First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 570 Negotiations Failed…

Chapter 570 Negotiations Failed…

Among heaven's forces, the seven archangels are widely recognized as the strongest.

Though the 7 sins and the 72 dukes are said to be their fated adversaries, it is widely known that they are not quite their equals in power.

This is why the true ultimate adversaries of heaven could be said to be Samael himself; and the reason why their eventual battle against him is so highly prophesied.

However, should anything... unfortunate happen, there is one final force Lucifer must overturn.

If the Lightbringer should ever find a way to break into heaven to claim his father's seat, the Ophanim are responsible for subduing him in a final battle.

And unlike his estranged siblings, the guardians are certainly powerful enough that they do not require a struggle to subdue him.

Though as to how exactly that was possible... Asherah wasn't exactly forthcoming with the details.

No matter how much she was asked.

Abaddon: "Please!"

Bekka / Seras: "Just give us a hint!"

Abaddon: "You don't even have to tell us a real explanation! Use a hypothetical!"

Bekka / Seras: "Yea! Like if the Ophanim fought against Superman, how exactly would they beat him??"

Abaddon: "Excellent hypothetical, my loves!"

Bekka / Seras: "Thank you!"

Abaddon and Ayaana turned back to the mother goddess with stars in their eyes as they waited for an answer to their question.

However, Asherah was a brick wall that let no information slip past her.

"Sorry, dearies. You'll just have to use your imagination."

Ayaana suddenly glowed vibrantly and two beautiful women popped out and landed in Abaddon's lap; with one bearing bright red skin and the other a dark black.

Seras: "Come on, Asherah!"

Bekka: "Why you gotta be like this?"

Smiling to herself, Asherah started to answer when a fist suddenly struck the table.

"Mother... Are you truly going to have us sit here and entertain this pointless charade...?"

Asherah first fell silent as she absentmindedly stirred her tea. "...As always, I do not order you, my child. I simply wanted you and your siblings to have all of the facts."

"Well... I believe that we have heard everything that need be said."

Jophiel stood up with his fists clenched, and his entire body trembling in agitation.

"This... pointless debacle is no longer amusing. My patience during this day has been worn thin, as has that of my siblings!

He turned to Abaddon, who was in the process of staring at his wives' abs and trying to decide on a favorite. (As always, it was an undeniable tie)

The archangel pointed an stern finger directly at the leering dragon.

"You... You speak as if you are a benevolent man with grandiose dreams for the future.

But you are little more than a butcher who masquerades as a saint while cutting down those who disagree with you. I will hear no more.

You will release my siblings and I from this game that you have so intricately constructed, and there will be no bloodshed here today out of respect for my-"

"Are you trying to intimidate us?"

Seras was delicately rubbing the pads of her fingertips along her husband's jawline while her other hand rubbed Bekka's thigh.

Though her eyes were staring at her two lovers lovingly, everyone in the room knew that she was speaking towards Jophiel.

"I'm sorry, It's just a bit hard to take you seriously like this after all.

Do you think this appearance of yours makes you more convincing?

Gives your words more weight?

It's honestly rather laughable. It's easy to pretend to be intimidating when you're hiding behind a false visage, isn't it?"

Jophiel seemed to freeze up momentarily as if time had stopped within the room.

The angel's brow twitched repeatedly as their irritation skyrocketed.

"How can you presume to make demands of us when you are unable to even grace us with the dignity of your own appearance?"

Jophiel seemed to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

Eventually, the stern giant gritted his teeth before reaching for the necklace hanging around his neck.

Yanking it away, the angel's body was immediately covered by a blinding white glow.

When it dispersed, Jophiel looked completely different.

A woman with waist length dark brown hair and skin of the same color now stood in the place of the giant man.

Her eyes were a storm gray color and were ringed with golden lights.

Looking at her like this, it wasn't at all hard to tell why she wore that glamour disguise.

Jophiel was the absolute least intimidating person that one could possibly imagine.

For all of her power, she was very short, standing only at 5'5.

She was very beautiful; so much so that she was not inferior to the other famous embodiments of beauty.

But while the beauty of those like Freya and Aphrodite was rooted in sexual attraction and desire, hers was rooted in innocence, compassion, and modesty.

Those things did not make for a particularly 'intimidating ' combination.

"Oh! No wonder you were hiding your face. I'm liable to just scoop you up and place you in my pocket!" Seras mocked. "Now tell me, is that other appearance the one that you used to chase those humans out of the garden?"

The archangel of beauty trembled with her face covered by her curtain of dark hair.

"You are all... heretics unbecoming of the title of gods..."

'We're unbecoming..?' Abaddon rolled his eyes.

