First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 525 A Meeting A Millenia in the Making…

Chapter 525 A Meeting A Millenia in the Making…

-Nexus of Creation, The Tree of Life.

Yesh and Azrael were playing the oldest and most high-stakes game of chess in the multiverse.

A few feet away from them, Gulban was rubbing his bandaged face as he fiddled with the leaves on the great radiant tree.

"Are you still aching, old maker?" Azrael asked without looking up.

"Damn right I'm still aching! That unfilial brat has no respect for his elders, or his father-in-law! I do not know what my daughter could see in him!"

Azrael: "The body that is unmatched throughout our creation and it's alternates?"

Yesh: 'A gentle temperament, and an unwavering commitment to those he loves?'

Azrael : "It could also be the fact that he worships the ground she walks on."

Yesh: 'His hair is very nice in this life too.'

Azrael: 'Mother says that he is quite funny also. He also lacks the usual arrogance most of his species possess.'

Yesh: 'He is good with childre-'

"Alright, both of you get off his tip! I don't care! He still sucks, and next time I see him I will have my revenge!"

"...I would have thought you knew better than that." Azrael muttered. "Oh well... I guess not."

Before Gulban could fire back with more choice insults, the winds within this sacred space began to blow harder, and everyone glanced at the source.

However, they were all relatively surprised by what they saw.

Two demons were standing on either side of Asherah, both reaching underneath her veil to hold her respective cheeks in a punitive measure.

One was as frightening as he was enchanting.

Standing at 7'4, he had pitch black skin and a total of eight, powerful arms.

The dark horns jutting from his field of snowy white hair were curled backwards, similar to a baphomet's.

The tattoos that were normally always present and moving across his body had finally stopped and converged into a glowing symbol on the center of his chest.

Sometimes, the color of it would change depending on the type of mood he was in.

He wore a simple but regal black skirt, with golden bracelets on his wrists.

On every hand, he wore identical black wedding rings with different gems set in each.

The woman was similar to him, but different.

She also had pitch black skin and a glowing tattoo, but hers was below her stomach, just above her pubic region.

Even though she shouldn't have needed them, she wore simple, but stylish glasses that were rimmed with a magical black metal to make them unbreakable.

The horns atop her head were previously a little short, but now they were incredibly long and sharp and resembled a dragon's.

Behind her back, her butterfly wings were large and imposing, but they were also beautiful and filled with all of the wondrous colors of the rainbow.

But staring into them for too long would cause one to lose their sense of self and become her obedient slave for all eternity; unable to break free.

In a rare change, she was dressed in a very feminine outfit today.

She wore a very sexy lace blouse that exposed the rippling muscles on her stomach and a pair of black pants that hugged her large butt deliciously.

With the heels she wore giving her an extra height boost, she stood at around 7'2.

After they appeared, silence persisted momentarily as everyone became acquainted with each other.

But finally, Azrael couldn't help but speak up.

"I'm sorry... Abaddon, is it..? And you are... Valerie, correct..?" The angel asked tentatively. "Tell me... why are you holding on to my mother's face?"

Abaddon's eyes narrowed as he stared at the angel with deathly grey wings and white and gold robes.

His long silver hair fell all the way down to his feet, and his handsome face was androgynous, but beautiful nonetheless.

And with the exception of Asherah, he was certain that this was the most powerful being he had ever met.

His strength was bottomless and inescapable, like death itself.

From the vault of memories and stories stored away in his mind, he knew exactly who this person was.

'The Angel of Death...'

Since Abaddon took too long to answer, Valerie spoke on his behalf so as not to appear rude.

"Well.. Azrael, is it? We are scolding your mother for not respecting our personal boundaries and intruding upon us in a very private moment."

Asherah shrugged.

"I do not understand why you are so shy about this. Witnessing your union was very beautiful. The depth of your love for each other, though depraved, is undeniably precious...

Also, did you know that when the two of you reach climax, the dimples in your little bottoms are visible?"

""..."" Abaddon and Valerie looked behind them at their own butts, then glanced at each other's.

""Well, no... but also yes."" they said in unison.

"Adorable." Asherah giggled.


Gulban hâd finally recovered from his shock, and his aura flared to life as he roared aloud.

