foreigner's journey

Chapter 41 Prophecy

Chapter 41 Prophecy
After a while, Chrollo's phone vibrated.

[Ilmi: He has arrived in Youkexin City, but the exact trace is unknown, and he is still looking for it. 】

Chrollo flipped his fingers and sent another text message—

【Is he not beside the rich Roda Jindom? 】

[Ilmi: No, Roda Jindom attended the banquet at the Youkexin City auction last night, and there was no trace of the Zhannian Dao. 】

——[Please continue to track the Zhan Nian Dao, and notify me immediately if there is any trace of him. 】

[Il fan: OK! 】

Chrollo put down his phone, lost in thought.

Zhannian Dao didn't know the kidnapping mission that he had sent to him, so there was no way to talk about the hostility between him and the brigade.Zhan Nian Dao... Chain Hand... These two unrelated people suddenly joined forces and killed Wo Jin, and the knight is likely to be planted in their hands, otherwise they would not have contacted the brigade until now.

The old enemy of the brigade?It is very likely that, although he was careful not to leave hidden dangers in every action, he acted a little arrogantly in his early years, and it was inevitable that he would miss one or two lives.

Thinking of the journey of Zannian Dao's rise to fame, Sky Arena... Both myself and Hisoka are regulars in Sky Arena, is there any connection between them?As soon as he stared at the Zhan Nian Dao, the other party responded immediately, which was too coincidental.

Chrollo didn't think that it would be Ilmi who leaked the information, but he had played against Ilmi, and he was convinced that with Ilmi's powerful strength, even if he couldn't capture the opponent alive, he could at least escape easily, and Ilmi could easily escape. As a descendant of the killer's family, Ermi attaches great importance to the killer's rules and will never take the initiative to leak secrets.This one was just thrown away after a few seconds in Chrollo's mind.

Let's make another assumption, what if the Zhannian Dao and the chain hand are relatives or more like relatives?It's not that both of them have a grudge against the brigade, but one of them is an enemy of the brigade, and the other is involved in this dispute.

What role does Roda Jindome, the richest man, play in this?
Just as Chrollo was trying to connect everything together, Finks had put the computer in the lobby. Hisoka, who thought it was useless to protest, had to skillfully log in to his account and enter the hunter-specific website while everyone was watching.

After a while, they found something.

"The bounty hunter Boshan began to accept the employment of the rich man Roda Jindome in January this year as the captain of the Roda Jindome escort."

"In May of this year, Roda Jindome's estate in Romin City was attacked by a mercenary group of giant hyenas."

"After the incident, Roda Jindome released the list of dead and injured, and there was no name of the explosion on the list."

"In July of this year, Roda Jindom suddenly announced that it had terminated the employment relationship with several professional hunters, and Bakugan was among them."

Looking at the information listed on the computer, Finks scratched his head: "That is to say, the Bounty Hunter who had recovered from the explosion came to Youkexin City behind him, and then took over the hunt from the gang. The mission of the brigade?"

"Then what does he have to do with the Zan Nian Dao and the Chain Hand?" Nobunaga scratched his forehead, looking puzzled.

"Zannian Dao is the security director hired by Roda Jindormu. Perhaps the two met when the Roda Jindormu manor was raided."

Chrollo stood behind Hisoka, looking at the computer screen a little dazedly: "The question is, is this blaster a chain hand?"

Pike Nuotan shook his head: "I don't know, the information about the explosion of the mountain was obtained from the investigation of the relevant information of Roda Jindome."

Hisoka sat in front of the computer and smiled strangely: "It doesn't look like it, he is obviously a rookie, and suddenly he has the power to defeat Wo Jin and Xia Ke, is it impossible?"

"What about [Restrictions and Oaths]?" Franklin asked suddenly.

Chrollo was silent for a while after hearing Franklin's question, and said, "Siso, check the list of members of the Nosra gang."


Hisoka hummed a song and tapped the keyboard a few times, shook the mouse, and a page popped up on the computer screen: "Well, it's them."

The computer screen displays a string of information, including a photo of your name and a brief description of the job title.

Hisoka read page by page, and suddenly Maggie pointed to the screen: "These are very special, they seem to be the bodyguards of the daughter of the leader of the Nosra gang."

I saw that there were five people's information on this page.The appearance is indeed somewhat unique.

"The one in the upper left corner looks familiar, yes, this guy was the guard when he rescued Wojin." Finks pointed to the upper left corner of the screen, where there was a picture of the Nothra gang bodyguard team Dazunai: "I killed him. Now, so it is possible that the chain hand is also among these people?"

I didn't find any information about Bakugan until the end. It seems that Bakugan didn't join the Nosla Gang, at least not on the bright side.

Chrollo looked at Finks: "Are you sure the Chainhand is a member of the Nothra Gang?"

Finks nodded: "Workin said that the Chainsaw was the bodyguard of the Nothra Gang, there is no doubt about that."

"There will be a delay in updating the website information. Maybe the Chainsman is a new bodyguard, so he didn't enter the information immediately. Since you don't know the appearance of the Chainsman, find someone who knows him. We have Pike here. This is a great search. Advantage."

Chrollo began to give instructions: "From now on, work in groups of two and do all you can to search for the person in the photo."

Ma Qi asked, "What about the chopper?"

