Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Waking Up In A Foreign Land
Chapter 1: Waking up in a foreign Land
The sound of rustling wind is heard as a boy with shoulder length dark blue hair opens his eyes. He groans as if he was hit by something. The teen was dark skinned with pointed ears and eyes the color of piercing fire.
"Ugh.... where.... Am I?," The teen asked aloud.
He wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't just yet. This boy was Odyn Albanar an Arkynorean dark elf. It was strange that he could not find the strength to stand as he would normally be able to get up without a problem. Realizing those attempts would ultimately be fruitless, he relaxed into the postion he was in.
"Okay... Think I'll just... lay here for awhile longer then...," Odyn thought. "Still... how did I end up like this again? It's hard to remember exactly how...,"
His clothes were consisted of a black coat witha blue undershirt. The shirt had a brown belt across it that attached to the sheath for his sword on his back. His pants were army green and camoflage with a gold belt to hold them up. The teen also wore black boots. His gloves on his hands were silver and fingerless. Finally, he had a dark green headband made of cloth tied to his forehead.
As he tried to stir awake, he thought he heard footsteps approaching them. As it turned out, he was right. He was just hoping whoever was approaching the area would deign to help him.. and his siblings who were nearby to him, sprawled out on the grass. No doubt, they were also unconscious like he was.
It was a warm day outside in the beautiful kingdom of Ylisse. It was peaceful. The camera pans up to see a certain trio walking down the road. The first of the three was tall with short blue hair, cream colored skin, and blue eyes. His outfit of choice consisted of a dark blue shirt with several belts crossing over it, silver pads on his shoulders, a dark colored sleeve on his left arm, a white belt with a red and orange sheath strapped to his waist, with a silver handled sword locked in place inside the sheath.
The sword had a circle acting as the hilt with a matching silver sheen coating it. The handle was decorated by dark colored tape for grip, with the pommel being copper. The young man had dark gray colored gloves on his hands, and darkly colored pants, a white cape flowing behind him. His sword arm was bare with with a unique tear drop shaped emblem on his shoulder blade that finished the look.
Next to him, was a girl with blonde hair tied into pigtails. She also had blue eyes and cream colored skin to match. The girl wore a simple yellow dress with what looked to be a white undershirt, brown boots, a white colored hair decoration, and dark brown colored gloves. She held what appeared to be a staff meant for healing. The staff was fairly sinple in nature with its color scheme matching her outfit. The only true difference being the bottom portion of the staff and the blue gem in the center of the spiral at the top of it.
Finally, the man behind them had messy brown hair. He was light skinned, much like the two next to him were. The man appeared to be a little bit older, but still fairly young given his appearance. Black eyes and wearing heavy sky blue armore and walking with his hands behind his back. He appeared rather stoic as he walked next to his younger two companions.
"Auggh, why are we out here anyway!?," The girl asked.
The blue haired young man chuckled.
"Come on now, Lissa. Exercise is good. Besides, you're the one who wanted to get out of the castle are you not?," Chrom replied.
The blonde haired girl is Lissa, Chrom's younger sister. She was rather spritely for her age, but that quirkiness is what made the girl herself. The boy lovingly chiding her is Chrom, the heir apparent to the throne Ylisse after his sister, Emmeryn. Just behind them is their loyal retainer and oft times butler, Frederick.
As the trio continued down the road, Lissa suddenly stopped walking. This caused both Chrom and Fredrick to stop as well. Chrom looked at her concerned.
"Is there something wrong, Lissa?," Chrom asked.
Lissa had her eyes wide and her hand on her mouth as she pointed towards the field ahead of them.
"Chrom, look!," Lissa said pointing to the quartet of beings sprawled out on the ground.
Chrom and Frederick then noticed them. A boy around Lissa and Chrom's age against a tree, another boy with red hair sprawled out and face down on the ground, a girl with black hair laying on her side with her her weapon away from her. The final teen also had red hair, but it was longer than the boy who had the same hair color.
Chrom looked at the group it appeared as if they'd been in a fight, but there were no wounds on them anywhere. That was concerning. But more puzzling were the attire they wore. It certainly wasn't from anywhere around Ylisse. And... that symbol on each of their backs.... The symbol in question was depicted as such: Two swords crossing, with a shield behind them. Those were inside of an ember of fire.
"Is something amiss miord?," Frederick asked. "You seem troubled by something."
Chrom then shook his head and smiled at his retainer.
"Thank you for you concern, Frederick. But I assure you that I am fine.,"Chrom Replied. "The symbol on their backs and on their armor just gave me a bit of a momentary pause."
Frederick also managed to spot the symbol mentioned.
"Indeed. I don't believe I have ever seen such an emblem in all of the Halidom... or in Plegia for that matter..," Frederick said.
Lissa then spoke up.
"So... are we going to help them, Chrom?," Lissa asked curious.
Just as the trio started to debate on their situation, Odyn started to stir awake again. Noticing this Lissa pointed that out.
"Ah, Chrom look, he's waking up!,"Lissa said.
Odyn opened his eyes to see a girl about his age with Blonde hair tied into pigtails and staring down at him curiously. She then spoke.
