First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 527 The Story of Malachi & Aubrey Saint

Chapter 527 The Story of Malachi & Aubrey Saint

Nyx had already seen Abaddon a few times before in brief images.

And though she had already known him to be handsome, she had underestimated just how much of an affect those looks of his would have on her.

The extra pairs of arms didn't seem to bother her a single bit.

"This is... unexpected. I hadn't anticipated that the same creature I heard all the way in hades would be quite this charming... And the woman in your lap is just as appealing... Color me surprised."

"He ain't that damn handsome! I look better than him by miles! 'Specially in my youth!"

Valerie: "..."

Asherah: "..."

Yesh: "..."

Nyx: "...*Snicker*"

Azrael: "Gulban... just be silent and let the adults talk, yea?"

"All of you can go bury your asses in the sun for all I care!"

Rolling his eyes, Abaddon reverted back to his normal state, complete with blood red hair and moving black tattoos.

"The embodiment of night knows my identity and comes to me asking for aid... I cannot decide if I am more honored or skeptical."

Nyx felt a line of drool run down her chin and she wiped it away before anyone could see.

'M-Maybe my new children need a father... I've heard that humans do better when they have stable two parent homes...I can even share him with Aubrey! She might start liking men again!'

"Primordial or not, are you actually so rude as to leer at my husband while I sit here in front of you...?" Valerie calmly removed her glasses and stared at Nyx with a monstrous unafraid glow in her eyes.

And for some reason, Nyx seemed to find that rather amusing.

"My darling... I can assure you I'm leering at you too."

"Why does that not move me in the slightest...?"

"That's my daughter! Don't fall for her wily seductions!"

""""""Shut up, Gulban!"""""

"Fine... bunch a bitches..."

Nyx established herself as someone overly friendly right away, as she appeared with her arms around Valerie and Abaddon's soldiers.

"I don't mean to be rude, but might I borrow these two gorgeous specimens for a moment? You may have them back as soon as I am done."

Yesh and Asherah shrugged as if they didn't care.

Azrael just went back to playing chess.

Gulban looked absolutely thrilled. "Yes, please! Take the big ugly bastard and- Mmf?!"

With a thought, Yesh sealed up the maker's mouth to prevent him from talking anymore.

"You could not have done that when we first got here...?" Valerie asked.

Again, Yesh merely shrugged.

"What makes you think that we want to go with you?" Abaddon asked Nyx in exhaustion.

"Because, my dear dragon. One of the strongest gods to ever exist has showed up personally to ask you for a favor that she intends to repay. Why would you not go with her?"

Abaddon and Valerie glanced at each other.

Annoying flirtations aside, it would be quite helpful to have a second primordial goddess in their back pocket.

Abaddon looked past the goddess to stare at Asherah and Nyx. "You do not mind?"

"Of course not, there is no need to worry. We'll see you tomorrow anyway."


"Oh? Did you think we would forget your birthday? We aren't that old yet."

Embarrassed, Abaddon covered his face with his hand.

"...You forgot yourself, didn't you?"


Abaddon finally turned to Nyx. "Where are we going?"


Currently, Abaddon, Nyx, and Valerie were flying through space, back in Abaddon's original section of reality.

Eventually, Nyx stopped her flight out of nowhere and looked around as if she were inspecting something.

"Alright... this should be good."

Suddenly, Abaddon and Valerie felt as if they had been 'isolated' so to speak.

With their guard up they reached for their weapons, but Nyx merely held up her hand.

"Don't worry, darlings. This is only a precautionary measure to ensure that we have no prying eyes trying to listen in to our conversation."

The couple relaxed a bit, but they still seemed to be on edge for some reason.

"What's with all of the cloak and dagger?"

"This is necessary, dear Abaddon. I assure you."

Nyx snapped her fingers and a round black table appeared in the middle of space.

Nyx sat in a chair and gestured for the couple to do the same.

"Technically speaking... the favor you would be doing is not for me per se, but for 'me'."


Nyx sighed as she explained.

"Among the multiverse, there are certain gods and mythological beings who exist as constants, just like water and gravity.

While plenty have these 'parallel selves', only beings at the primordial level are able to share these memories freely between the different versions of ourselves.

I have lived many lives and been involved in many stories. I have been the silent bystander, and the all-powerful anarchist more times than I can count.

I've loved and I've been loved, hated and been hated by others, and while it is nice, absolutely none of it compares to being a mother to my son and daughter.

They have my hearts, all of them, in the palm of their hands. And there is nothing any of me would not do for them. Which is why I've come to you."

Nyx unfurled her palms and a cloud of mist spilled out from them and covered the table.

