
Chapter 183 – Reconquista 4


Wrapping up all the different issues coming with conquering a town is a hassle, I tell you.
Bravi was taken early near the beginning of the war, which means that Koreso had control over it for an extensive period of time.
As one can assume, the damage done is correspondingly extensive as well.
This at least I glean during my first few hours in this place, the town lord's office that I decided to occupy as my temporary base of operations.
Apparently, the occupants paid no heed to the struggle of the populace.
There was no consideration to care for the people.
Those who couldn't afford their livelihood were either enslaved or killed on the spot, as fleeing wasn't allowed.
Worse, it seems I have to figure out the collaborators from the rest and deal with them in accordance.

However, in total, it could be better, but also much worse if I think about it.
Governing a city is a tough job.
I really start to appreciate Lord Hawkspear's efforts in Osari.

For now, I can only patrol the streets for any leftover forces of the enemy.
I don't particularly try to prevent them from escaping town, but any remnants within the city could be bad.
Hopefully, Teron can say something about that.


"Commander." (Teron)

"Report!" (T)

"Hey, do I hear animosity in your voice? And that after I pretty much saved your ass out there." (Teron)

"Seriously, what were you thinking?! Throwing an officer out of the window and getting him lynched! Did you even think?! We could've made use of his information!" (T)


At least he might've told us about the enemy's movements, and if we might have to expect a timely answer from their army.


"As I said, I was saving your ass. Well-formed it might be, but you looked like you were having trouble pulling it out of the mess it got stuck in." (Teron)

"Address me one more time like this and I'll personally execute you." (T)

"Hey, too shy of a maiden to take compliments, huh?" (Teron)


It's almost instinctual how I draw my blade.


"If you want to fight this out, can we go outside? I wouldn't want to demolish the interior further than I already did last night. My Crimson Crescent doesn’t do so well in confined places. You wouldn't want anyone to say you just won for this reason, right?" (Teron)


God, am I through with this asshole!


"This exchange of information seems to have lost its focus. Please cease it. It would relate poorly to my management of the situation. Especially, after I already brought anything so far on the way." (C)


For a second, I stare in bewilderment at her.


"I have no idea what these pheromones are supposed to convey, but cease anything unnecessary, as I'd like to discuss the relevant steps up to this point." (C)

"You seem extremely interested in the administration of this takeover." (Teron)

"I am. Otherwise, I wouldn't have granted you the usage of the messengers. The sooner this all will be dealt with, the sooner I can return to my hive. The many drones within require that I supply them properly, which brings me to the first point. As to my knowledge your kind has no usage for them, I claim all the resulting bodies this conflict created. Any objections?" (C)

"What the fuck do you want with the corpses?!" (Teron)

"Naturally, process them to feed my brood. Not only did I have to risk them in your conflict, but every single drone I'm sending is one less to operate my hive. Therefore, I need to balance the losses I make and seek to secure their sustenance." (C)


As difficult as it is, I need to see their point.
This might be a perfect example of how human and insect sensitivities drift apart.
Yet she said all corpses and this poses an issue I can't let happen.


"I can offer you all Koresoan fighters and collaborators, but I need you to understand that mutilating corpses is considered sacrilege. Therefore, I need to insist that the bodies of our soldiers and civilians receive a proper burial." (T)

"Burial?" (C)


Damn, she doesn't even know this.


"We... have rituals where we send the bodies back to the earth, sea, or burn them." (T)

"You are aware..." (C)

"Yes, yes. Very much. But this isn't about logic, but about the feelings of my people. It will have severe consequences to upset them on this." (T)

"You humans become vexingly complicated! How am I supposed to prevent my units from starving?" (C)

"You're not the only one dealing with these issues. Currently, we need to secure necessities like food and water for the townspeople. The Koresoans didn't particularly care for this." (T)

"I hope our rations are still secured." (Teron)

"We didn't know the situation here was this catastrophic even without a siege. The storages are basically empty. You'll need to get by with a little less, but you won't have to exert your troops for the time being, so it should pose no issue. Also, according to my information, deliveries are already prepared for the front. Mostly to support this big project I'm not supposed to talk about." (T)

"Easy for you to say! You have any idea what hungry men with too much time are capable of?" (Teron)

"As far as I'm aware, it's your job to deal with this, Mr. Pack Leader!" (T)

"Careful! This pack might rout out your garden. I'd seriously 'advise' you to pay attention to their needs." (Teron)


This guy is almost openly threatening me here.
Before I can retort, someone approaches.


<Scrak!/Princess!> (D)


Huh, isn't that the man the princess brought with the other prisoners?
I wonder what she did to him to make him act so loyal to her.


<Yes, Diroen?> (C)

"Damn! Can you please talk normally?!" (Teron)

"You are allowed to." (C)

"Ahem. My princess, I'd like to inform you that there's a greater caravan approaching the town." (D)


A caravan?
Did the enemy already start their counterattack?

Maybe we can this time evacuate everyone through the tunnels.


"Your pheromones emit no sense of danger. Is there a reason you assume we're safe?" (C)


I didn't focus on it, but she's right.


"Well, no, but there's something peculiar about it. So I thought you should be informed." (D)

"Then don't dawdle. Speak! Is there any reason for stalling information?" (C)

"I apologize. Just didn't really know what to make out of it. You see, it seems they're approaching through the underground system." (D)


The tunnel system?
Coming from what this Diroen relayed, I'm very sure he means some kind of human grouping.
Otherwise, there would be nothing particular to report.
But no, I don't think that the enemy could've gained access to the system.
It wouldn't be impossible, but there would be a certain degree of effort necessary to make that happen.
So does this mean we're now transporting supplies through Formicean territory?
If what I heard about them working on a project to change the tides of this war is true, then it would make sense that there are agreements in place to conceal our movements and accelerate our cause by any means possible.


"To be precise, they should arrive within the next hour." (D)

"A sudden turn of events. I'd advise you, human leading unit, as well to gather information about this subject." (C)


She's right.
Whatever the nature of this delivery might be, its scale and the fact that not even I was informed about what they transport is reason enough to check this out.

Princess Chera and her human advisor leave, moving towards the lower caverns, which were recently added to Bravi's underground.
In the meantime, I gather a small entourage and head below, with Teron again by my side.
Down there, it seems like Chera already prepared a welcome, coming from the size of the troop she assembled.


"Ah, I see you managed to attend as planned." (C)

“Yes, well, let’s just get this over with.” (T)


After some time, the first messengers reach us and inform our group that we apparently don't need to worry.
A short time later, the lanterns of the first carts come into view.
Subsequently, I start to become deeply concerned.
I think I know who's coming there.


"Good day, my associates! We arrive to help you in your time of need! Oh my! Lady Lorata, long time no see! How's it going? I hope you've been well! I, on my side, can't complain. I started some very lucrative enterprises!" (O)


Why by all in the world did it have to be the copper demon?


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