Flame Eyed Strangers in Awakening: OC x Lucina

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Incursion

The light banter that had filled their march through Breakneck Pass died instantly as Vasto's forces emerged. The sudden shift from Sarai's playful teasing and Lissa's embarrassed stammering to battle-ready tension was palpable in the air. Frederick's previously amused expression hardened into the stern countenance of a knight-commander, while Roy instinctively moved closer to Lissa, his earlier bashfulness replaced by protective determination.

"Damn those Plegian dogs!" Chrom spat, drawing Falchion. He caught Sarai's eye and couldn't help but feel a slight shiver at the deadly calm that had replaced her previous mischievous demeanor. The way her hand rested on her weapon spoke volumes about what was to come.

"Permission granted," he responded to her earlier question, a grim smile tugging at his lips. "Show them what happens when they threaten Ylisse."

Robin was already pulling out their tactical manual, mind racing through battlefield formations. "The terrain here is treacherous. We'll need to watch for aerial attacks from those wyverns, especially with these cliffs..."

But before any of them could properly form up, the Hierarch's betrayal unfolded before their eyes. The man's pathetic pleading echoed off the canyon walls, followed by his final shriek. The sound made Lissa flinch, her earlier complaints about sore feet forgotten in the face of such naked treachery.

"All this time..." Frederick's voice was tight with controlled rage. "All these years serving House Ylisse, and yet..."

Sarai's eyes narrowed dangerously as Vasto continued his taunting. The dark elf princess's elegant features took on an almost predatory cast as she drew her weapon. "You know, Chrom," she said, her voice carrying an edge that made several nearby soldiers step back, "I believe this fool just volunteered to be today's object lesson in why one doesn't insult Ylisse's ruler."

Roy, still positioned protectively near Lissa, called out, "We've got wyvern riders approaching from the north! They're trying to pin us against the cliff face!"

Just then, a flash of red caught their attention – a lone pegasus knight racing toward their position. Cordelia's arrival added another piece to the tactical puzzle they needed to solve, even as Phila whisked Emmeryn toward the relative safety of the rear lines.

"Robin," Chrom called out, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them. "We need a plan, and quickly."

"Already working on it," Robin responded, eyes darting between the approaching wyverns and the narrow pass. "Sarai, how do you feel about giving our friend Vasto a personal demonstration of your skills?"

A smile that could only be described as wolfish crossed Sarai's face. "I thought you'd never ask."

Lissa had already drawn her staff, her previous embarrassment forgotten as she settled into her role as their healer. "Roy," she said, voice firm despite the slight blush still lingering on her cheeks, "I'll need you to help me reach any wounded. Think you can handle that?"

Roy nodded, his earlier awkwardness replaced by resolute determination. "No harm will come to you while I draw breath, milady."

As the group arranged themselves for battle, Frederick's mount pawing restlessly at the ground, Chrom couldn't help but think that Vasto had made a terrible mistake. Not just in attacking them, but in particularly managing to anger Sarai. The dark elf princess had proven herself a fearsome ally, and now...

"Everyone!" Chrom called out, raising Falchion. "Protect Emmeryn! Show these Plegian dastards what happens when they threaten Ylisse!"

The echo of his rallying cry was drowned out by the beating of wyvern wings and the clash of weapons as the battle began in earnest. Breakneck Pass was about to live up to its name.

The aftermath of battle hung heavy in the air of Breakneck Pass, but it was the revelation during the fight that left many minds reeling. The power that had emanated from Sarai during her confrontation with Vasto – that distinctly draconic energy that had swirled around her along with her elven magic – had raised questions that now burned in everyone's minds. More surprising still was the realization that all the elves in their company carried this same mysterious power, though none chose to address it in the chaos of the moment.

Xander's arrival with Cordelia had brought both relief and grave news. The dark elf warrior stood protectively near the grieving pegasus knight, his armor still bearing traces of the battle at the border. His familiar bearing to Valvaderyhn was striking – both brothers sharing that same noble countenance that marked the warriors of Albanar.