Within the smoky mass, Abaddon and Valerie could see a multitude of images.

In them, they could see a young man and young woman.

The girl was gorgeous, with dark caramel skin and long deathly grey hair.

She had a curvy figure paired with a gothic-like look that fit with her all-black clothing.

The young man was... something else.

Very handsome, but with skin as black as the night and glowing purple eyes with black sclera.

His long grey dreadlocks fell below his waist and dangled freely behind his back.

His hands not only had deep black claws, but they were webbed as well.

But the strangest thing was undoubtedly the four black snakes coming out of his back that mirrored his every movement.

"Your children... they aren't human. Nor are they demigods for that matter." Abaddon realized.

Nyx maintained a poker face, but she was surprised that Abaddon had deduced such a thing with a look.

'Leave it to the origin of all monsters to put that together...'

"Are they not...? I wonder... Anyways!"

Nyx went on to explain the state of her alternate's world and exactly why she needed his help.

There, the gods play a game on earth with an alien race called the N'Kai, using empowered humans called the blessed.

Through a set of extenuating circumstances, Nyx's youngest son Malachi had ended up becoming one of the aliens himself.

At his request, all of the aliens that were attacking earth vacated the planet and left it under his jurisdiction to do as he pleased with it, promising not to return.

But since the N'Kai did not technically forfeit the game, the gods voted and ruled that the competition was still on.

Normally, Nyx or any of her children would have put a stop to this, but she was busy babysitting her granddaughter on that day, and her godly children did not number enough to sway the outcome.

In a years' time, her daughter will have her powers stripped, and her son's allies, as well as his fiancés and family, will follow swiftly in her footsteps.

And every single blessed on earth will begin to hunt him, while wielding 40% of the gods' power at their fingertips.

Nyx seemed to become slightly depressed and anxious as she absentmindedly scratched the metal table.

"Truthfully... my son does not want me to aid him. In fact, I'm sure that if he knew he would be quite upset with me... But I cannot stomach this.

He needs help, but he won't take it. He believes that he can shelter everyone he cares about and simultaneously fend off those who will come for him, and I.. cannot bear to see him learn a hard lesson on his own, or worse...

I cannot help him or his family since I am bound by the laws of the vote... but you and your wives have no such restrictions."

Abaddon's eyes narrowed, as he already understood where this was going.

"Abaddon... Valerie... and the rest of your wives... I ask you to bless my son and those that he cares about, so that he might live a long and happy life with his family." Nyx pleaded sincerely without lowering herself to seem beneath them.

The dragons seemingly communicated without saying a word or even glancing at each other.

When it was done, Abaddon held his hand in the air and clenched his fist.

At that moment, nine different portals opened up in the air behind him.

One by one, women started to fall out of the portals and revealed their enchanting figures.

Though beautiful, each of them were dangerously tall and had scaly skin that was uniquely colored, large draconic horns, and black sclera around their eyes.

Clothes started to materialize over their figures, and they crowded behind Abaddon and Valerie, one after the other.

Valerie took the liberty of fabricating chairs for them, but one wife didn't bother taking it and crawled into Abaddon's open lap instead.

She thought Valerie was beautiful and frightening at first, but this woman was scarier than even her.

'Her presence is so domineering...'

The woman sitting in Abaddon's lap was like no one she had ever seen.

Her brown skin was so dark and ashen that it could appear black if one wasn't looking close enough.

And like minerals from the ground, it seemed to sparkle with its own luster.

She had long raven hair that smelled like sugar, spice, and everything that gives men uncomfortably long erections.

Her golden eyes had reptilian slits and were encircled by that familiar black sclera.

The proud draconic horns curling from her head were a shining gold color that further cemented her radiance.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily and Nyx saw flashes of four large fangs hiding in her mouth as she parted her thick lips to speak.

"This is unusual... It's not like you to wake us up so soon after we lay together. You know that our rest is a necessity."

As evidence of this, Lailah pointed at a scaly, green skinned Eris who was snoring absentmindedly as she lay face down on the table.

Coincidentally, Bekka was also lying right beside her, with two eye patches over both eyes.

Though not because she needed them, as becoming an abyss dragon had restored her vision like nothing ever happened.

She was just being lazy.

Pitying her pregnant sister, Valerie lifted her up and allowed her to rest on her shoulder like they were on a school bus.

Abaddon smiled wryly as he rested Lailah's head on his chest and finally introduced the strange woman sitting across from them.

"I'm sorry to wake you girls, but a new acquaintance has just made us a rather interesting proposal. I'd like you all to hear it."

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