"How dare you show your face in front of me again!? And what have you done to my precious daughter!? I will have your head for-"

In an instant, a long silver scythe was lifted up to the maker's neck and he was silenced.

Azrael raised his finger up to his lips and closed his eyes. "Maker... remember where you are. There will be no yelling at the tree, and no unkind words will be used in the presence of my mother and father. Is that clear?"

"Tch... titty baby." Gulban finally calmed down and sat underneath the stump of the tree with his arms folded.

Rolling his eyes, Azrael retracted his blade and removed it from sight.

But just because Gulban was quieter, didn't mean he wasn't still upset.

As he stared at Valerie, his heartbreak only got worse.

"What has he done to you... my own daughter, with the blood of an eldritch horror running through her veins... This is so heartbreaking."

At this, all of Abaddon's teeth sharpened to a point and his temper flared.

But before he said anything, Asherah gave his hand a firm squeeze to stop him.

Valerie's eyes narrowed as she glared at the man claiming to be her 'father'.

She and the rest of the wives had all become abyss dragons weeks ago, and the only reason they hadn't told their children yet was because they wanted them to make the decision on their own without pressure.

They took the opportunity the moment that their husband offered it to them and they never regretted it for a second.

But they did not do it because they were in need of the power.

They did it because they never wanted to be separated from him.

And it wasn't a decision that they would ever be belittled into regretting.

Not by anyone.

"My husband told me you were audacious, but I had underestimated the extent to which that was true." Valerie murmured.

"You are.. reprehensible. You have no claim to me, and no say in anything that I do. Abaddon is my husband.

And he will remain my husband in life, death, and whatever should come after. Your complaints are meaningless to me, to us."

If Abaddon smiled any wider, he was sure that his lips were going to split open.

He fully expected Valerie to fly off the handle and devolve into a ball of rage just like him.

But she was calm, composed, cute, serious, scary, cute, and arousing.

Abaddon had to actively keep his blood away from certain parts of his body and think about sad things to prevent himself from getting erect.

'Dead kittens, dead kittens, dead kittens, dead kittens...'

While Abaddon was repeating his mantra, Gulban shook his head in disappoint.

"Lass, I know you may be upset with me for my absence but this is no way to thumb your nose at me."

"I don't even think about you, you old shit."

"Abyss dwellers are unnatural! They defy creation, just look!"

Gulban pointed at Abaddon and Valerie's feet and they looked down.

The golden grass at their feet was rotting and turning black, almost like it was rejecting their very presence on this plane.

"Oh..? Is that all you are worried about?" Abaddon finally said.

He dropped onto one knee and placed all eight hands on the ground.

"Truly... this place is incomparably beautiful." The tattoo in the center of his chest began to glow with a green color, and a reassuring heat left his body.

After a moment, the patch of dead grass that he stood underneath began to grow back.

Valerie borrowed a bit of his power and after a moment, the patch underneath her did the same.

"Now, what is that you were saying about what is natural, and what is not?" Abaddon asked again. "The flowers no longer seem to take issue with us."

"...Tch. What do they know anyway..."

Since Gulban appeared to have been silenced Abaddon and Valerie got started on ignoring him.

Finally, they turned to the man Abaddon had been avoiding looking at all of this time.

Sitting opposite a chess board with Azrael was the creator himself, though it was hard for Abaddon to make out his face.

The only discernible details were the blindingly white robe and the snowy white hair and beard that flowed with lives of their own.

In that moment, an out pour of old memories came flooding back into Abaddon's mind.

The awkwardness he felt began to wane, and he sat down on the ground in between the creator and the archangel.

He pulled Valerie into his lap and kissed her cheek before staring at the boardgames they were in the middle of playing.

"...It has been a long time."He said without looking up.

Yesh's mouth moved like he was speaking out loud, but his words rattled around inside Abaddon and Valerie's brains like telepathy.

'It hasn't been for me. I just saw you a few months ago.'

"And you couldn't speak?"

'You would not have known me even if I did. Besides, you know I work in mysterious ways.'

Against his expectations, Abaddon found himself smirking at the old man's idea of a jest.

"That you do, old man. That you do."

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