Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Shepherds & More Risen?!
Back with a new Chapter, everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Now, before we jump back into the story I thought that we should revisit some polls again but.. i will restructure the questions:
Should Roy marry Lissa later in the story?
If your answer is no: Who should Roy marry?
A: Sumia
B: Sully
C. Cordelia
D. Tharja
E. Maribell
G. Say'ri
H. other (write in suggestion)
I. Cordelia
Should Robin marry Khanna later in the story?
If your answer was no: Who should Robin Marry?
A. Sumia
B. Sully
C. Cordelia
D. Tharja
E. Tiki
F. Flavia
G. Severa/Selena
H. other (write in suggestion)
Should Khanna marry Robin?
if no: Who should Khanna marry?
A. Stahl
B. Frederick
C. Gaius
D. Donnel
E. Vaike
F. Libra
G. Gregor
H. Henry
I. other(write in suggestion)
Those are the Character pairing polls for now! Please PM me or leave a comment on who should Marry Robin, Roy, & Khanna. If you all want, you can even list why,based on what you all know of their personalities so far in the story. Now then without further ado... onto the story!
P.S: I don't own Fire Emblem, Black Clover, Tales of series, DBZ or any of the aforementioned series and their characters. I only own the original characters who appear in this story.
Chapter 3: Shepherds & More Risen?!
Lissa led her newfound friends inside of a building not far from the Ylissean Royal Castle. As soon as she was inside, she stretched her arms out and spoke cheerfully towards the group of Sarai, Odyn, Roy, Khanna, & Robin.
"Well, here we are! The Shepherd's Garrison. Go on, make yourselves at home guys.," Lissa said cheerfully.
The group looked around the place briefly.
"What do you guys think?," Robin asked looking to the others.
"Hmm... Definitely simple enough. It feels just like our home back where we're from.,"Sarai said.
The group then heard the voice of someone coming towards them, Vaike and Sumia standing by the group.
"Lissa, my treasure! Are you alright? I've been on pins and needles!," A voice of a young woman said.
The voice belonged to a young blonde haired woman named Maribelle. She wore a pink long sleeved and buttoned up shirt with matching pants, brown knee high boots, and white gloves. Her hair was in curled up pony tails that went well with her white ribbons, blue earrings and white parasol. Maribelle was fair skinned with brown eyes and of average height. An air of nobility came from her, but it wasn't suffocating. She was very proper as befitting a young woman around her age, the direct opposite one could argue of Lissa.
"Oh, hey, Maribelle!," Lissa greeted.
This made Maribelle slightly upset as she retorted back to her friend.
"Oh, hey" yourself! I've sprouted 14 gray hairs fretting over you!," Maribelle retorted.
Lissa just giggled and smiled back at her friend.
"Aw, you worry too much. I can handle a battle or two! Although... I could do without all of the bugs and the bear barbecue...," Lissa said in thought.
Vaike then spoke up.
"Heya, squirt! Where's Chrom? I bet he had a rough go of it out there without 'ol teach and his trusty axe!," Vaike asked.
Vaike was a well built young man with spiky blonde hair and slightly tanned skin. He wore a steel collar piece around his neck with small chain links coming from it. That went with his brown shoulder pads, matching pants, dark brown boots, and silver braclets around his wrists.
"Oh, so you're "teach" now, Vaike, is that it? Hee hee!," Lissa replied giggling. "And here i thought people were just born with lacking wits. It can be taught?"
"Ha! Never doubt the Vaike! Hey, was that an insult I heard?," Vaike replied.
Sumia then took her turn to add to the conversation. She was a beautiful young woman with long and flowing brown hair with matching eyes and light, porcelain skin. She wore bright lavender armor that fit her quite nicely, it matched the winged hair ornament she had tied to her hair in the back. The group behind Lissa were getting kind of a timid vibe coming from the woman in front of them. She was one of the more quiet and reserved ones, wasn't she?
"Um... beg pardon, but might you know when the Captain will return?," Sumia asked.
"Poor Sumia, she's simply been beside herself with concern. Her eyes were scanning the horizon all day during training..... She may have earned even fewer bruises fighting blindfolded.," Maribelle commented.
"Aw, Sumia, that's so sweet of you to worry about Chrom.," Lissa said smiling.
"Worry? Well I... He's our Captain and our Prince, of course I'd worry!," Sumia said.
"Oh, you mean your reckless older brother? Right, Lissa?," Sarai asked slightly annoyed.
"Uh huh! Sounds like you're pretty concerned about him, Sarai.," Lissa noted.
"N-No, of course not! But, Gods is he reckless! I've never seen anyone that clueless after nearly getting killed so much.... It just bothers me that he doesn't properly defend himself, that's all!," Sarai said looking away.
