foreigner's journey

Chapter 78 Hard fight

Chapter 78 Hard fight
On the evening of February 2, 15:23.

Hunter headquarters building underground duel arena.

"……Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

boom--! !

The giant silver tower, which made a long series of screams, slammed into the curved wall beside it, making a dull sound.

Just as he got up and shook his head vigorously, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and Heather's face with violent murderous intent appeared in front of him again.

"Again, come again?"

Silver Tower only had time to cross his arms in front of him, and then a heavy punch hit his arms.For a moment, Yinta even felt that his arm was about to be broken. Why is this guy's strength getting stronger and stronger?
With the dull and loud noise, the half-kneeling giant Han Yinta was bombarded with tremendous force and slid back two meters.Heather lowered his body and waited to chase, when he suddenly put his right foot on the ground with one hand and kicked up with the sound of violent wind!

The bare soles firmly supported the Ruyi stick that was swung from top to bottom, and all the strength on the stick was removed by the shaking muscles to the ground touched by the right hand. He grabbed the iron rod, and his legs kicked towards [Shen] Westward Journey like a rush of rain.

"This bastard is using the president's heart to unload the force? Come on, what a heavy force!"

Westward Journey's arms were in front of him and he could only try to parry. Heather's strength was so great that he suspected that he would be kicked to death within five seconds.

At this time, a fluffy hand grabbed the back collar of Journey to the West and forcibly dragged it away, while Heather was bumped by another figure.

These are two monkeys of different shapes. The one who dragged the Westward Journey was a tall and thin gray monkey wearing a mask, while the one who bumped into Heather was a burly golden monkey wearing a blindfold.

Heather clasped the ground with his backhand to stop the fall. His five fingers sank deep between the hard stone bricks, and the top of his knee slammed into the golden monkey's chest. The latter screeched and flew backwards.

But Journey to the West also jumped into the air. A little orange monkey with earphones appeared behind him, holding the wish-fulfilling stick that had been kicked by Heather before and stuffed it into Journey to the West.

As soon as the Ruyi stick entered Westward Journey's hand, it immediately rose against the storm. In the blink of an eye, it turned into an iron stick with a length of nearly five meters and the thickness of a wrist, and it slashed towards Heather!

The ability to operate the system [Ruyi is great]!By injecting the mind energy into the mind tool 'Ruyi stick' forged by Journey to the West, it can achieve three special effects: [thickness and thinness], [weight gain and weight loss], and [longer and shorter].He is usually shrunk to the extreme and placed in his ear.

Unleash the power of kinship [Sight Monkey, Listening Monkey, Talking Monkey]!Condensed into three mind beasts with their own thoughts, each with special abilities - after hitting an enemy, it can cause it to lose [vision]/[hearing]/[voice] for a short time.The stronger the hit, the longer the duration.However, consecutive hits will weaken the subsequent effects. If you hit 5 times in a row within one hour, the opponent will be immune to the corresponding negative effects for the next three hours.

Journey to the West is a rare dual-minded person.He himself is a release-type ability, and out of his obsession with stick weapons, he specially developed the operation system ability [Wishful Stick] that is close to the release-type.His actual combat ability is also at the forefront among the twelve Earthly Branches.

But the [Three No Monkeys], who have always been unfavorable, encountered a freak like Heather as if it had no effect.Even though the three monkeys had hit him, the opponent was still fighting as if his senses had not been stripped away at all.No, Journey to the West couldn't even be sure whether the other party was deprived of senses.

A golden flame suddenly appeared in Heather's hand, and the gorgeous cross sword appeared from the flame, drawing a splendid arc and slashing fiercely on the incoming Ruyi stick.

Sparks fly!

Journey to the West only felt that the Ruyi stick in his hand was unstable for a while, and it turned back to its original length of 140cm automatically.

Isn't it only possible to use [Light Egg], how can [Absolute Kingship] also be used?Xiyou suddenly complained in his heart, wouldn't the mind power attached to the wishful stick be chopped off by that damn 'absolute kingship'?

Heather raised the knife and dropped the knife, and the nearest [Sight Monkey] was cut in half by the cross sword, and immediately turned into flying ashes and dispersed.Then he turned his head to 'look' at [Mao] Biyou who was not far away, and charged towards her with the cross sword in hand.

"Silver Tower! His sword!" 【卯】Biyou screamed, the index fingers and middle fingers of both hands were crossed together, and the silver tower, who had just taken a breath, was beaten to the side in the wailing sound (again? Isn't it?) In an instant, he moved in front of Heather.

The ability to operate the system [Cute Rabbit Four Caves]!Give a specific target a 'mark', which can move the target to a position within the line of sight within 50 meters.Unable to move objects over 1000kg, and unable to move objects that one subconsciously considers to be a fatal threat to oneself.When giving a 'mark', you need to keep touching the target with your hands for 60 seconds. During this period, the target moves or strongly resists as a failure of the mark, and you cannot mark the target again within 72 hours.Marking lasts for a maximum of 36 hours, and a maximum of four marks can exist at any one time.

Yinta took a deep breath with a bitter face, and then the muscles all over his body skyrocketed. The whole person changed from a somewhat rounded big man to a three-meter tall inverted triangle burly man, covered with lush body hair, and his eyes were baleful.

He stretched out his right arm towards the slashing cross sword, blood splashed all over for a while, and the blade was deeply embedded in the arm muscles of the silver tower, but it did block the blade of absolute kingship.The [Extraordinary Nemesis] effect, which can burn the energy of mind, has no effect on the Silver Tower. In front of him, the absolute kingship is just a sharp and tenacious cross sword.

Trait Psychic Ability [Sleeping Golden Fleece]!You can fall asleep through any object that comes into contact with your own hair, including but not limited to [own mind energy], [opponent's mind ability], [weapon sharpness], [thinking], [emotion], etc.The disadvantage is that the Silver Tower needs to get enough sleep time (4 hour) at a specific time (1:[-] pm) every day. If the sleep time is incorrectly specified, it will not be able to use the mind power for the next three days.

Silver Tower had already been injured and put [Light Egg] into a deep sleep just now. At this time, he planned to repeat the same trick to put [Absolute Kingship] into a deep sleep.Although Heather was already in a coma, he couldn't let his body fall into a deep sleep, but wouldn't he be able to control his nasty thoughts, and then restrain him?
Just thinking of this, Yinta's whole body was shrouded in 'flame' and made a mournful scream.


With the flames entangled, more than [-]% of Yinta's own mental energy instantly disappeared, and his mental ability still belongs to the definition of 'supernatural ability', which is naturally restrained by [supernatural nemesis].

Biyu immediately crossed his fingers and planned to teleport the silver tower away, but found that the ability could not work.The absolute kingship burnt out the 'mark' that Biyu put on him while burning out the spirit of the silver tower.

"It's time, change!"

The high-spirited dragon roar sounded, and the silver tower was grabbed and thrown back, and Biyou and Xiyou also retreated to the side sweating, leaving room for the next group to fight.

The tall old man [Chen] Potter White was ready to go looking at Heather, followed by [Si] Gail and [Noon] Kobayakawa.

Group C is here!
 PS: Second update
PS: Some types of mental ability do not represent the type of mental energy of oneself. For example, it is possible to release the system to develop the adjacent reinforcement system and operation system.And Hisoka's so-called character corresponding to the mind is also famous in the comics - it's entirely Hisoka's personal inference, without any basis.Although sometimes it is accurate.

(End of this chapter)

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