"Hey there.," Lissa said softly smiling at him.
Odyn grabbed his head again, as it was throbbing now.
Chrom looked him a bit concerned.
"Can you stand? Or do I need to ask Lissa, here, to heal you?," Chrom asked.
Odyn shakily stood to his feet as he was still clutching his head in pain. He held up a hand before assuring them of his health.
"I'm alright. Thank you for asking though. Ugh... my head!,"Odyn said clutching it momentarily. "Just.. what happened to me?"
"I would like to know that as well, stranger.," Frederick added.
Odyn looked towards the man.
"I honestly wish I could tell ya, but... I don't really remember what happened exactly. But.. I suppose introductions are in order.
"My name is.. Odyn. Odyn Albanar.," Odyn said.
Chrom raised a curious eyebrow as he spoke.
"You have a surname?," He asked.
Odyn nodded.
" Of course. Doesn't everybody?," He asked.
The trio looked at each other in uncertainty before Chrom looked back to the young man. Uncertain of how to answer the fellow blue haired individual, the prince was as honest with him as he could be considering the circumstances.
"um... I can't say that i'm familiar with that concept. I've always just been Chrom to most people.," The prince answered.
That appeared to get the young man to think on Chrom's words, almost as if he was pondering his answer. Shaking his head Odyn's attention was redirected towards Frederick, who spoke in voicing a question on his mind.
"Perhaps then you would care to tell us as to how you came here?," Frederick asked.
Odyn looked at the knight rather curiously when he asked that particular question. The dark teen rubbed the back of his head as Frederick asked the question.
"Yeah... I would tell you but the thing is... I don't even know how I came here in the first place. Wherever... here is exactly?," Odyn replied.
Chrom smiled and lightly chuckled as he answered the dark teen.
"Peace friend, I believe you. As for where you are... This is Ylisse that you're in currently.," Chrom said in response.
Odyn raised an eyebrow at this in confusion. Chrom's answer clearly puzzled him.
"Ylisse? That's where I am?," Odyn asked even more confused than he was previously.
Chrom and Lissa nodded. Frederick then spoke, voicing his skepticism of the young man's claim.
"Where are to believe that you've never heard of the Halidom? Forgive me, stranger. I do wish to believe you, but my station mandates otherwise.," Frederick said.
Odyn nodded in understanding.
"No, that's perfectly understandable, sir Frederick. I would probably do the same if our roles were to be reversed. But I assure you what i speak is the truth. I have never even heard of the um... Halidom of Ylisse before.," Odyn stated.
Chrom looked down in thought. If what this young man named Odyn said was true, then there was only one possible option. Odyn had come from somewhere quite far away. Lissa then voiced something that she had been wondering about for the entire time they had been talking to this young man. The odd symbol on his back.
"Not to interrupt or anything, but... what is that?,"Lissa asked curiously.
Chrom and Frederick were confused as to what Lissa was referring to until she pointed it out.
"What are you talking about, Lissa?," Chrom asked.
Lissa spoke again.
"You said your name was Odyn, right?," She asked.
Odyn nodded.
"I did.,"Odyn replied.
"I've been wondering... what is that on your back?," She asked curiously. "I've never seen anything like it before."
Odyn looked behind himself briefly before he smiled and lightly chuckled. So that's what they were curious about? He could answer that as it didn't seem like it would do any harm if he told them.
"Oh that. That's a symbol of the Kingdom I am from. It's the brand of the Kingdom of Albanar, hence the surname.," Odyn answered.
"The Kingdom of Albanar?," Chrom asked aloud.
"Can't say any of us have heard of any such kingdom ever before.," Frederick added.
"Albanar?," Lissa asked confused.
Odyn lightly laughed.
"It's alright. I can't blame you for not hearing about it before, it's pretty far away. I dubt many people have heard of us Albanarian citizens.," Odyn said. He paused before looking around. "I.. don't suppose any of you have seen my companions, have you?"
Chrom noticed several other people on the ground nearby and spoke up, pointing them out.
"By companions, you wouldn't happen to be referring to these people nearby to us would you?," He asked. "There are several of them scattered around us."
Odyn followed the trio's line of sight and his eyes widened. The teen immediately sprinted about 100 meters ahead of them to find the black haired girl on a patch of grass nearby to them. Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick giving chase after the young man. Odyn was seen to be shaking the young woman awake.
"Hey! Khanna, come on, wake up!," Odyn pleaded shaking the young woman gently.
The dark skinned and black haired woman groaned before stirring awake. She saw her cousin, Odyn looking down at her.
"Unghh.... Odyn?,"She asked getting to her feet.
"Yeah. It's me, Khanna. How are you feeling?," Odyn asked.
She held her head briefly before shaking away a headache.
"Terrible. W..What happened to us?," She responded.
"I wish I knew the answer to that.," He answered uncertain. "Where are the others?"
Khanna answered immediately as she recalled where the other 2 in their group landed before blacking out.
"I think Roy's just up ahead... over there in fact. As for Sarai.. I think she's a bit further up the road.," Khanna answered. "Where are we anyways?"
