Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 634: You Are The Angel of Death!

Chapter 634: You Are The Angel of Death!

The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange, and the Two IG-100 Guard Droids who followed General Grievous also walked directly to the door, one left and one right guarding.

"The battlefield is also cleaned up, let's go to the next target." Count Dooku said, but he didn't say where the destination was.

After retrieving all Starfighters, the Malevolence once again entered the Hyperspace Jump State.

The scenery outside the window turned into countless bands of light, which are the light produced by the projection of the mass of the stars in the three-dimensional space in the Hyperspace Lane when sailing at a Superluminal Speed in the Hyperspace.

Tang Xiao was still extremely excited, chatting with Lugel over there, and kept admiring him.

Count Dooku gave General Grievous a sharp look, and Grievous walked over, roughly put Ruggle aside, and said, "Mr. Ruggle, it's time for the combat meeting next. You go see if the Two Ion Pulse Cannons were damaged after firing."

Ruggle Schmong was not an idiot either. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he nodded quickly and ran out of the Bridge as if fleeing.

"So what's our next goal? We should kill another Fleet of the Republic!" Tang Xiao said excitedly.

"This is natural, Your Excellency Governor. We need to use this Warship to deal a heavy blow to the Republic." Count Dooku walked over, patted Tang Xiao on the shoulder affectionately, and said, "We have been fighting on the Frontline, maybe, It may seem dangerous to you, but don't worry. With assassinations on Coruscant, nowhere is it safer than aboard the Malevolence."

General Grievous added later: "That's right! Even if a Fleet comes, it won't touch you at all!"

"Of course, I know it's safe here, Count Dooku." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

He naturally also understood that what Count Dooku and General Grievous said had another meaning—in this Galaxy, no one can save you!

"Your Excellency Governor... I've always been curious about one thing." Count Dooku looked in the direction of the porthole, with his hands behind his back, leaving Tang Xiao with a tall and straight back.

Indeed, although Count Dooku is an old man in his 80s, his height of 1.93 meters still makes him look full of oppression.

"Please tell me." Tang Xiao replied.

"I used to walk in the Light, but I saw too many things that were not Light in the Jedi Order. The Jedi Order has long lost its tradition, and glory, and has become an Armed Group serving politics. Therefore, I left and embraced the Darkness." Count Dooku said lightly: "This Galaxy needs change, you and I can both see that the Republic's weakness allows Corporate Giants to act recklessly, and it is precisely because of their madness that the people's life is getting harder."

Tang Xiao said lightly: "The Civilizations of the Galaxy started to rise from the Core Worlds. Except for a few Ancient Civilizations that rose in the Middle Rim and the Outer Rim, the Planets in the Core Worlds are far superior to other Planets in terms of Technology, Economy and Military. For tens of Thousands of Years, the situation of Planets in the Inner Rim exploiting other Planets has not changed at all, what has changed is only the form. This is what we need to work hard to break the monopoly of the Inner Rim on the Galaxy."

"Originally, the Galaxy should be able to become unified and powerful. In the era when the Sith Empire was defeated, the Republic was at its pinnacle and was so powerful and frightening! But a stupid Russan Treaty made the Republic quickly move like a bloody warrior who defeated all enemies and won the throne, but did not continue to expand the territory and build a powerful Empire, but chose to get drunk in the pool of wine..." Count Dooku said again.

Tang Xiao nodded.

"Even though I had left the Jedi Knights at that time, I still learned a lot of things, such as Jorus C'baoth's Outbound Flight Project, you should also know, after all, the Chiss General Sev'rance Tann is under your Command." Count Dooku glanced back at Tang Xiao and said, "Since she is under your Command, you should have heard her tell the legend of the Chiss, right?"

Tang Xiao frowned, shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this." "The unknown threat comes from outside the Galaxy." Count Dooku said, "Actually, I'm not sure about this, because we don't have the means to travel faster than the speed of light across the Galaxy, and there are no Hyperspace Lanes outside the Galaxy. But In any case, the Galactic Republic is dying, and when that day comes, countless souls will die."

"I agree with you, Count Dooku, that's exactly why I'm here. This is also my goal." Tang Xiao said.

Count Dooku turned around abruptly, his eyes were extremely sharp, he stared into Tang Xiao's eyes and said coldly: "Is it Tang Xiao's target, or the Angel of Death's target? Please tell me the truth, Lord Angel of Death."

"I don't quite understand what you mean. It is precisely because I have such a goal that Lord Angel of Death will find me." Tang Xiao replied with a normal expression.

Count Dooku ignored it but continued: "My Master, Darth Sidious, who holds a High Position in the Galactic Republic, once had a Master, and now I know that this person is Darth Plagueis, that is, Hego Damask II."

"What are you talking about? Hego? Darth Plagueis? Why did he get involved with Sith?" Tang Xiao asked back.

"I also know that Hego broke the Sith's Two-Person Principle while he was alive, and took in another Apprentice without telling everyone, and this Apprentice is the Angel of Death." Count Dooku ignored Tang Xiao, he just went on to say to himself, "Although I don't know what the Sith Title of Angel of Death is, he has been recorded in the Book of Sith and he is indeed a real Sith lord. The Force tells us so."

"We all know that Hego Damask II single-handedly supported the Fourth Group, and Dawn gradually developed through the power of the Fourth Group and has become one of the most important Planets in the Confederacy today. Back before Hego was alive, he did say that you and San Hill were his Disciples, however, this Angel of Death has always been illusory, without any basis for its existence... This is impossible because, In the Galaxy, no one can exist without a trace, so the answer is that the Angel of Death is between you and San Hill." Count Dooku continued.

"Although I have only met the Angel of Death once, and although I cannot see his figure and appearance clearly, I am sure that his behavior style is definitely not of a Muun. Then the answer is obvious ...Your Excellency, you are the Angel of Death!!" Count Dooku said sharply.

Swish!!! The Blood-Red Lightsaber was drawn out, facing towards Tang Xiao's chest!

Behind him, General Grievous also took out his Lightsaber from under his Cloak. Swish! Swish!! Swish!!! Swish!!!! His arms spread up and down, and immediately became four hands, each holding a Lightsaber!

"Then... say hello to me, Angel of Death..." Count Dooku said coldly.

Tang Xiao lowered his head so that they could not see his expression clearly, he just didn't say a word.

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