Lissa just slyly smiled at the young woman behind her. She knew she wasn't really being honest, but she'd leave it be for now.
Vaike noticed the group behind Lissa and was curious about them.
"Been meaning to ask, who are the strangers behind you?," Vaike asked.
"No one's stranger than you, Vaike. But allow me to introduce you guys to Robin, Odyn, Roy, Sarai, and Khanna! They're the newest recruits to join the Shepherds. Oh yeah, and they're totally amazing too! Robin here, was just made our new tactician by Chrom. Odyn, Roy, Sarai, and Khanna are joining us too. And they're super strong too! You should see all the tricks Robin and these 4 have up their sleeves!," Lissa said introducing the group.
"Oh, yeah? Well I bet they can't do this: *buuuuuurp!*," Vaike said as he burped loudly.
This caused the others to chuckle in amusement before Robin spoke up.
"I'm sure I have much to learn in the belching arts "teach". In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you all.," Robin said.
Odyn and the others simply nodded and slightly bowed in greeting.
"You all are... something else, I'll say. But not unwelcome, it's nice to meet you all.," Odyn said politely.
"Ugh, Vaike! That was abhorrent! Must you baseborn oafs pollute even the air with your buffoonery? And you, Robin! Don't encourage him! I'd hope you were cut from finer cloth, hmph!," Maribelle said in disgust before walking away.
Sumia then spoke again as she smiled at the new faces to their group.
"Don't take it to heart, Robin, Odyn, Sarai, Roy, and Khanna. Maribelle warms to people slowly.," Sumia said encouraging them.
"Or burns too quickly, hee hee! But dont worry about it too much, just give her time.," Lissa said in agreement.
Chrom walked into the circle at the Garrison, catching the attention of those gathered.
"Well, look who decided to show up. I take it your meeting went well?," Sarai asked smirking.
Chrom nodded.
Before he could say anything though, Sumia spoke up as she had been worried about him.
"Ah! Captain, you've returned! I was... I mean we were so wo..," Sumia said walking forward before tripping and falling flat on her face.
The others sweatdropped at this.
"I.. take back what i was thinking before..," Roy said quietly.
"Yeah.. same.," Odyn quietly agreed.
"Sumia's kind of...," Sarai started to say.
"Clumsy, right?," Khanna said silently.
They all nodded and sweatdropped, before Sumia picked herself back up and brushed off the dirt on her.
"Huh? Sumia, are you alright? .. Those boots of yours again?," Chrom said a little concerned.
"😅 Gods, he's so dense!," Sarai thought.
"🤦♂️Yeah... no kidding.," Khanna deadpanned before mentally palming her face.
"No! I mean yes, i mean... *sighs*," Sumia said before sighing in embarrassment.
Chrom spoke up to get their attention.
"Alright, listen up everyone: Tomorrow morning we'll be marching to Regna Ferox.," Chrom said.
Robin raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Regna Ferox?," He asked.
Sumia answered him, easing his worries.
"A unified kingdom to Ylisse's north that's inhabited by barbarians, or so it's said.," Sumia answered.
"Warriors is what they are. And we'll need their strength to quell this new menace. Typically, the Exalt themselves would request their aid in person. But given recent events.... the people might begin to worry if my sister should suddenly leave the capital. So for that reason, the task has been put into our hands.," Chrom said before continuing as he looked around the room.
"Now then, this mission is strictly voluntary. So if for any-" Chrom started before Lissa chimed in.
"I volunteer!," Lissa said raising her hand.
"Me too! You'll be needing 'ol teach here along for such a delicate mission!," Vaike said.
"I'll go as well. What? I've been standing here the whole time! ," Kellam said.
"We'll come too, Chrom.," Odyn said.
"Yeah, besides... I don't think our sister will let you go without us.," Roy said.
"You'd better watch your back this time, Captain! Otherwise... we'll need to have another talk, yeah?," Sarai said.
Chrom inwardly paled at Sarai's words. He really didn't want to get her upset at him again.
"We'll watch your back, don't worry.," Khanna said chuckling.
Sumia then spoke.
"I.. I... um...," Sumia got out.
He turned to her.
"Yes, Sumia?," Chrom asked.
"Well... I... um... I'm not sure if I'm really.. ready for a proper mission just yet. I'd probably just get in the way.,"Sumia said timidly.
"Well... you could just stay behind the main group and if a battle is met, you could just watch and learn? It's your choice of course. But some lessons can only be learned upon the battlefield.,"Chrom said.
Sarai sighed in annoyance, Chrom just didn't get it. Were all Ylissean men this dense? Khanna placed a hand on her cousin's shoulder.
"Give him some credit, Sarai. At least he's trying.,"Khanna said.
Sarai sighed in resignation.
"Fine. You're right, Khanna.,"Sarai said.
