Football’s First Defender

Chapter 14 Russian Youth Federation debut (2)

The second half begins!

As arranged by the coach at halftime, Yang Feng ran directly to the opponent's penalty area as soon as he kicked off the ball, becoming a standard high center forward, and partnered with Batov to play a double forward tactic.

In fact, letting Yang Feng be the striker is not like rushing a duck to the shelves on the spot.

Yevgeny, who wanted to focus on developing Yang Feng, tried many changes in Yang Feng's position during more than two months of training, central defender, full back, midfielder, and forward! Especially the position of high center forward is Yang Feng's best training performance besides his own position of central defender.

You know, there are not too many football players who made their debut as a defender, but finally became popular in the forward position. There are many stories in football that changed their positions and finally succeeded! For example, Ruud van Nistelrooy, nicknamed the King of the Small Restricted Area, made his debut as a sweeper, and then changed to a striker in the Den Bosch youth team at the age of 17, and gradually made his name in world football!

It's just that in the continuous attempts before the start of the season, although Yang Feng's effect as a striker is also good, but his header ability is very outstanding. In terms of other shooting skills, compared with his talent in the defender position , there is still a certain gap! A striker with a single function, or a central defender who is approaching perfection at this stage, everyone will make the right choice!

However, Yang Feng's header ability still gave Yevgeny the capital to change formations. The double-forward tactic of changing from a defender to a forward is one of the ways to break the deadlock in Yevgeni's tactical notes.

The reason why I believe in Yang Feng instead of directly replacing a defensive player is to increase the number of offensive players. Not only because Yang Feng's header ability is better than other substitute offensive players, but also because, if he can score a goal, then change the lineup and let Yang Feng return to the defensive position to stabilize the defense. Back and forth is equivalent to two substitutions .

Yang Feng stepped forward, and the position behind him was filled by another genuine central defender, and then 4231's two midfielders retreated a little bit, and the others, especially the two wings, continued as in the first half , fully press up, press the opposite side.

Huh? Looking at the opponent's tall central defender in the penalty area, even a head coach would be surprised.

The head coach of the youth training of Saturn in Raminsk originally thought that since the opponent did not make a substitution at halftime, they might plan to play for a while to see the situation! Or make some tactical adjustments without changing the personnel structure, but I didn't expect that the Zenit youth team would directly raise the central defender to do it recklessly!

Is this a plan to kick the ball from the side, and go directly to the central defender to fight for the header? Just play with me! Is my team so contemptuous?

In fact, as one of the teams in the Moscow region, although Raminsk Saturn is not considered a traditional strong team, it can still occupy a place in the Russian Super League. In recent years, its performance has also been stable in the middle and upper reaches.

Although the members of the youth team are all leftovers from the big brother teams in the Moscow area, but a group of players, relying on the most basic long pass tactics and physical fitness, their results are not much worse.

Since you gave up defending, it depends on whether you broke my defense first, or my players, seized your rear air defense, and broke your goal first! However, it is obvious that your defense hole should be bigger!

At this time, the young players of Rasmink Saturn on the field also noticed the change of the opponent's formation.

The defensive team found that there was a tall man in their defensive area, and the opponent's central defender in the first half felt the pressure in the penalty area increased.

But those few players who took on the task of defensive counterattack in the tactics also noticed that the opponent's rear air defense is bigger, which means that there will be more and better opportunities for defensive counterattack in the future!

Especially the players who had a direct confrontation with Yang Feng in the first half were even more delighted when they couldn't see Yang Feng.

With a score of 0 to 0, due to the home team's tactics of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred, now both sides have a chance to change!

However, it is of course the Zenit youth team that takes the initiative and takes the initiative.

From the first attack in the second half, the Zenit youth team resolutely followed the coach's tactics and played a side attack.

Of course, the so-called side attack is not like a football game, where the ball can be brought to the side and a pass button can be done!

Before completing the pass from the side, it still needs proper scheduling, and a certain amount of cooperation between the players on the side to create a suitable passing space, so that the final passer can have space and pass high. Quality passing.

These players of the Zenit youth team are physically at the top level of their age group, and have technical abilities superior to most of the youth players of other teams. Otherwise, they will not stand out in the entire Russian youth training system. Zenit's youth training.

Or forcibly create space through personal speed, or when dribbling, by making an emergency stop and changing direction, get rid of the defensive player and get the passing space.

It's just that most of the passes don't translate into effective offensive finishes. The opponent relied on numbers and intercepted most of the passes!

In the 10 minutes of the second half, the Zenit youth team hit 3 goals, but 2 of them were long-range shots, and only 1 shot was based on tactics. Batov took the ball from the side. Attacked the goal, but unfortunately the angle was too straight and was caught by the goalkeeper.

