Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 702: The Talking Jungle

Chapter 702: The Talking Jungle

The Poisonous Arrows of the Ewoks are very accurate. Even though the Lortan Soldiers have some Basic Protective Armor, they are still hit by the Poisonous Arrows on the weak parts of the Armor such as the Neck or Joints.

The Lortan Soldiers who were suddenly attacked immediately jumped up to fight back, but they didn't even know where the Enemy was! In the Jungle, there are only tiny chirping sounds, which seem to come from all directions, even in the sky and the earth, everywhere!

They yelled wildly and fired indiscriminately, with little effect, and after a Silent Barrage of Poisoned Arrows, the Ewoks also turned to their Heavy Weapons. More than a Dozen Rockets were fired using Camo M41 SPNKr Rocket Launchers from the depths of the Jungle and exploded directly in the Center of the Camp!

Immediately afterwards, Hundreds of Short, Furry Ewoks, wearing Capes with Jungle Camouflage, and looked as cute as Baby Bears, rushed out with Terrifying and Murderous looks!

They either flew close to the ground or fell from the sky relying on vines, completely disrupting the Deployment of the Lortan Jungle Troop in just a few minutes.

The Lortan Soldiers only felt that there were Enemies everywhere in the sky and the earth in all directions, but no matter how they fired, they didn't see any Corpses falling down.

"Get out of here! You beasts!!" A Buff Lortan Soldier roared, shooting wildly with a Blaster Rifle in his hand, and a Beam hit and something fell from trees.

Seeing that the result of the Battle was finally achieved, the Lortan Soldier laughed wildly, "Ha! Ha! You are afraid of Guns! Ha! You are also afraid of Guns! Hahahaha!!"

But before he finished speaking, another Ewok suddenly descended from the sky, kicked the Blaster Rifle out of the hands of the Lortan Soldier, and tried to pierce his Eye Socket with a Sharp Bone Dagger!

But this Lortan was also a Fierce Man and with his great strength, he grabbed the Ewok's Hand holding the Bone Dagger and pulled it down violently, trying to throw him to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the strength of this Ewok was actually much bigger than what he looked like. The Lortan didn't manage to throw the Ewok out this time and instead, the Lortan was thrown out with a bang and hit a tree!!

Before the Lortan stood up in a daze, the Ewok screamed and rushed forward, kicking his feet in a row, kicking away the Lortan Soldier's arm that was trying to cover his vitals. The next second, the Bone Dagger pierced deeply into his Eye Socket! Pulling hard, the barb of the Bone Dagger hooked the Eyeball out, and the Ewok ate the Bloody Eyeball!

From beginning to end, this Ewok's Camo M-90 Indra Sniper Rifle was carried behind his back, and he had no intention of using it at all.

Only then could it be seen clearly that the Ewok was crowned with Distinctive White Feathers.

If Tang Xiao were here, he would find that he knew this Ewok. Ten years ago, he was the number one warrior of the Ewok Tribe who had a party with the newly established Fourth Civilization in Dawn City! It was also he who beat the Soldiers of the Fourth Civilization Army to the ground during the party at that time.

At this moment, the nearly 400 Lortan Jungle Soldiers in this Camp have been slaughtered, leaving no one alive.

The White-Feathered Ewok Warrior came to the Headquarters of the Lortan Jungle Troop, pushed the Corpse of the Lortan Commander, who still had a frightened expression on his face, to the ground, and looked at the Hologram Projected by the Topographic Map.

Soon, he raised his head and roared rhythmically a few times with a slightly sharp voice.

Immediately afterwards, responses came from several different directions in the distance, and responses led to more responses. Soon, the voices of Ewoks were heard from all over the Jungle.

It wasn't until this time that the Lortan Soldiers who were hiding in the Jungle and were planning to Raid the Fourth Civilization realized that voices were coming from everywhere around them!

Even in a Strange Language, Ewok!

"There are people around!"

"Find them!"

"Enter the Battle Formation! Shrink the Position to Defend!" The Lortan Troops responded immediately.