"From what these three behind me tell me... We're in a land known as the Halidom of Ylisse.," Odyn answered.
Khanna looked at the trio and slightly bowed her head.
"I should thank you three for helping my younger cousin. And as you've heard, my name is Khanna. Khanna Andross.,"Khanna said.
Khanna had the same fiery orange eyes that Odyn had, dark skin, and had pointed ears that were long enough to be noticed. She wore emerald green armor with a forest type sheen to it. This went well with the gold trimming around it that faded into the cape that billowed behind her. On her back, she had a large warhammer slung on a cloth for safe keeping.
"You're quite welcome. And we couldn't very well pass by people who clearly needed help.," Chrom answered.
Lissa smiled at Khanna.
"Besides my brother's a bit of a softy when it comes to helping others.," Lissa said.
Chrom cleared his throat slightly embarrassed at his sister speaking of that particular trait of his.
The group then continued on down the road, Lissa stopping when she noticed a dark skinned boy with deep crimson hair and in blue armor. She called out to the others.
"Hey, there's another one over here!," Lissa said making the others rush over to her.
Sure enough, it was Roy. Lissa flipped him over onto his back as his breathing was a bit labored. Taking out her stave, she began to use her magic to heal him. This stirred the boy to finally awaken from his slumber. His eyes landed on Lissa, who gently smiled at him.
"Hey there... I hope I didn't scare you by suddenly waking you up.," Lissa said smiling and silently giggling.
The teen had crimson hair with pointed ears and dark skin. He also had those same orange and fire colored eyes as the duo they had previously met just prior. Dark blue armor with silver and white trimmings, a lavender and gold headband tied to his forehead, and blue shin guards with boots the same color as the headband adorning his feet. A red and gold sheath for his sword strapped to a brown belt with his sword locked in place completed the look.
"N-No.. You didn't miss. I thank you for what you did.," Roy said as he stood before offering his hand towards Lissa.
Lissa happily accepted the offered hand just as the others arrived. Roy looked to Odyn and Khanna with a confused look on his face.
"Khanna? Brother?," He asked.
Odyn spoke soon after.
"Oh good, you're up Roy. How are you feeling now?," Odyn said as he was checking up on his brother.
"Better now that miss uh...,"Roy said pausing upon realizing that he never caught the name of the young lady who helped him just moments ago.
Lissa giggled before easing that concern for him.
"That's alright, I should have introduced myself earlier.," Lissa said giggling. "My name is Lissa, it's nice to meet you, Roy."
"Lissa, right. (clears his throat) anyways... I'm much better thanks to miss Lissa over here.,"Roy said. "Do you happen to know where exactly we ended up, brother?"
Odyn quickly answered him.
"From what Lissa, Chrom, and Frederick over here tell me we're in a land called the Halidom of Ylisse. Where that is in relation to our own homeland... I do not really know.," Odyn replied.
"I see... So in other words, we could be on our own out here in... Ylisse was it? (Odyn and Khanna nod)," Roy said. "Incidentally... Where's Sarai?"
Khanna then spoke and revealed to him what she has already mentioned to Odyn.
"As I told your brother, I believe she's down the road that way.," Khanna said as the group follows her line of sight.
The group then continues down the road, chatting and making some small talk as they had towards the last member of the group who came with Odyn. Chrom and Frederick hang back a bit as they discuss their unusual companions.
"What do you make of our guests milord?," Frederick asked. "I do not wish to doubt them, but I do find their stories or lack thereof concerning their arrival here to be a tad bit unsettling. T'would not do to allow wolves in with our flock."
Chrom sighed as he turned towards Frederick.
"Patience, Frederick. I understand your skepticism of our new friends. But pray, allow them to travel with us just awhile longer. We may even discover something about them.," Chrom said in reply.
Chrom then quickly caught up with the others before heading to the front of the group. Frederick simply sighed as he walked directly behind the group. Continuing on down the road, the group walked forward. After a bit of walking and some small talk, Chrom stopped as he saw her. It was a young, dark skinned woman with pointed ears and beautiful crimson hair. He felt like his breath was caught in his throat as he stared at the girl.
Chrom, still semi caught in a trance as he stared at the woman before him, then heard a voice on the side of him. The voice was revealed to be Odyn.
"That's her alright. Chrom, Lissa, Frederick... Meet our sister, Sarai.," Odyn said.
Even Lissa couldn't stop herself from staring at the young woman, she was very beautiful. Sarai had lavender armor on with golden and blue trimmings, a silver belt and a white sheath which held her elven sword. Gold boots accompanied the look of her armor, along with the owl feather ear rings she wore. The first thing that Chrom noticed was her ears, they were... pointed? Looking back at he three who had joined them, they all had pointed ears! We're they part manakete or what? Shaking his head, Chrom figured he could ask about that later. Right now, this young lady needed some help. It was dangerous to be just lying by the side of the road and unconscious.
He walked over and knelt as he couldn't help but to stare at her. He'd never seen any woman like her before and yet so beautiful, physically speaking anyways. The young woman started to stir awake as the group saw her open her eyes. Chrom smiled at her, reaching his hand towards her.
