First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 572 A Knee-Jerk Reaction ...

Chapter 572 A Knee-Jerk Reaction ...

After Tatiana was burned by Michael's flames, the rest of her family had a very poor reaction.

However, there were undoubtedly some who reacted worse than others.

They were all an extremely close-knit bunch, with each of them being indistinguishable pieces of each other's lives.

But among the wives, the ones closest to Tatiana were undoubtedly Valerie and Seras.

Since Tati is the youngest of the group, and one of the most powerful, Seras spends lots of time training her and ensuring that she is no less capable than their husband or Bekka.

As a result, they have devloped something like a big sister - little sister relationship.

On the other hand, Tati and Valerie are like a diabolical pair of best friends.

They bonded over their shared segway into this marriage and now refer to themselves as 'Accident 1 & 2'.

...Abaddon doesn't find it funny at all.

Needless to say, in the aftermath of Tatiana's injury, those two were among the first to react.

With Erica rushing to save her, Valerie and Seras were able to focus solely on their revenge.

Valerie, unstable goddess of disaster that she was, reacted with a heavy hand.

With her wings outstretched, she soared into the sky overhead and released a heartbreaking cry fueled by her own anguish.

The ground began to shake furiously all around.

Buildings began to collapse left and right, and cracks opened up in the ground that were as long as the Grand Canyon.

The temperature in the air rose by an entire fifty degrees and created a blistering heat in which no mortal life could survive.

From the sky above, several meteors the size of eighteen wheelers descended onto heaven.

At every point that they crashed into the already ruined ground, they not only worsened the damaged setting, but they also suspended gravity in the area, causing debris to float upwards.

Quite frankly, Michael and his siblings were mystified.

Bringing about such widespread destruction in different perspectives was a tall feat for any god with less than a thousand years of life under their belt.

It made the archangels wonder in particular if the brides of Abaddon were this fearsome before he lay with them, or if this power was the result of their union.

A particularly large meteor was barreling towards the six archangels at a highly concerning speed.

Jophiel lifted her flaming sword above her head as she sucked in a breath.

Once the massive rock was in her range, she swung the weapon downwards in a straight arc.

Though it appeared not to have been touched, the entire meteor shattered like a glass bottle against concrete.

However, she had no time to be satisfied with herself as she soon saw something that made her blood run cold.

A familiar woman was mixed in with the debris; hiding within it in an attempt to get closer.

She was the exact same one from before who had actually been so rude as to call out her disguise.

Not only was she the largest woman she'd ever seen, but she was easily the most intimidating.

Her eyes as made Jophiel feel helpless the longer that she looked into them.

Finally, she understood why this particular woman irked her so much.

She was the epitome of everything that Jophiel secretly longed for.

She was a woman just like her, but even more beautiful, and yet she still possessed such a menacing presence that commanded respect.

No, fear would be a much more fitting description.

And Jophiel, for all of her power, was too stunned to react fast enough.

Seras moved through the debris more agile than a cat; not even being slowed down by the re-christened gungnir in her hand.

With Jophiel standing paralyzed like a deer in headlights, her sibling had to be the one to snap her back to her senses.

Uriel yanked back her sister by the neck as Seras barreled into the ground like a rocket; creating a seismic event with her landing.

"What are you doing!? She almost wounded you!" Uriel scolded.

"O-Oh, I…thank you."

Jophiel seemed like she was still walking through a fog, even as her sister angrily shook her.

Her eyes had yet to gain their full focus when Seras lunged out of the dust.

Uriel shielded her sister behind her back while she rushed to engage Seras herself.

Mythical spear clashed against flaming sword to create a shower of sparks from their collision.

Seras just barely edged her opponent out in knowledge, but Uriel was the physically stronger of the two.

"You'll have to forgive me, little pigeon. You're not the one I'm in the mood to play with."

Uriel was at a loss for words when she was suddenly blindsided without any warning.

A woman suddenly leapt out of the shadows at their feet whom Uriel recognized from earlier.

Like all the rest, she was unfairly beautiful and uniquely intimidating.

She had black skin with furry gray canine ears and sharp horns protruding from the top of her head; producing a combination that the archangel hadn't even thought possible.

