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Ch17- Ruined Plan

The Sand siblings exchanged wary glances. They were unsure of how to react to Kai's words. Baki, however, could sense that there was truth in Kai's statement.

"You expect us to betray our own village?" Baki questioned, his voice strained with disbelief.

Kai's expression remained unchanged. "I am not asking you to betray your village. If Suna has been compromised by Orochimaru, then you are not betraying anyone but him. And if you choose to continue down this path, you risk losing everything."

Baki hesitated for a moment, weighing the options. "If we were to cooperate, what would you have us do?"

Kai responded without missing a beat. "You will need to gather as much information as possible about Orochimaru's plans and share them with Konoha. You should also be prepared to fight alongside Konoha's forces if it comes to that."

Temari crossed her arms, her face clouded with doubt. "How can we trust that Konoha will not turn on us once Orochimaru is defeated? What guarantee do we have?"

Kai's gaze was steady. "You have my word, which is bound by a seal with the Third Hokage. Once this is over, I will ensure that both Konoha and Suna emerge from this with minimal casualties and a stronger bond."

Baki clenched his fists, considering Kai's proposal. "Very well. We will cooperate with Konoha, but we will need to remain cautious. If we are discovered, our lives and our village will be at risk."

Kai nodded, acknowledging Baki's concerns. "I understand. Remain vigilant, and be ready to act when the time comes."

Kai turned to leave, his mission seemingly accomplished, when Gaara spoke up. "Wait. Why are you helping us? What do you have to gain from this?"

Kai paused, his back still turned to the Sand siblings. "The world of shinobi is unforgiving. I have no interest in forming bonds or relying on others. But if there is a chance that this alliance can prevent further bloodshed, then it is worth the risk."

Without another word, Kai vanished into the shadows, leaving the Sand siblings and Baki to contemplate their next move.

Kai returned to Sarutobi, who had gathered some of the most trusted Jounin in the village, including Danzo. As Kai entered the room, his eyes flicked to Danzo's aged face. He looked back at Sarutobi and mocked him in his cold, emotionless voice. "Stupid monkey. You really told him about everything? Can't you see he wants your hat for years now? I bet my right arm he was in on Orochimaru's plan somehow. If not helping it, he promised to stay out of his way."

The other Jounin in the room bristled at Kai's insolent words, preparing to attack him for insulting their leaders. But Sarutobi raised his hand to stop them, his face remaining calm. "Suna agreed?"

Kai nodded. "Yes, but for nothing. Orochimaru probably escaped by now."

True to his word, soon screams reverberated throughout the village. A Jounin rushed into the room, informing them that the Kazekage had released snakes and escaped the village. Baki and the three Sand Genin also arrived at the Hokage's room, wanting to discuss the situation further as their Kazekage left ran away when they wanted to "talk" with him.

Danzo pointed an accusing finger at Kai, his voice laced with venom. "He must be the traitor! How else could Orochimaru have known about our plans?"

As others murmured, looking at Kai with suspicion, Kakashi and Sarutobi defended him. "The information about the Kazekage came from Kai," Kakashi said, his voice steady. "If he worked with Orochimaru, we wouldn't be any wiser in the first place, and most likely a large-scale war would engulf Konoha."

Sarutobi nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on Danzo. "Kakashi is right. We owe our preparedness to Kai. We must trust him for now." The murmurs in the room died down, but the tension remained palpable. Sarutobi looked at Danzo with a squint, not entirely dismissing the possibility of Danzo's involvement in Orochimaru's plans. Although the words of an outsider wasn't enough to convince him, he would still consider them.

Kai, unfazed by the accusations, turned to Baki. "We must track down Orochimaru and stop him before he causes any more damage. The safety of both your villages is at stake."

Baki, his face betraying no emotion, nodded in agreement. "We will aid you in this endeavor. Our alliance, though tenuous, is necessary to protect our people. We also hereby declare that anything Orochimaru devised had nothing to do with us. We were just following the words of our leader."

Sarutobi called for a strategy meeting, gathering the Jounin and the Sand siblings to discuss their next course of action. Kai observed from the shadows, careful not to draw too much attention to himself. As he was the bridge between two villages, he was asked to stay in the room.

As the meeting progressed, it became clear that Orochimaru's escape had left both villages vulnerable. Sarutobi assigned teams of shinobi to patrol the village and the surrounding areas, keeping an eye out for any signs of Orochimaru's presence.

Hokage also sent Baki and the three siblings to soothe their soldiers down, and not to follow Rasa's previous orders, as he was an impostor. If Suna Shinobi attacked Konoha, they would be killed on sight. Baki nodded and left, while the others increased their alert. The Chunin Exam must proceed as planned.

Kai, who had been listening to the plan, kept his distance from the others, knowing full well that they would not hesitate to use him as a scapegoat if the situation turned dire. This time, Kakashi spoke for him, but he had experienced it more than once already. 

The Chunin Exam proceeded as planned, and the tension between Konoha and Suna was evident. Despite this, the Genin from both villages continued to compete, showcasing their skills and determination in the face of adversity.

During the preliminary rounds of the Chunin Exam, the atmosphere in the stadium was tense. The competitors and spectators alike could feel the hostility between the two villages. The Sand siblings, Baki, and the other Suna Shinobi watched with calculating eyes, assessing the strength of the Konoha Genin.

As the fights raged on, Baki approached Kai, who stood off to the side, his cold gaze never leaving the battlefield. "You seem to have no stake in this competition," Baki noted, his voice guarded.

Kai's reply was flat and disinterested. "No stake required to watch the battles. I am here to enjoy the competition."

Baki raised an eyebrow, surprised by Kai's response but understanding the reasoning behind it. "All by yourself then?"

Kai's gaze remained fixed on the battle below. "Yes. I rely on no one but myself."

Baki frowned, contemplating Kai's words. "That is a lonely existence. But perhaps, in our world, it is the only way to survive, but it is a painful one."

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