Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 742: Cowardly and Cruel

Chapter 742: Cowardly and Cruel

The Besadii Family's counterattack was also very crazy. They directly selected several Important Strongholds of the Desilijic Family and hired Pirate Groups to attack. This caused the Desilijic Family, which was also confused, to suffer heavy losses for the first time.

The angry Besadii Family instructed the pirates to Take away the things and leave no one alive. I don't want anything from my side.

The result can be imagined.

The Grand Hutt Council immediately convened a meeting to resolve the matter. However, the Grand Hutt Council has long been focused on its own affairs. Representatives of other Families were thrilled to see the Two Largest Families fighting each other. They were thinking about how to deal with this issue and gain more profits from this struggle.

As for mediation? Sorry, they haven't knocked out their brains. Why meditate?

Among the Five Seats in the Hutt Grand Council, the Besadii Family occupied Two Seats due to their advantage over the past ten years. One was Arok Besadii, and the other was Gardulla Besadii. Gardulla was as always. She didn't care about anything and didn't say a word. Only Arok was making a fuss in the Council with Jiliac Desilijic, who occupied the other Seat.

After the quarrel, Arok didn't forget to vent his anger on Gardulla, who had been silent from beginning to end, scolding her for not being able to help. But a quarrel is a quarrel, and Arok naturally knew who was behind this incident. He began to prepare his next plan and even more crazy revenge.

Targeting Tang Xiao and Dawn!

Likewise, the Desilijic Family had their own reaction.

After ending the quarrel in the Council, Jiliac Desilijic immediately contacted Ziro Desilijic.

"Are you crazy, Ziro?! Don't you know that we can't go to war with the Besadii Family now? What on earth are you thinking?! Get back to the Family immediately and accept trial and punishment!" Jiliac shouted angrily.

"Heh heh heh heh... When did the Desilijic Family start allying with the Besadii Family? Shouldn't you think about yourself instead of blaming me?" Ziro retorted.

"You don't know my plan at all! No, you don't know anything! You may even ruin everything! Who gave you the courage?! If you don't come back within one day, then I will follow the rules of the Family and arrest you directly!" Jiliac said.

"How do you get the right to punish me according to the rules of the Family? Just because I attacked the Besadii Family? Hehehehe... Why don't you go home and ask the Family Elders yourself, hehe..." Ziro laughed sharply.

Jiliac's face froze, and he instantly understood that someone definitely directed Ziro's behavior. Because he, a Fringe Member of the Family, would never be able to cause such a considerable disturbance, and it seemed that someone within the Desilijic Family was also supporting him!

Thinking again of the inexplicable communication between Zorba Desilijic yesterday, Jiliac seemed to understand something. He cut off the communication directly, turned around and crawled towards the Family Meeting Hall.

Sure enough, among his other Two Brothers, Pazda Desilijic had disappeared, and only the other Brother, Ebor Desilijic, was still there, but Ebor knew nothing about these things.

Zorba has a total of Four Brothers, Ziro, Jiliac, Ebor and Pazda. Now Ziro has directly caused turmoil. Pazda has disappeared, leaving only a confused Eber. This situation does speak volumes.

Jiliac immediately wanted to connect to yesterday's Frequency Band and contact Zorba, but he couldn't contact him at all. Yesterday's Communication Frequency Band was simply a Virtual Frequency Band!

"These stupid and incompetent chaff! You will ruin everything!" Jiliac cursed angrily. He left the Family and took a Hutt Spaceship to find Jabba to discuss the matter.

Now, only his capable, cunning Nephew can help him.


At the same time, Arok Besadii also connected to Tang Xiao's Communication Frequency Band. He didn't wait for Tang Xiao to speak and cursed angrily, "Tang Xiao! Don't think that I don't know your little actions behind your back. You will pay the price!! You can't interfere in the affairs of the Hutts!"

Tang Xiao's face in the Holographic Projection was icy, utterly different from the kindness he had shown when talking to him before. His attitude was beyond Arok's expectations: "Arok Besadii, It should be said that your stupidity is beyond my imagination. Do you think I don't know about your secret collusion with Jabba? What benefits did Darth Sidious give you to make you even betray me? Everything can be done."

"This matter will not be settled like this! I have given you so many favors, but you actually colluded with Ziro to attack my industry!" Arok was still angry.

"Hehehe, I can only say that we are each other. When I attacked Christophsis, how did the Fleet of the Galactic Republic get past? General Grievous's Fleet blocked the Main Force of the Republic on Falleen, but how did Obi-Won Kenobi's 20 Venator-class Star Destroyers rush to Christophsis?! Not only that, in order to dominate my interests on Tatooine, you actually promoted the union of Jabba and Gardulla!!' Tang Xiao's face turned ferocious, 'I am only cooperating with you to have more strategic space in Hutt Space, but you want to take possession of everything and don't want to let out a penny, right?'

"Every penny you earn is a charity from me! What do you think you can do without my support with just Dawn? You want to interfere with the internal power of our Hutts through Gardulla. I saw it a long time ago!" Arok also completely tore his face, "You will pay the price for this! Bounty Hunters will attack every Escort Fleet of your Dawn! Every part of your body, every Mine, every Colony, and every Outpost will be visited by endless Pirates! And every head from Dawn will be marked with a price and put on the Black Market! Who do you think I am? I am a Hutt! The Patriarch of the Besadii Family! And you...are nothing..."

"No, you are wrong." The smile on Tang Xiao's face suddenly turned weird, "Do you think you know everything? No, at least there is one thing you don't know... There is no difference between weakness and cruelty. It's equal. Sometimes, a person may be cowardly, timid, afraid of trouble, and greedy for pleasure, but when he is pushed into a hurry... what he does may be even crueller than the most powerful killer."

He slowly approached the Screen, and his weird smile on the Holographic Projection became increasingly sinister: "You don't know, right? Back then, there was a Hutt who dared assassinate even Hego Damask II... ...Yes, that's the cowardly and incompetent Gardulla Besadii who can't do anything in your mind! Hehehehe, hahahahahaha!"

Tang Xiao laughed loudly, but his eyes were cold.

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