Sumia spoke up again, still a little sheepishly.
"W-well if that's what you think is best, Captain.,"Sumia replied.
Chrom chuckled and smiled.
"Just stay by me and you'll be fine.,"Chrom said.
"Oh, yes! I mean- Yes, sir, I'll certainly do that!,"Sumia replied.
Sarai then spoke up.
"Our captain can be careless from what i've seen, Sumia. I'll be right there with you guys. Wink, wink, Captain..,"Sarai said with a pointed glare towards Chrom.
Chrom couldn't help but to sweat a little nervously as the look Sarai was giving him.
"D-Duly noted, miss Sarai.,"Chrom said laughing nervously.
"Good.,"Sarai said smiling.
The others felt sweat roll down the backs of their heads at the interaction between Sarai and Chrom. It was even to the point where Sully was hesitant to say anything. Sumia turned and whispered to Khanna as the group were seen exiting the barracks.
"Um.. pardon me for a-asking but did something happen between miss Sarai and the Captain?,"Sumia asked.
Khanna then whispered back to her.
"I'll.. explain on the way, Sumia. It's.. a bit of a long story...,"Khanna said nervously laughing.
Time skip: A short while later in a field outside of the capital....
The small band of armed men and women were seen to be gathered in a small circle, preparing to depart towards Regna Ferox. Chrom was seen at the head of the group. Amongst the group were Chrom, Robin, Vaike, Odyn, Khanna, Roy, Sarai, Lissa, and Frederick.
"Is everyone ready? We've got a long march ahead of us.,"Chrom asked.
The group nodded and turned to leave before a voice called out towards them.
"W-wait for me!," a male voice said.
The group turned and faced the holder of the voice.
"Stahl?,"Chrom asked.
"Why am I the last to hear of this expedition to Regna Ferox?,"Stahl asked.
Lissa was surprised.
"What?! Wasn't Vaike supposed to...," She started until Roy finished her thought.
"Let me guess... Vaike forget to tell Stahl about it, didn't he?,"Roy said.
"THE Vaike never forgets! I just... don't always remember, is all...,"Vaike said.
This caused Lissa to slightly pout in annoyance, something the elves internally thought was a bit amusing.
"Ugh.... I swear, Vaike! You'd forget what your own name was if you weren't constantly saying it yourself!,"Lissa pouted annoyed. "Speaking of which... are you SURE that you remembered to bring your axe this time?"
Vaike turned towards her.
"Hey! That was one time, okay, maybe twice. But, training sessions don't count. Anyways , I got it right here. Teach is loaded and ready for action! Glad to have you along, Stahl 'ol buddy!," Vaike replied.
"That makes one of us at least. I was in such a hurry that I had to miss breakfast! There muffins, and cakes, and well... I'll tell you all about it during our march.," Stahl said before noticing Robin, The Albanar Siblings, and Khanna with the group.
Robin then turned towards the young man.
"You said that your name was Stahl, right?," Robin asked.
"Stahl, hm?," Sarai said in musing.
"That's quite the peculiar name.," Roy said.
"Guess that goes to show how far from our own country we are right now.," Odyn added.
"That's for sure.," Khanna said.
Chrom recognized from their comments that they hadn't met some of the shepherds yet. He took the opportunity to then introduce his new friends to another member of the shepherds.
"Oh, I'm sorry you guys. This is Stahl, one of our finest.," Chrom said introducing the young man in green armor.
Stahl then turned towards the quartet of newcomers.
"Oh, hello there. Miriel told me we had some new members joining the Shepherds, it's nice to meet you all.," Stahl said introducing himself. "Er... Miriel's one of our mages, she should be catching up to us soon. What are your names, if I may ask?"
"Oh, right! I'll go first I suppose. My name is Robin, I'm new to the shepherds.," Robin introduced himself.
"I'm Roy Albanar, but just call me Roy.," Roy spoke up.
Stahl raised a curious eyebrow.
"You.. have a surname?," Stahl asked.
"Yeah, It's customary in the country we hail from.," Roy replied.
Robin then introduced the other three.
"These two are Roy's siblings: His older brother, Odyn. And his younger sister, Sarai. The one with Black hair here is their cousin, Khanna." Robin said introducing them.
Stahl smiled at them as he greeted the 4 newcomers.
"It's nice to meet you, Odyn, Roy, Sarai, Khanna, and Robin. If you don't mind, I'd love to hear more about the country you all come from on the way.," Stahl said.
The group began to march towards their destination as the group began to chat.
"Certainly, but it's quite a long story.," Odyn said.
"We have time, don't we? Besides, I'd like to hear about your country too if you don't mind my asking.," Lissa said.
Roy sighed and chuckled as he answered the request.
