Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 760: Assault on Cato Neimoidia (Part 1) [2-in-1]

Chapter 760: Assault on Cato Neimoidia (Part 1) [2-in-1]

"Hahahaha!" Darth Lilim laughed and said, "I know! I know! Why did you come up with the plan to raid Cato Neimoidia at that time? You..."

She approached Sev'rance Tann and said teasingly: "You... are actually trying to figure it out. You are thinking about what kind of strategy Master likes... Hahahaha! An assault on Cato Nemoidia, this action requires the support of the Trade Federation. If it were based on your own character, you would never propose this strategy! are thinking that Master will be very happy if you propose this strategy."

Silky arms climbed up to Sev'rance Tann's neck, and the orchid-like breath blew in her ears, "...You...know that Master has been trying to completely pull the Trade Federation over..." Sev'rance Tann pushed Darth Lilim away and said coldly: "What do you think you have seen? As a Senior Military General, I naturally need to think about strategy from an overall perspective. And among the entire Fourth Civilization, the one with the highest position is naturally the Governor. It is normal to think from his perspective."

"Actually... I like you very much." Darth Lilim licked her lips.

"Then make yourself more useful. Until now, you are still just a vase." Sev'rance Tann snorted coldly and continued to give instructions to the other side, "Take off 100 Vulture Droid Starfighters! Take the initiative to attack the Enemy Fleet!"


The Plague does not have many Starfighters, but Sev'rance Tann does not want to gain Air Superiority because of this. After the 100 Vulture Droid Starfighters took off, they immediately flew straight towards the Republic Fleet.

After their Flagship was destroyed by one blow, the Republic Fleet immediately exploded and rushed towards the Plague.

The Starfighter Group of the 7th Squadron bore the brunt, and Thousands of Starfighters rushed over like locusts. Although there are still numerous Backward Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters inside, such a huge number is still a very terrible threat.

"Avenge General Rivers!!"

"Kill! Charge forward! No matter how powerful it is, it's just a Warship!!'

"Starfighter Squadron follow!!"

"Dax! Full firepower! Fire at will!!" The Battle Communications of the Republic Fleet were filled with all kinds of angry roars, blood debts were paid with blood, teeth for teeth.

But there is anger, revenge, and sadness in Battle Communications, but there is only one thing missing - Tactics.

After the Flagship of the 7th Squadron was destroyed, another Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught immediately took over the command, but the new commander did not know all the previous arrangements of Admiral Rivers. He could only redo all the processes again.

Asking the Intelligence Department for Data on the Plague, sending a signal for help, reorganising the Battle Formation, and arranging a Counterattack Strategy based on the Battle Situation.

But all this takes time!

At this time, the Starfighter Groups and Warships of the 7th Squadron had already rushed forward. After the Plague took off 100 Vulture Droid Starfighters, they immediately rushed towards these Starfighters and opened fire wildly.

In the view of the new Commander, such behavior would have little impact on the Battle Situation. After all, the opponent only has one Battleship. Maybe this Battleship does have Powerful Firepower, but after all, they have enough Battleships. Even if this kind of Hypermatter Railgun can be fired 100 times, it's only one by one, right?

However, the second Intelligence sent by the Intelligence Department directly poured a bucket of ice water on the Commander!

He threw himself in the direction of the Radar Group and shouted loudly: "Enlarge the Enemy Warship's Sensor Image for me immediately!!"

The Radar Soldier immediately operated, and an enlarged image of the Plague appeared on the Screen. Now this Huge Battleship was under attack from top to bottom, and the light of countless Energy Shields flickered on its body.

But that was not what the Commander focused on. He looked at the shape of the Plague's Four Giant Rails that formed the Hypermatter Railgun. Sure enough, the front of the Four Guide Rails opened slightly, forming a trumpet shape!!

"Quick! Notify all Starfighters to disperse! Disperse!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Plague once again emit a Dazzling Light like a star!

Almost at the same time, the status of each Starfighter Formation displayed on the Screen nearby instantly turned red!!

The Plague's Hypermatter Railgun, scattered!

Countless Projectiles and Explosions instantly covered an area of ??Thousands of Kilometers, turning everything into a dead zone!

At least more than 1,000 Starfighters were destroyed by this Railgun, and more than 10 small Warships were also seriously damaged.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Plague continued to move forward. The Four Rails of the Hypermatter Railgun began to close and recharge. Obviously, this time, it was Ordinary Shells.

At this time, the Plague took off its Main Starfighter Group.

48 Starfighters took off one after another, 36 of which were Wraith Starfighters, while the other 12 were Heavy-Duty Starfighters with a stubby shape and two Five-Unit Missile Launchers on their backs.

