First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 530 Thea’s Parents

Chapter 530 Thea’s Parents

Abaddon pulled on a pair of black, baggy sweatpants that hung loosely off his waist and pulled out his phone to call his eldest daughter.

As the phone rang, he turned towards the occupants in the bedroom and pointed towards the door with his tail.

"I'm sorry, I'll come find you all later but for now I need the room."

"Should I be wearing clothes when you come for me~?" Lusamine asked flirtatiously.

"Whether you are or aren't, I won't touch you."

"Why nottt?! You and your wives never accept my offers!"

"Because we aren't really the sharing type? And besides, it's for your safety."

"Eh? Wym safety?"

Abaddon sighed, already regretting this.

"Give me your hand."

Lusamine looked confused, but ultimately she held out her hand for Abaddon to take.

Abaddon took one single finger and poked her in the center of her palm.

Yesh and Asherah covered their eyes to preserve their modesty.

Lusamine's eyes started to glow pink and her entire face went red.

Her lips parted and she let out a deep, guttural moan that reverberated off the walls of the bedroom.

Her knees gave out underneath her and she collapsed to the floor, screaming and forming a sizeable puddle underneath her.

"Do you get it now? You can't even handle me when I poke you, if you tried to sleep with Ayaana and I at the same time your mind would break."

At the sound of some unfamiliar moaning, Bekka finally woke up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"So noisy...? What is going on..?"

"Ah, go back to bed, babe. I was just showing Lusamine why one night stands aren't an option for us."


"Geez, how much power did you use..?"

"6% give or take?"

"That's too much, babe... but maybe she'll stop asking now at least."


Abaddon forcefully covered Lusamine's mouth as Thea finally picked up the phone.

"Ah, hey sweet pea. I need you to come back up to my room for a second... No, you aren't hearing anything strange, just come up here."

Abaddon hung up the phone and lifted up Lusamine by one of her horns before handing her to Discordia.

"Please help your perverted companion get back to her room and try to avoid jostling her too much."

"..."The flaming haired goddess looked back and forth between Abaddon and the still leaking Lusamine before holding out her own hand.

"Get out."


Discordia took Lusamine and slung her over her shoulder roughly.

As she stormed out of the bedroom, the rest of the goddesses followed closely behind her.

Except for Persephone and Demeter, who first handed Abaddon two respective gift bags.

"You... did not have to get me anything." He said as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

"We know."

"But we thought it would be impolite not to, since you have already done so much for us."

Abaddon lowered his head in sincere thanks.

"I appreciate it, my friends. You have my gratitude."

For some reason, the goddesses faces soured and they turned around in a huff.


Bekka fell back onto their bed, laughing hysterically and kicking her feet in the air.

Thea finally made her way into the room as Persephone and Demeter walked past.

"Hey, dad! You called for m... Eww.."

"I-It's not what it seems like! Listen to me!"


After a thorough explanation and mopping of the floor, Abaddon and Thea sat on the sofa in the room opposite Yesh and Asherah.

Bekka lay across both of their laps in the form of a scarily large tiangou with noticeable draconic features.

After taking a moment to collect himself and ensure that he was making the right decision, Abaddon handed Thea the photograph.

Taking a moment to glance at it, she knew immediately that this woman had some kind of familial ties to her.

For starters, they shared the same long, golden hair and toned figure.

The woman in the picture had a more stern and graceful look, rather than Thea's constant state of cheerfulness.

She had bright, crystal blue eyes like a summer day, and an entire back covered in Nordic tattoos.

"This is...?"

"...Your birth mother." Abaddon said quietly.

Thea looked to be just as caught off guard by the revelation as Abaddon had been.

"I-I.. I thought she was dead..?"

At this, all three of them turned to Asherah, who sighed in disappointment.

"Well before I tell you what happened, there are a couple of things that you should know about your mother Sif..."


In the Norse pantheon, the goddess Sif is not what one would call a particularly important or influential figure.

She is the wife of Thor.

...That is it.

She has three children, the valkyrie Thrud, who is Thor's only daughter, a son named Loridi, and another son named Ull whom she had with another man before her marriage to the thunder god was decided by the All-Father.

On the outside, it would seem as though she and the jotunn have an enviable relationship.

After all, when the god Loki shorn her hair out of trickery, (whom she also had a brief affair with), Thor flew into a rage and demanded that the trickster make a golden hairpiece for his wife.

Another time, he quickly killed the giant Hrungnir after he drunkenly boasted that he would kill all of the norse gods, save Sif and Freya, whom he had declared he would take to bed with him.

Though only Sif knew the truth.

Truthfully, the thunder god saw Sif as something he owned that wasn't supposed to be interacted with by outsiders.

He didn't even acknowledge her first son as his own, and didn't allow him to be brought around their home.

The only reason why Sif was married to Thor was because of mythology's deeply held superstitions.

