Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 874

Chapter 875: Jiang Lanzhu’S Suggestion

Hearing Lin Shijie’s words, Jiang Lanzhu was naturally quite moved. After all, he was moved by those things, and they were all things that he couldn’t even touch.

Jiang Lanzhu also had a look of longing, but still said, “You also know that your father will definitely agree, but you still have to ask your mother about this.”

“Also, although these investments are huge, they are just investments for me, not a big gamble at all. After all, I still have a lot of research and industries in small islands, in the deep sea, and in Southeast Asia.” Lin Shijie said with a smile.

“However, sufficient funds are still very important. You should not invest too much and break the capital chain.”

Jiang Lanzhu smiled, “Because of the uncertainty of the direction, because we are all exploring, and we don’t know whether the direction of exploration is correct or not.” “It’s like Western technology is ahead of us by a lot, but we already have an obvious As long as we invest boldly in research and development, and work hard to catch up, we will surely catch up quickly with our strength.”

“Brother Lin, tell the truth,” Jiang Lanzhu said earnestly, “In terms of scientific and technological strength, although you are a rising star, your development is indeed remarkable. In terms of capital and scale, your future technology group is comparable to the Internet. Are those big guys? Are they comparable to those old-fashioned industrial companies?”

Lin Shijie seems to have seen Jiang Lanzhu’s idea, and said with a smile, “In the future, we will be more and more advanced, and we will be involved in more and more projects, from energy, to materials, from intelligent control to aerospace. ”

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaojie’s eyes lit up a long time ago, “In the future, will I be able to build an aircraft that can go directly into space?”

“But my base on the plateau is completely a super-large multi-functional base, and I want to complete such a huge amount of work in a short period of time with high quality and quantity.” “So I plan to use the intelligent construction system on a large scale. This will greatly reduce the number of field operators, but it will require a large number of special construction machines, as well as powerful artificial intelligence assistance.”

At present, he can only study artificial exoskeletons, but looking at these things that Lin Shijie is involved in, it seems that it is not impossible to develop spacecraft by himself in the future.

“I still have plans for this.” Lin Shijie nodded with a smile, but said in his heart that he has the big platform of AR network, and he has invested in major Internet companies and overseas forces, which is a steady source of funds. .

Therefore, these projects with seemingly huge investment and almost no benefits in a short period of time do not need too much investment for themselves.

“But now, especially Brother Lin, you have developed so many projects in one go. Even if you are supported by the huge platform of the AR network, it is too rash. I don’t know how many people will say that you are young and frivolous. Self-reliance.”

Looking at the almost complete mecha, Jiang Lanzhu couldn’t help but be speechless, what part is this, it’s a complete one at all!

Jiang Lanzhu was stunned for a moment, then he couldn’t help shaking his head with a wry smile, “Okay, Brother Lin, you are very knowledgeable. I thought that you came back to the island to concentrate on recuperating and developing new technologies. It seems that people from all over the world have The industry also has to worry about you.”

“That’s right,” Lin Shijie smiled, “I have reserved one for you for a long time ago, and even the laboratory is ready for you, you can go anytime!”

Jiang Lanzhu nodded, “High-end materials and engineering issues are actually a process of gradual accumulation and gradual experimentation. After all, many materials and structures in the West have been accumulated for dozens or hundreds of years before reaching their current heights. Naturally, we also It can only be tested and researched gradually.”

“So, in these directions, there is absolutely no need for us to invest our lives in research and development. After all, we have such a large amount of funds and talents. It is better to work hard to catch up all the shortcomings, and then we will have enough. The confidence is enough to develop.”

Lin Shijie smiled slightly, “I recognize it when I’m young and frivolous, but I’m not self-sufficient, maybe a little bit, but like Brother Jiang you said, I only have a certain direction before I will vigorously develop and catch up.”

“But for projects like controlled nuclear fusion, which are all newly developed by all countries, we are in a somewhat awkward position.”

“If you develop for another five years, you will definitely be on an equal footing with them, and even become the richest man. At that time, no one will say anything when you do this. Instead, you will praise you for being righteous and knowing how to invest in technology research and development.”

“Okay, this is the mecha of the beautiful country.” Lin Shijie said with a smile, the mecha had been assembled while speaking.

Lin Shijie smiled and stopped talking about the topic, but said, “Brother Jiang, I just came back from the Artificial Solar High Energy Research Institute, and the biggest limitation of the research there is the installation. In fact, as far as I know, there are many The limits of cutting-edge technology are in materials and engineering.”

“Actually, this is not bad for us. After all, we already have a clear direction. We just need to keep testing and catching up, and with Brother Lin, your auxiliary system can greatly speed up the process. ”

“If it weren’t for your company’s failure to go public, there would be no huge risk of bankruptcy. At most, it would have ended at a loss. I don’t know how many people jumped out to go short and watch your jokes.”

And there are also two huge cash pillars, games and arms dealers. What’s more important is that your own investment looks huge, but it’s really not much. After the unmanned construction system is formed, the investment will be even greater. small.

“Yeah!” Jiang Xiaojie stopped cheering halfway, then looked at her father pitifully.

“But controllable nuclear fusion, and even space programs such as the Tengyun program, all need to be explored and developed by ourselves. Once the direction is wrong, it means that all investment and research and development are completely scrapped.”

Lin Shijie couldn’t help but nodded slightly, and then frowned, “Aren’t we the pioneers of exploration? If you become famous, if you fail, won’t you lose everything?”

Jiang Xiaojie smiled and nodded immediately, “Well, then there is no problem. After all, my mother has long said that she wants to have a closer relationship with Lin Uncle. This will definitely work.”

“So, we still have a lot to do in this regard.” Lin Shijie said seriously, “Although my construction on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has just started, it has encountered great difficulties, construction, transportation, harsh environment, and There are all kinds of special construction machinery for the local terrain.”

Lin Shijie was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, “Why?”

“Brother Jiang, you have a strong mechanical ability, and then absorb this knowledge to synthesize. Let’s not talk about the steel armor in the movie, but there is no problem in building an aerospace vehicle or an intelligent robot.”

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