It is exactly the same as the Red Starfighter that Darth Malthael flew before, except that it is about 1 meter smaller.

This is the Fourth Civilization's New Generation Starfighter, the Viking Hybrid Starfighter!

This is also the Next-Generation Starfighter in the 'StarCraft' Database to succeed the Wraith. The standard length is 16.5 meters, which is shorter than the 18-meter-long Wraith. However, because the overall shape of the Viking is short and thick, it is much larger than the Wraith.

The Viking has much more firepower than the Wraith and is equipped with two Powerful Turbolaser Gatling Cannons and a new type of 'Ripwave' Missiles. This Missile combines the Anti-Matter Missile Technology that has just been developed by the Fourth Civilization, and its lethality against large and medium-sized targets is very terrifying.

Because of the Technological Leap of the Fourth Civilization, the MT50 Lanzer Torpedo equipped with the original version of the Viking Hybrid Starfighter was not developed. Instead, it was skipped and directly equipped with the Ripwave Missile. At the same time, Ripwave Missiles can also be equipped on the Odin Heavy Combat Walker and Thor Siege Walker to further enhance the Air Defense Capabilities of the Walkers.

What's even more unique is that the Viking Hybrid Starfighter can transform into a Mecha Form, the Viking Hybrid Walker and be used for Ground Combat.

Of course, the current Viking Hybrid Walker has undergone many optimizations. For example, the original two Six-Barreled Twin Gatling Cannons were modified into two Turbolaser Gatling Cannons, which freed up the Ammunition Bay and made the Starfighter lighter. This also makes the Viking Hybrid Starfighter seem bulkier, but in fact, it is faster than the Wraith Starfighter, but its steering performance is slightly lacking.

Of course, this also makes the Energy demand greater, but the current Energy Technology of the Fourth Civilization, after fully learning from and integrating with the Technology of the current 'Star Wars' World, is more powerful than the original Engine of the Viking Hybrid Starfighter, and can completely meet this requirement.

When Tang Xiao ordered the development of the Viking Hybrid Starfighter, he asked the Scientific Research Department to develop a Deformable Version and a Non-Deformable Version at the same time. After all, the latter can save a lot of costs. What is now being Mass-Produced are also Non-Deformable Versions, the Viking Starfighter.

And because the Deformation Function has been removed, the Starfighter has a lot more space to install a more powerful Energy Core and a Shield Generator to further enhance its Air Combat Capabilities.

In other words, only Non-Deformable Viking Starfighters can be equipped with Deflector Shields.

Tang Xiao had previously flown a custom-made Elite Viking Hybrid Starfighter, which was larger in size and adopted more new Technologies, allowing his Hybrid Starfighter to have Full Functions and Extremely Powerful Combat Capabilities.

As for the Deformable Version, the Viking Hybrid Starfighter, the Fourth Civilization is also producing it, but the current output is not large. But this kind of Starfighter will also have many opportunities to perform in Subsequent Battles, because in the current Civil War in the Galaxy, what limits the scale of the Battle is not how many Troops you have, but how many Troops you can transport.

Under such circumstances, a Viking Hybrid Starfighter that can fly into the sky for Air Combat and land for Ground Combat will naturally save a lot of transportation costs. After all, unlike in the game, Viking Hybrid Starfighters can also fire Turbolaser Cannons in the sky and Missiles on the ground.

The service of the Viking Starfighter does not mean that the Wraith Starfighter will be withdrawn from active service, because the powerful firepower configuration of the Viking Starfighter is more suitable for attacking large targets, and for small targets such as Starfighters, the Wraith Starfighter is better through simulation.

The Wraith Starfighter is also constantly improving, and the Technical Department is currently developing a new and improved model - the Wraith Starfighter Mk II. This is a fully upgraded version based on the Wraith Starfighter, and it can be produced without adjusting the already Mature Production Line of the Wraith Starfighter.

In this raid of the Plague, most Elite Naval Pilots of the Fourth Civilization were gathered, and naturally, the newly installed Viking Starfighters were also among them.

36 Wraith Starfighters and 12 Viking Starfighters took off aggressively, flying towards the Starfighter Group of the 7th Squadron of the Galactic Republic that had just been completely stunned by a scattering from the Plague. At the same time, the Stealth System was turned on.

That's right, as a New Generation of Starfighters, the Viking Starfighter is naturally equipped with a Stealth System!

The Flagship was destroyed, and more than 1,000 Starfighters were destroyed by a Scatter Shell just now. Now the Starfighter Groups of the Republic are completely fighting on their own, let alone fighting Invisible Starfighters through the Command of Battleships! Dozens of Starfighters were quickly shot down.

