Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 624: Framed

Chapter 624: Framed

When Darth Malthael's Black Cloak and sinister Holographic Projection appeared in front of Anakin Skywalker, he drew his Lightsaber almost immediately, "Sith Lord! What do you want to do? What!?"

The corners of Darth Malthael's mouth raised slightly, and Malthael smiled coldly, "I'm here to help you."

"I don't need the help of a Sith Lord!" Anakin Skywalker gritted his teeth, "Unless you want me to help you die." Darth Malthael was not disobedient and just said lightly: "I can help you find Gardulla the Hutt. After that, I can also allow your Fleet to pass through the Hyperspace Lane near Tatooine to help Christophsis."

Anakin's face became serious, "What kind of conspiracy are you playing with me again, Sith!"

"You can call me, Angel of Death, and I will introduce us again." Darth Malthael said, "Although we haven't met much, I have never harmed you. The last time I was on Tatooine, I resurrected and saved your mother, and at the same time, I also spared your life, didn't I?"

"I don't need anyone's forgiveness, Sith! If you want to kill me, come here!" Anakin said fiercely.

"Gardulla, is on Teth." Darth Malthael said bluntly.

"Of course I know your conspiracy, because I'm on Teth now! Don't try to fool me with this obvious information!" Anakin Skywalker said.

"If that's the case, then I'm at ease. When my Special Operations Team comes to rescue you, remember not to fire on them." Darth Malthael smiled slightly and cut off the communication.

He had already learned from Admiral Trench that the Republic's Fleet was still fighting fiercely on Falleen, so since the Republic hadn't rescued Planet Christopher, the kidnapping occurred, which was different from the time of the original plot. It shows that the details of the kidnapping have indeed undergone many changes. At one point, he was very worried that Gardulla would not be imprisoned on Teth, as in the original plot after being kidnapped.

As a result, of being cheated by him, he learned from Anakin that Count Dooku was indeed luring them to Teth, so he was relieved and acted according to the plan.


At this time, Teth, B'omarr Order Monastery, a Monastery built on the top of a steep cliff, was once very remote, but now it is in full swing. Two Armies are fighting fiercely, and the Monks of the Monastery have run away.

A Clone Army of the Galactic Republic is attacking the Monastery. There are not many Droids defending the cliff, and they are basically B-1 Battle Droids whose logos have been erased. The number of Clone Troopers in the Republic is about 500, and carrying 10 AT-TE Walkers, they began to charge up the mountain relying on the powerful firepower of AT-TE Walkers.

Anakin Skywalker took the lead, wielding a Lightsaber to block the dense Blaster Beams above the cliff, and at the same time led a Clone Team to climb directly from the nearly vertical cliff with a Grappling Gun, and penetrated directly into the Droid's Defense Line.

Relying on Anakin Skywalker's powerful Force Sensing and Lightsaber Swordsmanship, they dug a gap in the Droid's Defense Line, and then quickly responded to other Troops to attack from here.

The Clone Army quickly wiped out all the Droids and occupied the Monastery. Anakin-Skywalker led a few Soldiers into the Monastery and found Gardulla in the basement.

At the same time, they didn't notice that a Sniper Rifle was being aimed at another mountain in the distance.

Justin Reeves held the M-90 Indra Sniper Rifle in one hand and a Scope with a complex structure in the other hand to observe the environment in the direction of the target. Through the Scope, he saw a man wearing a Black Cloak on the other side of the Monastery, but he could still see it, the skinny man was hiding there furtively, monitoring Anakin and Gardulla.

In the distance, a Huge Army of Droids has begun to assemble.

Not only that, but he also saw a Drone taking pictures of Anakin and Gardulla together. There is no doubt that, as Gardulla's former slave, Anakin would naturally not give Gardulla a good face, pushing and shoving her all the way.

It seems that these are here to collect materials. When the time comes, as long as you show these endless things to the Hutts, the Hutts who are furious because of Gardulla's death will definitely record this account in the Republic on the head!

After completing all of this, the rest, of course, is silence.

Anakin Skywalker over there didn't know what Gardulla said. Of course, with Gardulla's character, she was mostly mocking Anakin's former slave status. All he saw was that he became furious and kicked Gardulla's fat tail fiercely, all of which were recorded in detail by the Drone.

And the robot army started to move forward.

"They have acted, you should prepare too." Justin Reeves said lightly.

"I have no problem here. The new Spaceship that the Governor gave me is really great." Trent whistled during the communication.

"Rescuing the hostages is my unshirkable mission! But, can these people do it? They seem to have thin arms and legs, otherwise, let them rest? I will go and rescue them and come back." Shi Aimin said in the communication.

Justin Reeves' already dark face darkened a bit, "They are all the best fighters of the Fourth Army, no matter what you want to do, they can keep up with your rhythm."

While talking, the Droid Army has launched an attack!

These Droid Legions have been lurking here in advance, and they were in a shutdown state. Now they are all activated by an order, and they also advance immediately and soon surround the Monastery.

The Clone Troopers guarding the periphery noticed that something was wrong and immediately issued an alarm. They also immediately entered the position and fired desperately at the Droids surrounding them from all directions.

But there were too many Droids coming over, and a large number of B-1 Battle Droids and B-2 Super Battle Droids rushed over like a tide.

There are only 500 Clone Troopers participating in this rescue operation, while the number of Droids that attacked has exceeded 20,000!

Not only that, they also took off more than 100 Vulture Droid Starfighters, launching waves of crazy bombings on the Clone Trooper positions without Air Cover.

"Where did these Droids come from?!"

"Team A, there is a gap at 11 o'clock, fill it up as soon as possible!"

"There are too many of them, all units pay attention, give up the forward position after 1 minute, and withdraw into the Monastery!"

The Clone Troopers launched their resistance in an orderly manner, and their defensive formation was the best, but the huge gap in numbers still made them keep retreating.

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