."

   The students started booing frantically, and the girl over there blushed and reported her Susie, Susie Green, Professor. "

   "It's great, the name is as cute as a person." William didn't take the student's booing voice to heart at all.

   "But, girl, why did you wear a hat in my class? Ten points were originally deducted. For your special love, two points will be deducted."

   The class that had been so lively at first fell into a halt in an instant, and the girl named Susie was stunned.

   It took a long time for some students to react.

   "Professor! What you said at the beginning was why you deducted points without wearing a hat."

   "Papa Papa."

  William applauded while applauding;

   "That's right, it seems that this classmate listened carefully. I did say that at the beginning, because there is no doubt that the points will be deducted without wearing a hat."

   Just after most people thought they had successfully refuted the professor, William spread his hands and looked helpless:

   "But when I wanted to deduct points, she wore a hat."

   This kind of shameless speech from the professor shocked everyone present. As for Susie, who was asked, his eyes were about to turn into mosquito coils.

"Look, there are many similar excuses, but the essence has not changed. Hats are just excuses. Round hats, straw hats, sun hats, and all kinds of hats. I can even deduct points for a person's slightly different hats. Isn't it simple?"

   "It's not just hats, shoes, gloves, books, even if you have everything to perfection, as long as I want, I can still pick out the fault to deduct points."

   "The most important thing is-now you seem to be entangled with hats, but why can I deduct points based on hats?"


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