First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 520 Abyss Dragons : The Nevi’im

Chapter 520 Abyss Dragons : The Nevi'im

Among Abaddon's wives, Valerie had one of the most impressive physiques.

So, it was no surprise that their union created one of the most physically dominant specimens ever to be born in Sheol.

Even though he only looked to be around 12 or 13, Straga was already standing at 5'8.

His physique was toned and shredded like he'd been working on it his whole life, but Abaddon knew that wasn't the case because he vividly remembered his son's diet consisting of mostly breast milk and bits of grilled meat.

Straga seemed to have inherited both Valerie and Abaddon's looks as well, and he seemed like he was going to become the most charming of his siblings.

Though young, his face was quite frankly... ethereal.

His raven hair was around medium length and just barely dropped below his shoulders, and his golden eyes shone with a natural luminescence.

He wore a simple black tank-top that exposed his powerful arms and abs that lurked just beneath the fabric of his shirt.

He had on dark pants, but no shoes. Instead, he had shiny bronze scales on his clawed feet that protected him from any harm or discomfort.

Abaddon held up Valerie as she fainted in his arms and smiled wryly at his son without missing a beat.

"My boy has grown so we-"



Straga launched his body at Abaddon headfirst.

The two of their heads collided in a forceful headbutt that resulted in a small seismic event taking place on the roof of the floating castle.

However, Abaddon was fine.

Straga was the one who hit the ground like a sack of potatoes while clutching his head.

"Ugh..! S-So hard.."

"Now... what was that for?"

Straga quickly wiped away his tears and stared at Abaddon accusatorially.

"F-Father and mothers left me! And then all of my brothers and sisters left me too because you told them not to take me!"

Abaddon shifted Valerie's weight in his arms so that he could hold her up more comfortably.

"Son... You are too young, and a battlefield is not yet a place for you."

"W-Why not?! I am strong too!"

"Yes you are, but you aren't trained."

"But I have known how to fight since I was born!"

"Yes, but you aren't trained."

"B-But I-"

Abaddon seemed to recognize that he was having a hard time getting anywhere with his youngest son, so he elected to pass off the responsibility to someone better suited.

Seras moved so that she could sit beside Abaddon and Straga.

She placed her hand over her son's and spoke to him gently, but firmly.

"Little mouse... knowing how to fight and being trained are two entirely different things.

Your siblings have all put in the necessary amount of work to earn our permission to go on missions, and you must do the same if you want to go with them. Or even with us one day.

I know that being at home while we were out was no fun, but we weren't exactly having a party, you know?

We had a responsibility to ensure that we could keep ourselves, and our people safe, so that we could all come back home together."

"...Did everyone make it back?" Straga asked, almost with a bit of fear in his voice.

Unfortunately, Seras smiled very sadly and shook her head no.

"We suffered a few losses on our side this time. Do you see now why you must always be overly prepared?

Even as strong as we are, there are no guarantees that we cannot be bested, so we must be extremely careful and rely on the skills we build in practice. Do you understand?"

"...Yes, ma.."

Though stern to most others, Seras displayed a very gentle and motherly demeanor that was not normally present in more savage gods of war.

She gently placed her hand on Straga's cheek and gave him a very large hug.

"You just missed us all, am I right?"


"Well, get in line then. Because we all missed you very badly too."

Seras hugged Straga like her life depended on it and he returned her gesture in kind.

For that moment, the youngest son got to enjoy the feeling of being smothered by all of his parents without interference.

However, this only lasted around a couple of seconds before they were all besieged.

The doors to the rooftop garden suddenly came flying open and each of the Tathamet children came flying in, along with any of their extended family.

Yemaja: "You guys are back!"

Apophis: "It took you all long enough!"

Mira: "Did you bring me a gift back??"

Malenia: "It is good to see you, brother."

Lusamine: "Welcome back, pickle dick!"

Yara : "Where's your father?"

Imani: "And your sister??"

At that moment, two more dragons came flying down from the sky.

Oddly enough, they both looked shockingly similar to one another.

One was a man with silver hair and gold eyes, while the other was a woman with bright red hair and eyes of the same.

They both had deep, black skin, and mischievous little smiles that were indicative of very mischievous and extroverted personalities.


The two of them swan dived out of the sky and landed into the crowd of blood relatives below.

What followed was a lengthy thirty minute reunion filled with a plethora of hugs and kisses for all involved.

