Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 774: Jabiim’s Endgame (Final)

Chapter 774: Jabiim's Endgame (Final)

In the Military Base of the Galactic Republic Army on Jabiim, Cobalt Station, a fierce offensive and Defensive Battle was unfolding.

The Jabiim Nationalist Army gathered its last strength, gathering more than 25,000 Soldiers, and cooperating with more than 10,000 remaining Droids and more than 6,000 remaining Jackals to launch a general attack on Cobalt Station.

Both sides have no way out, and both side's Heavy Equipment has been used up in the previous battle, so this offensive and defensive battle is completely a Hand-To-Hand Battle!

The Jabiim Nationalist Army charged without fear of death. When there was a Droid in front, they followed the Droid. When the Droid in front was destroyed, they straightened their chests and used their bodies to block the fatal blows for their comrades who followed.

The IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks had been completely destroyed by Master Sirrus's counterattack before his death in the previous battle. Now there were only four remaining OG-9 Homing Spider Droids that could provide limited fire support, so these Soldiers of the Jabiim Nationalist Army carried Cluster Bombs and charged towards the Republic DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery that was shooting wildly!

The Republic Army is also in an almost desperate situation. In order to ensure the intensity of previous offensives due to insufficient supplies, they handed over most of their Equipment and Ammunition to the Frontline Troops. Now most of the people left behind in Cobalt Station are wounded, and the Soldiers who had been rotated in the previous battle, as well as some Jabiim Loyalist Soldiers whose Equipment and morale were not very good.

The most important reason why the Republic has insufficient supplies is the Offensive launched by General Grievous. This Great Large-Scale Series of Battles directly crippled the Galactic Republic, and the location of Jabiim also passed by. After you painted the map on a large scale this time, the area of ??contention between the two sides changed into the rear of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The ensuing Large-Scale Offensive of Dawn against Terminus also made the Republic very nervous. Dawn, which had twice severely damaged the Republic's Mobile Fleet before, now received serious concerns every time it acted. Coupled with the direct connection between the 18th Army Governor Wilhuff Tarkin and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, many resources of the Republic are now beginning to be tilted towards the 18th Army, so there is no spare time to pay attention to Jabiim.

Faced with the desperate attack of the Jabiim Nationalist Army, the Republic Army also fought back desperately.

The Soldiers of the Jabiim Loyalists were unable to retreat, so they naturally gritted their teeth and fought.

As long as the wounded in the Field Hospital could still move, they got up and picked up Weapons to join the battle. If the Blaster Rifles were not enough, they would use Pistols. If the Pistols were gone, they would climb up with a few Grenades.

The Jedi Padawans who had not participated in the previous battles and were only responsible for Logistics and Medical Work at the rear also stepped onto the Battlefield. Many of them could not even use Lightsabers to bounce Blaster Beams, so they also held Blaster Rifles in their hands to join the battle.

Many Jedi Padawans are not over 14 years old. Perhaps in the Inner Rim or Core World Planets, such children are still in school and enjoying a carefree childhood. But for Jedi Padawans which have the gift of The Force, they must take responsibility.

This Battle is destined to be bloody.


When Anakin Skywalker and the remaining Soldiers he led returned to Cobalt Station, all that was left was the Devastated Battlefield. The destroyed DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery was billowing smoke, and the trenches were repeating. It was filled up during the Bombing, and the wreckage of several LAAT/I Gunships fell on the ground, and the flames have not yet been extinguished.

Anakin did not approach rashly, he just hid behind a hill and used a Monocular to check the Base's situation.

There was no doubt that the Base was devastated, with flames and smoke that even heavy rain could not put out. The Outcome of the Battle is already obvious, because some B-1 Battle Droids are still on the Battlefield, sorting out the loot under the Command of a Team of Salarian Soldiers.

Most of these B-1 Battle Droids are missing arms and legs, but at least they can still do some carrying work.

And on this Battlefield, there are more corpses...

There were bodies everywhere...all over the floor...almost every corner...

Filled up with...


The Clone Troopers, the Jabiim Loyalists, the Jabiim Nationalist Army, the Jackals... Countless corpses almost covered the entire Battlefield.

On this front with a width of more than 10 Kilometers, almost every inch of land is the subject of competition. You can even see the corpses of Soldiers from both sides entangled together. It is a Hand-To-Hand Fight at the end of the battle... Such a scene Anakin has never seen at all, but in fact, when both sides have lost their Heavy Weapons and the Battlefield is covered by heavy rain, sometimes Hand-To-Hand Combat is the simplest and most direct way.