"Well, alright. I suppose that couldn't hurt.," Roy said as the camera pans up into the sky signaling the beginning of him telling them about their country.
Time skip: Later....
The group stops as they come to a clearing sometime later. The area is unfortunately filled with the deathly creatures they'd encountered a few days before. Chrom held up a hand to slow down their pace.
"No... Gods, have the Risen already spread this far?!," Chrom said worried.
Robin and the others raised curious eyebrows.
"Risen?" Robin asked confused.
"We needed a name to call this new threat, so the council gave them one.," Frederick said.
"Everyone, remember what we're up against!," Chrom said withdrawing his sword from its sheath.
"Mya! Ha ha! They'll remember me once I drive my Axe into their... Wait.. my axe! where's my axe?! I just had it a second ago!," Vaike said suddenly panicking.
Hearing this, the dark elves mentally palmed their foreheads in exasperation.
"You've got to be kidding me, Vaike!," Roy thought.
"How can anyone be THAT oblivious?!" Sarai thought.
"Seriously? How is anyone that careless?," Khanna thought exasperated.
"Vaike, this isn't the time for jokes.," Chrom said.
Vaike looked back to him, now worried.
"I'm serious, it's gone! I JUST had it! It's gotta be around here somewhere...," Vaike said.
Chrom then replied how a leader should to keep face.
"Keep to the rear then, Vaike. Try to find your Axe quickly, the battle is nigh!," Chrom said.
Vaike nodded and retreated to the rear as instructed. The rest of the party got ready for battle as they brandished thier weapons. Chrom and the others readied their weapons as the Risen began to charge at them.
Before Chrom could say anything though, Khanna charged straight into the horde of advancing monsters. She swung her War Axe, violently as she knocked away Risen that attempted to cut her down. This caused Odyn to sigh in annoyance at his cousin. Since Khanna had charged ahead already, Chrom then went next with the rest of the shepherds aside from Vaike following him.
"Shepherds, forward!," Chrom said with a battle cry.
Odyn then looked Robin with a nervous smile.
"Hey Robin, could you do me a favor?," Odyn asked.
Robin looked towards him before nodding as he blasted away a Risen with a spell from his magic tome.
"Sure. What is it?," He asked.
"Would you mind going and backing up Khanna? I know she's strong, but I worry sometimes because of how reckless she is.," Odyn asked him.
Robin nodded as the wheels began to spin in his head. Thinking of different scenarios, there was one in which Khanna could get hurt potentially. Though it was unlikely to happen, Robin thought it was better to just in case.
"Sure, I don't mind doing that. Though I don't know if I'll be of much help to her.," Robin said a little nervous.
Chrom chuckled.
"Not to worry, Robin. Just.. do what you can, I'm sure she'd appreciate any help you can provide for her." Chrom replied.
"Uh.. r-right!," Robin nodded as she sprinted off towards the direction Khanna went in.
Off to the right we see Roy assisting or rather keeping the stragglers away from Lissa with some excellent swordsmanship.
"Stay close, Lissa. I'll keep these guys off of you while you finish off the ones that are already very weakened.," Roy said to her.
Lissa nodded. She appreciated Roy doing that for her. Frederick stayed in the rear as he kept a watch on Sumia, who seemed new to fighting.
"Lissa was right... your new friends, t-they're all incredible..," Sumia said.
Frederick smiled towards her.
"Yes... that they are. Your time will come to join them soon enough, miss Sumia.," Frederick said in encouragement to the pegasus knight.
A/N: for pacing purposes some of the shepards will already be couples. Thinking they'll be some unorthodox ones. You'll find out who some of the others are as it gets deeper into the story.
Not far to the rear, a spectacle wearing mage just so happened to arrive in the midst of the battle. This mage was of course, Miriel the resident scholarly mind of the group.
Power Unleashed
The first sign of trouble came when Frederick spotted dark shapes moving through the morning mist. The Risen emerged from the fog like nightmares made flesh, their red eyes gleaming with otherworldly malice.
"Shepherds, prepare for battle!" Chrom called out, drawing Falchion.
What happened next left Sumia and Maribelle speechless.
Odyn moved first, his form blurring with impossible speed. His blade ignited with blue-white flames as he carved through three Risen in a single motion. "PHANTOM EDGE!" The flames left trailing afterimages in the air, and the creatures dissolved into purple mist before they could even register the attack.
"Remarkable..." Maribelle whispered, her usual composure forgotten as she watched Roy leap into action.
The younger brother's technique was different from Odyn's – where his brother used raw power, Roy wielded precision. Lightning crackled along his blade as he danced between opponents. "THUNDER STEP!" Each strike found a vital point, each movement flowed into the next like water.
