Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 717: Hunter Tactical Squad

Chapter 717: Hunter Tactical Squad

The Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Shen-Jon fired directly at the Moon after entering firing range.

Orbit Bombardment!

Aereen was not equipped with Planetary Shields, and several Turbolasers were blown up by the Venator-class Star Destroyer in succession. Huge Mushroom Clouds were set off on the surface of the Moon and the terrifying explosion power spread around causing several Mines and Energy Centers to be destroyed.

Vulture Droid Starfighters took off like crazy to block, but the V-19 Torrent Starfighters quickly suppressed their counterattack momentum completely, and Hundreds of Vulture Droid Starfighters were destroyed.

The Anti-Orbital Cannon on the surface of Aereen was finally locked by the Venator-class Star Destroyer after firing continuously. After several accurate Bombardments, the Anti-Orbital Cannon was also blown into a pile of ruins.

Then the Venator-class Star Destroyer rushed directly into the Moon's atmosphere. Under the cover of Starfighters, the LAAT Gunships took off one after another. After a burst of violent bombardment of the ground targets, they began to land with a full load of Clone Troopers.

After entering the atmosphere, the ground firepower of Aereen became more and more crazy. All the weapons that could fire were fired at the air, and all the Warships and Starfighters that could take off took off, launching a full-scale attack on the Venator.

This made the Venator-class Star Destroyer also feel tremendous pressure. After putting down the 4,000 Clone Troopers, the Battleship began to raise its height and provide Fire Support at a height of 50,000 meters from the ground.

Aereen is an Inhospitable Moon, mostly Slaves and Laborers. In addition, there are about 20,000 B-1 Battle Droids and 1,500 Fourth Civilization Army Soldiers defending it.

Jedi Master Shen-Jon got down from his Starfighter and personally led the Army to attack the Administrative Control Center of Aereen. The Clone Troopers began to advance under the cover of 10 AT-TE Walkers, and Shen-Jon's Jedi Padawan Naat Reath continued to fly the Delta-7 Starfighter to provide Air Cover.

The Republic Air Force, which had an absolute advantage, first shot down many Confederacy Starfighters and Warships that took off to meet the enemy, and then the LAAT Gunships began to exert powerful firepower to carry out fierce Air Strikes on ground targets and destroyed many of the B-1 Battle Droids that launched the counterattack.

After many battles, the Clone Troopers acted calmly and efficiently, and the cooperation between the groups was perfect. In contrast, even with the cover of the Droid Army, the Army of the Fourth Civilization still keeps losing ground.

Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, and Tech are still in their Combat Team and interspersed in the battlefield at high speed. Crosshair is very good at marksmanship, Hunter and Wrecker are responsible for the forward assault, and Tech is responsible for the rear cover.

After more than two months of being besieged and hunted down on Mimban, compared with the terrifying environment where there are Droids all over the mountains and nowhere to hide, this kind of battlefield is simply child's play for them.

"M-247! Direction towards 11 o'clock! Three!!" CT-9904 said loudly, he picked up the Blaster Rifle in his hand and fired several shots in that direction, but the Soldiers of the Fourth Civilization were also well hidden and several shots failed to hit.

The war has been going on for a few months, and now both sides are basically familiar with the Common Equipment used by each other's Front-Line Troops. Because the Army of the Fourth Civilization mostly uses Gauss Weapons, the gunfire is completely different from that of the Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, It's easy to tell.

This is especially true for the M-247H Heavy Machine Gun used by the Fourth Civilization Army on a large scale. After this Heavy Machine Gun was modified to be Electromagnetic, it became even more powerful, and it also had a very obvious effect on the Plastoid Alloy Armor of Clone Troopers.

The Plastoid Alloy Armor of the Clone Troopers can distribute the Kinetic Energy Impact to the whole body to bear it, greatly reducing the impact on a single point. But now the Fourth Civilization's Electromagnetic Weapons widely use Hypermatter Acceleration. For the M-247H Heavy Machine Gun, 5 mg of Hypermatter can support about 20,000 Rounds of Bullets, although compared to Blaster Gas It is indeed more expensive but the penetration of Clone Troopers Combat Armor is far superior to that of Blaster Rifles.

Therefore, the M-247H Heavy Machine Gun is also a notorious existence among clone soldiers.

"Is there Artillery Support?" Hunter asked loudly.

"This is the Hunter Tactical Team, coordinates H3-7-3, request Artillery Support!" Tech immediately called in the Communicator. The Hunter Tactical Team is the name of their new team in Shen-Jon's Army.

"There is no extra Artillery Support! Repeat, there is no extra Artillery Support!" The rear gave a helpless answer.

Tech looked at the battlefield behind him. A few hundred meters away, the nearest AT-TE Walker was firing while advancing. The length of 13 Meters and the height of 5 Meters made this Huge War Machine very conspicuous.

The Six Anti-Personnel Laser Cannons equipped right in front of the AT-TE Walker were firing, and the Blaster Beams that had been cut into dozens of Beams exploded a large area at the target point where the B-1 Battle Droids were destroyed one after another, and the Mass Driver Cannon on top of the Walker is also constantly suppressing firepower in the distance.

However, they were soon taken care of by the Defenders. Rockets and Anti-Tank Missiles were whistling from all directions with long tail flames and exploded on the AT-TE Walker's fuselage.

"We're on our own!" exclaimed Tech.

"Wrecker! Grenade!" Hunter immediately roared.

"Here we come!!" With a tacit understanding, Wrecker immediately grabbed a few C-22 Fragmentation Grenades and threw them out with all his strength. He likes to exercise in his daily time, and his strength is stronger than other Clone Troopers [Note 1 ], these Grenades were thrown more than a hundred meters by him, and they exploded at the same time near the hillside!

The C-22 Fragmentation Grenade is very advanced, and the delayed explosion time can be up to two minutes. Wrecker is thick and fine and he adjusted the delayed explosion time of these Grenades so that they explode at the same time.

With the Explosion of the Grenades, Hunter bent his back and rushed out like a leopard. At the same time, he kept shaking from side to side and changing directions. Several Bullets fired at him all fell into empty space.

There are also a few soldiers of the Fourth Civilization wearing Liberator Heavy Combat Armor shooting from behind the Bunker, but Crosshair's Rifle on his back can finally be used, holding a DC-15S Blaster Rifle in his hand, he easily shoots with a Scope accurately killing two enemies.

After rushing to the bottom of the hillside, Hunter threw two Grenades and then rushed to the side of the firepower point like lightning. Looking at the terrified eyes of the Soldiers, Hunter pulled the trigger and fired a Burst of Fire!

After destroying this point of fire, more Clone Troopers launched assaults one after another. After killing several groups of Fourth Civilization Soldiers and Droids again, they continued to push the Frontline forward.

Crosshair came to the hillside, took out the Monoculars, looked ahead, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Hunter, I found something strange in front of me. Several Separatist Armored Vehicles are retreating there after being damaged."

"So it's either a Maintenance Station or a Temporary Base," said Tech.

"In that case, let's go!" Hunter immediately made a decision.

"Hunter Tactical Team! Your Mission is to move forward and capture the position in the direction of H-2-1-9!" A voice came from the Rear Tactical Command Center.

Hunter immediately turned off the Communicator.


[Note 1: I want to emphasize that there are still 3 years before the episode of "Bad Batch" at this time, so don't compare them with those 3 years later. Many other things happened in between. ]

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