And...Jedi Knights...

Seeing the corpses on the ground being picked up and rummaged by Droids, and then thrown naked into the pile of corpses, Anakin Skywalker felt an unknown fire spreading in his heart.

The body of a Sullust Girl was lifted by the B-1 Battle Droid by its feet with one hand and shook a few times. A shiny card fell out of her clothes.

Anakin knows her, her name is Elora, she has powerful telepathy and can directly perceive the thoughts of others even from a hundred meters away, and the most important thing is... she has just turned 17 years old. That card was a gift from her good friends in the Jedi Order.

On the other side, two Salarians were squatting in front of the body of a Female Jedi Knight and studying it carefully. They were still discussing seriously from time to time. They seemed to be very interested in the victim in front of them, in a purely academic way.

Anakin's pupils shrank instantly, it was Master Leska!! In this Military Operation against Jabiim, one of the three Jedi Masters was responsible for overall command! She was also the Supreme Commander of the Army after the sacrifices of Master Norcuna and Master Sirrus, and her sacrifice shows...

He saw the two Salarians tearing off Master Leska's clothes, revealing the graceful curves under the robe.

Maybe for the Salarians, they were just curious about this powerful person, but for Anakin, this meant the greatest offense!

A tendon in his brain seemed to have broken, and he roared and charged forward! At this moment, there was nothing else in his mind except the thought of killing!

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!!

Kill them!

Kill them all!!!


When Anakin calmed down from his anger, the Battlefield had returned to silence, and the ground was still full of corpses and debris, so much so that he didn't even know what he had just chopped into pieces.

"Well done, General."

"This is the fate these Separatist bastards deserve." Every Clone Trooper who walked past him said with respect or enthusiasm.

They were talking about a killing...

In such a relaxed tone.

Anakin Skywalker lowered his head and saw that what he was stepping on were corpses scattered on the ground. Light purple skin, fine scales...


A Race that is said to have come out of the Unknown Regions and formed an Alliance with Dawn.

He had just chopped them into pieces, as well as every Separatist Soldier and Droid on this Battlefield who was cleaning up the loot.

But... this is still killing!

"What a Beautiful Battle." A Clone Trooper passed by him and said.

Yes... they are just Clones, with a life cycle of only 20 to 30 years. They are killing machines that have been taught the means of killing since childhood. They are also... the killing machines that this Republic now uses to fight against the Separatists.

They will not have any sympathy. Just like now, they are only concerned about how their Generals kill simply and efficiently on the Battlefield, without caring about the meaning behind the killing.

What these Separatists want is nothing more than a full meal, a roof over their heads, and warm clothes...

After learning the story behind the Battle of Jabiim, it was hard for Anakin not to sympathize with such an opponent.


Anakin looked at his hands, then clenched his fists tightly, and said calmly: "Let's go! Follow the traces and pursue! Maybe we still have Troops retreating!"


Anakin thought well. There was indeed a Republic army that survived tenaciously. They were retreating southward, waiting for their only hope - reinforcements from the Republic.

There were not many Troops of the Jabiim Nationalist Army chasing them, and most of them were Droids that had been saved from the battle, most of which were A-series Assassin Droids.

However, under Anakin Skywalker's angry attack, these pursuers were quickly killed. When the fleeing Republic Troops noticed the arrival of reinforcements, they immediately mustered up their last strength to turn around and fight back, wiping out all the pursuers.

After reuniting with the remaining Soldiers, Anakin found that they only had more than 400 Clone Troopers and more than 1,000 Soldiers of the Jabiim Loyalists. They were commanded by Clone Commander Alpha-17 and the Jabiim Loyalists Commander Orliss Gillmunn.

"Although it is inappropriate to say this now, I am very happy that you saved our lives, Master Anakin." Gillmunn did not know the difference between a Jedi Knight and a Jedi Master. He stepped forward and said, "And, you are the last Jedi here."

Alpha-17 said: "We failed to hold our position, General Anakin. The Separatist attack was so crazy... All Jedi, including Padawan, jumped into the fight. As our position was torn apart, Master Leska with General Aubrie led the last few Jedi Knights to launch a desperate assault, trying to kill Alto Stratus, the Leader of the Jabiim Separatists who went to the Battlefield. Before she left, she asked us to retreat immediately to protect the Republic's last remaining forces."