Sarai proved equally impressive, her fighting style a perfect complement to Chrom's as they fought back-to-back. "Captain, duck!" she called out. As Chrom dropped, she spun over him, her flame-wrapped blade cutting a perfect arc. "CRIMSON ARC!" The attack cleared a semicircle of Risen around them.
But it was Khanna – or Seraphina, as some had begun calling her – who perhaps showed the most surprising abilities. Her axe began to glow with an otherworldly light as she called out, "CELESTIAL RECKONING!" The sky seemed to darken for a moment before pillars of light struck down multiple Risen simultaneously.
"Gods above..." Sumia breathed, nearly forgetting to guide her pegasus through a turn as she watched the display. Even from her aerial vantage point, she could hardly follow their movements.
The siblings worked in perfect coordination with each other and, increasingly, with the Shepherds. When Vaike found himself surrounded, Roy was there in an instant, his lightning techniques creating an opening. When Frederick charged with his lance, Odyn's flames cleared his path. Sarai's movements synchronized naturally with Chrom's, as if they'd trained together for years rather than days.
"Their power..." Maribelle said, watching as Khanna's light-based abilities complemented her own healing magic, "it's unlike anything I've seen before."
But what truly impressed the Shepherds wasn't just the raw power on display – it was how the siblings adapted their techniques to support their new allies. They weren't fighting to show off; they were fighting to protect.
As the last Risen fell, silence descended over the battlefield. Sumia landed her pegasus near the group, still trying to process what she'd witnessed. "That was... incredible," she managed.
Odyn sheathed his blade with a modest smile. "We've had a lot of practice working together."
"Though I must say," Roy added, helping Lissa step over some debris, "fighting alongside the Shepherds adds some interesting new possibilities to our usual techniques."
Sarai caught Chrom's eye and grinned. "See, Captain? That's what happens when you fight as part of a team instead of charging in alone."
"Point taken," Chrom chuckled, though his expression was thoughtful as he studied their new allies.
The display of power had certainly impressed the Shepherds, but it had also raised new questions. Questions that would have to wait, however, as the road to Regna Ferox still stretched before them, and somewhere in the distance, "Marth" watched from the shadows, her own thoughts turning to the future she sought to prevent.
"Mind if I walk with you for a bit?" Sumia asked, falling into step beside Sarai. They were near the middle of the convoy now, far enough behind Chrom that they could speak privately, but close enough to keep him in sight as he discussed route options with Frederick.
Sarai smiled warmly. "Of course not. Though I should warn you – walking next to me won't protect you from those treacherous pebbles you keep finding."
Sumia felt her cheeks flush. "Oh gods, you noticed those? I was hoping people would think I was just... testing the ground's stability!"
"With your face?" Sarai's laughter was kind rather than mocking. "You know, my brother Roy used to be just as clumsy. He grew out of it... mostly."
They walked in comfortable silence for a moment before Sumia gathered her courage. "That was impressive earlier – the way you and Chrom fought together. Like you could read each other's minds."
Something flickered across Sarai's face – too quick to name, but enough to confirm Sumia's suspicions. "He's... skilled," Sarai said carefully. "When he's not being an absolute fool who charges headlong into danger without thinking."
"He does do that rather a lot," Sumia agreed, watching as Sarai's expression softened despite her words.
"Just yesterday he nearly got himself skewered because he saw a village girl's cat stuck in a tree and decided that the crown prince of Ylisse needed to personally handle the rescue." Sarai shook her head, but Sumia caught the hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "The branch wasn't even sturdy enough to hold him. If I hadn't been there with a vulnerary when he fell..."
"You worry about him," Sumia observed gently.
Sarai's steps faltered for just a moment. "I worry about everyone. It's... what I do." But there was a slight flush to her cheeks that hadn't been there before.
"He needs that," Sumia said softly. "People who care enough to worry. To tell him when he's being reckless." She took a deep breath. "To catch him when he falls."
Sarai turned to look at her then, really look at her, and Sumia saw understanding dawn in her eyes. For a moment, neither spoke, each recognizing something of themselves in the other.
"Sumia..." Sarai began, her voice uncertain for the first time since they'd met.
"It's alright," Sumia smiled, and meant it. "The heart wants what it wants, even when we try to hide it behind exasperation and lectures about proper princely behavior."
Sarai laughed despite herself. "Is it that obvious?"
"Only to someone who recognizes the signs." Sumia's own gaze drifted to Chrom. "Though I think he might be the last person to notice. He can be a bit..."
"Dense?" Sarai suggested.
"I was going to say 'focused on his duties,' but yes, dense works too."
They shared a knowing look, and something shifted between them – the beginning of a friendship built on shared understanding and mutual respect.
"You know," Sumia said thoughtfully, "in all the romance novels I've read, this would be the part where we become bitter rivals."
