Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Vigorously Performing Miracles

As the monolayer graphene continues to grow, Lin Shijie is also getting more and more excited. After all, the classic hexagonal structure will soon be seen.

But soon, Lin Shijie found that his amplification of graphene no longer worked.

No matter how he manipulates it, the single-layer graphene is still that single-layer, and it has no meaning to show the molecular structure at all.

Lin Shijie was stunned for a moment, the size in front of him was undoubtedly far from showing the molecular structure.

But why has it reached the limit?

In this case, how to expand and expand, how to bend into carbon nanotubes, and how to pose in eighteen poses!

Is it because his technology tree has not yet reached this level?

Lin Shijie couldn’t help frowning a little, and his excitement gradually calmed down.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that my improvement of precision instruments can only be limited to basic adjustments by zooming in and out.

Only after your own technology tree has developed to a certain level can you fundamentally improve it.

Moreover, after Lin Shijie calmed down, he naturally understood that he had taken it for granted before.

The molecular structures they saw were all for the convenience of expression, and the molecular bonds or covalent bonds composed of electrons between atoms were directly converted into a simple horizontal.

But in the microscopic world, it is a cloud of electrons.

And if you want to change, you can’t simply take it away.

Without the corresponding technology, there is no way to make any adjustments to such subtle places.

Lin Shijie couldn’t help frowning a little, and it seemed that he was still thinking about the system in his head with the thought of compiling computer programs.

It must be transformed as soon as possible, at least without the need to think about it until there is no corresponding technology.

Since it can’t be changed, then make a few more copies first, whether it is used for scaring or emergency, it is still very useful.

Lin Shijie was a little helpless, and then asked the little sister about various methods of preparing graphene.

“The production methods include the simplest mechanical peeling method, the more commonly used redox method, epitaxial growth method, vapor deposition method, etc.” Little Junior Sister introduced seriously.

However, Lin Shijie frowned and listened, and soon felt a little big.

After all, this knowledge is too advanced for him, and even if the equipment is improved, he cannot make it.

Because he wants to take out graphene, at least there must be a pastable preparation process.

At this time, Chen Hao couldn’t help but feel a little proud, “I don’t understand, you specialize in surgery, you don’t understand these things.”

Chen Hao turned to look at the elementary school girl, “By the way, tell him the simplest mechanical peeling method, and he will be able to understand this.”

The little sister smiled, and she naturally noticed Lin Shijie’s frowning expression.

Lin Shijie didn’t care, “Cut, don’t look down on people.”

Turning his head, he whispered to the younger sister, “Just tell me in plain language, otherwise I may not really understand.”

After saying that, he blinked.

The little sister smiled and nodded slightly.

She is now very sure that Lin Shijie and Chen Hao are the best friends, so she said naturally.

“To put it simply, in 2004, Dere Geim and Konstanti Novoselov of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom used tape to continuously separate highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Finally, a single layer of graphite was obtained. ene.”

“Because of this, they also won the Nobel Prize in 2010.”

“What? Just tape out the Nobel Prize?” Lin Shijie couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“It’s a joke, but the two of them are also professional scientists. After using various methods, they came up with a clumsy but very effective method.” Chen Hao walked over and rolled his eyes. Lin Shijie said.

“Well,” Lin Shijie nodded. This may seem like a joke in the scientific world, but there are actually many ways to achieve results.

Just like the most classic atmospheric miracle in the history of science, the native refrigeration challenge is absolutely zero! In those days, Dewars used the simplest principle of compressed gas expansion to obtain low temperature, and nesting dolls generally obtained the temperature that can liquefy hydrogen.

By contrast, the use of tape to separate a single layer of graphene is nothing.

The most satisfying thing for Lin Shijie is that this method is suitable for him. It does not require much advanced knowledge or complicated equipment.

Using this method to make high-quality single-layer graphene is definitely his first choice.

Isn’t it just to improve the tape, graphene can’t be adjusted, and the tape is not good enough!

Decided to use this method to hide people’s eyes and ears!

After making up his mind, Lin Shijie naturally looked at Chen Hao, “Chen Hao, when will you get a Nobel back!”

Chen Hao, who was playing with the experimental equipment, stumbled and almost didn’t fall.

Although he occasionally thinks about Nobel or something, it is just a thought.

After all, he is still very self-aware, at least now he is still a long way from that platform.

He looked at Lin Shijie speechlessly, especially the smile on his face, which was really annoying.

After debugging the instrument, Chen Hao came to Lin Shijie and prepared to see off the guest.

After all, it doesn’t matter if you visit, but it’s a bit inappropriate to stay here when the experiment starts.

But before he could speak, Lin Shijie spoke first.

“Chen Hao, I also heard from my little sister just now that the preparation of graphene is one, but the use of graphene for testing and testing is also very important.”

Chen Hao nodded, “Of course, but there are fewer high-quality graphene and corresponding materials.”

“Yeah, after all, that laboratory lacks high-quality graphene.” The little sister nodded in agreement.

Lin Shijie immediately laughed when he heard this.

“I’ll just say, it shouldn’t be based on your ability. It turns out that you’re stuck at this step.”

“Didn’t I say it before, I found a way to prepare single-layer graphene, and I just brought some to show you.”

Chen Hao was stunned and looked at Lin Shijie in disbelief, “Are you serious?”

“Of course, it’s more real than real gold.” Lin Shijie put his bag on the table by the door.

At the same time, the single-layer graphene copied in the system was directly knocked on each other, and the edges and corners were broken, and then put into the same vacuum package again.

After opening the bag, he pretended to project the prepared stack into the bag, and at the same time took out one and raised it.

“Well, here’s one. Although it’s smaller than the one you have here, it’s not bad.”

Chen Hao took the graphene in surprise and looked up at the one in the display cabinet.

His cheeks couldn’t help but twitch. This guy said he found a way to prepare it, wouldn’t it be true?

Thinking of this, Chen Hao quickly put the sample in his hand on the instrument for testing.

Look at that single-layer flaky structure, and the high-purity quality.

Chen Hao’s hands were shaking. Could it be that Lin Shijie really found a new preparation method?

In an instant, Chen Hao’s self-confidence, which he had just built up for a while, was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was pushed open.

Chen Hao’s mentor, Academician Fan Luohua walked in and frowned when he saw Lin Shijie, an outsider.

But before he could open his mouth, the door that opened happened to hit Lin Shijie’s bag, hitting the bag directly, and all the graphene in the vacuum package fell to the ground.

In an instant, the laboratory was quiet, and all eyes were fixed on the pile on the ground.

Lin Shijie looked at the stunned crowd and thought, I really didn’t put it there on purpose.

But the effect seems to be good!

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