Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch7- Taking Missions From Sand

I will publish another chapter in a few hours today, and then I will start a schedule of five chapters a week. In Patreon, you will have access to up to 15 advanced chapters from each novel, which means a total of 45 chapters. I will provide more details in the next chapter that I publish today.

This chapter is a bit fast paced and might not be that good. Sorry in advance.


Kai managed to catch up with the genin and their escorts just as they were nearing the entrance of the Hidden Sand Village. He fell into step behind them, not saying a word about the battle he had just faced. The others seemed to sense that now was not the time for questions or gratitude. They knew the unspoken rule that governed their world: Kai was not one of them he was someone who could be sacrificed for their benefit. No one thanked him, and he expected nothing in return.

As they passed through the village gates, the genin couldn't contain their excitement any longer. They began to chatter animatedly about the upcoming Chunin Exams, their earlier guilt about leaving Kai behind forgotten in the face of their new adventure.

Kai listened to their conversations from a distance, his expression remaining impassive. He was an foreigner in this village too, and he knew better than to try to engage with them. Instead, he focused on his own plans for the coming weeks. The Chunin Exams would last at least a month, which meant he had time to take on missions from the Hidden Sand Village to keep himself occupied and earn some extra income.

In the days that followed, Kai took on a variety of missions, from simple courier jobs to more dangerous assignments that pitted him against rogue shinobi and other threats. He approached each task with the same cold professionalism, never revealing his true emotions or forming any attachments to those he encountered.

As the Chunin Exams approached, the tension in the village grew. The genin from the Hidden Rock Village continued to train and spar, honing their skills in preparation for the challenges ahead. They remained largely oblivious to Kai's presence, treating him as little more than an afterthought.

One evening, after completing a particularly grueling mission, Kai returned to the village and stumbled upon the genin gathered around a campfire. They were swapping stories and laughing, their camaraderie a stark contrast to the cold, lonely existence he had chosen for himself.

Kai stood in the shadows, watching them with a detached curiosity. He knew that he was not like them, that he would never be welcomed into their circle. It was a harsh reality, but one that he had come to accept.

Suddenly, one of the genin – the tall boy with spiky brown hair – looked up and caught sight of Kai standing in the darkness. The laughter and conversation around the fire died down as the others followed his gaze, their eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked, his voice dripping with disdain. "We don't need you hanging around. We can handle ourselves just fine."

Kai said nothing, his expression unreadable. He knew that there was no point in arguing or trying to explain himself. They saw him as an outsider, as someone who was beneath them. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the genin to their laughter and camaraderie.

As the days passed, Kai continued to take on missions for the Hidden Sand Village, earning a reputation for his skill and efficiency. His presence in the village was tolerated, but he remained on the fringes, never truly accepted or welcomed.

Meanwhile, the Chunin Exams had begun, and the genin from the Hidden Rock Village faced their first challenges. They relied on their training and their bonds with one another to overcome the obstacles, but they knew that they were not invincible. They remembered the outsider who had saved them from the rogue shinobi, the man they had left behind to face danger alone.

One evening, after a particularly difficult day of testing, the genin gathered around their campfire once more, their faces weary and drawn. The conversation was subdued, the earlier excitement replaced by the sobering reality of the challenges they faced.

The exams progressed, pushing the genin to their limits both physically and mentally. Each challenge tested their teamwork, strategic thinking, and ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They knew that every success brought them closer to achieving their goal of becoming chunin, but they also understood that the road ahead was filled with potential failure.

Kai, meanwhile, continued to take on missions for the Hidden Sand Village, his reputation growing with each successful assignment. He was still regarded as an foreigner, but he had learned to ignore the whispers and cold glances that followed him wherever he went.

In the weeks that followed, the genin faced a series of increasingly difficult tasks. They were forced to confront their fears, their weaknesses, and their limitations, all while pushing themselves to perform at their best. Despite the hardships, they persevered, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day.

On the day of the final exams, the genin gathered in the Hidden Sand Village's central arena, their faces a mixture of excitement and anxiety. They knew that the challenges ahead would be their most difficult yet, and they understood that not all of them would succeed.

As they prepared to face their final trials, Kai watched from a distance, his expression as impassive as ever. He was there to ensure their safety, but he had no illusions about the nature of their relationship. He was not one of them. He was a living shield to be used and discarded when the time came.

The final exams were a grueling test of skill and endurance, pushing the genin to their absolute limits. Some succeeded, while others faltered, their dreams of becoming chunin slipping through their fingers. Through it all, Kai observed from the sidelines, his eyes never leaving the young shinobi he had been tasked with protecting.

When the exams were over and the dust had settled, the surviving genin were both elated and exhausted. They had faced incredible challenges and emerged victorious, their hard work and determination paying off.

As the genin prepared to return to the Hidden Rock Village, Kai joined them, his presence still met with suspicion and wariness. The journey back was largely uneventful, save for a few minor skirmishes that the genin were more than capable of handling on their own.

Upon their arrival, Kai collected his reward from the Tsuchikage, who regarded him with the same calculating gaze as before. Kai knew that the Tsuchikage had no intention of forming any sort of bond with him, but he didn't care. He had done his job, and now it was time to move on.

For the next two years, Kai traveled from village to village, taking on missions and honing his skills as a free shinobi. His reputation grew, and he became known as a skilled and reliable ally, but he never allowed himself to form attachments or settle down in one place. He knew that he was a disposable asset, and he had learned to accept that reality.

Despite his success and growing fame, Kai remained a misfit in the shinobi world. He knew that his willingness to put himself in harm's way for the benefit of others made him a valuable asset, but he also understood that it made him expendable.

As time passed, Kai became more famous for his selectiveness with the missions he accepted, refusing to take on jobs that involved killing innocents or attacking other villages. This decision earned him the respect of some and the enmity of others, but Kai remained indifferent to their opinions.

Throughout his travels, Kai continued to encounter the genin from the Hidden Rock Village, now chunin and Jonin themselves. They never acknowledged the debt they owed him for saving their lives during the rogue shinobi encounter, but Kai knew better than to expect gratitude.

Working for so many different villages and interacting with countless shinobi, Kai had the opportunity to learn various types of jutsu. His unique ability to see chakra pathways and imitate how chakra moved allowed him to use any jutsu he had seen just once. Itachi had once remarked that his ability was even better than the Sharingan.

One day, Kai found himself in the Hidden Mist Village, where he had been hired to assist a team of Jonin in hunting down a dangerous rogue ninja. As they prepared for their mission, the Jonin exchanged stories and jokes, their laughter filling the air. Kai, however, remained silent, his eyes focused on the mission ahead.

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