"Did she succeed?" Anakin was even surprised by his somewhat cold tone at this moment.

Alpha-17 shook his head, took out a Portable Holographic Projector and turned it on. In the Holographic Image, Alto Stratus was still wearing his Military Uniform, and the blood stains on his body had not been washed away, but he was already giving an impassioned speech, declaring his victory.

Jabiim will be independent from the Galactic Republic. They did not allow their devastated Planet to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems and join the war, but they still signed a series of Cooperation Agreements with the Confederacy in Mining and other aspects.

Alpha-17's voice sounded from the side, "General Leska was very close to Alto Stratus. At that time, Alto was also very tired. But the traitor, Ulu Ulix, never left Alto's side. He fought with General Leska and blocked her offensive, and then the Nimbus Commando's arrived in time and completely surrounded General Leska and the others...'

"This is not over yet! Master Leska and their sacrifices will not be in vain! After receiving reinforcements from the Republic, we will launch a counterattack! Completely defeat the Separatist Forces of Alto Stratus!" Anakin Skywalker said firmly, "I have sent an emergency message to Coruscant for help. I believe they have already taken action."

"I only hope that the Republic's assistance will be strong enough... After Alto achieves this victory, his power will continue to expand every day." Orliss Gillmunn said.

" long as I'm here!" Anakin's eyes were burning with fire.


A day later, Republic 'reinforcements' arrived - a Consular-Class Light Assault Cruiser landed escorted by 10 LAAT/I Gunships.

The Clone Troopers were still arranging their Equipment in an orderly manner, but those from the Jabiim Loyalists and their Commander Orliss Gillmunn could not wait to surround them.

"How much can this Spaceship bring?"

"This is a Consular-Class Light Assault Cruiser! No, what we want is a Warship, a large Warship! Not this kind of rag for Diplomacy!' Some Jabiim Soldiers have begun to show unrest.

The hatch opened and a Republic Officer stepped out, and he wasn't even a Clone Commander.

"Hey! What are you doing? How much can this spaceship hold?" Gillmunn walked up and asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, the order I received was to communicate with General Anakin." The Republic Officer naturally pushed Gillmunn back.

"So, where are the other transports?" Anakin asked.

"There are no other Transports. We are here to pick you up and leave here. There is a powerful storm in this area of ????Jabiim. Just passing through the storm is full of dangers. We must leave here within an hour. Otherwise, when another storm full of thunder and lightning merges with the storm here, we will be forced to stay for several days, which will be fatal to the Acclamator-class Assault Ship we are aboard," the Republic Officer said.

The entire scene suddenly fell into a dead silence, including Anakin, especially the Soldiers of the Jabiim Loyalists, all looked at this side with dull eyes.

"This is an order from the Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine." The Republic Officer handed over a Holographic Projector.

The expression on Anakin's face was twitching, and his palms were shaking. He took the Holographic Projector and read the instructions given to him by Palpatine.

When he turned around again, his face was expressionless and he said to Gillmunn calmly: "...Thank you for your brave fighting. You have proved your loyalty to the Republic with your actions. But please understand that we are fighting on over a Thousand Planets, we must use every Soldier. I will not leave my Troops here to die, so the Clone Army will leave here...'

When Gillmunn heard this, tears actually flowed from the corners of the eyes of this iron-clad man. He roared loudly: "We gave up everything for the Republic! Life! Money! Resources!! But you abandoned us!! Alto Stratus is right!!! He is right!!!"

Anakin took a deep breath and said: "This Planet is your home. Now, fight for your own home."

"We no longer have a home!! Your Republic's war has destroyed it!!!" Gillmunn roared and raised his Blaster Rifle, and other Jabiim Loyalist Soldiers also raised their Blasters. "Now I order you to leave us this Spaceship! We're going to establish a Government in exile!"

Anakin, who had been unable to vent his emotions in the past few days, flashed a fierce look in the corner of his eyes. He raised his hand and shook it. The Force immediately disarmed all the Jabiim Loyalist Soldiers around him, and The Force pinched Gillmunn's neck, and threw him out!

"Aiming weapons at us, this is not what you should do, Gillmunn." Anakin dropped these words, and he did not dare to face these desperate Jabiim Loyalist Soldiers any more, turned around and walked up to the Consular-Class Light Assault Cruiser.

"This is your answer! Galactic Republic!! This is your answer!!!" Orliss Gillmunn was extremely sad and angry. He picked up a stone and threw it at Anakin's back.

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