Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 22: First Night of the Banquet

“Nervous?” Knight Commander Bardin asked.

“A little,” I said, giving her a weak smile

It was the first night of the week-long banquet that Grand Duke Kaltbrand had decided to throw in order to reveal, and celebrate, his (fake) heir. The knight commander and I were alone in a small antechamber, waiting for the Grand Duke so we could make our appearance.

In the days leading up to this night, guests from all over the Barrens arrived, starting with those with the highest status. To keep my appearance a secret for a little while longer, Grand Duke Kaltbrand “confined” me to my rooms, or so he told everyone else. In reality, I snuck about Kaltbrand Castle disguised as a Coldsteel Knight. Those who could reveal my identity kept their mouths shut. Those who would, such as the new hires, didn’t know what I looked like.

This gave me an opportunity to observe the northern lords in relative anonymity. I focused my attention on my rivals, the other potential heirs, though I made sure to keep an eye on the other northern lords as well. My sharpened senses allowed me to notice things that others would have missed. Everyone was a potential friend and enemy, and I didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity because I wasn’t paying attention to the right person. With the twins helping me, I gained a decent picture of how the northern lords viewed me.

As expected, House Kaltbrand’s vassals were unhappy about my sudden appearance and wary of how it would affect them. More than one called me a “lucky bastard”, though it was clear from their tones that they meant it as an insult. A few even disparaged Knight Commander Bardin, my mother according to the rumors, saying that she seduced Grand Duke Kaltbrand in order to become the next grand duchess. It took a good deal of self control on my part not to thrash the ones who said such things.

The loudest and most vulgar of them were the nobles from House Arbeit. They made no secret of their disdain for “Wulfe Kaltbrand”, never missed an opportunity to insult me. Of course, they made sure to hold their tongues whenever the other nobles were around. However, they took no such precautions around the servants, including the Coldsteel Knights.

The twins once told me that Lord Ulric Arbeit, the potential heir, acted dismissive towards those he viewed below him. Given how his family acted, it didn’t surprise me that he turned out this way.

Conversely, the ones who gossiped the least were the nobles from House Steuben. Neither I nor the twins ever heard them say a negative word about “Wulfe Kaltbrand” or Knight Commander Bardin. That wasn’t to say that it never happened. However, if the nobles of House Steuben ever said anything, they made sure to not say it around any of the servants. This made me even more suspicious of them, since it made it more difficult to tell what they were thinking.

That said, House Steuben took this opportunity to socialize with the other nobles. Lord Klemens Steuben, the other potential heir, was quite charming and gregarious. After observing him for a bit, I could see why his was the largest faction. Not only was House Steuben the oldest family among the three, but Lord Klemens himself had a way of getting others to like him.

House Gerhard, Lady Adelheid’s family, fell somewhere in the middle. While they weren’t as loudmouthed at House Arbeit, they weren’t quiet like House Steuben. Since I now had their support, thanks to Lady Adelheid, I could only assume they did this to avoid suspicion. It wasn’t yet time to declare their allegiance.

Lady Adelheid herself remained in high spirits the entire time. It seemed that making House Gerhard the bridge between the Barrens and the Riverlands kept her in a good mood. She didn’t get into any fights, even when nobles made snide remarks against her and her family. This caught several people off guard.

Despite all the gossip, rumors, and insults they hurled my way, the northern lords were eager to meet with “Wulfe Kaltbrand”. Being confined to his rooms only sharpened their curiosity. More than one tried to barge their way in to see him, though none succeeded. My bodyguards and the twins kept a vigilant watch.

To my surprise, more than one young lady tried to sneak into my rooms in the middle of the night. One time, this even resulted in two of them bumping into each other. Of course, I shouldn’t have been surprised. Sneaking into my room and causing a scandal would be a surefire way of becoming the next grand duchess. That was enough of a temptation for some. However, my people dealt with them with ease.

“I’m surprised this sort of thing makes you nervous, my disciple.” Knight Commander Bardin said, pulling me back to the present. “I thought you would be used to this sort of thing.”

I shook my head.

“I ran away from House Guld before they introduced me to high society, so this counts as my debut.” I said. “While I interacted with several nobles before then, I never attended a social event like this.” I paused. “Of course, this is nothing compared to the nervousness I felt when I met with His Imperial Majesty.”

Knight Commander Bardin’s eyebrows rose at that.

“You met the emperor?” she asked. “I didn’t know that.”

I nodded.

“Yes.” I said. “Fa-…Duke Guld needed His Imperial Majesty’s permission in order to officially adopt me into House Guld. For that to happen, I needed to meet with His Imperial Majesty in person.”

That had been a nerve wracking meeting. The emperor terrified my younger self. He never said or did anything to me that would warrant such fear. However, his very presence was enough to scare me. To me, he seemed more like an overbearing and imposing force of nature than a mere mortal. It didn’t help that he shared Duchess Guld’s features, but had none of her warmth. During that entire meeting, he studied me with cold and calculating eyes, as if I were a pawn he was figuring out how to make the best use of.