"Ah, I see that you're awake now. How are you-," Chrom started before having to jump back suddenly.
Sarai's eyes widened as she unsheathed her sword and pointed it at Chrom.
"AAH! Who.. ARE YOU?! And... Where am I?!," Sarai screamed in panic.
"Whoah! just settle down, we can talk about this!," Chrom said raising his hands up in surrender.
"TALK?! You wanna talk?! After you were about to assault me?," Sarai asked gritting her teeth in anger.
"Y-Yes? Please, I think there's been a misunderstanding here. I was simply trying to help you.," Chrom said panicked.
Sarai was having none of it as she snarled at him.
"help me? I'LL SHOW YOU HELPING!," Sarai yelled.
She was panicked, and thus not thinking clearly. Seeing Chrom's face instead of someone she was familiar with made her freak out. Before she could charge at Chrom, Odyn called out to her.
"SARAI, STOP!," Odyn called to her.
This seemed to do the trick as Sarai stopped her sword mere inches from Chrom's face. He had somehow managed to catch the blade before it could hit him in the eyes. His eyes were wide and sweat ran down his face due to the close call. The girl then looked to the source of the voice.
"Brother?," She asked.
Odyn sighed.
"You mustn't hurt Chrom, he's a good person. Plus, he helped the rest of us out.,"Odyn told her.
She eyed Chrom, who was still sweating profusely at the situation he was put into before looking back to her brother.
"He did?," She asked.
Odyn nodded before speaking up again.
"Yes, he did. He, Lissa, and Frederick here told us where exactly we ended up too.," He told her.
Sarai looked back to Chrom before sighing and sheathing her sword. She then bowed her head towards Chrom in apology, understanding this whole situation was her fault.
"I... am so sorry! I.. Misunderstood the situation and lashed out at you, please forgive me sir Chrom.,"Sarai said apologizing.
Chrom lightly chuckled about it and smiled at her.
"It is quite alright, miss Sarai. I was.. partly to blame for that outcome. And for that I beg your pardon.," Chrom said.
Sarai giggled.
"You're... an odd one, aren't you Chrom?," she laughed. "And please... It's just Sarai. Call me by my name, please."
Chrom nodded.
"Of course, only if you refer to me in the same manner.,"Chrom replied.
She smiled.
"I think I can do that.," Sarai replied.
"Are we even then?," He asked.
"Hm... Nearly, Chrom.," She said. "If you agree to make it up to me later on, we're square."
The two then shook hands.
"It's a deal then.," He said back.
The group continued on their journey towards a village on the border between Ylisse and Plegia. Lissa and Khanna explaining things to Sarai on the way.
"So... we're in the country of Ylisse? That's where myself, my brothers, and Khanna all ended up?," Sarai asked.
Lissa nodded with a smile.
"Yup. I know it's a bit late for this, but welcome to the Halidom of Ylisse!," Lissa said cheerfully.
Sarai and Khanna smiled back at the upbeat girl.
"Thank you, Lissa.," Khanna responded.
The boys were also having a conversation as they were directly behind the girls.
"And you're sure that you don't remember how you came here?," Chrom asked.
Roy spoke up as he and Odyn chuckled.
"Trust us, Chrom. If we could remember how we ended up like you found us, we'd tell you guys in a heartbeat. But...," Roy said allowing his brother to finish the thought.
"It seems like no matter how hard we try to remember, there's just... nothing.,"Odyn finished.
Frederick raised a curious eyebrow.
"Nothing?," Chrom asked.
Odyn nodded.
"Yeah. Nothing. It's almost as if... someone or some thing wants us to forget how we came here. We can't remember a single thing regarding our arrival here.,"Odyn explained.
Chrom put his hand on his chin in thought.
"So... in other words, you all have partial memory loss?," He asked.
The two brothers nodded.
"Hmm.. You all have partial amnesia then?," Frederick asked.
Both Odyn and Roy agreed.
"Duly noted then.," Frederick said.
As the group continued down the path, they came to a clearing. In the clearing however...
"Chrom look, over there!," Lissa said pointing to a man slumbering against a tree.
The group walked over to him as they were curious as to why someone would be out here. The man had peach colored skin with white almost silver hair... actually, upon inspecting him it was silver in color. He wore a simple black tunic with matching pants, a brown belt, brown shoes and a darkened purple cloak like jacket. The jacket was also hodded. It appeared that he was holding on to something, though they couldn't tell exactly what at the moment.
"He appears to have fainted from something.," Khanna said.
Roy looked towards his cousin.
"From what?," Roy asked puzzled.
"Could be anything as far as we know.," Sarai said.
"That's true.. but, we can't just leave him there in the middle of the road like that.," Odyn added.
Lissa also agreed with Odyn.
"I agree with Odyn. We have to do something.," Lissa chimed in.
Chrom voiced his own thoughts on the matter.
"Well, what do you propose we do then?," Chrom asked.
This caught Lissa off guard as she didn't have an answer for that.
"Uh.. I.. I don't know!," Lissa said before the group turns and noticed that he was awake.
The man opened his eyes to see the group of 7 people all looking at him. Lissa bent down slightly and smiled at him.