As for Yang Feng, although the header is his advantage, firstly, he did not have many high-quality passes from the side in the past ten minutes, and secondly, there are too many opponents in the penalty area.

Yang Feng, who is good at judging the landing point, once had a chance to get the ball, and he determined his position ahead of the opponent who was in charge of defending him, and ran to the landing point, but was replaced by other defenders in advance, resulting in Unable to effectively fight for the top, was directly cleared by the opponent!

Anyway, the 3-foot shot was basically not a threat. Instead, it was the opponent's only chance and almost broke the goal of the Zenit youth team. Fortunately, the goalkeeper responded quickly. When the opponent entered the penalty area, he directly abandoned the goal and attacked. Together with the defender, he completely blocked most of the angles. Finally, he successfully blocked the shot and saved the 0-0 score.

Would you like to withdraw Yang? We can completely replace other defensive players and replace them with offensive players. I think it will be safer to let Yang defend! The opponent's counterattack just now is too dangerous!

The youth training assistant suggested to Yevgeny!

Don't worry, continue to attack first, then attack for 15 minutes, let the substitute players go to warm up, if you still can't get the lead at 70 minutes, in order to prevent the opponent from stealing one at the last moment, then withdraw Yang and let other players attack. Now, attack! We need a goal!

The game on the court has always maintained a high rhythm, and youth team games are like this. Although these young people do not know how to allocate their physical strength reasonably, the scene of opening and closing at a certain moment and running with all their strength will make people watching the game feel very excited. Wonderful!

This time the home team dispatched back and forth, and the ball finally passed to the right. At this time, 2 defenders guarded their own left defense zone.

The right winger of the Zenit youth team took the ball to attract the attention of the opponent, and then the right back suddenly stepped in behind and rushed to the baseline with all his strength. Before anyone arrived, the ball arrived first, and the right winger who took the ball made a straight pass and passed it to the space in front of the baseline.

This kind of intentional or unintentional, the defensive player can only start running towards the opponent at the penalty area line, blocking the angle of the opponent passing the ground ball. As for the high ball, it depends on the skill of the passer!

One pass with plenty of space!

It's a pity that because it was too close to the bottom line and boundary, although there was no interference from the defenders, the ball was passed, but the strength was not enough to pass to Yang Feng at the back point, and the ball flew to the front point.

Yang Feng had no chance to fight for the first spot, but Batov had a chance to fight for it.

Huh, this ball?

Relying on his strong body, Batov obviously took advantage of his position. He hung on to the opponent's central defender and ran forward, ready to head the ball!


He and the opposite defender ran too far forward!

Judging the possible situation, Yang Feng didn't stop at the back point, but also ran forward!

Of course, these are moments on the pitch. When Batov ran to the expected position facing the ball and jumped up to head the ball, he suddenly found that he couldn't reach the football and couldn't head the ball! It's over! Very embarrassing  ̄□ ̄||

And the central defender who followed Batov, because he was blocked by Batov, it was difficult to judge the landing point. In addition, he has been focusing on giving Batov a physical confrontation, interfering with his take-off and possible header. ! So patronizing to keep up with Batov, also did not touch football!

The ball is still flying, and the other defensive players are focused on their position, responsible for their own area and defending the corresponding offensive player. Suddenly discovering that the ball had leaked in, the nearby defensive players reacted and wanted to move forward to make a clearance!

However, someone is faster than them!

The ball can fall off the top? What is Batov doing? Yevgeny was very disappointed that Batov wasted the opportunity!



Although Yang Feng couldn't get to the most suitable position for heading the ball, he could still get there before the ball hit the ground!

Yang Feng, who ran hard to meet the ball, finally got the football first before the ball hit the ground!

Unloading the ball with the stomach, then bending over and pushing the buttocks back, blocking the defender for himself and creating space to shoot. Then swing your legs and shoot with one kick!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the flight trajectory of the football as Yang Feng finished hitting the goal.

Yang Feng, who fell to the ground, also stared at the football closely. The ball flew so fast that even though the opponent's goalkeeper reacted and made a save, it was still too late!

The ball went in!!!

Yang Feng who was lying on the ground jumped up happily, raising his arms and cheering! The teammates also ran over frantically to join in the celebration!

Nice goal, Young!

Your first goal in your career! Yang!

One hit, are you really a defender, Yang? Haha!

Please, please! Yang! Your first goal! Thanks to my pass!

Yang Feng was surrounded by many teammates, and everyone celebrated the goal at home without any scruples!

This goal, just like that?

Yevgeny, who was on the sidelines, looked at the disciples who were celebrating wildly in the arena, and still felt a little unbelievable!

This shot, this kind of smell in front of the goal, why don't you let him play as a striker!

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