foreigner's journey

Chapter 112 Legendary Battle (1)

Chapter 112 Legendary Battle ([-])

"Oh, the negotiation broke down?"

An ancient stone box appeared beside Heather at some point. The heavy lid of the box was automatically opened, and cursed gold coins with skull patterns kept flying out of it, circling and dancing around Heather.

【Mythic Weapons Catalog】Start!Log in to 【Curse Coin·Aztec Gold Coin】!
Behind him, the sailors of the Black Pearl waved their weapons silently and passed by Heather. Every time a person passed by, the gold coins flying around Heather were automatically driven into his body. Then, under the moonlight, the sailor immediately transformed into a whole body. The horrific appearance of the skeleton.

A large number of skeleton sailors swung to the Queen Anne's Revenge on the cables, seemingly ready for a pick-up battle.

But before they could swing over, the cable in their hands began to wriggle and struggle on their own, as if they had their own life.

The wind is blowing!

The Queen Anne's Revenge's sails swelled to the limit at once, a tailwind for her and a real headwind for the Black Pearl.The latter's hull trembled violently, and the cables used to tie heavy objects such as sails and cannons out of control.

The next moment, the cables of the Black Pearl are all alive!They rolled frantically towards the sailors, and of course Heather was not spared.

Heather put her arms around Angelica's slender waist and crossed the entire Black Pearl from the bow to the stern in a few steps. At the same time, the golden light flashed in his hand, and the cross sword drew a bright trajectory in the dark night.

A large number of thick cables that attacked Heather like pythons were cut by the sword light, but after they landed, they only wriggled and bounced off the deck again, and continued to chase towards Heather.

Tsk, if the absolute kingship of the hunter world, the magic power in them can be eliminated at the moment of slashing them, which is weakened too much.

Heather jumped up again, the dark red waterproof windbreaker on her body suddenly became tattered, and the short black hair under the triangular captain's hat also turned into long black curly hair fluttering like seaweed, and two dark blue ghost fires flickered in the eye sockets.

And Angelica in his arms also turned into a withered skeleton, she immediately screamed and covered her face: "Don't look!"

The blue ghost fire in Heather's eyes flickered, and he rolled his eyes. He took time to glance at the Queen Anne's Revenge when he was prancing on the deck. The ghost ship maintained a position not far or near. Thinking of coming to Blackbeard, he also heard about his name in the battle, for fear that he would jump over and play beheading.

The distance now is a bit awkward, unless I can double jump, I can only swing through the cable.But Blackbeard's 'Triton Blade' would not give him a chance. The control cable was just the beginning. If he continued to control the magic blade, the entire Black Pearl would be completely manipulated.

At the bow of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard was holding the black magic blade "Triton's Blade". The invisible magic power continued to spread, and the wind became extremely favorable for the Queen Anne's Revenge, and the Black Pearl betrayed. Her captain and sailors were reaping them with ropes.

Although the cables couldn't strangle the Black Pearl sailors because of the skeleton body, Heather's escape range was getting smaller and smaller. Once the captain of the Black Pearl was defeated, the ship would completely fall under his control. , there is one more precious collection of legendary pirate ships in the 'Ship Cabinet'.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard couldn't help showing a grim smile: "When our great Captain Heather is caught by the cable of the Black Pearl, we will send sailors to take over the Black Pearl."

"Without 'Greek Fire'?" the bald voodoo asked tentatively.

Blackbeard glanced at him: "Idiot, do you want to burn my daughter to death?"

The reason why Blackbeard has not used cannons and 'Greek fire' until now is because Angelica is in Heather's hands and throws a rat.

But this is only because he has just acquired the freshness of the role of 'father'. Once Angelica really conflicts with his important interests, he will not hesitate to give up the former to protect himself, just like "Pirates of the Caribbean" 4: Stormy Seas has the same ending.

Heather's side is also a bit bad. The more and more cables are cut, the long or short broken cables are constantly wriggling and bouncing like giant maggots with vigorous vitality, always ready to pounce on Heather to restrain his movements.

Sure enough, Blackbeard, who holds the 'Blade of Triton' and 'Queen Anne's Revenge', is almost invincible on the sea. No ship can escape his control. It is said to be a dimensionality reduction attack.

However, to deal with 【Supernatural】, you need the same 【Supernatural】!
Blackbeard suddenly felt unsteady under his feet, and the entire Queen Anne's Revenge leaned to the side.

I saw the sea below the Queen Anne's Revenge swelled with huge ridges, as if a giant beast was creeping under it.

In the next second, the sea suddenly exploded!

Accompanied by the spray of water and the roar of giant waves, the huge dark blue undead ship violently rushed out from the bottom of the sea. The huge horizontal crack at the bow position was like the roaring staggered teeth of a giant beast, biting fiercely on the port side of the Queen Anne's Revenge!