"Brother," Roy had greeted him with a knowing smirk, though his eyes reflected concern for the situation. "Still making dramatic entrances, I see."

But any levity was quickly swept away by Cordelia's tragic report. Each word of her account seemed to physically pain her, the loss of her sisters-in-arms still raw and bleeding. Xander's presence beside her spoke volumes of what he must have witnessed – and prevented – at the border.

The revelation of Emmeryn's decision to return to the capital landed like a physical blow. Chrom's desperate protests echoed off the canyon walls, his voice carrying all the fear and frustration of a brother who could see disaster approaching but was powerless to prevent it. Lissa's tears fell freely, her earlier playful embarrassment around Roy forgotten in the face of potentially losing her sister.

When Sarai embraced Chrom from behind, the gesture carried more than just comfort. There was understanding there – the weight of knowing what it meant to be royal, to have siblings one would die to protect. Her words, though gentle, carried the authority of someone who knew all too well the burden of duty.

"The power you displayed," Chrom murmured to her, his voice low enough that only she could hear. "What are you not telling us?"

Sarai's arms tightened slightly around him. "There will be time for explanations, I promise. But right now, your sister needs you to be strong."

The moment was interrupted by Frederick's approach, his normally stoic expression troubled. "Milord, we should begin our march to Ferox. The sooner we secure their aid, the sooner we can return to protect Her Grace."

Cordelia, having collected herself somewhat under Phila's guidance and Xander's steady presence, stepped forward. "I... I will serve you with all that I am," she declared, her voice still thick with emotion. "My sisters' sacrifice will not be in vain."

"None of their sacrifices will be," Odyn affirmed, his eyes meeting each of the elves in turn, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Whatever power they held, whatever secrets they kept, their commitment to Ylisse's safety was absolute.

As the group began their preparations to move out, the Fire Emblem now in Chrom's possession felt heavier than its physical weight would suggest. Sarai hadn't released him entirely, one hand still resting supportively on his arm as he watched the direction his sister had departed.

"I know that look," she said softly. "You're already planning how quickly we can get to Ferox and back."

"Every moment we're away..." he began.

"Is a moment we're working to protect her," Sarai finished firmly. "Trust in your sister's strength, Chrom. And know that when the time comes, you won't fight alone."

The unspoken question of the elves' true nature and power hung in the air, but for now, it would have to wait. The march to Ferox beckoned, and with it, the hope of gathering enough strength to protect all they held dear.

"Move out!" Chrom commanded, his voice carrying the authority of a prince even as his heart ached with a brother's worry. As they began their journey, the mysterious energy that had manifested during the battle seemed to pulse faintly from their elven allies, a reminder that there was more to their protectors than met the eye.

The council chamber in Ferox could barely contain the tension that filled it. The news of Ylisstol's fall hung heavy in the air, made worse by the revelation of Gangrel's cruel ultimatum. But it was the smaller moments – Sumia's misguided punch, Sarai's protective slap, Lissa fainting into Roy's arms – that revealed the true depth of bonds that had formed among the Shepherds.

"That's going to leave a mark," Odyn murmured to his fellow elves as they watched Sumia's well-intentioned but poorly executed attempt to snap Chrom out of his brooding. The slight quirk of his lips betrayed his amusement, even as his eyes remained sharp and alert to the gravity of their situation.

Xander and Valvaderyhn exchanged knowing looks as they observed Sarai's intervention with Chrom. The dark elven princess had grown increasingly protective of the Ylissean prince, and her method of bringing him back to his senses – though forceful – carried all the hallmark care of someone who understood both duty and love.

"G-Good, you'd better mister," Sarai's flustered response to Chrom's embrace drew subtle smiles from her fellow elves, even as they maintained their dignified bearing before the khans.