"Hey there.," Lissa said kindly laughing.
"There are better places to rest then on the ground, you know," Chrom said. "Give me your hand."
The man accepted the hand as he was pulled up to his feet, now fully awake.
"Are you alright?," Chrom asked. "I can't imagine what must have happened for you to end up here of all places."
"I'm... alright now. Thank you, Chrom.," The man answered.
"Hm? So you know my name?," Chrom asked slightly guarded.
The man shook his head.
"I.. no.. it's.. strange your name it just... came to me.," The man said. "How odd."
"Hm... how curious.," Chrom said in thought.
Sarai then spoke.
"Can you.. perhaps tell us your name and maybe about what brings you to this area?," Sarai asked.
The man nodded.
"Of course. My name is... it's... huh?," The man replied before scratching his head.
It was like.. he couldn't remember anything, that was concerning.
"Do you... perhaps not know your own name?," Chrom asked.
"I'm not sure if... say uh... where am i exactly?," The man asked a little confused.
"Hold on... I've heard of this, it's called amnesia!," Lissa exclaimed.
Frederick spoke in his usual wary and skeptic tone.
"It's also called a load of Pegasus dung. How are we to expect you know milord's name, but not your own?," Frederick said skeptical.
"I assure you, I-It's the truth!," The man said clearly flustered by Frederick's tone of voice.
Chrom sighed.
"What if it IS true, Frederick? We can't just very well leave him here alone and confused as to where he is.," Chrom said. "It wouldn't be right. And what sort of Sheperds would we be then?"
"Just the same milord, I would empathize caution. T'would not do to let wolves into our flock.," Frederick replied. "We still have yet to validate these four here."
Chrom nodded, but inwardly sighed. He knew frederick was merely doing his job, but there were times that he could really learn not to be such a pest.
"Right... Why don't we take our newcomers back to town then?," Chrom replied. "We can sort everything out once we're there."
Odyn shrugged.
"Well... we were going to come with you guys anyways since we have no idea of how to navigate this place.," Odyn said.
"Wait a second! Don't I get a say in this?," the man said in bewilderment.
Chrom turned and smiled at him.
"Peace, friend. I promise we'll hear all of what you have to say back in town. Now come.," Chrome said. "These 4 are like you, also strangers here who are confused as to where they are."
The man turned to the quartet and nodded.
"I uh.... would greet you all, but I seem to have forgotten my own name for some reason.," The man said apologetically.
"No need to apologize. We're all in the same boat as you are.,"Odyn said. " We can chat on the way."
Time skip: A little while later....
The group chatted for awhile as they continued to walk down the road. Over that short time, the young man had come to know these flame eyed young men and women were just like him. They were lost and confused when Chrom and Lissa helped them. But more than that, these people who were just a little different physically, were very kind and open to talking to him.
The group stopped and talked.
"What areyou going to do to me? Am.. I to be your prisoner?," the man asked.
Chrom chuckled.
"No, nothing of the sort froend. As long as we can establish that you're no enemy of Ylisse, you'll be free to go from then afterwards.," Chrom explained.
The man raised an eyebow in confusion.
"Ylisse? Is that where we are?," The young man asked.
"You've never heard of The Halidom? Ha! Someone pay this actor, he plays quite the fool! The furrowed brow is especially convincing...," Frederick remarked.
"Frederick, please.," Chrom said. "This land you find yourself in is called the Halidom of Ylisse. Our Ruler, Emmeryn, is called the Exalt. I suppose proper introductions are in order.."
He paused before continuing.
"My name is Chrom, but then, you already knew that. The delicate one here, is my sister, Lissa.," Chrom said introducing himself.
Lissa took slight offense to this, making her displeasure of the comment known.
"I am NOT delicate, hmph!!," Lissa said displeased at the notion. "Please, ignore my brother. He can be a bit thick sometimes. But you're lucky the Sheperds found you, brigands would've made for quite the rude awakening!"
The man raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Umm... Sheperds? You tend sheep... in full armor?," the young man asked confused.
"I've been wondering about that too, now that you mention it.," Sarai added.
"Oh, heh. Yes, it's a dangerous job. Just ask Frederick the wary here.," Chrom said.
Frederick then spoke.
"A title I shall wear with pride.," He replied. "Gods forbid, we keep an appropriate level of caution. As I told these four here.. I have every wish to trust you, stranger, but my station mandates I do otherwise."
The young man nodded in response.
"I understand that, sir. I'd do no less myself.," The young man said. "My name is Robin. I.. just remembered that.. how strange. But, I suppose that's one less mystery to solve."
Chrom then turned to the young man named Robin.
"Robin? Is that foreign? Ah well, we can discuss that back in town I wager.," Chrom said. "We're almost to town. Once we-"
Lissa looked in the distance and her eyes widened as she pointed towards the town.
"CHROM, the town!," Lissa said panicked.
The group then turns, seeing the town with smoke rising from it. This put Chrom on edge.
"Curses! The town is ablaze! It's those blasted brigands again no doubt... Frederick! Lissa! Quickly!," Chrom said gritting his teeth as the trio dashed off towards the town.
