Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 749: Battle Plan

Chapter 749: Battle Plan

"Qi Jian, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Civilization, report to the Governor!" Qi Jian stood in front of the Governor's Office and shouted loudly, raising his chest.

He is wearing a Light Gray Military Uniform, and the epaulettes on his shoulders indicate his current Military Rank: General Chief of Staff.

Considering he is now less than 40 years old, such a Military Rank is a miracle. On the one hand, this is what will inevitably happen in the growing Fourth Civilization. On the other hand, it is also the result of Qi Jian's 13 years of hard work, step by step.

Qi Jian was originally one of the Civilian Staff awakened by the Brain. Tang Xiao appointed him the Temporary Chief of Staff because his name was intriguing. Moreover, as an Ordinary-Level Figure, Qi Jian also showed that he had no previous achievements and or accomplishments.

He walked step by step like this. Although he was cautious and lacked an adventurous spirit, he rarely made mistakes in his work and completed everything with due diligence. Because of this, his status is as stable as a mountain in the ever-expanding Fourth Civilization, and the tide is rising.

Now, there are some signs of age on his face. Although his body shape is not so standard due to being in the office for a long time, you can see the vigorous energy and enthusiasm in his heart from his bright eyes.

The office door opened silently, and Qi Jian straightened his clothes again and walked in.

Tang Xiao was sitting at his desk, with his hands crossed to support his chin, looking at him expressionlessly, "Coming to me while I'm meditating. You must have a reason to do this, Qi Jian. In other words, you must have."

Qi Jian's heart trembled inexplicably, but he still said in a loud voice, "Your Excellency, the General Staff of the Fourth Civilization, the Supreme Combat Command, and the Commander-in-Chief of Fleet A, Admiral Matt Horner have proposed a Battle Plan. Please take a look."

"Say it." Tang Xiao said calmly.

"This is a plan to attack Terminus." Qi Jian said: "Based on the current deployment of our Army, the Givin Civilization's Yag'Dhul and the Gran Civilization's Kinyen are temporary. We have cut off the Advance Route of the Republic's 20th Army, and Admiral Severance Tann's Fleet B is confronting the Republic's 18th Army. Therefore, if we want to open up the situation, Terminus would be an excellent direction."

"Answer my two questions." Tang Xiao remained expressionless, "First, Terminus is a Neutral Planet. Our previous attack on the Neutral Planet of Bespin was already very risky. If such a thing is done repeatedly, it will affect the expansion of the influence of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and we will be very passive politically."

Qi Jian replied: "Although Terminus claims to be neutral, its political tendency is still to move closer to the Galactic Republic. In fact, it is also providing a large amount of materials and supplies to the 18th Army of the Republic. Although these do not involve combat readiness materials, Food and Medicine are also vital."

He continued: "...So we can pressure them to stop the transportation work in this area and force them to stand in line. Then, there is another plan. We have smuggled a large number of banned Stimulants and Spices into the Special Administrative Region of Terminus through Mr. Ni Yongxiao. As long as you use these things to create a public incident, then whether the Galactic Republic intervenes or we personally intervene, we can create an excuse to send Troops."

Tang Xiao nodded and said, "Then the second question: The Hyperspace Lane from Terminus to our Army's Bespin Base is not stable, so the logistics pressure is great, and from this Planet to the 18th Army Headquarters, the Hyperspace Lane of Eriadu is the Corellian Trade Spine—one of the busiest Hyperspace Lanes in the Galaxy. How can we fight against the Galactic Republic when our Fleet has no advantage?"

Qi Jian answered confidently: "The recent offensive launched by General Grievous has almost shaken the entire Defense Line of the Galactic Republic. The pressure on the 18th Army is extremely huge. After this series of Battles, the adjacent 17th and 15th Armies are now fully prepared for the next phase of General Grievous's Offensive. The 18th Army will be isolated and helpless for a short time. In addition, the Governor of the 18th Army, Wilhuff Tarkin, also suffered from the assassination of our Agents. Being seriously injured and unable to act, this is the best time for us to take the initiative to attack! If we miss this opportunity, when the Republic recovers with its own productivity, we may be the ones under great pressure."

Tang Xiao frowned. He didn't feel good about this Battle. However, The Force in the entire Galaxy is now in chaos, and people as powerful as Master Yoda cannot see through the future of the Galaxy. He can see it mainly because he knows the direction of the Future Plot.

However, the Battle Qi Jian proposed went beyond the scope of the Original Plot. If it could be said that it didn't matter if he predicted some trivial things, Tang Xiao's current Force of The Dark Side was also mighty. However, when it comes to the outcome of a battle, there are too many things involved, and there is no doubt that the opponent also has a Jedi Master sitting on his side, so he can only make decisions based on his own feelings and judgment.

However, it feels... terrible...

Refuse? What Qi Jian said is indeed very reasonable. Now, the Fourth Civilization is clearly blocked by the 18th Army, and they must find a way to break through their Blockade. However, the areas controlled by the Fourth Civilization are all remote areas, and the Hyperspace Lanes are very complicated, which is not conducive to the operation of Large-Scale Fleets.

Moreover, compared to other Armies, the 18th Army of the Republic is indeed the hardest nut to crack. There is no doubt about Wilhuff Tarkin's ability. At the end of the Republic, he could be said to be one of the Top Five Commanders in the entire Galaxy.

Now that Gabriel Tosh's Assassination seriously injured such a strongman, it is difficult not to say that this is an opportunity.

As long as they can surpass the 18th Army, the Fourth Civilization will be able to border next to the large areas of control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, allowing it to develop its own strategy better. As for the Mediocre 17th Army and 15th Army, they will definitely not be opponents!

It would be great if Sev'rance Tann were here, Tang Xiao thought.

If it were her, then the chance of success in conquering Terminus might be much more significant.

Unfortunately, Tann is now leading the Titan Battleship Plague to conduct a raid on Cato Neimoidia.

So... do you agree?

Tang Xiao made up his mind, "Yes, on the premise of ensuring the integrity of our Defense Line, I agree to launch an attack on Terminus!"

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