However, no one can stand against an Invisible Enemy.

The Poisonous Arrows kept shooting from unexpected angles in the dark, making it impossible to guard against, and the Lortan Soldiers could only shoot around indiscriminately to deal with it.

But the Ewoks are very patient. Before they are absolutely sure, they just harass and will never take the initiative to attack. They just wait quietly for the night to come...


At the same time, the Human Soldiers supporting the Ewok Mountain Troops were not idle. They established a Solid Position, and according to the prompts of the Ewok Scouts, they fired on some Tough Defenses or summoned the AH/G-24 Banshee Ground Fighters to Bomb on a Fixed-Point Basis.

At the same time, it also provides Complete Logistical Support and Medical Support, so that the Ewoks can carry out Combat Activities with confidence.

Cummings asked someone to remove the Six-Barreled Machine Gun on his back again and said to Huang Yehao helplessly: "It's so boring, Huang. Why did they send us here for this kind of battle?"

Huang Yehao's face was a little gloomy at the moment, and he said slowly: "Our work has just begun, and the uncomfortable part is yet to come."

"What do you mean?" Cummings didn't quite understand.

Huang Yehao didn't say much, patted Cummings on the shoulder, and walked aside to smoke.

Another Soldier said to Cummings: "At the Battle of Bespin, you were injured at the front and transferred to the rear, so you didn't participate in our Next Operation... Sigh..."

"Isn't it just to Maintain Order?" Cummings scratched his head, "I see that all of you have come back with good arms and legs, except that Yang Wen was bitten on the hand."

"Yes, Maintain Order..." The Soldier sighed, "Maintain Order..."

Sure enough, not long after, an Order came from above that the Jungle Battle in their Battle Area had ended, the Ewoks were healing, and the Prisoners of War were also sent out. Their Mission is over, and then they need to enter Ziren City, maintain Local Order, and arrest the Rebels.

When Huang Yehao and his Troops entered Ziren City, the City was already in chaos. Battle Droids were patrolling the streets, beatings, scolding and even Gunshots could be heard everywhere, and the Order of the City no longer exists.

Two Salarian Intelligence Officers came over and handed them a list, telling them that these were the Group of Rebels who had been dug out, and they needed to be arrested and sent to the Mine outside the City to be Reformed through Labor.

Huang Yehao accepted the Order with a blank face and began to assign tasks, so their company was divided into 10 teams and dispersed to arrest people.

"Is this right here? The Accomplices of the Rebel Jose..." Cummings hesitated as he looked at the very ordinary Apartment Building Room in front of him.

"Catch them." Huang Yehao took a deep puff of the Cigarette, and then put the Cigarette in his mouth.

Cummings rushed forward violently, and his powerful abdomen drove his weight of nearly half a ton into the Apartment Door, knocking the Apartment Door down with a bang! He subconsciously raised the Deflector Shield instantly, but the expected Blaster Beams did not come, and there were only a few screams.

Cummings looked up to see Two Little Boys and a Woman in her 30s huddled under a table, watching them in horror. He was a little dazed, and looked back at Huang Yehao, "Huang, this..."

"Jose, the Rebel, the Deputy Captain of the 2nd Combat Team of the 18th Battalion of the Lortan Army. He led the Soldiers to hide in the Jungle to plot a Rebellion, intending to attack the City Hall of Ziren City. The evidence is conclusive and he was killed by the Ewoks in the previous battle. According to the instructions of our Superiors, all Family Members of the Rebels will be arrested and sent to the Mine to be Reformed through Labor." Huang Yehao said blankly, "Arrest them."

After hearing his words clearly, the Woman yelled, "You! You killed my Husband! You killed my Husband!!!!"

The Other Soldiers in the Squad had already passed Cummings, dragged the Woman who was still screaming and tied her with a Cable Tie, grabbed Two Children about Ten Years Old, and walked towards the door.

"...Well, tell me, this is..." Cummings looked dull.

"This is War, Cummings." Huang Yehao sighed and followed the Soldiers who were dragging them out.

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