“Wulfe,” Knight Commander Bardin said after some hesitation, “You said that House Guld adopted you as a substitute for Lord Emmerich, who everyone thought was dead at the time. However, if they went through the effort to meet with the emperor to make your adoption official, I think-…”

I shook my head, cutting her off.

“Don’t.” I said through clenched teeth. “Just…don’t. Please. Not now.”

Knight Commander Bardin studied me for several long seconds, before she nodded.

“Very well.” she said, before placing a hand on my arm. “I will say this. Regardless of whatever happens in the future, I want you to know that I am on your side, Wulfe. You are my disciple and…” She cut herself off mid-sentence. “…I’ve come to view you as my own son.”

Knight Commander Bardin’s words touched my heart, and I placed my hand over hers.

“Thank you, Teacher.” I said. “Sometimes I wish I really were your son, unworthy I am of such an honor.”

Knight Commander Bardin’s lips trembled for a moment, before she pulled away and nodded.

“Where is that big oaf?” She asked, her voice thick with emotion. She cleared her throat. “He’s late. How dare he? Especially after I made the effort to put on a dress for him. I should have just worn my uniform like usual.”

To send a clear message to everyone, Grand Duke Kaltbrand decided that the three of us would enter the banquet hall together. To hammer the point home even further, we even wore matching outfits. Knight Commander Bardin wore a black and blue dress trimmed with silver, while the Grand Duke and I wore black outfits trimmed with blue and silver. When we stood side by side, we looked like a real family.

A part of me wanted it to be true. What if I really were the son of Grand Duke Kaltbrand and Knight Commander Bardin? After spending the past few weeks with them, I realized that I was fond of them both. Not to mention, I held them both in high regard because of their strength, Knight Commander Bardin in particular. However, another part of me rebelled against the idea.

How could I think such traitorous thoughts, after everything House Guld had done for me? Yes, they took me in as a substitute for their real son, but they still raised me and provided for me. Maybe, just maybe, they even loved me. How dare I think about wanting to be part of another family? The whole reason why I was even in the Barrens was to become a noble and marry into House Guld. I shouldn’t be greedy and want more than that.

As these thoughts plagued my mind, the door to the antechamber opened and Count Wirner entered. He wore a simple black outfit with little in the way of embellishments or decorations. It gave him a somber air. He bowed to us both, while the knight commander and I both nodded to him.

“Greetings, Teacher.” Knight Commander Bardin said. “What brings you here? I’m surprised you haven’t joined the banquet yet.”

He gave her a tight smile.

“I thought I would make my stance clear and enter the banquet hall alongside you.” he said. “I already received Anselm’s permission. Although he said that you had the final say in the matter.”

Knight Commander Bardin studied him for several seconds, before she nodded.

“Very well,” She said, “If His Grace permitted it, then by all means join us.” She paused. “That said, I am glad that you decided to give Wulfe your support.”

Count Wirner shrugged.

“He is my grandson,” he said, “It is the least I can do.” He studied Knight Commander Bardin, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “I hope that this brings me one step closer to earning your forgiveness.”

Knight Commander Bardin raised an eyebrow at that.

“What do you mean, Teacher?” she said. “There is nothing to forgive.”

Count Wirner’s expression fell at her words. It was only for a second, but that was more than long enough for me to catch a glimpse of his heartbreak.

“I see.” He said in a heavy tone.

Knight Commander Bardin turned away from him.

“Remember,” she said in a quiet voice, “You chose this.”

Count Wirner clenched his fists and didn’t respond. My heart went out to him. While I knew why Knight Commander Bardin acted this way, it was clear to me that Count Wirner was trying to make up for his past behavior. However, it wasn’t my place to interfere. I wasn’t a part of their family. Even if I were, I wasn’t the injured party here. The knight commander was. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to offer some sort of consolation to the count.

“Thank you for your support, Count Wirner.” I said, giving him a warm smile. “I much appreciate it.”

He shook his head.

“It was the least I could do,” he said. “Over the past few weeks, you’ve proven yourself more than worthy of being the next Grand Duke.” He paused, as if conflicted about what he was going to say next. “Though, if you still wish to show your gratitude, there is one thing you can do for me.”

I nodded.

“Whatever it is,” I said. “As long as it is within my power, I will do it.”

“Call me ‘Grandfather’ from now on,” he said. “Or ‘Grandpa’, if you wish to be more informal.”

I stared at Count Wirner in shock. I wasn’t the only one either. Knight Commander Bardin whirled around and looked at him, her eyes wide. Several expressions crossed her face, revealing the chaotic maelstrom of emotion that raged within her.

“You…!” she said, before stopping, unable to say anything else.

“I don’t wish to make the same mistake with him as I did with you.” Count Wirner said. “Regardless of your feelings towards me, Wulfe is still my grandson and I will treat him as such.”

Knight Commander Bardin stared at him for several long seconds, before she crossed her arms and turned away from him once more.

“Well?” Count Wirner said, looking at me. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”

I studied him for a few moments, before nodding.

“I am amenable,” I said. “Grandfather.”

