Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 735: Hutt, Ziro

Chapter 735: Hutt, Ziro

[ Hey everyone! It seems that the Original Author of this Book, "The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars" has joined Webnovel and started translating the book into English without realising I was doing a translation myself for over 8 months now. I will be reaching out to them and will let you guys know how things will proceed from there! Translations will be on hold for the time being until then. Thanks! -Translator S.M. ]

"I understand, I understand!" Nute Gunray nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Lord Sidious also ordered me to do so!"

"No, you don't understand." Darth Malthael said coldly: "Whether this war is won or not is very important to you, but it is not so important to Darth Sidious. So, for your life, you must win this war! Play your role well and don't let this stupid thing happen again!"

"I... I will! I will definitely!" Nute Gunray said hastily.

"Hehehe..." Darth Malthael sneered for a while and cut off the communication.

An alarm sounded from the Omni-Tool on his wrist. It was the Radar in his new Starfighter that sent an alarm, and it was the reinforcements from the Republic.

After all, this is still the control area of ??the Galactic Republic. If he directly attacked a Republic Outpost with great fanfare and directly killed an important prisoner, the other party would definitely blow up in anger.

Even Darth Malthael didn't dare to stay here for too long.

The Red Mecha soared into the air, completed the transformation process in mid-air, and turned back into the Short and Thick Starfighter, with the speed increased to the maximum, and soon disappeared into the Vast Universe.


Ziro Desilijic Tiure of the Hutts has been having a tough time lately, no, since 10 years ago, he has had a very, very rough time.

He is the Younger Brother of Zorba Desilijic Tiul the Hutt, and the Uncle of Jabba Desilijic Tiure the Hutt, but the Hutts are hermaphrodite, and he can be whatever gender he wants as long as he wants. Ziro loves pomp and vanity, and more often appears in the image of a woman.

However, even though he was Zorba's Younger Brother and was once the Elder of the Desilijic Family, the most powerful Family among the Hutts, he was not popular. In the family, first Zorba monopolized power, and later Zorba proved himself incompetent, and the main power of the Desilijic Family was given to Zorba's son Jabba and his other Younger Brother Jiliac Desilijic Tiure.

From the beginning to the end, Ziro is a dispensable figure in the Family. He has neither the ability to be amazingly talented nor the courage to be fierce and decisive, so although his status is very high, he is just an idler.

But Ziro also has his own ideas and ambitions. He soon hooked up with the Black Sun, the biggest Crime Syndicate in the Galaxy, and relied on his advantages and financial resources as a Hutt to work for Black Sun as one of the nine Vigos of the Black Sun at that time.

He also left Nar Shaddaa for Coruscant, the Capital of the Galactic Republic, where he ran his Criminal Empire.

Of course, strictly speaking, even at this time, Ziro's power was still incomparable with the other Vigos. His abilities were only so much. The leader of the Black Sun at that time, Alexi Garyn, often used him as a bridge to communicate with the Hutts.

But disaster finally came.

Since the dispute between the Black Sun and the Dawn gradually broke out, things have become bigger and bigger, and it has become more and more out of control. With the complete destruction of Vigo Cash Garrulan, one of the nine Vigos of the Black Sun, the Fourth Group, the Corporate Alliance and the Trade Federation have been involved in this dispute.

The Black Sun began to be attacked by these Corporate Giants crazily, and their power shrank again and again, so they had to retreat again and again.

This is not fatal. The most deadly thing is that Alexi Garyn colluded with the Hutt Gardulla Besadii to assassinate Hego Damask II.

The assassination failed, but Hego Damask II's favorite meeting place, Sojorun, was blown up.

What followed was crazier and more terrifying revenge!

The Black Sun's ups and downs don't know that they have provoked the most terrifying person in the Galaxy—the Lord of the Sith! All they know is that even the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Damask Holding Group joined the siege!

The Black Sun at that time was equivalent to offending several of the Largest Corporate Giants in the entire Galaxy! And the resources and wealth mastered by these Corporate Giants can directly bury them in the dark.

In this invisible war, Ziro could only hide in a corner and shiver. However, what was unexpected was that although the news of Vigo's killing in Black Sun kept coming, no one came to touch him.

Whether it was Tang Xiao, Hego Damask II, or Sheev Palpatine and his sharp blade, Darth Maul, they never touched Ziro from the beginning to the end, even if he was hiding in the lower classes of Coruscant, and the place where he lives, was actually well known to all these people.

It's a strange rapport, just because of his race, and his last name.

In this way, Ziro waited for the end of the Black Sun trembling, and then rebuilt again. He began to hate his Family because when he was so desperate, the Desilijic Family simply ignored him and just let him fend for himself.

He was very convinced that if the Desilijic Family was willing to make a move at that time, he would be able to control at least a quarter of the Black Sun!

However, no one cared about him.

He hated her nephew Jabba and his Brother Jiliac, for they excluded him from the core of the Desilijic Family and made him adrift, unable to enjoy the wealth and power of the Desilijic Family.

He wants to get it all back!

But Ziro also knew that it was impossible for him to compete with Jabba and Jiliac. Even if Jabba was kicked out of Tatooine by Gardulla, and the Desilijic Family retreated temporarily, the largest family of the Hutts was still rock-solid internally, and Jiliac was in control of everything, waiting for a counterattack.

It was Jabba who fought back and made himself the Master of Tatooine again.

All this, they hadn't even told Ziro.

Ziro had to find a way by himself. Although Black Sun was rebuilt, he was still very weak. Therefore, he found Count Dooku and wanted to get help from Count Dooku.

However, at this time, Count Dooku also dismissed him, just exchanged a few polite greetings, gave a few empty promises, and left, leaving Ziro still in despair.

Ziro naturally didn't know that his fate had actually been rewritten. Because if it is the original plot, Jabba is still the overlord of Tatooine, and Count Dooku would generously help him on the condition that he kidnaps Jabba's Son.

But now Jabba's situation is very different. Count Dooku's kidnapping plan has also become the kidnapping of Gardulla, so Ziro will not be needed.

Ziro finally ushered in a turning point!

Someone told him that there is a way for him to return to Nar Shaddaa, and he may even have the chance to take charge of the Desilijic Family! And that person was very generous, and even directly helped him pay off the huge debts he owed over the past few years.

Ziro agreed without hesitation, he thought this was his last chance.

He left Coruscant and secretly went to Mimban—a Planet located at the edge of the Hutt Space, a Planet that had just erupted in War.

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