Chapter 27: Kiss
After the revelation, Barry finds himself confused and clueless. The lightning prison he thought to be just the afterlife turned out to be much more.
Though he gets his powers from it, he doesn't want to return to it ever again. He spent an eternity trapped inside that infinite dimension. The only reason he was able to keep his sanity inside was because he had a goal, chasing after the lightning ball.
He was then thrown out of there, so he is wondering why it's calling him back. It is trying to re-imprison him? How should he deal with it?
"Hey," Caitlin finds Barry sitting alone as he is contemplating his thoughts.
He turns to look at Caitlin and smiles at her. "Hey," he says back.
Caitlin sits down next to Barry and joins him in his brooding session.
They both sit there silently. Not a word is being said, but having each other beside them is helping a lot.
Suddenly Barry chuckles and begins laughing. "What?" Caitlin asks wondering what is making Barry laugh again.
"I just recalled what happened at the precinct with Captain Singh," Barry says laughing.
Caitlin joins Barry and begins laughing until they finally stop.
"I wasn't as angry as I pretended back then," Caitlin says.
"I know. How can you be mad at this face?" Barry jokes. Caitlin looks at Barry and smiles seeing Barry is back to joking with her.
"Yes, how can I..." Caitlin says.
"So... you seem to be doing good... right now..." Caitlin says.
"Yes, Joe made me see things from a different perspective. He made me realize that I cannot drown myself with guilt if I want to continue being the hero this city needs," Barry says.
Caitlin smiles seeing Barry not blaming himself for Nimbus's death anymore.
"I am sorry..." Caitlin apologizes out of nowhere. Barry looks confused.
"Why are you apologizing?" Barry asks.
"When we started this team, I promised to be there for you in all situations, but today, when you needed me the most, I couldn't be there for you, like you have been there for me all this time," Caitlin says, feeling guilty.
"What are you talking about? Caitlin, you have always been there for me. Even before we even started saving the people of this city.
You decided to stick around S.T.A.R. Labs and look after me while I was in a coma instead of pursuing your career. You sacrificed so much for a man you didn't even know.
You inspire confidence in me. Every time I run out to save people or fight Metas, I know that you will be there for me and take care of me if anything happens to me.
Never ever think once that I won't need you," Barry says, taking her hand and placing it on his. he interlocks his fingers with hers. "This!" Barry says showing Caitlin their interlocked hands. "We are a team," Barry says.
Caitlin smiles and nods her head.
"Enough about me. Now it's your turn to confront your feelings," Barry says looking into her eyes.
"I don't know..." Caitlin says avoiding his gaze. "You know that you can trust me right?" Barry says.
"Yes, I know," Caitlin says. "Then you know that I will be by your side just like you are by mine," Barry says.
Caitlin nods as she begins pondering on how to say it.
"Your last words before you left to confront Nimbus... Those were the same words Ronnie said to me before he left me that night. Never to return. When you said those words to me, I thought I might lose you too," Caitlin says.
Barry tightens his grip around Caitlin's hand and looks deep into her eyes. "This life that I have chosen for myself, and gotten you guys involved in is filled with danger, but it also comes with great responsibility.
No matter the situation, if the people need me, I will have to go. But I promise you one thing: I will always come back," Barry says.
Caitlin is overwhelmed with emotions hearing Barry's words.
"Promise?" Caitlin asks
"I promise, I will come back to you," Barry says as senior as possible.
They both stare into each other, getting lost in each other's eyes. Their emotions are heightened by their conversation, adding to the tension that has been building up between them from the very first day they began talking.
They begin inching closer.
Caitlin's heart starts beating rapidly and so does Barry's. Now their lips hover inches away from each other. Caitlin closes her eyes and Barry takes his chance.
He goes in for the kiss.
Their lips touch,
Barry carcasses her face and parts his lips. Caitlin follows suit, parting her lips as well, and kisses him back.
Barry slides his hand behind her neck and takes control, the kiss gets more passionate and Barry begins involving his tongue.
Caitlin welcomes his tongue with her own. The kiss gets intense. Barry and Caitlin lose themselves in each other, savoring this moment with their locked lips and their twirling tongues.
After a few minutes, they finally separate leaving behind a trail of saliva.
Caitlin breathes heavily and presses her lips together. She then looks away blushing as she didn't expect to get so carried away from that kiss.
Barry smiles and looks away as well. He doesn't want to say something and ruin this moment.
They sit next to each other in silence with their hands still interlocked.