"Well, we could try that if you'd like," Sarai's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I could challenge you to a dramatic duel at dawn. Though knowing my luck, you'd trip and fall on your lance before I could even draw my sword, and then I'd feel terrible."
"Hey!" Sumia protested, then promptly stumbled over nothing at all. Sarai caught her arm, steadying her with practiced ease.
"See? We're clearly better as friends than rivals." Sarai's smile was genuine, but there was something else in her expression – a shadow of something deeper, more complex. "Besides, I... there are things you don't know. Things that make any sort of... feelings... complicated."
Before Sumia could ask what she meant, a shout from the front of the column drew their attention. As they hurried to catch up with the others, Sumia couldn't help but wonder about the weight she sometimes saw in Sarai's eyes, the secrets that seemed to hover just beneath the surface of all four siblings.
But those were questions for another time. For now, she was content knowing that she'd found not a rival, but a friend – one who understood exactly what it was like to care for someone who seemed determined to find trouble wherever he went.
"Halt! Who goes there?!" The voice rang out from the fortress walls, cutting through the bitter wind.
Chrom stepped forward, Falchion sheathed to show peaceful intent. "I am Prince Chrom of Ylisse. We seek an audience with the Khan!"
"Sure you are!" The guard captain's laughter was harsh. "And I'm the emperor of Valm! We've had enough of your kind trying to cross our borders with false credentials!"
"Wait!" Frederick called out. "We can prove—"
The whistle of javelins cutting through air interrupted his plea. Multiple spears arced down from the fortress walls, their paths converging on Chrom's position with deadly precision.
"CHROM!" Sarai's voice cracked through the air like a whip. She moved with impossible speed, her sword igniting with crimson flames. "BLAZING SHIELD!"
The fire erupted in a semicircle around them, the intense heat turning the javelins to ash before they could reach their target. Steam hissed where flames met snow, creating a momentary fog bank around them.
"Gods," Chrom breathed, looking at Sarai with a mixture of gratitude and awe. "That was—"
"Reckless?" she cut him off, though there was a slight smile playing at her lips. "Seems to be a theme with you."
"Everyone!" Odyn's commanding voice rose above the chaos. "They won't listen to words – we'll have to prove ourselves the Feroxi way!"
The fortress gates burst open, disgorging a contingent of hardy Feroxi warriors. Their weapons were clearly chosen for subduing rather than killing – blunted axes, wrapped sword edges, and staffs.
"They're testing us," Roy observed, electricity already crackling along his blade. "Stand firm but don't kill anyone. Khanna, can you—"
"Already on it," his sister replied, her axe beginning to glow with that strange celestial light. "STARFALL CURTAIN!" The light split into multiple beams, forcing the Feroxi warriors to adjust their formation.
"Shepherds!" Chrom called out, naturally falling into position beside Sarai. "Show them what we're made of – but keep it clean! These are our allies, even if they don't know it yet!"
The battle erupted across the snow-covered ground. Frederick's horse kicked up powder as he charged through their lines, using the flat of his lance to sweep soldiers off their feet. Vaike and Khanna worked in tandem, her light-based attacks creating openings for his carefully pulled punches.
"Sumia! Aerial support!" Sarai called out, recognizing a pattern in the Feroxi movement. The pegasus knight responded immediately, diving low over the battlefield to scatter a forming phalanx.
Chrom and Sarai moved together like dancers, their steps perfectly synchronized. When a particularly large warrior charged them with a war hammer, they didn't even need to speak. Sarai dropped to one knee, her flaming sword creating a barrier while Chrom vaulted over her, bringing Falchion's flat edge down in a perfect arc that sent the man sprawling.
"Show-offs," Roy commented with a grin, his lightning techniques paralyzing rather than piercing.
The guard captain watched from above, her expression shifting from skepticism to grudging respect as she observed their restraint and coordination. These were no common bandits or imposters – their techniques were too refined, their teamwork too perfect.
"Your Grace!" The captain called down. "If you truly are Prince Chrom, then face me yourself! Prove your worth in single combat!"
"Captain," Sarai grabbed Chrom's arm before he could step forward. Her eyes held a mix of concern and something deeper. "Be careful. Please."
He covered her hand with his own for just a moment. "I will. I've got quite the teacher when it comes to avoiding reckless behavior, after all."
The flash of emotion that crossed Sarai's face didn't go unnoticed by their companions, but there was no time to dwell on it. Chrom stepped forward to face his challenger, Falchion gleaming in the winter sun, ready to prove himself worthy of Feroxi respect.
Behind him, the Shepherds and their mysterious allies held their positions, having demonstrated once again that their strength lay not just in their unusual abilities, but in their unity of purpose and trust in each other.
"Yield!" Chrom's voice carried across the courtyard as Falchion rested steadily at the guard captain's throat. Despite the intensity of their duel, his blade hadn't drawn a single drop of blood.