All of Jophiel's siblings stood up behind her, save for Azrael who seemed to only have an interest in finishing his tea.

A flaming short sword appeared in her hand, and just the appearance of the blade caused the temperature to climb a few degrees.

"The time for conversation is at an end. Will you free us from this encroachment of your own accord, or must we free ourselves?"

The rest of Ayaana finally split and each of them crowded around their husband.

"I could ask you the same." Abaddon asked as he yawned. "Will you surrender your virtues, or must I take them?"

Michael's eyes narrowed. "Dragon… you already know the answer."

Asherah rubbed her temples through her veil.

Honestly… all that she wanted was a nice little sit down over tea that would hopefully let everyone resolve all of their issues.

Was that too much to ask for??

'Maybe this'll be the only way that they can work things out among themselves…'


Smiling maniacally, Tatiana's tattoos became a bright red color as she called her own weapon into her hand.

A nightmarish looking black trident appeared in her hand; complete with large iron barbs resembling ivy wrapped around each of the prongs.

Twirling it in one hand with skill thoroughly drilled into her by Seras, she buried the prongs of her weapon into the ground at her feet.

Miraculously, a deluge of ominous chilling black water erupted into the dining room.

At the last moment, Lillian made sure to touch the water with an orange tentacle dripping with venom.

Michael and his siblings were unprepared for such a large volume of water to appear out of nowhere.

Though their reaction was a bit delayed, they were hardly unprepared for an attack of any sort.

Michael erected a barrier of holy power that would have stood strong need against 2,000,000 arch demons.

When it was eventually submerged by the waters, the angels remained safe and sound behind a pocket of air.

However, Tatiana was no run of the mill goddess.

The power of chaos is to distort and make the improbable probable by overturning the constant linear flow of events that occur in time by injecting new variables or even altering existing ones.

Tatiana, like the rest of the Tathamet wives, borrow power from not only each other, but Abaddon too.

Through the utilization of Lailah's ability to understand and distort all magic, as well as her own innate abilities, Tatiana had an instant formula to alter the very makeup of Michael's barrier.

The wall of light briefly glowed with a purple light before suddenly the angels inside were flipped upside down.


"It isn't me, it's that witch!"


Miraculously, Tatiana had transformed Michael's impenetrable holy barrier into a hamster ball with all of the durability of a bubble.

Not only was it swept up in the current of dark water, but after a total of three strong waves knocked against it, the little bit of protection they had went up in smoke.

…Or water more accurately.

The volume of water just kept growing and expanding at every second, until the entire room looked like a miniature aquarium.

Asherah, Azrael, Nyx, and Sif were protected by their own little pockets of air that Tatiana had chosen not to interfere with.

Meanwhile, Abaddon and his wives simply grew gills and remained standing in place like nothing was wrong.

But the angels were in absolute hell.

The poison Lillian & Abaddon produce in their bodies is nothing like any other, with no equal or antidote save for their own blood.

Even just touching it is enough to burn away layers of godly skin in seconds and leaves festering wounds that do not heal no matter the timeframe.

Just a drop of it in a body of water this size would be enough to give primordial beings a feeling of intoxication. (Hence the ressson why it is used in alcoholic products in Tenom.)

And Michael and his siblings were now immersed in an approximate 48 fluid ounces worth.

They were all experiencing headaches, disorientation, nausea, burning of the skin and eyes, and for those who accidentally swallowed- the effects were practically doubled.

As the water filled the room beyond capacity, the glass windows lining the walls cracked before they eventually gave way under the pressure.

And as the water spilled out into the streets below, the six archangels went with it.

Not wanting to lose her momentum, Tatiana gave her husband a quick kiss on the cheek before she ran towards the window with her trident over her shoulder.

"Tatiana, dear."

At the last moment, Tati glanced over her shoulder at Asherah, who had miraculously re-set the table and dried out the room.

"This is all a large misunderstanding, so if you please… I would ask that you not kill any of my children."

Everyone in the Tathamet family had an immense respect for the wife of the creator.

She was kind, gentle, and welcoming despite all of her mystery.

Not to mention, no one was unaware of just how much she and her husband had done for Abaddon in particular.

Because of that, it could be sad that the creator couple were the sole soft spots of the Tathamet family, as they were prone to listening to just about anything they had to say.

"We will do our best, Mama A." Tatiana smiled. "You don't have to worry."

With that, Tatiana flipped out of the window into the battle waiting below.

Abaddon and the rest of the girls followed her, but instead of jumping down immediately after her, he leaned against the empty windowsill and started down.

"We're not going to help her?" Erica asked.

Abaddon pulled his wife under one arm as a faint smile formed on his face.

"You know the kind of tastes I have. I love to watch you girls work when I can."

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