First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 515 All Gods go to Heaven

Chapter 515 All Gods go to Heaven

To most everyone who knew him, Belloc was seen as a relatively easygoing and unbothered individual.

He didn't raise his voice unless he was playing a game or at a concert, and for the most part nothing really seemed to upset him.

The only things that seemed to actually make him angry were those belonging to the norse pantheon.

It was understandable after all, as they were the ones responsible for his imprisonment within the Norse underworld.

He spent all of his time either in his little cove of corpses, at Hel's side, or gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil; trying to break into the mortal world.

It was a torturous existence for him as a creature that was fated to end the world.

There wasn't a day that went by where he wasn't grateful to his parents for coming down to save him.

But now, what he was feeling was almost the exact opposite of gratitude.

It was pure, unmitigated, hatred.

Belloc ripped out of his skin and allowed his body to revert to his true state.

A monstrous deathly grey dragon with a slender serpentine body and rows of incredibly sharp spines where wings should have been.

His eyes were a blazing red as he flew at the myriad of winged women like a speeding bullet.

At exactly 95 meters long, some could say that he resembled Abaddon more in this form than his other one.

When the winged women saw a very recognizable dragon flying towards them, they were understandably taken aback by his new and intimidating figure.

"I-It is Nidhogg!"

"The Daybreaker has strengthened him!"

"Do not panic, sisters! He is killable all the same!"

"Valkyries, to arms!"

The winged warriors drew their gleaming silver swords from their sides just as Belloc finally reached their position in the sky.

An earthshaking roar rattled everything on the battlefield for tens of miles as Belloc released a deathly aura from his entire body.

Because the Valkyries did not know what it was, their defense came just a hair too late.

Once struck by the aura, nothing appeared to happen at first.

However, one of the Valkyries, Thrud, noticed something odd.

The tips of her wings were now becoming slightly grey and muddled, almost like they were desiccating.

The infection was spreading, and she didn't even want to think about what would happen if it completely reached her back or the rest of her body.

"Sisters, we must finish this quickly! I shall skin this beast and present him to the all father when he is resurrected!"

"Thrud, keep your distance!" Brunhild ordered.

But it was too late.

The valkyrie rushed at Belloc like a silver meteor, and the two met in a head-on collision that made the sky tremble.

Perhaps due to her parentage, Thrud was actually strong enough to be able to keep up with The Death Dragon in terms of strength.

The two of them became locked within a stalemate in midair as the valkyrie fought to push her sword past Belloc's unbelievably hard scales.

And while they were locking horns like this, Brunhild realize that Belloc was frozen in place.

This was their chance to strike!

"Move in, now!"

At Brunhild's order, the rest of the valkyries who had been on standby suddenly flocked to rush Belloc before he broke free.

But they missed the moment were the dragon broke out in a wide, toothy grin.

The moment that Brunhild and her sister came within striking range, the dragon did the unthinkable.

He sprouted a second head from his body.

Horrified, Brunhild tried to steer the rest of her sisters away, but it was too late.

Belloc opened his second mouth as wide as he could and released a torrent of dark black flames from his maw.



While Belloc was dealing with the Valkyries in the sky, Thea and her twin sisters were rushing toward a very irate Athena.

The Greek goddess seemed to find it highly insulting that these mere children would challenge her in open combat as if she were not an Olympian, and a war goddess to boot.

She was especially ticked off by that human girl!

She couldn't exactly explain it, but for some reason she reminded her of someone who she didn't particularly care for.

However, she couldn't exactly put her finger on who.

But as the three of them got closer and closer, she decided that she didn't actually care all that much, since she was going to be dead in a few moments anyway.

As the three sisters got closer, Athena summoned a spear and a shield into her hands; the standard weapons for any Greek warrior worth their salt.

Thea could tell in an instant that Athena wasn't someone to mess around with.

Much like her father and mothers when they picked up a weapon, the dangerous feeling that the goddess gave off made her hairs stand on end.

There was a loud sound like that of clanging metal when Thea bashed her sword against Athena's shield.

Two things surprised the Greek goddess in that moment.One was Thea's absurd strength that made even her arm ring.

The second on the other hand…

"You dare not draw your weapon against me?? You think I will be an easy mountain for you to overcome?!"