Ship of the Dead [Flying Dutchman]!
Davy Jones himself took the helm, grasped the delicate gap when the Queen Anne's Revenge hovered on the sea, and hit the enemy like a crocodile attack!
The huge impact was accompanied by a loud noise. The Queen Anne's Revenge shook so violently that it couldn't get rid of the bite of the Flying Dutchman. Blackbeard fell unsteadily on the deck under his feet. The blade also no longer points to the Black Pearl.

The cables on the Black Pearl, which were getting more and more manic, suddenly stopped moving at the same time. The skeleton sailors were released and fell to the deck, all looking at Heather.

Heather, whose black trench coat was screeching in the gust of wind, stood in front of the rudder, his long black hair dancing as if alive, and turned the rudder violently with laughter:

"Hahahaha!! Gentlemen, prepare for the shock!"

The Black Pearl turned its bow and galloped towards the Queen Anne's Revenge by the wind.

On the other side, Blackbeard, who stood up with the help of the voodoo, slammed the Triton's blade, and the left cannon of the Queen Anne's Revenge fired in unison, accurately bombarding the hull of the Flying Dutchman.

The shattered pieces of wood splashed, and the sea monster sailors kept screaming and fell on the deck. The huge impact and high temperature of the artillery explosion caused these undead sailors to suffer unspeakable pain.

"Wake up, my servant!"

Blackbeard waved the Triton blade again, this time in the direction of the bow of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

The huge charred black skeleton holding a spear as the statue of the ship first shook a few times, and then accompanied by the creaking sound of sour teeth, this terrifying huge skeleton came to life!

It opened its jaws to let out a silent roar or a grotesque laugh, and leaped to the deck in one fell swoop, raising the huge sharp spear in its hand high and slamming it into the flying Dutchman!

The tip of the spear brushed the rudder and Davy Jones flew past, deep into the stern compartment behind him.But just brushing over, the huge impact still took away a large piece of Davy Jones' flesh and octopus tentacles, and the captain's room behind him was also destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, the flying Dutchman began to creak. It was the magic of the Triton's blade that was affecting her, but due to the curse of the sea goddess Calypso, this ship was also an extraordinary pirate ship, which could temporarily resist the magic. Blade power.

"Voodoo, go and bring me Davy Jones' head!"

Blackbeard's forehead burst into blue veins and growled.He is going to cut off the head of the Deep Sea Hades today to see how he can be resurrected!

But what he was waiting for was the roar of the bald voodoo:

"Captain! Starboard!! Starboard!!"

Just as Blackbeard turned his head, he saw the statue of the Goddess of Dove at the bow of the Black Pearl constantly magnifying in his field of vision.

Heather, this bastard, is this going to collide directly?

Before he had time to think about it, a huge impact came from the right side!
Fragmented wood chips, iron filings, and stones were scattered all over the sky, mixed with countless waves and splashes. The Queen Anne's Revenge had just gotten rid of the entanglement of the Flying Dutchman, and was hit hard again!

Heather jumped straight from the Black Pearl with a huge impact, and the captain's sabre in his hand pointed down at Blackbeard!

The bald voodoo next to Blackbeard roared, knocked off Blackbeard and waved the huge machete in his hand towards Heather, who fell from the sky.

With just one slash, the bald-headed voodoo ghost split into two halves without a word, fell on the deck and ignited a gloomy blue ghost fire, reflecting Blackbeard's gloomy expression.

Heather landed lightly on the edge of the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge and lifted the machete with the blue ghost fire in her hand.The black trench coat on his body was dancing in the wind, and there were only white teeth and a dry jaw below the nose, but the sneer and banter on his face could still be seen:

"It's your home court this time, Blackbeard, come and play?"

Before Blackbeard could answer, the voice of 'Deng, Deng, Deng' came from behind.

Davy Jones, whose body has been repaired, holds a pale sea beast spine sword, the hard red crab legs and the deck are constantly tapping rhythmically, the cold little eyes are staring at the black beard, and the octopus tentacles on the lower jaw are constantly fluttering. With the master's anger:
"Ha! Blackbeard, did your pet hurt me just now?"

Blackbeard sneered and clenched the Triton's blade with his right hand, while his left hand pulled out a gorgeous black-ground gold-patterned musket from his waist, and said coldly:

"[Deep Sea Hades] Davy Jones, [King of Thieves] Heather, I can actually catch the two of you in one go today, God really treats me well..."

The sky was cloudy at some point, and the black clouds were thick and oppressive like layers of lead.

With a blast of thunder and a silver snake-like meandering lightning, the storm is coming!

On the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge, three legendary pirate captains face off in the torrential rain.

The battle is imminent!
 PS: there is one more

(End of this chapter)

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