Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 26

26. Rewards

Claire woke up in exactly the same room in the royal palace that she woke up in the drunkenness incident before this.

(I wonder what happened to the Magic Tornado…)

That’s all Claire cared about while her consciousness was still unclear.

There is no one in the room.

I want to get up, but my body is heavy as lead and I can’t even move my fingertips.

(I don’t even have a voice…)

The curtains on the canopy remained open.

You don’t listen to me. Put a drink in your body and manage to turn your heavy head towards the window.

I don’t know how long it’s been, but outside the window, there was a beautiful blue sky, as usual.

I was feeling it before I lost my mind, and the disgust coming from the distortion of magic is gone.

(Was the purification successful…?

Horrified Claire let go of consciousness again, unable to withstand the weight of her body.



A cold feeling runs on my cheeks.

When I opened my lid, there was Lui’s face with a squeeze.

“Claire! You noticed.”


Before Claire replies, Lewis hugs Claire tightly as she lays down.

“Really, good. Sorry, I can’t even help you.”

Claire’s eyeballs turned hot on the emotional appearance of the usually cool Lewis.

“Purification… succeeded, didn’t it?

“Oh. It was perfect”

Vik answers Claire’s question from behind Lewis.

Looking around, there was also Keith and Donnie in the room.

“Claire’s been asleep for three days.”

Keith keeps looking worried.

“So much? Me……”

“Stay down on the balcony. How are you feeling?”

Veek sits by his bedside and peeks into Claire’s face.

The tension had disappeared from Emerald Green’s eyes, returning to a calm color.

“We’re holding back in this room. Call me if anything happens, Claire.”

Three people smile at Nico and move to the next.

“Something… there won’t be anything”

I replied with a face that Veek was not convinced of.


“Oh, my God, even Claire.”

“I’m so happy right now”

Until just now, four people who were desperately running around with a rugged face are relaxing and talking.

Claire was more than happy to protect the air in this warm paft country.


Veek smiled gently.

After a few moments, he deflects his attention from Claire and says Vique.

“… His Majesty the King wants to see Claire”

“What! To me?

Claire was so surprised, she shouted out loud.

“Claire is a hero who saved the country. It wasn’t an exaggeration, it was so dangerous. He wants to thank you.”

“Okay. What are your plans, Your Majesty? I’ll be ready in a minute.”

In a hurry, Claire tries to get her body out of bed, but she doesn’t get well into her body because she’s been asleep for a while.

Says Vique, reluctantly helping and waking up Claire flirting.

“As the first prince, I’m going to advise Claire of his title and his position as a magician in the royal palace.”

Claire was bewildered by the spirited words of Veek.

“What do you mean…? I don’t need a title. Even as a magician… this might be a bad time.”

“But with a title, I can be escorted. If you’re a magician, you can have a room in the royal palace.”

I can see that overlapping words are feeling desperate and emotional. Claire became increasingly confused.

“Vik, I can’t see the story.”

“… Actually, I’m a little concerned”

Determining it was impossible to go ahead without giving a reason to Claire, Vike began to give details.

“What I care about is the human trend involved in the demise of the Lindell Nation. I recently started researching it, but sometimes 40 years ago, new information doesn’t come up…. If Claire’s mother’s death is not an accident by accident, I feel a strong will to hide my existence.

I feel much more powerful and more vocal in Veek’s hands.

“This means that the human has grasped that the surviving princess married the Martino family…. Claire would be the only one in the world who could purify the biggest magic tornado of all time. I hope it’s hard to get over… it’s no surprise the killer targeted Claire as something he knows some circumstances”

“Sure, I know what you’re talking about. But that was 40 years ago? It’s been over 10 years since your mother died. Besides, I don’t know anything.”

“It’s the killer who decides that. I’m afraid of one possibility.”

Veek continued, staring into Claire’s eyes after showing a momentary hesitant bare gesture.

“Claire, I know you don’t want to be on the side of power. But let me protect you as my home.”


Claire got stuck in words and eyes that were too straight.


“The visit to His Majesty the King is in half an hour, but are you ready? Claire.”

Keith looks sorry and peeks at this one from the next.

“Yeah, of course I’m fine. It’s the only Royal School uniform I’ve ever worn, but I wonder if it’s rude.”

“… that’s all right. You must know that I just finally woke my eyes. Just wanted to say thank you.”

Vik answers by standing up from his bedside, not saying that he was disturbed.

“Okay. I’ll be right there.”


From the side of the First Prince, I’m sure the conversation we had earlier was’ something ‘.

Claire now has no back shield.

(… of a neighboring Duke’s house, I wonder if I would have gotten closer if I had met her as a non-fallen warrant)

Claire just missed the identity she couldn’t breathe so much and wanted to let go.

Get dressed, grab onto Lewis’ arm and head between sights.

In front of a magnificent door with gorgeous decorations, Claire let go of her hand from Lewis and stood on her own feet.

“Claire, are you okay? His Royal Highness is the only one who can come in with me.”

Lewis stares worryingly at Claire.

“No problem.”

Forget that your body is fluffy somehow, stretch out your spine and shan.

I have never even been a duke’s maid, such as to see and give words to the king in a formal setting.

But it was Claire’s pride as a courtier that did not allow her to realize that her legs were about to tremble due to fatigue and tension.

The door opens with the signal.

Claire stepped in between a glimpse following Veek.

Marble floors and walls with tips and Claire and Veek footsteps.

His Majesty the King sat on the throne on the altar built directly in front of him.

“This activity was truly remarkable. As king, I want to convey my gratitude.”

“Thank you for your time, I’m terrified.”

Claire bows deeply against the king.

“That attitude will be hard. Give me your face. Take it easy.”

“Care, it hurts. Thank you.”

To the king’s words, Claire gives a face and smiles.

For the first time I saw King Puffito’s eyes, they were the same color as Veek’s.


King Puffett says, as impressed.

“You’re used to it a lot. I hear you’re from a nobleman of the Noston Nation.”

“There are many things that don’t lead me to, and I’m being forgiven.”

“Ho, right”

The king looks at Vik with a soft look.

“I saved the national disaster. I’ll send you a reward. Say whatever you want.”

Claire, who had some anticipation that this question would come, replies without precipitation.

“I am very happy and full of life in this paft country. There’s nothing more you want.”

“Well, my first prince tells me he wants to give me the title.”

The king looks at Claire with an unexpected look.

“It is enough that I am happy to live. This job was just to protect our lives with our loved ones.”

(… cum. That’s a lot of honor student answers)

Neighbor Vik makes fun of Claire in a whisper.

(Because it’s true)

Claire also made a clear face and answered in a small voice.

The king, who was watching closely the two, says with his eyes round.

“Keith told me that the hero who saved the country was a good friend of Veek’s, but I didn’t know he was such a smiling friend”

(I think there’s been a big misunderstanding.)

Claire wanted to deny it, but she just didn’t get that courage against His Majesty the King.

“It doesn’t have to be right now. Think slowly.”

“I’m terrified.”

When he heard Claire’s words, the king nodded contentedly and took his seat.

And I said it when I left.

“… Veek. I’m adjusting the example night club to be held around the end of next month. Let the invitees go. That’s your reward for this job.”

“… you…….

Claire lifts her head and asks Vik, confirming that the king has left.

“What next month… is there something?

Veek’s face, heartless or red.

“No… you’ll see. More than that, Claire. Apparently, His Majesty liked you a lot.”

Claire had no idea what that meant.

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