Lissa looked towards her brother. Frederick voiced his concern.
"What about them?," he asked gesturing towards the the group of 4, plus Robin they'd met along the way.
"Unless they're on fire too, it can wait! Now come on!," Chrom said.
Frederick nodded.
"Aptly put, milord.," Frederick said as the trio hopped aboard the back of his horse before heading towards the town.
Robin rwched out towards them.
"What about- hm...," Robin said not able to catch them.
He looked down in thought before Odyn put a hand on his shoulder. This caused Robin to look towards the group of other young men and women.
"You wish to help them, do you not?," Odyn asked.
Robin nodded.
"Yes. But how do I even catch up to them? They're too far ahead.," Robin replied.
Khanna then walked up and spoke.
"I'd like to help them too. I know those three are capable of handling themselves but..," Khanna said.
Roy nodded.
"Yeah.., I don't know about them all on their own in there.," Roy added.
"Plus, we still need to repay them for helping us out.," Sarai said chiming in.
Khanna then spoke again, suggesting something.
"What about if we split into groups to help them?," Khanna suggested.
"Oh? What do you mean by that?," Robin asked.
Khanna smirked as she laid out a certain plan.
"Odyn, you go back up Chrom and Frederick. I think they could use some extra help.," Khanna said.
Odyn nodded.
"Sarai, you with Odyn. Chrom and Frederick may be capable, but two can only handle so many enemies at once."
Sarai nodded in agreement.
"Roy, go back up Lissa. She's their only healer right now and I doubt she can defend herself very well if it came down to it at the moment. Make sure she stays out of harm's way. "
"Got it. But what about you?," He asked.
"Me?," Khanna asked.
Roy nodded. "Yeah, you! What will you do?," Roy asked.
"I'll go with Robin, here, just as insurance.," she replied.
"That's perfect. Out of all of us, you have the most tactical mind, Khanna. We may not lnow him very well, but I have a certain feeling about Robin here. I think your tactical mind could certainly help him." Odyn said.
She looked at him, noticing the Tome he carried. Khanna also noted the sword he had on his side by his belt.
"A tome, huh? So.. you're a mage, eh Robin?," Khanna asked. "But then.. since when does a mage need a sword?"
Robin slightly laughed.
"I suppose I am simply prepared, just in case the unexpected should occur.," Robin answered.
Khanna chuckled. Robin was right.
"Alright everyone, let's go help them out!," Odyn said.
The group agreed and dashed off towards the town.
Within the town....
Flames danced across some street corners and littered some buildings as the smoke spread. A certain group of bandits led by a man known as Garrick stood at the center of the chaos. He laughed maniacally.
"Find anything shiny that you can. Set a torch to everything else! We got to set an example for these Ylissean types!," Garrick said laughing.
This caused citizens to shriek in terror, just as Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick arrived on the scene.
"Chrom, we have to stop them!," Lissa said concerned.
The town was burning as the trio had finally arrived in the center of the town. Chrom didn't like what he saw either, he knew these people needed help.
"We'll help them Lissa, don't worry. Because after today, these brigands won't be bothering anyone else ever again...,"Chrom said.
The trio quickly sprang into action, Chrom and Frederick taking on the thugs, while Lissa hung back to help the wounded townsfolk. She was still close enough to assist her brother and Frederick, should they need the help.
A few moments later, the group of Odyn, Roy, Khanna, Sarai, and Robin arrived in the town square. They noticed Chrom and Frederick fighting off the brigands near the cathedral and within the central market. Odyn, Khanna, Robin, and Sarai proceeded to back up Chrom and Frderick. Roy hung back to guard Lissa.
"Chrom!," Robin called out.
"Robin? Odyn? Khanna? Sarai? You all followed us, why?," Chrom asked.
Sarai then spoke up, putting her hands on her hips and slightly glaring at the prince.
"Don't "Why?" me, mister! We didn't like the thought of you three by yourselves taking on all of these bandits.,"Sarai replied.
"You three may be capable I'm sure, but there's only so many enemies just 3 people can handle at once.," Khanna added.
"Besides, with us here you have more of a chance against these guys should anything unexpected happen. It can't hurt having more help, can it?," Odyn said.
"They do have a point, milord.,"Frederick said just as he finished off a bandit with his lance.
"We're armed and ready to fight, Chrom.. if you'll have us that is.," Robin said.
"Of course, strength in numbers. Glad to have you all aboard.," Chrom said parrying a blow from a bandit before disarming him and finishing him off.
"Just remember, we face practiced thieves and murderers. It's kill or be killed.," Frederick advised.
The group nodded before Odyn rushed forward, blocking a blade with his own that was meant for Frederick. Odyn kicked the bandit in the gut before switching his position as he heard the technique call out to him. A group of five bandits rushed at him before he smirked.
A wave of energy shaped like the head of a beast came forth from his blade, knocking the thugs off balance before he quickly sliced through them. The ones the wave of energy did hit, were sent flying into buildings, dying from the impact of when their heads hit the ground. The teen moved on to others.
