Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 681: Dark Believer

Chapter 681: Dark Believer

The Outer Rim of the Galaxy, Serenno, the Private Residence of Count Dooku.

Wearing a Black Cloak, the tall and tall leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku is kneeling respectfully on one knee at this moment, extremely humble to the Holographic Projection of Darth Sidious in front of him.

"Do you have any more information about the Angel of Death?" Darth Sidious asked in that distorted voice.

"I have tried my best to investigate, but I can't find any information at all. I don't know where he appeared and what he did. He seems to have done many things, but he has done nothing... This makes I'm very confused," Count Dooku said.

"He is a Traitor that Darth Plagueis accepted privately! He is a Villain who violated the law of the Two Sith! His Existence is affecting our plan! Kill him at all costs..." Darth Sidious said.

"Now I just know that the Former Jedi Padawan Eldra Kaitis has become the Apprentice of the Angel of Death, and was given the name Darth Lilim. Judging from the strength she showed during the raid on Sarapin, It is really no small matter, even surpassing many Jedi Masters, from this point, the strength of the Angel of Death may be even stronger." Count Dooku replied, "Darth Lilim's name has been recorded in the Book of Sith. It was feedback I got from the Dark Side."

The Sharp Jaw under Darth Sidious's hood twisted slightly, "The Angel of Death killed his shared Master, Darth Plagueis! Although it was Darth Plagueis' own fault, But it also shows the Rebellion and Uncontrollability of the Angel of Death! He stole the Book of Sith from Darth Plagueis! So, you have to kill him, without the Book of Sith, you can't get the Dark Side's Approval, you can't become a real Sith lord!"

Count Dooku's expression was a little gloomy, he lowered his head and said: "I have already conducted a series of investigations on the people who were close to Hego Damask II before his death, and the focus of it is the Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan San Hill, and Tang Xiao, the Governor of the Dawn. However, I even risked Civil Strife in the Confederacy of Independent Systems to kidnap Tang Xiao, and took his blood for testing, but I did not come up with any evidence that he is the Angel of Death... Tang Xiao is not even a Force Sensitive."

"Have you ever fought the Angel of Death?" Darth Sidious asked.

"There have been fights, his Lightsaber Swordsmanship is not very good, but he has a very Powerful Force." Count Dooku concealed some details, such as the Extremely Powerful Force Shock that the Angel of Death suddenly sent out during the previous fight, and also concealed the fact that the Angel of Death took away the Core of the Dark Reaper.

"Anyway, find the Angel of Death. He holds too many Secrets and must hold the Legacy of Darth Plagueis. He is the greatest threat to our plans! I have instructed Tarkin's 18th Army to fully attack Dawn, and the InterGalactic Banking Clan, I have my own arrangements. Since the Angel of Death does not show up, let's start with the Forces that Darth Plagueis had fostered." Darth Sidious said.

"Yes, my Lord. I will do my best to find all traces of the Angel of Death." Count Dooku bowed his head.

"And the Giant Warship you mentioned last time, where is it now?" Darth Sidious asked suddenly.

"It's still unclear," Count Dooku replied.

"Destroy it." Darth Sidious dropped this sentence coldly, and then cut off the Communication directly.

Count Dooku stood up, shaking the dust on his knees, he waved a Wave of Force, and pressed a Communicator. A moment later, a Man in his Thirties walked in.

He was wearing a Tight Black Top, his Well-Proportioned and Well-Developed Muscle Lines were perfectly outlined, and his Dark Skin was covered with Scars. Moreover, there is a Golden Tattoo on his face and arms, and his Thick Black Hair is combed into a Dreadlocks, which is somewhat backward in the style of the Natives on his Homeworld.

The Man walked up to Count Dooku, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Do you have anything to do with me? My Master."

Count Dooku looked down at him, and said indifferently: "I value your potential very much, Quinlan Vos. At the same time, I also very much approve of your determination to yearn for the Dark Side. But you have to prove this to me. That's why I took you under my wing—I can see the Deep Darkness in your heart." He walked to the side of Quinlan Voss, lowered his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

The Man named Quinlan Vos buried his head deeply and did not speak.

"But you should know that the Darkness of the Galaxy is far beyond your imagination." Count Dooku said, "How did you read the Book I gave you last time?"

"I've read Darth Bane's "The Rule of Two" thoroughly, and I've taken it by heart," Quinlan Vos replied.

"In the Galaxy, there are Two Sith Lords, One Master and One Apprentice." Count Dooku said lightly, "My Masters Apprentice, Darth Maul, died on Naboo 10 years ago. Therefore, I am indeed looking for a Suitable Successor... You and Asajj Ventress both have the potential to endure the Deepest Darkness in the Galaxy—the Way of The Sith."

"I don't dare to expect this, as long as I can serve the Dark Side, that's enough." Quinlan Vos replied.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Count Dooku's mouth, "But do you know that there is another Pair of a Sith Master and Apprentice in this Galaxy?"

Quinlan Vos made an extremely shocked expression at the right time, "This... This is completely against Darth Bane's Law of Two!" Although he had heard about this information for a long time.

"Apprentice, Darth Lilim, and her Master, Angel of Death." Earl Dooku said.

"Not Darth Angel of Death?" Quinlan Voss frowned.

"As far as I know, no. The Angel of Death is not his Sith Title." Count Dooku said, "So, I want you to find him, establish contact with him, and then..."

Count Dooku's expression was a bit strange, and he continued, "Make an Alliance with him."

"Alliance?" Quinlan Vos was a little strange about this result, "Since the existence of the Angel of Death violates the Law of Two, shouldn't he be killed?"

The expression on Count Dooku's face became more and more weird, and he said with a half-smile: "We share the Common Enemy of the Galactic Republic with the Angel of Death, so naturally we have to form an Alliance with him. As for the Two-Person Rule, after the Republic is destroyed, we will talk about it. Go, since you don't want to lead an Army like Ventress, then this is the only way you can prove to me..."

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