The mood shifted dramatically with Basilio's arrival and his grave news. The sound of Lissa's collapse was barely audible over Chrom's shocked exclamation, but Roy's quick actions prevented the princess from hitting the floor. The young elven warrior cradled her with gentle care, his earlier bashfulness replaced by steady concern as he supported her unconscious form.

"She'll be alright," Maribelle assured him quietly, checking her friend's pulse. "The shock was simply too much."

The assembled warriors created a impressive sight: the might of Ferox represented by Flavia and Basilio, the diverse strength of the Shepherds, and the mysterious power of the Albanar elves – all united under the tactical guidance of Robin. The air seemed to thrum with that same draconic energy that had manifested during the battle at Breakneck Pass, though the elves maintained their composed demeanor despite the heightened emotions in the room.

As Robin began to outline their strategy, the various factions naturally arranged themselves around the tactical table. Chrom stood at Robin's right, Sarai's hand still resting supportively on his arm. Roy had settled Lissa into a chair but remained protectively near her, while Cordelia and Sumia positioned themselves where they could best view the aerial assault plans. Frederick took his customary position behind his lord, though his eyes occasionally darted to where Xander stood with his brother Valvaderyhn, the two dark elven warriors' presence adding another layer of martial expertise to their council.

"The Mad King expects us to rush in blindly," Robin began, his tactical mind already working through possibilities. "But with the combined might of Ylisse, Ferox, and Albanar..." He paused, looking to each of the elven warriors in turn, acknowledging the power they had revealed – even if its nature remained unspoken. "We have advantages Gangrel cannot anticipate."

Hailfire stepped forward, her dark elven armor gleaming in the torchlight. "The vanguard stands ready to serve, tactician. Just tell us where you need us."

The plan began to take shape as each warrior offered their expertise. The rescue of Emmeryn would require not just strength and strategy, but the trust and coordination they had built together through battles and quieter moments alike. As Robin detailed their approach, it became clear that their diversity – human, elf, Feroxi, Ylissean – might prove to be their greatest strength against Gangrel's madness.

The women had gathered in Sumia's tent, the soft glow of lanterns creating an intimate atmosphere perfect for confidences shared between friends. Cordelia sat cross-legged on a pile of cushions, while Lissa perched nervously on the edge of a camp stool, already anticipating where the conversation might lead.

"So," Sumia began, a gentle smile playing on her lips, "I suppose we should address the wyvern in the room – our commander and a certain dark elven princess are conspicuously absent tonight."

"They were headed toward the eastern watchtower," Maribelle noted, carefully arranging her skirts as she settled beside Lissa. "Though I doubt they're doing much watching."

A soft sigh escaped Cordelia, but it carried none of the pain one might have expected. "They suit each other well, don't they? The way she challenges him when he needs it, supports him when he falters..."

"Cordelia..." Sumia started, concern evident in her voice.

"No, truly, I'm alright," Cordelia assured them, her smile genuine if a touch wistful. "My feelings for Prince Chrom... they were always more about what he represented – strength, nobility, leadership. But Sarai..." She paused, choosing her words carefully. "She sees him as he is, flaws and all, and loves him not despite them but because they're part of who he is."

"You've given this quite a bit of thought," Maribelle observed, studying the pegasus knight with newfound respect.

"I had to," Cordelia admitted. "For my own sake as much as his. And watching them together... it's helped me understand what real love looks like. Not admiration from afar, but standing together, challenging each other, growing together."

"Speaking of growing together," Sumia interjected, her eyes twinkling as she turned to Lissa, "a certain elven warrior seems quite attentive to our princess lately."

Lissa's face flamed red immediately. "I-I don't know what you're talking about! Roy is just... he's just..."

"Just catching you when you faint?" Maribelle teased gently. "Just happening to be nearby whenever you need assistance? Just watching you with those devoted eyes whenever he thinks no one's looking?"

"Maribelle!" Lissa squeaked, burying her face in her hands. "You're not helping!"

