Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 763: As Timid As A Mouse

Chapter 763: As Timid As A Mouse

"You must save me, I don't want to die! Lord Angel of Death!" Nute Gunray pleaded loudly to Tang Xiao in the Holographic Projection, "Master Sidious, he will not let me go!"

When he saw the good news from Cato Neimoidia, Nute Gunray knew something was wrong, and now he began to worry about gains and losses again, and the determination he had made before was thrown into the sky.

During the Cato Neimoidian Assault, the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Army of the Galactic Republic was almost wiped out, even including 6 of the 7 Capital Ships.

The Plague successively destroyed the two Mandator-class Star Dreadnaughts that served as Flagships, and one Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser was besieged by a large number of Hyena Droid Bombers while rescuing the Flagship, and finally lost control and crashed on a Moon.

Two other Procurator-class Star Battlecruisers and one Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser were also destroyed in the Battle.

Of the 7 Capital Ships in the 7th Squadron, only 1 Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught returned with injuries. In addition, the Fleet had a total of 3,000 Starfighters, only more than 800 have returned, and other Small and Medium-Sized Warships have suffered numerous losses.

Moreover, more than 200,000 Soldiers of the Republican Navy died in this battle, which can be said to be quite tragic. Among them, only more than 3,000 of the 86,000 Crew Members on the 2 Mandator-class Star Dreadnaughts survived. The other Capital Ships were also Old-Fashioned Warships, so many Crew Members died along with the Warships.

After the Battle, the Titan Battleship Plague did not leave, but temporarily joined the Defense Fleet of Cato Neimoidia, and began to receive repairs and supplies locally.

Because of the presence of this Terrifying Warship, the Galactic Republic urgently recalled all Reinforcement Fleets that were heading towards Cato Neimoidia.

It is conceivable how angry Darth Sidious, who wanted to take this opportunity to destroy this Titan Battleship, was.

It's no wonder that Nute Gunray's legs became weak as soon as he saw the Battle Report, and ran over to Tang Xiao for help.

"You know, now you should call me...Tang Xiao, well, it's better to add the title of Governor." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

"Lord Sidious will definitely kill me, he will!" Nute Gunray panicked.

"Okay, now you know who he is, so you should understand that he will not leave Coruscant casually." Tang Xiao said seriously, "So, as long as the war is not over, you will be safe forever."

Nute Gunray said eagerly: "But...he will..." He didn't know how to describe it for a while, so he could only make random gestures.

Tang Xiao suddenly said, "Oh, you mean this?"

As he spoke, he slightly raised his hand, and The Force choked against Nute Gunray's neck like a breeze. Nute Gunray, who had already been like a frightened bird, jumped up with a loud cry and sat back on the ground.

Tang Xiao smiled coldly, "Of course, I can prevent Darth Sidious from dealing with you like this. However, in this way, he will understand our relationship, and it will be even more troublesome."

"Then he will definitely kill me, he will definitely..." Nute Gunray was terrified.

"Go to Count Dooku." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"Count Dooku? Isn't he Darth Sidious's Apprentice? If I look for him, I'm going to kill myself!" Nute Gunray was shocked.

"No, Count Dooku was actually deceived by Darth Sidious. After all, no one wants to be a victim, right?" Tang Xiao said with a smile, "Go to Count Dooku and tell him Darth Sidious told you to destroy the Plague, and you didn't, so that's it."

"He'll kill me too!" Nute Gunray yelled.

The smile on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth became a little sinister, "This is your only way to live, Nute Gunray. If you dare to come to Dawn at this time, then you should understand that you will only die faster. "

He moved his fingers, and The Force of the Dark Side choked against Nute Gunray's neck again, and then closed the communication with a sneer.

Nute Gunray sat on the ground with a dull face, and it took a long time before he stood up tremblingly.

"Are you sure this will succeed?" Helmut Zemo's voice appeared next to Tang Xiao.

Sitting at the desk, Tang Xiao looked sideways out of the window and said indifferently: "It must be successful. The Trade Federation is just the beginning. My real goal is to get Count Dooku out of Darth Sidious's control completely! Only in this way can we survive the war. For this goal, I can pay any price."

"So that's why you haven't revealed Palpatine's true identity?" Zemo said.

Tang Xiao took a sip of the cold coffee on the table and said: "The Jedi Order is still strong, we need to wait for them to be further weakened by the war. Moreover, if Palpatine's true identity is announced now, we will lose Dooku... Then it's up to us to fight Darth Sidious alone."

He stood up, walked towards the door, and added, "That way is death."

He put on a Black Cloak, went to the Secret Hangar Platform specially prepared for him in the Mothership Glory, and drove his own Starfighter with the same name as 'Red Comet', a Viking Hybrid Starfighter and flew towards Hoth.

In that direction, a new storm is beginning to brew.


Nute Gunray finally mustered up the greatest courage, went to Serenno, and met Count Dooku.

After what happened, he didn't dare to hide it, and told about the Assault on Cato Neimoidia by the Titan Battleship Plague, and then told Count Dooku that Darth Sidious asked him to take the opportunity to destroy the Plague, but he did not follow suit.

Not only did he fail to do so, but he also cooperated with the Plague to completely wipe out the Seventh Squadron of the Republic...

Count Dooku just quietly listened to Nute Gunray's speech, then stood up, and waved his hand, and the Holographic Projection on the side was turned on by The Force, switching to the Official News Channel of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

[Cato Neimoidia victory! The Titan Battleship Plague suddenly appeared in the Core Worlds of the Republic, and wiped out the Seventh Fleet of the Republic in one fell swoop! ]

[The Fleet of Cato Neimoidia has completely broken free, and will now threaten the heart of the Galactic Republic at all times!! ]

[In the latest round of opinion polls, more than 65% of voters agreed to award Admiral Sev'rance Tann the Honor of Admiral of the Navy! ]

Not only that, but the Holographic Screen is constantly playing the densely packed wreckage of Republic Warships on the Battlefield outside Cato Neimoidia.

Especially the Huge Bodies of the two Mandator-class Star Dreadnaughts, one was broken in two, and the horror scene of the other being directly punched through and leaving a big hole, was even more stimulating to people's nerves.

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