It was easier for me to call Count Wirner “Grandfather” than it was for me to call Grand Duke Kaltbrand “Father”, or Knight Commander Bardin “Mother”. The reason behind this was simple: I never experienced what it was like to have a grandparent. Fath-…Duke Guld’s parents passed away years before House Guld adopted me. As for Duchess Guld, her father, the previous emperor, died some time ago as well. Her mother, the empress dowager, refused to acknowledge me as her grandchild or even meet with me. Count Wirner was the first, and only person, I would ever call “Grandfather”.

“No,” Knight Commander Bardin said, turning towards me and pointing a finger in my direction. “I won’t allow it.” She paused to let her words sink in. “The only way I will ever let you call Teacher ‘Grandfather’ is if you call me ‘Mom.’”

My eyes widened in bafflement.

“But earlier, you said-…,” I started to say, but she cut me off.

“That was then and this is now.” Knight Commander Bardin said. “I refuse to let you call him ‘Grandfather’ while you call me ‘Teacher.’ I won’t allow it.”

I felt conflicted and confused. A part of me wanted to go ahead with her demand, even though I didn’t understand the reason behind it. However, I didn’t know if I could. The idea of being so informal with Knight Commander Bardin, the legendary Iron Countess, felt wrong to me. Still, since she was the one telling me to, perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

“Very well,” I said, before pausing for a few seconds. “Mom.”

Knight Commander Bardin’s eyes grew wide, as if she couldn’t believe I actually went through with it. She turned away from me, her cheeks flushed red. Oh no. She was angry with me. I shouldn’t have done it. An awkward silence fell over the antechamber. However, before it could last for too long, the door opened and Grand Duke Kaltbrand entered.

“I apologize for being late.” He said. “I needed to discuss something with Claus. Shall we enter the banquet hall now?” He looked around and noticed the awkwardness in the air. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

After Knight Commander Bardin, Count Wirner, and I managed to regain our composure, which took much longer than it should have, the four of us made our way towards the banquet hall. Grand Duke Kaltbrand escorted Knight Commander Bardin, while I trailed behind them. Count Wirner followed up behind me as the last of our group.

We stepped out into a large hallway, before making our way to the double doors that led to the banquet hall itself. A pair of servants waited by the doors. When we approached, they bowed and opened the doors.

The banquet hall was a large, open space that was shaped like a rectangle. Several rows of tables occupied the center of the hall, with enough room to seat several dozen people. This was a departure from the norm. Usually, the tables would be arranged in a “U” shape. However, there were too many guests to make that feasible. Another table, which sat at the end of the room, stood atop a raised dais, which elevated it above the others. This was the head table, where the Grand Duke, his family, and any important guests would sit.

Colorful mana crystal lamps and other decorations dotted the hall, adding a cheerful and festive air. Music played from a band of musicians, who occupied one of the banquet hall’s corners. The hall was full of people, who filled the room with the sound of their chatter. As per custom, all of them remained standing instead of sitting down. During occasions like this, no one sat until the host arrived and sat down first.

A servant, who stood nearby as we entered, announced our entrance.

“Presenting Grand Duke Anselm Kaltbrand,” the servant cried out. “Countess Sofie Bardin, Lord Wulfe Kaltbrand, and Count Gero Wirner.”

Everyone turned to face us. They all wore varying expressions on their faces. Some looked hostile, some looked curious, some looked indifferent, and some looked eager. The number of people caught me off guard. While I knew that House Kaltbrand had many vassals that served them, seeing them all at once was a little overwhelming. Once again, I was amazed by just how powerful and influential House Kaltbrand was. They were kings and queens in all but name, with the Barrens as their kingdom.

Several people looked unhappy when everyone noticed that Grand Duke Kaltbrand escorted Knight Commander Bardin, and the implications behind this action; the women in particular. I guessed that they harbored hopes of becoming the next Grand Duchess. The Grand Duke’s actions just now dashed those hopes.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand led our party to the head table. However, he didn’t sit down right away.

“I would like to welcome you all to Kaltbrand Castle,'' said the Grand Duke. “And I would also like to thank you for joining us during this joyous occasion.”

I saw more than one person’s face twitch when he said ‘joyous occasion’.

“Under normal circumstances,” the Grand Duke continued, “Most of you would arrive here for the seasonal meeting to discuss the affairs of the Barrens. However, as many of you have no doubt heard, this season’s meeting is special.” He gestured to me. “I would like to formally introduce my son, Lord Wulfe Kaltbrand, to all of you and declare him as my heir.” His expression hardened. “I expect you all to show him the same loyalty and support that you have shown me.”

The implied threat behind his words was impossible to miss. Nobody reacted right away. I didn’t blame them. While they all must have heard the rumors, having the Grand Duke himself confirm those rumors must have come as a shock to many of them; the potential heirs in particular. From their perspective, I appeared out of nowhere and took what they thought was theirs.

“Now then,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said, clapping his hands together. “I’m sure all of you are hungry, and it would be remiss of me to keep you waiting. Let us eat!”

With that, the Grand Duke sat down. Everyone else had no choice but to follow his example. The first night of the banquet had begun.

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