Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 685: Hunting the Malevolence (1)

Chapter 685: Hunting the Malevolence (1)

Half an hour later, Plo Koon enjoyed the same treatment as Master Ares Nune a few days ago. His Warship was destroyed, and he and several Clone Troopers were squeezed into a Small Escape Pod.

Fortunately, General Grievous also had some bad premonitions. He didn't want to be entangled by the Republic's Fleet, so he left a few Salvage Ships here to search, find out and destroy the Rescue Capsules one by one, and the Malevolence would then continue to move forward, preparing to enter Hyperspace and leave here.

"Separatist Droids are hunting down the unpowered Escape Pods!" said Clone Commander CC-3636, looking out the window.

"There's about 0.4 seconds between when we sent the Communication and when this Super Battleship started Jamming. It would be nice if even a portion of the message got through. That's our only hope," said Plo Koon. Before, we try our best to save those Rescue Capsules. How long can your Battle Armor last in the vacuum of space?"

"Design time is 30 minutes," CC-3636 replied.

"Then, we need to make a plan," Plo Koon said in a deep voice.


"... Our Signal Monitoring Station has received a Distress Signal." On Naboo, in the Manor where Anakin's Mother lived, Padmé Amidala walked over with a Memory Bank and said to Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker took the Memory Bank and opened it, and in the Holographic Projection above, a Masked Figure was Projected, but it was not clear due to Severe Interference.

[...We are in... Abreg System... hit by... Super... Battle... please... help~~~~~] After this period of Serious Interference and very short-lived sound, there is an Endless Static. "Has it been reported to the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic?" Anakin asked.

"It has been reported, but there is no response. As a Subordinate Strategic Unit, they have no obligation to give us a reply." Padmé said.

Anakin thought for a while and said: "No, the Communication can reach us, which means that it is not far from us. And the person who sent the message..."

He looked at the Holographic Projection which was playing repeatedly, his Force stretched out, and frowned, "This is Master Plo Koon! This incomplete place..."

Anakin closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly after a while, "It's the Abregado System! Master Plo Koon is there!"

He immediately connected to his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi's communication, "Master! I received a Distress Signal from Master Plo Koon! He must have encountered the Separatist Super Weapon!"

"We are currently in confinement, Anakin, report this information to the Strategic Command and the Jedi Order and let them make a decision," Obi-Wan said.

"I think the place where Master Plo Koon was attacked is not far from me, I believe I should be able to do something!" Anakin said.

"Don't mess around, Anakin." Obi-Wan thought for a while and clicked on the Communicator, and soon, the Communication between Master Yoda and Master Windu was connected.

"Master Plo Koon has encountered a Separatist Super Weapon! In the Abregado System! We need to save him!" Anakin said to Master Yoda and Master Windu.

"Contact lost, by Master Plo Koon, the Fleet led." Master Yoda said, "No one survived after encountering the Super Weapon."

"Maybe Master Plo Koon is still alive! If so, he should also have Key Information about this Super Weapon!" Anakin said eagerly.

"Listen Anakin, I can understand your feelings, but the current situation is very unfavorable to us. Because of the activeness of this Super Weapon, we have lost 7 Battle Groups, and now Hydian Way is almost paralyzed. If this continues, the Planets along Hydian Way will be captured by the Separatists." Master Windu said.

Anakin said: "If this is the case, then we need to find and destroy it as soon as possible!"

"None of the 7 Battle Groups, 40 Warships, and more than 200,000 Officers and Soldiers survived the encounter with this Super Weapon, including even an excellent Jedi Master like Ares Nune. Under such circumstances, we can't continue to invest in our precious Mobile Fleets. We have already lost too many Warships on Bespin and Falleen. If we continue to lose our Warships, it may not be long before the entire Outer Rim is no longer ours." Master Windu said in a deep voice.

"In this case, we need information more urgently, and now maybe this information is in the hands of Plo Koon!" Anakin distinguished.

"If not? Master Plo Koon's chance of surviving is very small, and we still have to continue to send Warships to die?" Master Windu asked.

"There is no need to use Warships! I will rescue Master Plo Koon myself!! He should not be far from Naboo!" Anakin almost lost his patience, he said loudly.

"I need to remind you again that you are still being punished for the Battle of Christophsis. Even if Supreme Chancellor Palpatine directly asks you to continue to perform the duty of protecting Senator Amidala, you should not leave Naboo!" Master Windu's expression darkened, and he said sharply.

"Anakin, what you are talking about is a very dangerous thing." At this time, another Communication cut in, and it was the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate, Sheev Palpatine, who said earnestly: "The Separatist Super Weapon is a big deal, and we're making serious plans to encircle this thing, but until then, you really shouldn't act rashly."

"While we are talking here, maybe Master Plo Koon's life is passing by!" Anakin said loudly.

"Trust us, it would be better for us to handle this matter," Palpatine said.

"Master Plo Koon is not far from Naboo! No matter what you say, I will save him! There is no need to risk sending a Fleet! As long as we can save Master Plo Koon, we will know the Super Weapon of the Separatists like the back of our hands!" said Anakin.

Master Windu obviously couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, he said in a deep voice: "I just hope that your behavior will not cause irreversible results."

Obi-Wan Kenobi on the side smoothed things over and said, "We will make preparations immediately, Anakin, no matter what you are going to do, you must stay calm."

The Communication from the Jedi Order was cut off, and only Palpatine was left in the Holographic Projection. He sighed and said, "Believe me, Anakin, don't go, it's not good for you."

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