Raimi, the guard captain, lay in the snow with a mixture of frustration and respect on her weathered face. "Well fought... Your Grace." She emphasized the title with newfound conviction. "Only the true prince of Ylisse could fight with such honor and skill."
As Chrom helped her to her feet, the tension in the courtyard dissolved. Frederick visibly relaxed his grip on his lance, while Lissa let out a dramatic sigh of relief.
"That was... quite the welcome," Chrom said diplomatically, sheathing Falchion.
Raimi actually laughed. "Welcome to Regna Ferox, where strength speaks louder than words. And you've all spoken quite eloquently today." Her eyes swept over the group, lingering particularly on the four siblings and their unusual fighting styles. "Come. I'll personally escort you to Flavia."
"Flavia?" Odyn asked, sharing a quick glance with his siblings that didn't go unnoticed by Sumia.
"The East-Khan," Raimi explained as she led them into the fortress. "Or rather... one of our Khans. That's where things might get... interesting for your delegation."
The interior of the fortress was a stark contrast to Ylisse's elegant architecture. Here, everything was built for function over form – thick stone walls covered in battle trophies, torch-lit corridors that prioritized defensibility over decoration. The warmth was welcome after the battlefield, but there was something in Raimi's words that kept the group on edge.
"What do you mean by 'interesting'?" Frederick inquired, ever vigilant.
Raimi's expression turned carefully neutral. "Let's just say that Khan Flavia's ability to grant you the alliance you seek isn't as... straightforward as you might hope. But she'll explain everything herself."
As they walked, Sarai fell into step beside Chrom. "That was well fought," she said quietly. "Though you nearly gave me a heart attack with that spinning dodge."
"I learned from the best," he replied with a slight smile. "Though I think you've used up your quota of worrying about my reckless behavior for the day."
"If only it worked that way," she muttered, but there was warmth in her voice.
Behind them, Khanna and Roy were deep in whispered conversation, their expressions troubled. When Lissa tried to catch what they were saying, Roy smoothly shifted to commenting on the architecture instead.
The group finally arrived at a set of massive wooden doors, reinforced with steel and carved with scenes of ancient battles. Raimi turned to face them, her expression serious.
"A word of advice, Your Grace. In Ferox, strength is everything, but it takes many forms. The battle you face here may not be the kind you can win with a sword." She pushed open the doors, revealing a vast hall where a dark-skinned woman in warrior's garb sat in what could only loosely be called a throne – it looked more like a repurposed battlefield command chair.
"Well, well," Khan Flavia's voice carried across the hall, equal parts amused and calculating. "The prince of Ylisse comes seeking aid. Tell me, young man, how do you feel about tournaments?"
The siblings exchanged another one of their meaningful looks, this one tinged with what almost seemed like recognition. Whatever challenges lay ahead, it was clear that proving themselves in combat had been only the first step in a much more complex diplomatic dance.
Chrom stepped forward, ready to face whatever test Ferox would demand of them. But as Sarai watched him, her expression suggested she already knew what was coming – and that their path to securing an alliance would test more than just their martial prowess.
"So you see," Flavia spread her hands with a mix of frustration and amusement, "I lack the authority to give you what you seek. The oaf Basilio holds that power now, thanks to his champions' victory in the last tournament."
"And let me guess," Odyn stepped forward, his voice carrying a knowing edge. "The next tournament is approaching?"
Flavia's eyebrows rose slightly. "Indeed. You catch on quick, stranger. Once a year, our khans select champions to fight for the right to total sovereignty." A predatory grin spread across her face. "And as fortune would have it, that time is upon us."
"Of course it is," Chrom pinched the bridge of his nose. "Nothing's ever simple, is it?"
"Welcome to politics, Feroxi style," Flavia laughed. "I need strong warriors to represent me in the upcoming tournament. What say you, Prince of Ylisse? Fancy being my champion?"
Before Chrom could respond, Frederick interjected. "Milord, we must consider this carefully. The risk—"
"Is necessary," Sarai finished, stepping up beside Chrom. "We need this alliance, Frederick. Ylisse's safety depends on it."
"She's right," Chrom nodded. "We'll do it, Khan Flavia. The Shepherds will represent you in the tournament."
"Excellent!" Flavia clapped her hands together. "Though I should warn you – Basilio's champion from last year was quite... formidable. I hear they're competing again."
As if on cue, the great doors opened, and a familiar masked figure strode into the hall. The siblings tensed simultaneously, their reactions so subtle that only Sumia, watching closely, seemed to notice.
"Marth?!" Chrom's hand instinctively went to Falchion's hilt.
The masked swordsman stopped, head turning slightly toward their group. Though the mask concealed most of their face, there was something in that moment – a hesitation, perhaps, or a flicker of recognition that seemed to pass between Marth and the four siblings.
