Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 691: Hunting the Malevolence (7)

Chapter 691: Hunting the Malevolence (7)

The Malevolence was Bombed one second before it was about to launch an Ion Pulse Cannon and the Energy Condensed in the Huge Launcher was instantly fed back through the Energy Channel, causing Explosions and Fires all over the Warship.

Even if it is visible to the naked eye, it can be seen that the entire Super Battleship is on fire everywhere, and because of the difference in air pressure inside and outside the Super Battleship, all the flames are in the form of jets.

When the Warship partly exploded, the Droids inside the Malevolence suffered Heavy Losses, especially the Damage Control Unit which was destroyed more than half at once. A total of 25,350 Droids were operating on the Warship and more than 6,000 Droids were destroyed, and the remaining Droids could not even maintain the Normal Navigation of the Super battleship.

"Go! Put out the fire! Put out the fire!! Start the Hyperspace Jump immediately! Get out of here!" General Grievous raged on the Bridge.

"We need to recalculate the Hyperspace Parameters, sir, which may require..."

"Idiot!" General Grievous slapped the B-1 Droid's head off again, and the replacement Droid immediately came over and sat down, continuing to calculate.

"Mobilize the Droids to put out the fire from everywhere on the Malevolence! Get the fire under control as soon as possible!" General Grievous said coldly, "Send all the Starfighters that can be used and get rid of the Bombers of this team of Jedi Knights! "

"Roger Roger!!"


"I have severely damaged this Super Battleship, and now it can no longer use that Super EMP!" Anakin said loudly into the Subspace Transceiver.

With the Malevolence being severely damaged, even the Electronic Interference was interrupted, and now he can finally send a message to the Outside World.

"Understood! We will come for reinforcements immediately!" Wullf Yularen nodded.

Anakin turned off the Communication and continued to lead the Bomber Formation to attack the Malevolence. However, relying on the firepower of these more than a dozen BTL-B Y-wing Bombers, unless they directly hit the Energy Node when it fires as before, otherwise, even if the Malevolence's Deflector Shield is paralyzed now, they can't penetrate the Thick Super Battleship Armor.

The Twin Turbolaser Batteries of the Malevolence are constantly being repaired. There are more and more Turrets that can fire, and the firepower is getting stronger. Even with the cover of many Phantoms, the Bombers in Anakin's Formation are constantly being shot down.

However, at this moment, a Burst of White Light flashed, and 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers emerged from Hyperspace. Without any hesitation or pause, they fired immediately!

The Malevolence is now surrounded by the Phantoms of Hundreds of Starfighters, and the Droids that control the Turrets are overwhelmed with these Phantoms! No matter how much they fire, they can't destroy the targets at all, but the Droid's Program just makes them continue to fire and shoot.

Boom! Boom! Boom!! The Malevolence was hit by several Turbolaser Shots in a row, and all the Turbolaser fire was directed at the Bridge of the Super Battleship. Even though the Bridge had already raised its Protective Armor, the shaking caused by the continuous hits by the Heavy and Medium Turbolasers also caused the Operators inside the Bridge to stagger.

General Grievous spread his arms into Four Hands, firmly grasped the Seat and the Ceiling to stabilize his body, and shouted: "Turn around immediately! All Turbolaser fire is aimed at the opponent's Venators! Complete the Hyperspace Calculation as soon as possible, leave here!"

He turned around and yelled at the Communication Droid: "Get me through to Count Dooku!! Ask him for help!!!"


"The Malevolence was attacked by Jedi Knights, and the Ion Pulse Cannon was destroyed. The Malevolence has suffered Heavy Damage, and I need reinforcements!" General Grievous said eagerly in the severely Disturbed Holographic Projection.

Count Dooku's face was gloomy, he turned to the Holographic Projection of another Holographic Projection on the other side, and knelt on one knee, "My lord, the Malevolence is in danger under the attack of the Jedi Knights, if we don't take measures, maybe we will lose this Super Battleship."

"The Jedi Order sent Anakin Skywalker and the Dream Sisters; among the New Generation of Jedi Knights, they are the best. But the Malevolence is MINE!!! Whatever you do, don't let it be destroyed!" Darth Sidious said through gritted teeth.

"Our nearest Battleship Group is on Christophsis, which is the New Behemoth-class Battlecruiser Formation of the InterGalactic Banking Clan that attacked there last time. But this Fleet needs to break through the Republic to go to the Kaliida Nebula, I am afraid, is too late." Count Dooku said with a bow.

"Tell the Malevolence not to fight, and leave as soon as possible!" Darth Sidious thought for a while, and suddenly showed a cold smile, "And...why not let the Angel of Death come to help? Jie Jie Jie Jie... "

"This is a wonderful idea, my lord. Your vast wisdom is fully displayed here." Count Dooku bowed his head and complimented.

"You do it as soon as possible, and I will arrange some back-ups to increase the chances of winning for the Malevolence." Darth Sidious said.

"As ordered."

After the Holographic Projection was shut down, Count Dooku connected to Tang Xiao's Subspace Frequency with a gloomy face, and after Tang Xiao's Holographic Projection appeared, he said slowly: "Your Excellency Governor, there is a very urgent and very distressing situation for me. I think I need to explain it to you."

Tang Xiao knew it in his heart but still said very seriously: "Please tell me, Count Dooku. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"The Malevolence was caught in the trap of the Jedi Knights, and it is now fighting hard in the Kaliida Nebula. I am afraid it will be more or less fatal." Count Dooku received it.

"Kaliida Nebula?" Tang Xiao pretended to look at the Holographic Star Map, frowned and said, "This place is close to Naboo, and it belongs to the depths of the Republic's Control Range. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to send Troops there..."

Count Dooku said: "So, I hope you can ask Lord Angel of Death to save the Malevolence."

Tang Xiao nodded immediately and said: "The situation is urgent, I will try to contact Lord Angel of Death immediately!"

"I would like to thank you for your help." Count Dooku saluted with one hand on his chest and then shut down the Holographic Projection.

Tang Xiao lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said directly: "Prepare a T-850 for me, I have to go out for a few days."

Helmut Zemo said from the side: "If we don't intervene, the Malevolence will definitely be destroyed. Are you planning to..."

Tang Xiao didn't answer but opened another Subspace Communication, and the figure of Eldra Kaitis appeared, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Where is the Plague now?" Tang Xiao asked.

"On Socorro, my Lord," replied Eldra Kaitis.

"Wait for me, I'll come right away. First, calculate the Hyperspace Navigation Coordinates of the Shadda-Bi-Boran, which is our next goal." After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

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