Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 747: Bloody Battle of Jabiim (Part 1)

Chapter 747: Bloody Battle of Jabiim (Part 1)

Such an agreement is simply a shame in the eyes of the people of Jabiim!

A Courageous and Charismatic Figure in Jabiim stood up, Alto Stratus, who denounced the Galactic Republic's Greed in several Public Speeches.

"...Your Planet—Your Home—is drowned in blood! For Three Thousand Years, we were loyal to the Republic!!"

"...The Republic has ignored our cries for help—until they learned that beneath all the mud—our Planet has a Heart of Ore!!"

"...Where were the Jedi when Lythian Pirates killed your parents ... and mine?"

"...Where was the Republic when the Trandoshan Slavers enslaved us?"

"...Where was the Republic when we were decimated by the Brainrot Plague and lost half of our people?!!!"

"...And now! Mineral Veins have been discovered on Jabiim, and the Republic is coming!! They are coming with stinking meat and moldy food!! They want to use these things to 'aid' us, and then 'help' us mine our Mineral Veins!!"

"What does the Republic want with our Minerals? They want to use them for War, build Battleships, and maintain their Rule!"

"But, no! I want to tell them, no!!! If our Minerals are going to go into the War, then I would rather go into a War that will destroy the Republic!!'

"Let the Republic know the pain of our wives being separated and the destruction of our families!! Let the Republic know the pain of being hungry and enslaved!!... We must pay back all of these pains to them in full!!!"

Alto Stratus's speech was powerful and successfully ignited the flames of resistance to the Republic on Jabiim.

Then, he suddenly launched a coup in the Capital of Jabiim, massacring most of the Legislators in the current Government of Jabiim who were loyal to the Republic and prepared to sign an unequal agreement with the Republic on Minerals for Moldy Food.

Then Alto Stratus established the Jabiim Nationalists, also known as the Jabiim Nationalist Army, in the Coastal City of Razor Coast on Jabiim, which directly started the Civil War.

It was only then that people discovered that the Jabiim Nationalist Army under Alto Stratus was well-equipped, well-prepared, and fought with a large number of Battle Droids!

The Confederacy of Independent Systems did not miss this opportunity. Count Dooku had secretly contacted Alto Stratus, and the two hit it off and reached a cooperation agreement. Because of the long-term good relationship between Dawn and Jabiim, the Fourth Group also began to accept orders from Jabiim and provided many M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifles to the Jabiim Nationalist Army at a discount.

This type of Assault Rifle that uses Electromagnetic Acceleration is far more effective in the long-rainfall swamp environment of Jabiim than the DC-15 Blaster Rifle commonly equipped by the Clone Army of the Republic because the Blaster Rifle's Energy is reduced in heavy rain environment, a large amount of spillage will occur, and the power will be significantly reduced.

The Corrupt and Greedy current Jabiim Council Government was utterly unprepared. Their Army had no fighting capacity and collapsed at the first touch. Soon, Alto Stratus occupied most of the Cities in Jabiim.

The remaining Troops of the Jabiim Government Forces are now making their last stand under the control of Commander Orliss Gillmunn. Gillmunn urgently notified the Galactic Republic, requesting the Republic send reinforcements.

At this moment, the Galactic Republic is losing Troops and Generals in General Grievous's raging offensive and is teetering on the edge of collapse. There are not enough Warships to invest in this direction.

So, after research by the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic, it was concluded that because of Jabiim's unique environmental climate, it is not suitable for Starfighters and Warships to enter the atmosphere, and even Orbital Bombardment is difficult because you can hardly accurately hit the target, barring mass extermination.

Therefore, the Battle on this Planet is based on Land Warfare, so the Galactic Republic decided, after research, to send more Jedi Knights to participate in the Battle.

They sent 40 people, including Jedi Masters Norcuna and Sirrus, as well as other Jedi Knights and Jedi Apprentices. Such a large team hopes to make a difference in Jabiim's complex political environment. If Alto Stratus can be arrested directly through a beheading operation, it may be possible to win without a fight. If not, this group of Jedi Knights can also quickly gain an advantage on the Battlefield.

The decision of the Supreme Strategic Command was also based on the fact that their Superior Armored Forces could not be used in the mud and swamps of Jabiim, so they sent more Jedi Knights.

However, when the Galactic Republic's Three Acclamator-class Assault Ships and nearly 21,000 Clone Troopers landed, they found that the situation was far worse than they imagined.

The Government Troops of Jabiim have almost no combat capability, their Equipment is outdated, and their Morale is low.

On the contrary, the Jabiim Nationalist Army, led by Alto Stratus, received full Support from Count Dooku and the Fourth Group. They were wearing the Liberator Heavy Combat Armor that the Army of the Fourth Civilization had replaced this time and holding M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifles. Sealed Combat Armor and Hypermatter Electromagnetic Accelerated Live Ammunition made them at home in such an environment.

Most importantly, almost all Civilians on Jabiim hate the Galactic Republic. The Republic Army couldn't get any support from the Local Residents. They didn't even dare ask for directions because the Residents leading the way took them directly into the Droid Army.

Alto Stratus also showed Strong Military Talent. He is a Force-Sensitive Person [Note 1]. Although he has not undergone systematic training, The Force also gave him keen Intuition and Strength, an Excellent Physique and Skilled Combat Skills.

The Jedi launched several beheading operations against him but failed and even took the lives of Two Jedi Knights and a Jedi Apprentice.

The casualties among the Jedi also meant that the Battle had entered a more brutal stage.

The Jabiim Nationalist Army and the Republic Army launched an Extremely Bloody Battle. They fought in almost every inch of swamp and every patch of mud. Even with the assistance of Droids, the Jabiim Nationalist Army is still fearless of death. They are even willing to rush towards the Republic's AE-TE Walkers with Proton Bombs in their arms and die together with these Powerful Armored Units!

The Jabiim Nationalist Army, under the command of Alto Stratus, launched attacks against the Clone Army repeatedly like waves. There were many of them. Even though each Battle left many corpses, their Warriors still fought one after another!

At this time, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker's Troops were defeated on Bakura, so the Republic's Supreme Strategic Command threw them into the Battle.

At the same time, reinforcements from the Confederacy of Independent Systems also arrived.

Count Dooku's Dark Apprentice, Asajj Ventress, led 10,000 of the most Advanced A-series Assassin Droids into the Battle.

Not only that, Dawn also sent an Expeditionary Force.

The Salarians, good at Amphibious Warfare, directly sent Troops to join the Battle!

The Salarian Special Tasks Group gathered 1,000 Salarians and 15,000 Jackals to form a Vast Army and immediately entered the Battle!

The Salarians also sent a Combat Advisory Group to join Alto Stratus's Staff to provide Support.

At the same time, the Dark Jedi Knight Ulu Ulix, who betrayed the Jedi Order under Darth Malthael's temptation, joined the Battle!


[Note 1: No setting indicates that Alto Stratus is Force-Sensitive, but it does not say he is not. At least in the plot, he can defeat some Ordinary Jedi in Hand-to-Hand Combat, so this setting is added and set. ]

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