"He is rather gallant," Cordelia observed, grateful for the shift in conversation. "The way he caught you today – there wasn't even a moment's hesitation."

"And he blushes almost as much as you do," Sumia added with a laugh. "Though I notice he's gotten much better at maintaining his composure around you lately. Almost as if he's trying to prove himself worthy of a princess's attention."

Lissa peeked through her fingers. "Do... do you really think so? I mean, not that I'm thinking about it or anything, but..."

"Dear," Maribelle said fondly, "I've known you since we were children. I've never seen you quite so flustered around anyone before. And as your oldest friend, I must say... he seems like he would treat you well."

"The elves all carry themselves with such dignity," Cordelia mused. "But there's something special about how Roy is with you, Lissa. He maintains all proper respect for your station, and yet there's a tenderness there that goes beyond mere duty."

"Like how he always seems to know when you need cheering up," Sumia added. "Remember last week when he brought you those wildflowers? He said they reminded him of your smile."

"Gods, don't remind me!" Lissa groaned, though she couldn't quite hide her pleased expression. "I nearly died of embarrassment right there!"

"Well, I for one approve," Maribelle declared. "He's proven himself both in battle and in character. And the way he looks at you... it's rather like how Chrom looks at Sarai, come to think of it."

The conversation continued late into the night, shifting between gentle teasing and serious discussion of the relationships blooming amid their ranks. When they finally retired to their own tents, the weight of their upcoming rescue mission seemed a little lighter for having shared these moments of normalcy and hope.

"Well," Lissa said, eager to redirect attention from her own romantic situation, "if we're discussing relationships, shall we talk about a certain red knight who seems to always be nearby whenever Maribelle needs assistance?"

Maribelle's perfect composure faltered slightly, a delicate blush coloring her cheeks. "Valvaderyhn is simply fulfilling his duty to the Exalt. Nothing more."

"Oh? Is that why he personally ensures your tea is prepared exactly to your specifications every morning?" Sumia teased. "Or why he seems to materialize out of thin air whenever you so much as stumble?"

"The way he handled those brigands who dared to threaten you was quite... passionate," Cordelia added with a knowing smile. "I don't think I've ever seen someone dispatch enemies so efficiently while maintaining such perfect etiquette."

"Speaking of efficiency," Maribelle countered, recovering her poise, "I couldn't help but notice how a certain dark elven warrior has been helping our newest pegasus knight process her grief." She looked pointedly at Cordelia.

Cordelia's eyes widened. "Xander has been... kind. He understands loss in a way few others do."

"Kind enough to spend hours helping you maintain your pegasus's armor?" Khanna interjected. "Or kind enough to stand guard during your night watches even when it's not his shift?"

"He saved my life," Cordelia said softly. "But it's more than that. He... he sees me. Not just as a pegasus knight or a soldier, but as myself."

"Rather like how Frederick sees you, doesn't he, Seraphina?" Sumia redirected, causing the other woman to nearly choke on her tea.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Khanna/Seraphina managed, though her flushed face suggested otherwise. "Frederick is simply an exemplary knight who—"

"Who has somehow managed to include your favorite foods in every meal he prepares for the army?" Lissa giggled. "Even my brother noticed that one!"

"And speaking of noticing things," Cordelia added, "has anyone else observed how our mysterious Marth seems to linger whenever Odyn is nearby?"

"Oh gods, yes!" Sumia exclaimed. "The way they move around each other, it's like they're dancing to some song only they can hear. Though she always seems so... sad when she looks at him."

"There's definitely a story there," Maribelle mused. "Though I doubt we'll learn it anytime soon, given how guarded she is."

"Not as guarded as Lon'qu usually is," Lissa pointed out. "Though lately..."

All eyes turned to where Hailfire sat quietly, the dark elven vanguard's usually stern expression softening slightly.

"He's... learning to trust," Hailfire said simply, though there was warmth in her voice. "We train together now. He no longer flinches when I correct his stance."