Chrom blocked an axe strike aimed at him before shoulder bashing the bandit and driving his blade upwards, leaving an enormous gash upon the bandit's chest. The bandit fell away, dropping to the ground dead. Another bandit had gotten into Chrom's blind spot, about to bring his axe down when his strike was blocked by Sarai.
"LOOK OUT!," Sarai said pushing Chrom aside.
That was the sound of Sarai blocking the bandit's Axe swipe with her sword. Sarai grunted before pushing back against the bandit, throwing him off balance. While the bandit was still reeling, Sarai's blade was coated in flames as she swung forward.
An enormous line of fire that shook the ground ripped through the crowd of bandits, burning all of them alive. She heard charging footsteps behind her and without looking, just thrust her blade backwards into the heart of a bandit. The bandit fellow over dead, soon after the blade was extracted. Sarai swung her sword to the side to flick off the blood.
Lissa was cornered by a group of bandits, when Roy came in and dealt with them. Roy shifted his stance before unleashing his attack, his sword pulsating with lightning.
A torrent of lightning came from the sky before Roy knocked the men to the ground. He then quickly slashed at them shocking them before they fell to the ground again.
Khanna and Robin combined attacks, backing up Chrom and Frederick. Khanna shifted her warhammer before slamming it onto the ground, disorienting the bandits.
The ground shook from the attack, knocking all of the enemies off of their feet. Robin was then able to finish them off with his spells as he chanted.
The lightning attack fried them to near unrecognizable corpses.
"Heh, not bad Robin.," Khanna said complimenting the man.
Robin gave a wry smile before focusing on the others. He was going through some simulations in his head as the battle unfolded. He looked up and saw a few surviving bandits closing in on Chrom and Frederick. Seeing this, he called to Odyn and relayed him some instructions.
"Odyn! Bandits behind Chrom at 4 'o clock!," Robin said.
Odyn nodded and got into position to block the bandits. He felt power coursing through his blade as he blocked their attack on Chrom. The captain of the Shepherds was confused when Odyn suddenly shoved him out of the way, at first.
"No, you don't!," Odyn said as he blocked a trio of axe swings meant for Chrom.
Chrom looked and was thankful for Odyn blocking the attack meant for him.
Odyn then swung his blade forward.
A wave of blue energy rocketed across the ground before hitting the bandits, knocking them off balance and allowing Chrom and Frederick to finish them off. The leader of the bandits, a man named Garrick was about to throw his hand axe towards the unsuspecting Chrom when he was slammed by a wind attack. This was courtesy of Sarai, who had her blade stretched out.
The attack knocked him back, giving Chrom and Frederick time to notice him.
Sarai dashed in and stabbed at him a few times, before backing off and allowing Odyn to also get a few hits in on him. Odyn then leapt back, allowing Chrom to come in and deliver the final blow. Chrom leapt in the air before shortly slashing down. Because of the gravity from the aerial attack, the bandit's hand axe shattered, leaving him open to the attack that ultimately killed him. Frederick was seen stabbing a downed bandit with his lance, finishing him off.
Nearby, the others also had finished dealing with bandits leaving none of them alive. At long last, the bandits had been routed.
Time Skip: A little bit later...
Just after defeating the bandits and their leader, Garrick, the group of 7 then gathered together near the cathedral. Robin sighed, relieved that the ordeal was over with.
"Well I guess that's the end of that.," Robin remarked in relief.
Lissa smiled and giggled in joy.
"Lucky for the town we were close by huh?," Lissa said. "But, holy wow! I had no idea you guys were that strong! You guys were INCREDIBLE! Swords, Sorcery, and tactics? Is there anything you guys can't do? And those attacks were AMAZING, and so well coordinated! I've never seen anything like that before!"
"You're certainly no helpless victims, that's for sure.," Chrom said. "What were those attacks you used, some kind of magic perhaps?"
"Indeed. I am rather curious about that as well. Perhaps you all may even be capable of an explanation for how you came here?," Frederick asked.
"If we could tell you that, we would... unfortunately, no such luck.," Roy replied.
"I do understand your skepticism, sir Frederick. And I unfortunately cannot explain why it is that only some knowledge has returned to me. But please, believe me. I have shared all that I know.,"Robin answered.
"As for your second question, Chrom... They are combative abilities those in our own country have studied called artes. We have modeled our weapons and imbued them with mana crystals capable of resonating with our own energy. That is how we are able to use magical elements without the use of tomes as you see Robin wield.," Odyn explained.
"Really... how fascinating. I would love to learn more of where you're from sometime.,"Chrom added.
"Another time, perhaps.,"Sarai replied.
Chrom then spoke again, voicing his thoughts concerning their new friends.
"You all fought to save Ylissean lives, my heart says that's enough.,"Chrom said.
Frederick, ever the wary one then spoke in skepticism.
"And your mind, milord? will you not heed its council as well?,"Frederick asked.
Chrom spoke again to perhaps convince Frederick of his decision.
"Frederick, the shepherds could use people with talents like Robin, Odyn, Roy, Sarai, and Khanna. We've brigands and unruly neighbors, all looking to bloody our soil. We could use all the extra help we can get going forward.," Chrom said in reply. "Would you really have us lose such strong and valuable allies? Besides, i believe their stories, odd as they may be."