"You know this warrior?" Flavia asked, intrigued.
"We... crossed paths before," Chrom answered carefully. "Though I didn't expect to find you here, Marth."
"The tournament grounds are where I must be," Marth's voice was deliberately neutral, but there was an undercurrent of... something. Pain? Determination? "When we next cross swords, Prince of Ylisse, it will be in official combat."
Roy and Khanna exchanged a loaded glance, while Odyn's hand tightened almost imperceptibly on his sword hilt. But it was Sarai's reaction that was most telling – she had gone completely still, her eyes fixed on Marth with an intensity that suggested she was seeing more than just a mysterious swordsman.
"I look forward to it," Chrom responded, either not noticing or choosing not to comment on the tension that had suddenly filled the room.
"Well!" Flavia's voice cut through the heavy atmosphere. "This should be interesting indeed. Come, I'll show you where you can prepare. The tournament begins at dawn tomorrow."
As they followed Flavia from the hall, Lissa fell into step beside Khanna. "Is it just me, or was that super weird? The way Marth just showed up, and you all seemed..."
"It's not just you," Khanna replied softly, her usual serene expression troubled. "But some mysteries are better left unsolved... for now."
"You know something about Marth, don't you?" Sumia asked Sarai quietly as they walked. "All of you do."
Sarai's expression was unreadable. "What we know or don't know isn't important right now. What matters is winning this tournament and securing the alliance." But her eyes kept drifting back to where Marth had stood, as if trying to solve a puzzle whose pieces refused to fit together.
As the group made their way to their assigned quarters, the air was thick with unspoken questions. Tomorrow would bring not just a tournament, but perhaps answers to mysteries that had been building since four unusual siblings had first joined their ranks. Or perhaps, as Khanna had suggested, some of those mysteries were better left in the shadows – at least for now.
The tournament arena echoed with the sound of clashing steel as Chrom and Marth's blades met in a testing exchange. What started as a brief warmup quickly turned into something more compelling as their movements mirrored each other with uncanny precision.
"Impossible..." Chrom muttered as he parried a strike that he himself had mastered years ago. Each stance, each technique – it was like fighting against his own reflection.
Sarai watched from the sidelines, her expression a careful mask despite the recognition flickering in her eyes. When Lissa gasped beside her, pointing at Marth's sword, Sarai's hand unconsciously tightened on her own blade's hilt.
"That sword..." Frederick's eyes narrowed. "It can't be."
Indeed, in Marth's hands gleamed what appeared to be an exact duplicate of Falchion – every detail, down to the way it caught the light, was identical to Chrom's legendary blade.
"There's no way," Chrom said, disengaging from their brief exchange. "Falchion is unique. The blade of the first Exalt, passed down through the royal family. There cannot be two!"
Marth remained silent, but their stance spoke volumes – it was a perfect mirror of Chrom's own ready position, learned through countless hours of training.
"How did you learn to fight like this?" Chrom demanded. "Who taught you?"
"I learned from the best," Marth replied cryptically, then stepped back, signaling an end to their preliminary exchange.
Roy moved closer to his sister, speaking in a whisper. "Sarai, should we...?"
"No," she cut him off softly. "Some truths need to be discovered in their own time. We can't interfere with this."
Odyn and Khanna exchanged knowing looks but remained equally silent, their expressions suggesting they understood and agreed with Sarai's decision.
"Well?" Basilio's booming voice echoed across the arena. "Are we going to stand around all day, or are we going to have ourselves a proper tournament?"
The champions from both sides began taking their positions. On the West Khan's side, Marth was joined by a powerful-looking swordmaster and what appeared to be a skilled dark mage. The East Khan's champions – the Shepherds – arranged themselves with practiced efficiency.
"Chrom," Sarai called out as he returned to their side. "Whatever happens next... trust your instincts. Sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of us, even if we can't see them yet."
He gave her a curious look. "You sound like you know something about our mysterious opponent."
"I know many things," she replied with a slight smile. "But right now, what I know isn't as important as what you'll discover for yourself." Her expression softened. "Just... be careful out there. Marth fights with purpose, not just skill."
"When did you become so cryptic?" Chrom asked, but there was warmth in his voice.
"Must be all the time spent around mysterious masked swordsmen," she quipped, but her eyes remained serious. "Now, shall we show them what the Shepherds can do?"
The tournament horn sounded, and both sides tensed for battle. Yet as they prepared to clash, the questions raised by Marth's familiar fighting style and impossible weapon hung in the air like an unfinished prophecy. Whatever answers lay ahead would have to wait – for now, there was a battle to win and an alliance to secure.
To be continued in Chapter 4: Mirror Image, Ferox Tournament Vs the mysterious "Marth"