Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 30

30. Night clubs

When Claire followed Isabella to the nightclub venue, there were already plenty of warrants gathered.

Step into the hall and your surroundings will squirm at once.

Claire cared for Isabella, stretching her spine and walking slowly.

Its elegance and sophisticated standing behavior nail the eyes of the courtiers who are supposed to be rivals in the name of finding the First Prince’s Queen.

“Something, isn’t the entrance noisier?

Behind the venue, says Donnie, who stood next to Veek on a mission as a Kingsguard knight.

Despite his assignment, he’s carrying face-to-face courtiers behind his back.

“Right. Do you want to take a look?”

The moment Keith answered and tried to make his way, a wave of people broke all the time.

At that moment, Veek, who was smiling at the ladies in work mode, doubts his eyes.

At the end of the road made between the ladies and the nobles, there was Claire.

Perhaps other courtiers and invitees decided that Claire was a high-ranking courtier.

It was nature that opened the way for us to say hello as soon as possible to the First Prince, the star of today.

“… Miss Claire, come here”

Claire naturally thought Isabella would say hello in case Her Highness called.

But Veek called Claire’s name now.

Claire was a terrible wolf in her heart, but soon regained her composure and a clear smile, walking over to Veek. And I cartesied deeply.

“… you’ve come a lot. Say hello to His Majesty the King.”

Vik escorts to the high seat where His Majesty the King sits, holding the hand he took when Claire knelt.

“Your Highness, today, I…”

Claire managed to tell her that she had come with her escort in a whisper, but the stirring around was so loud that even more Vik didn’t try to hear it.

(Shit. I can’t believe this is happening)

Claire worried about how to fix her past behavior.

But I didn’t need to worry about that.

Because after finishing his greeting to His Majesty the King, Claire was freed safely.

“If you don’t say hello to all the ladies equally first, it’ll be a hassle”

That’s what Lewis said, and Lewis drove Vik to the waves of the ladies.

I wonder how Isabella is doing.

Released from Veek, Claire looks around the venue concerned.

Looks like Isabella found a friendly young lady. He is there and waves happily toward Claire, in the wind that

Claire is relieved and takes the champagne glass.

I can see that the nightclub venue I haven’t visited in a long time has different thoughts on my back than it looks gorgeous.

Especially today, it’s a battlefield of outfits for those who want to get into the power of choosing the First Prince’s Queen.

Let’s manage to move by the wall to avoid getting into useless trouble, Claire, who was walking like that, was accidentally called out.

“Good evening. Just now, you said hello to His Majesty the King with His Royal Highness, didn’t you? My name is Deanna Meade.”

Introducing herself, she was a lady with an exotic vibe. He has a samurai with the same face just like him.

“I’m Dion Meade. The trace of Count Meade’s house. We’re twins.”

As Claire perceived what she was thinking, his escort also introduced herself.

My name is Claire Martino.

“Martino? Of the Noston Country?

Claire introduces herself or no, Deanna cuts in deep and pursues.

It’s a straightforward thing to say that’s not appropriate for this occasion.

“… yeah, well”

Though Claire smiled and squealed, she was uncomfortable with the fact that the name of the Noston country came up soon and its fortitude.

“Are you… are you sure your mother didn’t die early?


Dion, who noticed Claire’s complexion change sassy, nods and goes in to stop Deanna.

“… I’m sorry, Miss Claire. Excuse me, sir.”

“… no. Never mind.”

Claire cut through with a smile like a lady.

The two, far from Claire, are looking at each other in a meaningful way.

(Count Meade’s house……)

Waltz was starting to flow in the middle of the hall while Claire was having trouble putting this indescribable place of discomfort.

As one goes, Veek, who has finished greeting all the ladies, comes to Claire’s side, offers his hand and says:

“Will you dance with me? Miss Claire.”


There is no such thing as being the substantial protagonist of today as the first prince of the Pfeet nation, and being able to turn down an invitation from Veek, who is also one of the most important people for Claire.

“Yeah, I’d love to”

It was a night club that was supposed to have come as a samurai, but somehow Claire was lining up next to the lead.

To the rhythm of the loose waltz, the two danced.

I think Claire thinks that Vik is light and that’s the first prince.

Step on a white, beautiful marble floor like slipping and dancing.

When I look up, I’m about to be sucked into my impressive eyes again from the first time I saw him.

I was embarrassed to look at each other, and Claire tended to lay low all the time.

At the end of my sight, I felt Isabella was happy.

(I’m sure this will convince Isabella too)

(Dreaming games end with memories of nightclub dancing)

You can end up like this.

When I finished dancing a song, the venue gave me a big round of applause.

To cheer, high ranking warrants speak to Vik in turn.

“Your Highness, dance with me too.”

“Then I’m next.”

One voice after another.

My turn is over here.

Claire gently walked out of the venue when she realized her time was up.

A long stone-walled corridor leads to the entrance of the Royal Palace.

From the garden, strong winds blow through at once.

When I got the damp wind on my cheek, the exaltation I had just had was pulled back into reality, like a lie, all at once.

That’s what I miss, and Claire does her hand on the pocket watch on her chest like she looks for the finish.

“… I don’t”

Ever since I borrowed it from Veek, I’ve lost my cherished pocket watch.

Duh, look around.

The passage, lit with only a few lights, was dark and had no purpose within sight.

Earlier, it must have happened when I left the venue.

(I don’t know what to do… without that… me)

Reflectively, we go back down the road to the venue again.

Claire also forgot that she was in a dress and crouched down to look for the floor.

“I don’t…”

I can’t find it, when I think so.

Sharan. I heard the chain shake and rub.

“… is this what you’re looking for?

Claire solidified in surprise.

I just heard a voice that could never be here.

The lord was Veek.

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