"Thanks, Chrom.," Odyn said.
Robin also nodded, echoing the same sentiment.
"T-Thank you, Chrom.," Robin also said.
"So, how 'bout it?," He asked. "Will you all join us?"
"I would be honored to.," Robin replied.
"So would we, if.. you'll have us that is?," Khanna added.
Chrom nodded as if understanding.
"Of course, the shepherds would be glad to have you all join.," Chrom replied.
The group turned to look at the town, the fires now successfully put out thanks to Odyn and his siblings quick thinking. Frederick then spoke up, voicing a concern of his.
"Did you notice milord? The brigands spoke with a Plegian accent.," Frederick told Chrom in concern.
Robin turned towards them, while Odyn, his siblings, and Khanna just listened. They'd let Robin do the talking for a little while, unless addressed by Chrom or Frederick.
"Plegian? What's that?," Robin asked.
Chrom turned and answered Robin's question.
"Plegia is Ylisse's westerly neighbor. They send small bands of bandits and thugs into our territory, hoping to instigate a war.,"Chrom answered.
Lissa added her own opinion on the matter, clearly bothered by the thought.
"And it's the poor towns folk who suffer! Totally innocent and completely helpless!," Lissa added bothered a bit by the thought.
"They do have us milady: Shepherds who protect the sheep. I would advise against being swept up in your anger, it will only cloud your judgement further.," Frederick told her.
Lissa sighed.
"I know, I know... Don't worry, I'll get used to all of this.," Lissa said thinking positively.
A villager then came out to greet them.
"Milord, please! You and your friends must stay the night! We may be simple folk of simple means, but we would toast your valor today with a feast!," The villager begged them.
Frederick then spoke up, just as Lissa was naming off what she'd like to eat.
"A most generous offer, sir, and no doubt your hospitality would be grand... But I'm afraid we have to hurry back to Ylisstol.," Frederick said kindly declining.
"What?! we're not staying?!," Lissa asked surprised and slightly upset. "But Frederick, it's nearly dark already!"
Frederick simply laughed heartily.
"That's no problem. When night does fall, we'll set up camp. Eat off the land, make our bed of twigs and the like...I believe you said "you would be getting used to this"." Frederick answered.
This caused Lissa to pout as she puffed up her cheeks and looked away.
"Frederick, sometimes I hate you.," Lissa said cutely pouting.
Odyn and the others just lightly chuckled at the back and forth banter between the group. It reminded them of themselves back in their home country.
Robin furrowed his brow as he spoke, slightly sweating.
"You've got quite the stern lieutenant there, Chrom.," Robin added.
Lissa was still a little sour at Frederick for not being able to stay the night in the town as she spoke.
"Yeah, well, "stern" is one name for it. I can think of a few others!," Lissa said.
Chrom sighed and smiled wryly as he spoke up.
"True. Frederick only smiles when he's about to bring down the axe.," Chrom said.
"Duly noted.," Robin said.
"Just remind us not to make him smile like that then.," Khanna said with a smirk.
"*Ahem!* You do realize that I AM still present?," Frederick said in response.
Chrom had a wry smile as he turned towards the knight.
"Oh, we realize.," Chrom said chuckling.
"Heh heh.," Robin said chuckling as well.
Odyn and the others could help but to chuckle at the banter with the trio of Robin, Chrom, and Lissa at the expense of Frederick.
"Milord remains as amusing as ever. I hope this habit of yours doesn't rub off onto our new friends.," Frederick said stoic. "Now then, shall we be going then?"
Chrom turned to the others as they now focused on the road ahead.
"Allright, Alright... Is everyone ready to go? The capital isn't far.," Chrom said.
Everyone nodded as they turned and followed Chrom out of the village. Their next destination, the capital city of Ylisstol.
End Chapter
To be continued...
Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter of a new story. I had this idea for awhile, so glad i could put it into story format finally. Openings and endings may or may not be introduced next chapter. I had this thought because i thought it could make things interesting if a few of the children had mixed blood from our original characters in the story. Main pairing is of course Odyn x Lucina you'll see why later on in the story. Aside from that one and Chrom's pairing because i already know who he'll be with, who do you want to see the other 2 OC's paired with?
Who should Roy be paired up with?
I. Lissa
II. Cordelia
III. Sumia
IV. Maribelle
V. Say'ri
VI. Cherche
VII. Sully
VIII. Nowi
IX. Tiki
X. Nah
XI. Cynthia
XII. Kjelle
XIII. Severa
XIV. Noire
XV. (F) Morgan
Who should Khanna be paired with?
1. Donnel
2. Robin
3. Lon'qu
4. Stahl
5. Kellam
6. (M) Morgan
7. Gaius
8. Owain
9. Inigo
10. Libra
11. Brady
12. Frederick
13. Priam
14. Henry
15. Basilio
16. Vaike
17. Ricken
18. Gregor
19. Gerome
20. Laurent
Let me know what characters you'd like to see paired aside from the main two pairings. Anyway, that's all for now! Hopefully you guys enjoy the story!
Next time: Chapter 2: Unwelcome Change