Thea showed a smile that was nearly as captivating as her old man's.

"This doesn't really have a whole lot to do with you though? My mothers made this sword with their love for me in mind, y'see? So when I take it out in battle… things get a little hectic."


Athena knocked away Thea's bound weapon and thrusted her spear at her head, midsection, and left leg all within nanoseconds of each other.

Thea was careful to avoid an attack to her pretty face and toned stomach, but she sacrificed her leg in the hopes of gaining a temporary advantage.

When the blade of Athena's silver spear sailed into Thea's thigh, she ignored the pain of having her flesh sliced and instead manipulated her body.

By increasing the density and rigidity of her own muscles, Thea used her injury to clamp down on the spearhead and hold it firmly in place so that Athena couldn't pull it out.

The small delay caused by Athena being unable to remove her weapon gave young Thea the perfect opening.

Gathering her strength, she bashed her longsword into the side of Athena's head like a baseball bat.

Unfortunately, the future she was hoping for where Athena had her head knocked off didn't happen.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a literal second before she came back to.

She spat out a mouthful of golden blood and white teeth like an old southern trucker.

"You infuriate me horribly… your weakness continues to offend..!"

Using the edge of her bronze shield, Athena struck Thea hard in the center of her sternum.

Since she was meticulous enough to mingle divine energy into the blow, it certainly didn't tickle and was more than enough to send the eldest Tathamet skidding back a few feet.

Once they had more room, the twins finally started to act.

They brandished their black tridents in unison and rushed at the goddess using their own unique style.

Yemaja was ferocious.

She attacked Athena in unpredictable motions that contained titanic strength in each strike.

Eventually, Athena was no longer using her shield to block because her arm was beginning to go numb; and instead she relied solely on dodging altogether .

If this one wasn't problem enough, the twin only made things more difficult.

Everytime that Athena tried to fight off the aggressor Yemaja, Yemaya would slip into the cracks like flowing water and defend her from any harm.

It was infuriating.

And she only became more enraged when the twins began to mock her openly.

Yemaja: "She's getting flustered, sister!"

Yemaya: "For all of the bravado of the Greek olympians about standing atop the rabble, is this all that they amount to?"

Yemaja: "Aww, come now, sister, don't be too harsh! This one in front of us is particularly special Y'know?"

Yemaya: "How so, sister?"

Yemaja: "She's the only thing on Olympus her father hasn't tried to fuck!"

Finally, Athena snapped as she was unable to listen to the twins hurled insults for even a moment longer.

She let out a terrible war cry and her aura visibly exploded.

Her skin and flesh all seemed to burn away and was replaced by a vision made from burning light.

Her entire body was golden and blinding to look at, but there were still certain indents where one could see her armor, like her centurion helmet and flowing cape.

"You beasts… I will kill you myself and throw you at my father's feet!! We will see if your jests persist when he inflicts his torture upon you!"

With a swing of her spear, Athena swatted away the twin goddesses like they were insignificant flies.

Thea jumped into the air and caught her sisters before they could hit the ground and pulled them to safety.

"Thea, we're fine!"

"Yea, let us go!"

""We have to show that bitch she's not better than us!!""

Unsurprisingly, Thea did not let her sisters go.

Instead, she gave the two of them kisses on their foreheads and ruffled their hair like they were five years old.

"Sorry, kiddos but I need you to stay put for a bit. As your older sister, I can't pretend I didn't hear what I just heard."

Not leaving any room for refusal, Thea made sure her sisters had no massive injuries before she stepped away from them to face a godly Athena.

The goddess of war and wisdom was oppressive, domineering and without a doubt the strongest enemy Thea had ever come across.

The wind pressure created from her aura alone was so fierce that it cut Thea's exposed flesh, but she didn't seem to care in the slightest.

In her mind, all that she could hear were the last taunts that Athena had slung at her sisters before she separated them.

There was no way that she was going to let such a comment slide by unpunished.

In that moment, Athena finally watched Thea start to unsheath her sword and she felt an unexplainable sense of danger.

But it was difficult to tell whether it was coming from the weapon, or the glowing bracelet around her wrist.

'Don't tell me…'

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