Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 725: Teacher’s Compassion and Disciple’s Filial Piety

Chapter 725: Teacher’s Compassion and Disciple’s Filial Piety

Darth Malthael was silent, he seemed to sigh, and he seemed to be just taking a deep breath. After a long time, he turned his head and said slowly: "You know, what do I think?"

"Although I can't know your thoughts, I hope you can think about this issue carefully." Qui-Gon Jinn's Force Ghost said.

"What I think is... since the collapse of the Galactic Republic is inevitable, and since a new Empire will rise from the ruins of the Republic...then...hehehehehe..." Darth Malthael suddenly laughed. When he got up, his laughter became louder and louder, "Hahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha!"

There was a terrible fierce light in his eyes, and under The Force of the Dark Side, his pupils even had a touch of gold, "Then...why can't this Emperor be me? Hahahahaha..."

"If that's the case, what's the difference between you and Darth Sidious?" Qui-Gon Jinn didn't respond much but asked in the same calm manner.

Darth Malthael had already calmed down, he said lightly: "If you don't try it, who knows?"

Qui-Gon Jinn looked away from Darth Malthael, and turned to the bottomless cave again, "After all, I still haven't been able to drink the Black Tea from Dawn for the second time."

"Shall I burn some for you?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Can you give it to me if you burn it?" Qui-Gon Jinn was a little strange.

"This is a custom on Dawn. As long as something is burned in front of the deceased's grave, then this item will be sent to the deceased." Darth Malthael said.

"It sounds like the living are just using this method to relieve their nostalgia for the dead... And, maybe it will develop into a living sacrifice." Qui-Gon Jinn said.

"Ha, that's something from the Feudal Era." Darth Malthael smiled.

"What is the Feudal Era of Dawn?" Qui-Gon Jinn asked. Darth Malthael just smiled and didn't speak.


"You failed! Darth Malthael!" Darth Plagueis growled.

"You betrayed me! In the end, you still achieve nothing!"

"You can't control your power, you are just a slave to power!"

"Look at you! Who are you? Who does your will belong to?!" Plagueis' voice seemed to come from all directions.

"You are far inferior to Darth Sidious! You don't deserve to be compared with him at all!"

"You kidnapped everyone in the Fourth Civilization! You only did it for your own ambition!"

"But even so, you still failed!"

"The Force of the Dark Side! The Force of Death! You never really had it!"

"It's power that chose you! It's not that you have power!"

"What did I see?"

"What did I feel?"

"What have I taught you?"

Everything around seemed to be spinning, and every tree in the dense jungle seemed to start to grow and twist, its branches and leaves fell off, and the dry branches stretched out like sharp claws.

There was a sudden trance in front of my eyes, what are these trees? Clearly, one by one, Darth Plagueis!

Their clothes were ragged, and the flesh on their bodies had already rotted and smelled. They tore off the Respirator, and their jawless mouths turned into black holes, bottomless!

Countless Darth Plagueis's rushed forward and surrounded Darth Malthael. They tore and gnawed Darth Malthael's body crazily, carnivaling and screaming constantly.

His skin was torn, his blood was sucked, his muscles were bitten... The words of curses came into his mind continuously, and even though his ears were torn off, it was still unstoppable.

The pain, the endless pain, but he couldn't even move, he couldn't even scream, he could only bear it with his eyes open.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Darth Malthael found that he was still standing at the entrance of the cave, and he found that his surroundings seemed to be swept by a tornado, a mess.

It seems that Darth Plagueis's questioning is still coming from inside the cave...

"What did I see?"

"What did I feel?"

"What have I taught you?"

"Tang Xiao! Tang Xiao! Tang Xiao!!!"

Darth Malthael seemed to be hit hard at the moment, knocked to the ground by an Invisible Force, and then he raised his hands to choke his neck, the strength became stronger and stronger, and even blood came out from his nose.

When he was about to suffocate, he finally regained control of his body and collapsed to the ground.

Qui-Gon Jinn's Force Ghost floated over at some point and looked at him condescendingly, "This is the seventh time since you came here. The Force of the Dark Side is never a gift Young Man, Sith Lord. Do you think you hold the power? No, the power holds you."

"Can it be solved?" Darth Malthael fell to the ground in a big shape, looking at the sky indifferently.

"Maybe, but why should I save a Sith Lord with blood on his hands?" Qui-Gon Jinn asked, "Actually, I just want to see how you will die."

Darth Malthael turned over with some difficulty, got up, and rearranged his clothes again, "You don't have to play tricks, Master Qui-Gon. I know where my problem is——Darth Plagueis."

"Your Master? Speaking of which, if you hadn't told me, I would never have imagined that the respected Financial Giant of the Galaxy was actually a Sith Lord." Qui-Gon Jinn said.

"You don't even think that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is Darth Sidious, do you?" Darth Malthael said.

"So I don't think the Republic was wronged. The Jedi Knights may have reached their final moments." Qui-Gon Jinn shook his head and sighed.

"Like Darth Tenebrous, Darth Plagueis also tampered with me." Darth Malthael raised his hands in front of his face, "The Sith Lords would not trust anyone, even if I gave all my loyalty, and even gave him everything in the Dawn, he still left me with the last resort."

"Oh, you Sith Lords, it is really passed down from generation to generation. I mean, in various ways...the Apprentice kills the Master, and the Master plots against the might as well think about it, Darth Lilim, when will she kill you?" Qui-Gon Jinn mocked.

"I have to thank Dagobah. If this Planet wasn't special, maybe I'd still be in the dark, and I wouldn't even know that Darth Plagueis left me a gift. However, this is not the key, the key is..." Darth Malthael ignored Qui-Gon Jinn's taunt, looked back at the cave, and muttered to himself, "What did he see? What did he feel? What has he taught me?"

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