Her knee sailed directly into Uriel's jaw with a staggering amount of power; and the lights in her eyes went dark for a few seconds.

Out of everyone inside of the meeting hall just now, this woman was the one that Uriel least expected to carry this kind of power.

She was childish, unassuming, and Uriel was pretty sure that she saw her fiddling with her belly button earlier!

No matter what the archangel believed previously, the reality was that this woman was a danger unlike any other.

As the force of the impact sent her flying away like a rocket, Bekka and Seras exchanged a single nod before she ran off to chase her prey.

This meant that Seras and Jophiel were alone once again. "Now, where were we?"

The elongated fangs peeking past Seras' full lips only heightened the chill that Jophiel felt running down her spine.

Luckily for her, she had a white knight rushing to save her at that very moment.

"Get away from her!" Michael flew in at the speed of light, dodging debris created by Valerie with the utmost ease as he headed directly for Seras.

Once he had a clear shot, Michael held out his hand and formed several densely packed particles of white energy.

But before he could utilize them, he was filled with the most horrendous sense of dread he had ever experienced.

Faster than even he could react, a large black hand reached out and grabbed him by the face like he was a baseball and yanked out of the air.

Without being able to fight back at all, Michael's body was drilled headfirst into the ground with enough force to make the entire realm tremble.

While the angel was still dizzy from feeling like the world had just crashed down on his brain, his circumstances were about to become significantly worse.

Michael suddenly let out the most horrendous scream for all of the heavens to hear as his face was burned horrendously by dark red flames.



Gabriel and Raphael abandoned their attempts to get close to Valerie and rushed towards Abaddon; who glared at the sight of them.

Infuriated at the thought of his revenge being interrupted, he finally lost his temper.

For some reason, his body underwent a sort of involuntary reaction, similar to how one might cover their face to prevent a runaway ball from barreling into it.

The only problem was, Abaddon's involuntary reaction was a bit more extreme.

His usual body literally tore itself apart as he entered his eight-tailed horror state without warning.

All 400 plus meters of him were undoubtedly the largest thing that the archangels had ever seen in their lives.

And the most horrifying.

With his resurgence came a wave of power that was so dark that it surpassed chaotic and demonic origins.

It was so horrible that it stopped every enemy in their tracks as their surroundings began to change.

Heaven itself started to 'leak' as a strange black tar-like substance started to pool out of the ground and drip from the sky.

Like paint spilled on a canvas, the tar sank into each of the surroundings to dye the realm completely black.

When the world was indistinguishable from what one would see with their eyes closed, even stranger scenes started to play.

Each of the archangels suddenly felt something graze their bodies in one place or another.

Looking down, they found 'souls' pulling them into the darkness.

The strangest thing about these 'souls' was the fact that none of the angels could identify them.

They were simply black in color, with the appearances of faceless ghosts that wailed endlessly about being forgotten.

These were the inhabitants of Oblivion.

Those whose souls had been destroyed, whose lives and deaths were so trivial that they were forgotten by even the gods, and who lived in eternal anger and regret over their fates.

And now, they were here to take the archangels with them too.

Abaddon let out a loud roar that broke every metric of sound in existence; ordering the forgotten to pull the archangels under quickly.


As if he was suddenly shaken awake from an unsettling dream, Abaddon blinked his giant red eyes in surprise.

Once he focused, he found a crying woman floating in front of his massive face.

At first, he didn't recognize her, but he quickly noticed the familiar white dress and hastily strewn aside veil.

Asherah was a woman who was somehow exactly what you would expect a mother goddess to look like, and yet somehow completely different.

While everyone already knew that she had blue skin, they were unaware of it's finer intricacies.

Small symbol were inscribed along her jawline, temples, and underneath her eye sockets.

Like Abaddon, she had multiple eyes, coming to a grand total of six.

Her vibrant curly hair was an ashen blonde color, and fell down her back somewhat messily.

A small golden crown adorned her head, with some sort of inscription on the circular medallion in the center.

As for what it said, even Abaddon himself couldn't read it.


The mother goddess seemed relieved as she placed a hand over her chest to calm her beating heart.

"Honestly, Tathamet... if I'd known you were in this sort of state I never would have allowed this to begin with."

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