Chrollo said: "If the chain hand is found, the chopper will naturally be found. You can group freely, but there must be at least two people in the base to stay behind."

"Who are you teaming up with?" Xiaodi raised his hand and asked.

Chrollo brushed his hair, the original back turned into a mid-parted head that was scattered downwards, and then took out a bandage from his pocket and wrapped it around his forehead, blocking the cross tattoo:

"I'm going alone. Hisoka, look up something for me."

Hisoka shrugged indifferently: "O~K~ What do you want to check?"

"The daughter of the Nothra gang leader, I need her details."


Sept. 9, 3:7 pm, Cemetery Building.

Krollo, dressed in a black suit and with a bandage on his forehead, sat in the cafe on the second floor. Sitting across from him was a beautiful young girl in a short skirt.

Her name is Nion Nosra, a collector of human organs, and Kurapika's obvious mission this time is to escort her to the auction.

But due to a series of attacks and disturbances, the gang leader Wright Nosra, worried about his daughter, handed her over to a group of elite guards directly under his command and banned her from participating in the auction.How could Nion, who has always acted recklessly and was in a period of rebelliousness, listen to his father's advice and sneak out from under the eyes of these obedient and disobedient bodyguards to participate in the auction.

Now that the cemetery building is heavily guarded, and the police and gangs are jointly guarding it, how could a little girl who did not want to be named come in?

Just when she was worried, Chrollo approached him and used some means to successfully bring her into the cemetery building.Nion was very fond of this strange man who was handsome and funny, and who also helped him a lot. The more they talked, the more excited they became.

"So, you're very good at divination?" Chrollo took a sip of his coffee and looked excited.

Nion nodded with a smile: "Yes, there are always big people who ask me to do the math for them. According to them, I'll be accurate."

A typical little girl's self-bragging behavior in front of a boy she likes.

"It is said? Aren't you good at divination?" Chrollo appropriately expressed his doubts.

Nion immediately defended: "It's a superpower. I have a superpower that can automatically write with my hands."

"It sounds amazing, then you can do the math for me." Chrollo leaned forward slightly, expressing his needs and opinions just right, while preventing the opposite girl who had just met for a long time from generating potential Insecurity.

Nion nodded: "Okay, you can also put your full name, date of birth and blood type on the paper."

Kuroro asked a waiter not far away to ask for a pen and paper and wrote the message as required. Nyon took the paper from Kuroro and looked at it: "Kuroro Luxilu, 26 years old? It’s much bigger, and the name is weird.”

"My friends call me [Captain]." Chrollo said with a smile.

"Isn't that even more weird hahaha." Nion laughed twice: "Then I'll do the math. But I can't peek when I write, otherwise it will be invalid."

"Don't worry, never peek. I'll read it when you finish writing it to me."

Nion smiled and turned the pen skillfully between his fingers twice. Suddenly, his eyes were empty, and the right hand holding the pen was raised unconsciously.

In Chrollo's eyes, a creepy-looking Nian beast was holding Nion's right hand with two short hands and began to write on the paper.He also according to the agreement with Nion, no longer see the situation on Nion's side.

Trait memory ability [Angel Automatic Notes]!The divination object writes down his or her name (pen name or stage name), date of birth, and blood type on a piece of paper, and then Nyon writes a divination poem on the same piece of paper.If the other party is not present, you need to provide a photo of yourself.

The prophecies written by the automatic notes vary from person to person, and usually consist of four to five 'quatrains' about events that will happen in the next month.

When an ominous prophecy is revealed in the divination, there will be warning reminders in the poem, and disasters can be avoided as long as you follow the warnings.

Nion's foresight is not capable of divination for himself.

After finishing writing, Nion stopped writing and was about to open his mouth to ask for credit, but the cafe suddenly fell into darkness, and there was a loud noise of complaints.Immediately, there was a hurried apology from a female voice, saying that there was some problem with the hotel circuit, and it should be restored soon.

Chrollo released [Circle] subconsciously, but found no problems. It seemed that there was indeed an accident in the circuit.

After five or six seconds, the power was restored, and Nion rubbed his eyes stimulated by the strong light reflected in his pupils, and then handed the paper to Chrollo:
"After writing, take a look at it? My divination method is somewhat unique. It consists of four or five quatrains, which can predict what will happen in the next month. But there are only two paragraphs above, probably That thing that needs your attention will soon be over."

Kuroro took the paper and read it line by line——

[The twilight sky is about to be illuminated by light, and the spiders in the dark corners have nothing to hide. 】

[The three blades of vengeance from the past are too sharp, and the most powerful siblings of the spider must unite. 】

[The horn of the grand funeral has already sounded, and the first brother and foot have been broken but have given a warning. 】

[The superficial wealth is just an illusion, and excessive killing will bring backlash. 】

[The golden flame, like the gangrene attached to the bone, cannot be escaped, only the smirking clown can restrain it. 】

[The Avenger who tasted the blood is hiding in the dark, and the target is only the head of the spider. 】

[The fiery red eye has locked the sharpest arthropod of the spider, and the sword of regulation has hit one of them. 】

[Lost half of the siblings will not harm the spider's progress, and you will lead the remaining siblings to play the Requiem. 】

A tear fell from the corner of Chrollo's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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