Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 714: Dead Soldiers (Part 2)

Chapter 714: Dead Soldiers (Part 2)

"Okay, Yap, I will pay attention. But, aren't you hunting down Sev'rance Tann? I know her very well, and the Separatists have always promoted her some time ago." Casal Fu Greg said.

"Yap is developing a Secret Weapon for the Separatists. By tracking him down, maybe I can find this Secret Weapon and then find out the whereabouts of Sev'rance Tann." Shen-Jon said, with a hint of killing intent.

"I'll keep an eye on it, go to Mimban as soon as possible." Kassar Forge nodded.


Shen-Jon led his Warship to Mimban.

The Planet is almost covered with Humid Jungles, the Atmosphere is Full of Clouds and Full of Perennial Storms, and the environment is very harsh.

There had been a battle here, Shen-Jon saw it right away.

In the Outer Orbit around the Planet, a large amount of Space Debris was scattered, and even a relatively complete Hull of a Munificent-class Frigate was found.

Some Spaceships of Garbage Dealers are gathering here, sending Drones to collect these Wreckages and take them back for sale.

After seeing this Venator-class Star Destroyer, these Garbage Dealers thought it was the Fleet of the Republic coming and fled away one after another.

"The Wreckage of the Warships of the Republic has not been found in Outer Space. Maybe it was taken away by the Garbage Dealers, or it fell." Naat Reath said.

Shen-Jon looked at the Cloud-Shrouded Planet and said, "I hope it's the latter. In this case, we should be able to find more supplies. Shuttles can't last long in such an atmosphere. Let's land directly. "

He didn't care about what happened to the Army of the Republic at all, and now his heart was covered by revenge, for this goal, he could sacrifice everything and give up everything!

"But if we land, the remaining fuel will not be enough to support us leaving the Planet's Gravitational Circle." The Staff Officer said.

"If we don't get the supplies, our journey will be over." Shen-Jon looked around. After these months of hunting, even the Civilian Staff on the Battleship were full of vicissitudes of life. Because of the difficulty of resupply on the Battleship, they barely even saved their face and clothes.

Now these people looked like a Group of Uniformly Dressed Bandits.

Seeing the still firm look in the eyes of these Officers and Soldiers, Shen-Jon smiled gratifiedly.

The Battle of Sarapin is a disgrace, a disgrace to the Soldiers of the Republic! It is with this kind of mindset that their Lone Army has been chasing the Decimator Tanks and Sev'rance Tann until now.

They want to take back the Decimator Tanks and kill Sev'rance Tann! Only in this way can the shame on them be washed away.

But their actions did not get the support of the Republic, especially when the clues of the Decimator Tanks were traced to Hutt Space, the Republic strictly ordered them to withdraw to the Control Area of ??the Republic and not to provoke the Hutts.

But at this time, for Shen-Jon and the others, it is no longer important. As long as the Decimator Tanks can be recaptured, no matter where it is, they must go there!

"We will succeed." Shen-Jon gave the order, "Land."

The Venator-class Star Destroyer began to lower its altitude, entered the Gravitational Circle of Mimban, and then entered the atmosphere. After detection, they found that two Venator-class Star Destroyers had crashed on the Planet. The Navigator immediately adjusted the heading parameters, and landed the Warship in a relatively flat wasteland, not far from the two Crashed Warships.

Shen-Jon led the Marines in the Battleship, divided them into Ten Teams, and headed towards the fallen spots of the Larger Wreckage detected. Due to the lack of supplies, even the Plastoid Alloy Armor on those Clone Troopers is now full of defects and stains, looking like a mess.

There are still some Sporadic Droid Troops on the Planet, but these Soldiers have already become indomitable after a series of battles, and even the scarce supplies cannot stop their footsteps let alone a few Droids.

"General! We found a lot of Encapsulated Tibanna Gas, as well as the Energy used by the Turbo Laser Turrets! And the Engine parts of one of the Venators are relatively complete, and we can extract enough Hyperspace Fuel from it!" A Clone Trooper said, while very excited to come and report.

Shen-Jon looked in another direction and said, "You organize the recovery of materials immediately, Naat, let's go over there and have a look."

The Young Jedi Padawan nodded.

They walked towards a hilly area in front of them. This place should have been a battlefield, and along the way, they could see a large number of corpses of Clone Troopers and the remains of Droids.

Crossing a position made up of several AT-TE Walkers, this should be the last Stronghold of Clone Soldiers where there is the most Droid Wreckage, and almost every footstep can step on a Droid.

Shen-Jon stopped suddenly, checked the Blaster Holes on one of the Droids, and said, "This Droid was destroyed within the last hour."

"Are there any survivors?" Naat Reath was a little curious.

Shen-Jon nodded, "Let's go, they should have seen our Battleship."

They didn't go far, only to see 4 Clone Troopers walking over with Blasters on their shoulders.

"Ah, Jedi Knights! I thought the Republic had completely forgotten about us!" The Clone Leader was not wearing a Helmet, his face was covered with stubble, and the clone's standard cut hair was much longer, looking quite alternative.

"General!" One of the Clone Troopers, who looked a bit gloomy and thin, stood at attention and saluted, and he was the only one who saluted.

Shen-Jon looked at the four people. The Combat Armor on their bodies was also severely damaged. One of them even used an Armor Plate from the Droids to cover his chest to strengthen his defense. "How long have you been here?" Shen-Jon asked.

"It's been two months! There are Droids everywhere in the wilderness over there, and we can't go to the wreckage of the Venators to get supplies, so we hid here and dealt with those iron lumps." The Leader of the Clones waved their hands and said.

"Hahahaha! It's a pity, it's still not fun! I want to eat more so that I can kill more Droids!" Another Clone Trooper who looked a little stronger said.

"Well, the situation of your Team is a bit special, but at least you can go with us now." Shen-Jon said, "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Jedi Master Shen-Jon, and this is my Padawan, Naat Reath. Our goal is to track down a Separatist Secret Weapon."

"Ha! I'm CT-9901, you can call me Hunter!" The Clone Sergeant finally raised his hand and gave a Military Salute, "We originally belonged to the 44th Special Operations Force of the Republic."

"CT-9904 is reporting to you. They usually call me Crosshair." The only other Clone Trooper who took the initiative to salute just now stood at attention and saluted again.

"CT-9903, Wrecker, the King of Obstacle removal! Hahahaha!" The Strong Clone Trooper replied with a smile.

"CT-9902, Tech," replied the last Clone Trooper.

"Okay, welcome back to the team." Shen-Jon nodded and said.

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