"Just 'correct his stance,' hmm?" Maribelle raised an elegant eyebrow. "Is that what they're calling it these days?"

"I merely appreciate his dedication to the blade," Hailfire insisted, though a small smile played at her lips. "And perhaps... his company as well."

"It's rather remarkable," Cordelia observed. "He still maintains distance from most women, but with you, he seems almost... at peace."

"They were sparring yesterday," Sumia added excitedly. "And I swear I saw him smile! Actually smile!"

"Well, well," Lissa grinned. "It seems love is truly in the air among the Shepherds. Though I wonder what our male companions would think if they knew we were discussing them like this?"

"Gods, can you imagine?" Sumia laughed. "Poor Roy would probably trip over his own feet!"

"Valvaderyhn would maintain perfect composure while turning absolutely crimson," Maribelle added with a fond smile.

"Lon'qu would likely challenge the entire camp to duels just to avoid the conversation," Hailfire chuckled.

"And Frederick would probably start a lecture on proper protocol for discussing such matters," Khanna/Seraphina added, causing another round of laughter.

As the night grew deeper, their conversation continued to weave between gentle teasing and genuine appreciation for the bonds forming within their ranks. In these precious moments of peace, amid war and uncertainty, they found comfort in sharing their hopes, fears, and growing affections.

"You know," Cordelia said thoughtfully, "perhaps this is what we're really fighting for. Not just for Ylisse or against Plegia, but for the chance to have moments like these. To love and be loved, to find happiness even in dark times."

The others nodded in agreement, each lost in thoughts of their own growing relationships and the future they hoped to build once peace was restored.

The morning sun crept over the Shepherds' camp, finding the women from the previous night's gathering in various states of preparation for the day ahead. Their lighthearted conversations had given way to the serious business of war, though subtle glances and small smiles still passed between them as they remembered their shared confidences.

Maribelle was the first to notice the approaching figure of Valvaderyhn, his red armor gleaming in the early light. As promised, he carried her morning tea with characteristic precision. She caught Lissa's knowing look and lifted her chin slightly, maintaining her composure even as her cheeks colored faintly.

"Milady," Valvaderyhn said with a formal bow, presenting the tea with flourish. "I trust you slept well?"

"Quite adequately, thank you," Maribelle replied, accepting the cup with practiced grace. She pretended not to notice Sumia's poorly concealed giggle from nearby.

The camp was coming alive around them. Cordelia was already at the pegasus stables, where Xander had seemingly materialized to assist her. Their quiet conversation was punctuated by occasional soft laughter, a sound that had become less rare since their friendship had begun to bloom.

Near the training grounds, Hailfire was going through her morning exercises when Lon'qu appeared, wooden practice sword in hand. Their usual routine had evolved into something more fluid, more synchronized. Where once there had been awkward tension, now there was an almost intimate understanding as they moved through their forms together.

Frederick's voice carried across the camp as he conducted morning drills, though his eyes seemed to find Seraphina more often than strictly necessary. She stood at attention with the other knights, but there was a softness in her expression when their gazes met.

The mysterious Marth passed by the edge of camp, as she often did during these early hours. Her path, as usual, took her within view of where Odyn was helping to organize the day's patrol routes. The longing in her eyes was more pronounced in the gentle morning light, though she quickly turned away when he glanced in her direction.

Lissa, watching it all unfold from her position near the medical tent, couldn't help but smile. Last night's conversations had brought them closer together, creating a web of shared secrets and support that strengthened their bonds beyond mere companionship. In times of war, such connections were precious beyond measure.

A horn sounded in the distance – scouts reporting back with news. The peaceful morning spell broke as everyone snapped to attention, romance giving way to duty. Yet as they moved to their positions, ready to face whatever challenges approached, there was a new strength in their ranks – the kind that came from hearts that fought not just for duty, but for love.

To be continued in Chapter 8: The Grimleal

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