Kanami seemed to be receiving the most attention, as everyone found it maddening just how much she resembled Asmodeus.

Yara and Imani were pissed.

The two of them grabbed onto their husband's respective cheaks and tugged with all of their might.

"You sneak! "

"We decided that we were going to wait to talk about the blood ritual with the girls together!"

Abaddon temporarily stopped hugging Yemaja and Rita so that he could pull his father out of his current dilemma.

"Actually, mothers, I am the one responsible for my sister's new changes... And it isn't quite what you're thinking."

Abaddon and Kanami smushed their faces together so that their entire family could see the new resemblance.

"She is like me, Nevi'im. A dragon of the abyss. She is the first in a new line."

"Hehe!" Kanami held up her fingers and made a little 'V' symbol as she released a bit of her aura.

To the closest possible measurement, Kanami's aura was comparable to the wives in terms of strength.

She was still a bit beneath them, but if they fought the girls would have to use everything they had to keep her down.

Everyone in the garden took a moment to blink away the surprise before they crowded around Abaddon like he was passing out gold bricks and porn mags.

Jasmine: "P-Please make me one too!"

Mira: "M-Me next! I wanna be one next!"

Apophis: "No, me!"

Melania: "I'm sick of all of this favoritism. I should be first as an apology."

Claire: "Father-in-law, since I am your favorite I believe it should be me who gets this blessing first..."

Lusamine: "Consider it payback for abusing me so much and rejecting all of my invitations for an occasional threesome!"

Straga: "What's a threesome?"

Abaddon chuckled at everyone's eagerness, but he felt that he would be remiss if he did not tell his family the consequences of becoming like him.

"I do not mind turning all of you if it is what you want but I must warn you... being like us comes with some drawbacks."

All: "Drawbacks??"

"The power inside of me and Kanami, the power I am going to give to all of you, it means that you cannot move as freely as you might want.

When Kanami matures, she will be able to plunder an entire reality in less than a year's time with nothing being able to stop her.

As such, Asherah has decreed that the same restrictions that apply to me as Uma-Sarru, also apply to her as Nevi'im.

If we want to leave Tehom and venture to alternate universes, we have to be summoned, and the process isn't easy.

If we leave without being summoned, we have to leave a considerable amount of our power behind."

Abaddon wasn't really thrilled about these limitations, but he figured that it made sense.

Some realities have no magic or monstrous creatures at all.

Others have too many to count.

If Abaddon or his Nevi'im were to go around popping from reality to reality, causing unreal havoc wherever they went, existence itself would fall into a state of desolation.

Nevi'im are monstrous, reality altering dragons who are ferociously powerful and superior to every other higher dragon.

They can't even be killed unless Abaddon expressly releases them.

Letting them run around freely was just irresponsible.

Besides, these rules were established long before he ever took the throne.

They were the only reason why Jaldabaoth couldn't run around devouring every dimension he set his sights on after all.

And like him, if Abaddon wanted to move in a foreign reality freely, he had to go around infecting world after world with his 'essence' and making them his own.

Once he had over half, the restriction would be lifted.

But he had neither an interest, nor the patience to go around doing such a menial task.

He had more important things to do with his time, like preparing for the end war, having sex, watching Straga go to school, taking naps, spending time with the kids, having sex, going on dates, and having sex.

…And napping.

There was just too much on his plate right now!

"I was planning to give all of our people the option to become like me given time, but I was unsure of whether to do it before or after the move."

"Move? We're moving?" Thea asked for the rest of the group.

Abaddon seemed to recognize that he may have said too much too soon, and covered his lips in suspense.

"Ah... That's a little surprise for the morning, yea? For right now..."


Abaddon suddenly lifted Eris into his arms and twirled her about like she was the most precious thing.

"I just want to sleep in my bed and get to work on getting your sister a new body."

Apophis/ Thea / Belloc / Yemaja: "Gross..."

Straga: "I don't get it..?"

"W-What are you saying in front of our family, you brute..?" Eris blushed.

Abaddon ignored his children and wife as he continued to remain in his good mood. "Everything else can wait. Take the night to think about my offer, you all."

With nothing else left to say, the dragon started walking away to spend some much needed time with his beloved wives.

As he left the garden, he brushed past Gabbrielle momentarily and the two of them made skin-to-skin contact.

Not long after he left, Gabbrielle's eyes lit up like firecrackers as she mouthed words over and over again in excited disbelief.

'Father is injured... father is injured..!'

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