At the same time, 12 Viking Starfighters also launched Ripwave Missiles at several CR-70 Frigates under the cover of the Stealth System! Under the Advanced Fire Control System, the two Five-Unit Missile Launchers on the Viking Starfighter fuselage fired directly, and 120 Ripwave Missiles were fired directly at them!

Anti-Matter Missiles are super fast and have built-in AI Programs to evade Anti-Aircraft Firepower to increase the penetration rate.

Dozens of Ripwave Missiles hit the target, and their Powerful Power directly destroyed the Deflector Shield of the CR-70 Frigate. Then the Armor-Piercing Warheads penetrated the Frigate's Armor, and the Anti-Matter Missiles detonated directly inside the Spacecraft!

Three 120-Meter-Long CR-70 Frigates immediately disintegrated in a Violent Explosion. Such Backward Frigates were completely unable to fight against the New Generation of Starfighters.

But as time passed, the Republic's 7th Squadron finally regained its organization, and the Commander and Staff Officers on the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught which took over as the Flagship began to function. After sorting out the existing Intelligence, they began to effectively direct the Fleet to redeploy their Battle Formations, and let the Smaller Warships and Starfighter Formations begin to circle around both sides of the Plague.

This finally caught the Plague's weakness!

Although the Plague is densely packed with various Powerful Turrets and Missiles, after all, the most Powerful Hypermatter Railgun can only fire forward. As long as you can avoid the bow of the Plague, you can avoid being destroyed.

Moreover, they can also judge whether the next Shot fired is a Normal Projectile or a Scattered Projectile by whether the current shape of the Hypermatter Railgun is trumpet-shaped.

But Sev'rance Tann didn't care about this at all. She just ordered the Plague to keep moving forward and speed up! Looking at this momentum, she just wanted to rush directly into the Defense Line of the Republic regardless of the situation!

The Starfighters that took off from the Plague were only playing a diversionary role to prevent the Republic's Starfighters from continuously attacking the Engine. After all, the number of these Starfighters was too small.

At this moment, the Largest Warships in the 7th Squadron also opened fire!

Two 8,000-Meter-Long Mandator-class Star Dreadnaughts, one 4,000-Meter-Long Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser, and three 2,500-Meter-Long Procurator-class Star Battlecruisers are the Largest Main Battleships of the 7th Squadron. These Warships are all Backward Warships of the previous era, and their efficiency in launching Offensive Operations is far inferior to that of the Venator-class Star Destroyers. However, these Slow and Extremely Large Warships are Very Powerful, and they are still qualified for Defensive or Blockade Operations.

Countless Turbolasers fell on the Plague Titan Battleship, and the readings of the Deflector Shield dropped sharply.

"General! The Enemy Fleet's Firepower is too fierce, and our Deflector Shield can only last for 10 minutes at most!" The Technicians in the Shield Department eagerly reported to Sev'rance Tann.

Darth Lilim stood aside with his arms folded and said, "Why doesn't the Hypermatter Railgun fire? At least we can destroy the opponent's new Flagship again."

Sev'rance Tann glanced at her, "Use your brain. Now the opponent's Flagship has concentrated most of its Energy onto the Deflector Shield. Our Railgun needs two attacks to destroy it. Instead of this, it's better to wait until the time is right and then destroy it with one shot."

Darth Lilim laughed again, "So, you are waiting for the Trade Federation's Fleet? The War has been going on for so long, but they have not moved. Are you still betting, do you believe in my Master so much?"

"What I believe in is the judgment of the situation and the Battlefield." Sev'rance Tann said.

"Hehehe... I like you like this." Darth Lilim smiled charmingly, "Then, I will naturally help you."

With that said, she turned and left the Bridge.

A moment later, a Purple Viking Hybrid Starfighter took off from the Hangar. This Viking Hybrid Starfighter was slightly larger than the Standard Model, and it was clearly Elite!


While the 7th Squadron began to encircle and suppress the Plague Titan Battleship, the Trade Federation's Defense Fleet outside Cato Neimoidia received instructions not to act rashly for the time being.

At the same time, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, also received another frightening communication - Darth Sidious.

"I heard that the Titan Battleship Plague appeared on Cato Neimoidia..." Darth Sidious said in a distorted voice, "It seems that they are eyeing your property. Nute Gunray."

"Lord Sidious!" Nute Gunray was still full of fear, but for some reason, his fear of Darth Sidious seemed to have lessened a lot since he had a face-to-face conversation with Darth Malthael. "According to the Battle Plan, the Titan Battleship Plague is here to help us relieve the siege."

"Hehehe..." Darth Sidious sneered, and then uttered a few words, "I order you to destroy the Plague."

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