Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 673: Traces of the Malevolence (1)

Chapter 673: Traces of the Malevolence (1)

Obi-Wan Kenobi stated: "...I take full responsibility for the Battle that took place on Christophsis. During the Battle, our Communications System was hacked by Separatist Spies and a Trojan Horse was planted, resulting in Wrong Commands being issued. Also, we lost the Battle because of the breakdown of the Communications System."

"This is an unforeseen factor!" Admiral Wullf Yularen stepped forward and said loudly, "We cannot expect the betrayal of a Clone Trooper! This shows that in the Clones handed over to us by the Kaminoans Exist Defects!"

The Judge looked at Anakin Skywalker and asked, "So Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, what do you have to say about this traitorous Clone Trooper, CI-3331?"

Anakin Skywalker had a solemn face from the very beginning, and he said slowly: "I did not expect Slick's betrayal, but I can hardly absolve myself of the responsibility for the Negligent Management of the Clones. I have nothing to do with this failure and there is nothing to say."

Ahsoka Tano kept playing with her skirt with his head down, looking frustrated, without saying a word.

After hearing the statements from all parties, the Judge announced that the sentence would be pronounced another day. Prior to this, Obi-Wan Kenobi and others were relieved of all duties and returned to the Jedi Temple to rest.


"It's not your fault, kid." Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's face was full of regret. He came to Anakin, patted him on the shoulder, and pointed out the window and said, "Look here, this is the World you guard. No matter how many failures you suffer, you still cannot change this fact."

Anakin Skywalker bowed his head and said, "I have failed your trust, Your Excellency Chancellor. I have also failed the trust of the people."

"They have made you suffer too much. You should not be responsible for this failure, Anakin. However, I agree with one of the decisions of the Military Court—you should take a good rest." Palpatine smiled kindly.

"I'm going back to the Jedi Temple to retreat and reflect on what I've been through..." Anakin said.

"Then throw away your responsibility?" Palpatine turned around with some doubts.

"My...responsibility?" Anakin was also a little strange.

Palpatine smiled slightly and said, "Senator Amidala, she's awake."

"Really! Well... This is good news!" Anakin almost couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart, but immediately calmed down his mood.

"She needs protection more than anyone else now, Anakin. This is your duty, an unfinished duty." Palpatine said, "I will issue an Administrative Order to the Jedi Order, of course, it can only be a suggestion, but I don't think Master Windu will veto this suggestion."

Anakin Skywalker took a deep breath, and his confused gaze became firm again, "This time, I will perform my duties well, and I will not let anyone hurt Senator Amidala again!"

Palpatine nodded with a smile, "I have always believed in your potential, Anakin. You should be incomparable. Go, don't let anyone stand in your way."


A Spaceship landed on Naboo, and Anakin Skywalker rushed out of the Passenger Starliner like the wind and took a Repulsorlift Speeder straight to the residence of Senator Padmé Amidala on the outskirts of Theed.

The door opened, and Padmé floated out in a Repulsorlift Wheelchair. Seeing the Young Jedi Knight whose face had been tempered by the War, even though she hadn't seen him for a few months, she immediately burst into tears.

Anakin couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart for a long time! They rushed forward and hugged each other tightly, their hot lips pressed tightly together, feeling each other's breath and body temperature.

It took a long time before they parted reluctantly. Anakin stroked Padmé's dry forked hair and obviously thin cheeks, "I always thought that I would never see the day when you woke up again, Padmé... I..."

Before he finished speaking, everything he had experienced on the Battlefield in the past few months came to his mind, and the tears couldn't stop flowing out. He took a deep breath, which prevented him from crying out loud.

Padmé helped him wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes and said softly: "I am here, I have always been... I have experienced death, and I never want to be separated from you... Never want to..."

They lingered for a long time, telling each other their hearts, and they still couldn't bear to separate until the evening.

"How long have you been awake?" Anakin asked.

"4 days ago. I also heard about your affairs on Christophsis... Sorry, if I were still in the Senate, I would never let you suffer such a trial." Padmé said.

"I just hope that you are safe and sound. Compared with this, being judged is nothing." Anakin hugged Padmé's hands with more strength, and then reluctantly separated, "I Still need to go and see my Mother."

"She is being taken care of very well, let me go with you," Padmé said.

The two came to Anakin's Mother, Shmi Skywalker's Secret Residence. A Protocol Droid C3-PO with a Golden Shell installed opened the door. After seeing the two, the electronically synthesized voice actually brought a sense of surprise, "Glad to see you home safely, Master."

"How is Mother?" Anakin asked.

"From a biological point of view, her body is very healthy." Another deep voice came, and Rock Johnson came out of it, "But from a Human point of view, she currently does not have a sufficient level of intelligence. "

After returning from Geonosis where the war broke out, Rock Johnson also went to Naboo to guard Shmi Skywalker.

Anakin came to his Mother, knelt on the ground, put his head on his Mother's lap, and closed his eyes.

Shmi Skywalker stroked Anakin's back and said dully, "Little Annie, you are really working hard picking up trash outside every day..."

"Picking up trash?" Anakin was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned cold, "That's right, I was indeed picking up trash..."


With the end of the Bespin "Star Wars", Christophsis "Star Wars" and Falleen "Star Wars", the Galactic Republic, which lost most of its Mobile Fleet, had to shrink its defenses, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems did not stop its progress. The Powerful Fleet attacked everywhere, spreading the Flames of War to more Planets.

In Outer Orbit of Phu, a Squadron of Five Venator-class Star Destroyers arrived here from Hyperspace, preparing to establish a Line of Defense.

However, at this moment, the Hyperspace Detector suddenly sounded an alarm, followed by a Flash of White Light, and a Huge Warship escaped from Hyperspace and appeared in front of them!

The Huge Size of 4,845 meters, and the Bow that looks like a Bloody Mouth make this Warship full of oppression. The position below the Bow of this Battleship is broken, as if a Piece of Jaw is missing.

Aboard the Flagship, Laudable, the Commanders of the Republic Squadron was Jedi Master Ares Nune and Clone Commander Kite. Seeing the appearance of this Huge Battleship, he reacted immediately and shouted: "Immediately report to the Republic! Send a message for help! We have found a Separatist Super Battleship!"

"General! The Enemy Warship has opened up Powerful Electronic Interference! Our Communication cannot be sent out!" The Communications Officer exclaimed.

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