Through the union of a goddess of the land, and a god of the sky, the region they belong to will be bountiful and balanced.

But after years and years of living miserably, Thor's uncaring, drunken treatment finally wore her patience down to the limit.

In the end, she said her own prayers to a higher deity for relief.

And Asherah, benevolent entity that she is, came to her with an offer.

Should she give up her godly status, Sif would be allowed free reign into Asherah's world where she could live as an immortal woman.

The goddess accepted.

She lived in the human kingdom of Dola for quite a while, avoiding the gaze of the archangel Samyaza who would have recognized her at a single glance.

In her time there, she met and fell in love with a gentle, impressionable young soldier.

She liked him for his even temperament, big dreams and talent for poetry and cooking.

Almost immediately after they met, they were wed.

They spent many, happy nights and days together, and the pair were practically inseparable.

It was a while though before Sif actually fell pregnant with Thea, and the joy they were experiencing increased threefold with every week they drew closer to her due date.

But on a particularly rainy day when her husband was away from home, Sif began feeling slightly reflective.

Before she knew what she was doing, she called Asherah down in front of her and inquired about her family, and the state of her lands.

It was difficult for her to hear that her children were a mess.

Thor was irate and looking for heads to smash at every turn.

And the norse realms had seen near constant flooding due to the ceaseless rain.

In that moment, Sif decided that she had to go back.

She gave birth to Thea a few days after their conversation, and she implanted the fake memory that she had died in childbirth within her husband.

She left Thea behind, not out of malice, but in the hope that they would form a bond that could heal the wounds caused by her absence.

Besides… she couldn't very well disappear and then turn up with a child that certainly wasn't Thor's given how he treated her son.

So she figured that this was the best option for everybody.

However, she had no real knowledge of just how much grief could change a person, or how wrong she ended up being about the kind of bonds that would be formed in her absence.


In the aftermath of Asherah's revelation, Abaddon and Bekka kept their eyes on Thea, waiting to see how she would react to the news.

"Did she ever... ask you about me?" Thea asked quietly.

Asherah merely shook her head in denial. "I believe it would have been too hard for Sif if she knew how you really grew up. Perhaps she wished to spare herself some heartache from missing you also."

Thea nodded silently, unsure of exactly where she was to go from here.

"So the dreams I've been having..?"

"Likely just a remnant of the bloodline connection that the two of you share... If you should ask, your father should be able to erase it."

Thea looked at Abaddon and found that while he did appear to be stone faced, there was a great turmoil lurking just beneath the surface.

"You know... time and time again you have given me everything I could possibly ask for.

I don't know if I've ever properly expressed just how grateful I am, or I made you feel like my gaze was cast elsewhere.

You are my father and mother. Nothing else matters."

Teary eyed, Bekka turned to face Thea while trying, and failing, to hide her inner insecurities.

Truth be told, ever since the wives found out the content of Thea's dreams, they had all been feeling a bit threatened.

They were not Thea's mothers, and they were always worried that the resurgence of such a figure would cause them to lose the relationship they had spent so much time and care trying to build.

"Do you really mean that..?"

"Of course I do, Ma. This family is everything to me, and no one will ever replace you all no matter who they are."

"...WAAAAHHHHH!!!" Bekka finally lost the battle against her emotions and let her tears fall as free as birds.

And secretly, Abaddon wanted to join her.

He had no idea just how relieved he would be to hear Thea's decree until the moment had past.

Eventually, he abandoned all sense of restraint and joined in the embrace with the two of them, overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude in this moment.

'So what will you do, Thea Tathamet?' Yesh asked as he smiled. 'Will you have your father erase your blood connection to Sif?'

"Of course I-"

"No... she won't." Bekka suddenly said.


Reverting back to her normal appearance, Bekka wrapped her daughter in the fiercest, most loving hug imaginable.

"This is a part of you too, sweet pea... You shouldn't cut it out of you before you've had the chance to explore it fully."

"B-But I thought that you would be happy..?"

Bekka smiled wryly. "Truthfully, we were all feeling more than a little threatened, but after hearing how you feel about us... we know that our place in your life is secure. So you will face no resistance from us."

Thea looked to Abaddon for confirmation, and found him smiling as he nodded in agreement.

The eldest daughter was completely taken aback and had no idea how to process this turn of events.

"I... don't even know how I would meet her."

"Oh, is that all? You just leave it to mommy, sweet pea!" Bekka brushed her nose against Thea's cutely before she called for a specific individual.


Out of the shadows on the floor, a figure rose up from the darkness.

Wearing a familiar ninja garb and a golden mask, the Tathamet family's white haired assassin was as composed as ever.

"Emperor, Empress, Princess. It is wonderful to see you all in good health. Might you have need of me?"

Bekka smiled mischievously.

"I do indeed! How many wraith moons do you think it would take you to kidnap a goddess?"

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